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A total of 26 soft-water, seepage lakes in the Northern Highlands (NH) of Wisconsin (N =16) and the Upper Peninsula (UP) of Michigan (N=10) were sampled four times between early May and mid October 1984 as part of the ‘PIRLA’ Project (Paleolimnological Investigations of Recent Lake Acidification). Because of low antecedent recharge of the local water-table, this ‘summer’ interval likely featured minimal groundwater inputs (<2 cm over lake surface) to most of these seepage lakes. Based on this hydrogeologic relationship, and on regional deposition data, I evaluated short-term net epilimnetic (June–August) and whole-lake (May–October) sediment-water exchange of ANC, base cations, acid oxy-anions, Al, DOC and silicic acid in these lakes using a simplified mass balance algorithm. Silica, nitrate and ammonium were all efficiently retained in these seepage lakes. The assimilation of NO3 ? (19±4 meq m?2) slightly exceeded assimilation of NH4 + (16±4), resulting in a net internal ANC production of only +3 meq m?2 over 161 d between early May and mid October 1984. Over this same interval ANC production resulting from lacustrine S retention averaged +35±8 meq m?2 in the NH, but was too variable to be statistically significant (+21±21 meq m?2) in the UP. Epilimnetic S retentions in mid summer were more comparable (21±4 in NH; 14±5 meq m?2 in UP). McNearney Lake (UP) illustrates how high sulfate, linked to low alkalinity, high Al, low P, and low productivity, can become a negative correlate of lacustrine S retention. Temporal changes in base cations in the 26 lakes were generally small and erratic compared with uncertainties in deposition inputs and analytical errors, rendering estimates of related ANC production inconclusive. Even small analytical biases can be critical when designing and interpreting lake monitoring studies.  相似文献   

As a means of assessing the relative contributions of watershed (terrestrial) and in-lake processes to overall lake/watershed alkalinity budgets, alkalinity production rates for watersheds and low alkalinity lakes were compiled from the literature and compared. Based on net alkalinity production data, derived using wet or bulk deposition data, mean and median alkalinity production for 20 watersheds in North America and Europe were 89 and 69 meq m?2 yr?1 (range 20 to 235 meq m?2 yr?1). For a subset of 10 watersheds with dry deposition data, terrestrial alkalinity production neutralized an additional 35 meq m?2 yr?1 of acidic deposition. For 11 lakes, mean and median in-lake alkalinity generation were 99 and 88 meq m?2 yr?1 (range 22 to 240 meq m?2 yr?1). Analysis of data indicates that for the low alkalinity systems described here, areal alkalinity production rates for watersheds and lakes are approximately equal. This relationship suggests that watershed area to lake area ratio can be used as a convenient estimator of the relative importance of watershed and in-lake sources of alkalinity for drainage lake systems. For precipitation-dominated seepage lakes and other systems where hydrology limits soil-water contact, hydrologic flow paths and residence times can be of overriding importance in determining alkalinity sources. For regions dominated by drainage lakes with high watershed area to lake area ratios (such as the Northeastern U.S.), however, alkalinity budgets are dominated by watershed processes. Omission of in-lake alkalinity consideration for most lakes in such regions would have little impact on computed alkalinity budgets or on predicted response to changes in acidic deposition loadings.  相似文献   

Data from the EPA Long Term Monitoring Program lakes at the Tunk Mountain Watershed, Maine, indicate that decreases of ≤1 Μeq L?1 yr?1 in SO4, and increases of ≤2 Μeq L?1 yr?1 in ANC occurred in the 1980s. The sum of base cations also increased. These changes in aquatic chemistry were coincident with decreased concentrations of all solutes in precipitation during the 1980s. Other data on lakes and streams in Maine collected between the 1930s and 1990 generally confirm these trends and further indicate that larger increases in ANC may have occurred in some lowland lakes since 1940. Paleolimnologic studies indicate that decreases of 0.1 to 0.5 pH units occurred in a few small mountain lakes during the past 20 to 70 yr. However, ongoing acidification of lakes is indicated based on available data. Only lakes that were already at least marginally acidic (pH ≤5.8, ANC approximately 0) appear to have acidified.  相似文献   

Thirty three lakes were surveyed in 1983 in the North Cascades area of Washington State and 27 additional lakes were surveyed in 1984 to characterize lake chemistry in the area. Lakewater ANC was less than 100 ueq 1?1 for 37% of the lakes and less than 200 ueq 1?1 for 68% of the lakes. The North Cascades are very similar to unimpacted sensitive areas of North America and Northern Europe in mean alkalinity and (Ca + Mg). Bedrock geology appears to have a significant influence on surface water ANC with lakes on granitic and metamorphic bedrocks having the lowest ANC.  相似文献   

The Massachusetts Acid Rain Monitoring project surveyed 80.5% of the state's 5294 named water bodies between 1983 and 1985. PH and acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) were measured monthly the first 14 mo and semi-annually afterwards. Sample collection and analysis were performed by volunteers. The majority of surface waters in Massachusetts were found to be sensitive to possible long term acidification, with 63% exhibiting ANC less than 200 μeq L?1 and 22% with ANC less than 40 μeq L?1. Seasonal patterns in ANC were observed, the median ANC being 384 μeq L?1 in summer/fall and 134 μeq L?1 in winter/spring. Geographical differences were also found across the state: the streams and lakes with lowest pH and ANC were located in the southeastern and north-central parts of the state, while the most alkaline surface waters were found in the western-most part of the state, which is the only area of the state with significant limestone deposits.  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in the recovery of surface waters from acidification by acidic deposition. The Adirondack Long-Term Monitoring (ALTM) program was established in 1982 to evaluate changes in the chemistry of 17 Adirondack lakes. The ALTM lakes exhibited relatively uniform concentrations of SO4 2?. Lake-to-lake variability in acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) was largely due to differences in the supply of basic cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+; CB) to drainage waters. Lakes in the western and southern Adirondacks showed elevated concentrations of NO3 ?, while lakes in the central and eastern Adirondacks had lower NO3 ? concentrations during both peak and base flow periods. The ALTM lakes exhibited seasonal variations in ANC. Lake ANC was maximum during the late summer or autumn, and lowest during spring snowmelt. In general Adirondack lakes with ANC near 100 Μeq L?1 during base flow periods may experience decreases in ANC to near or below 0 Μeq L?1 during high flow periods. The ALTM lakes have exhibited long-term temporal trends in water chemistry. Most lakes have demonstrated declining SO4 2?, consistent with decreases in SO2 emissions and SO4 2? in precipitation in the eastern U.S. Reductions in SO4 2? have not coincided with a recovery in ANC. Rather, ANC values have declined in some ALTM lakes. This pattern is most likely due to increasing concentrations of NO3 ? that occurred in most of the ALTM drainage lakes.  相似文献   

Acid neutralizing capacities (ANC) of sediments from McCloud Lake, Florida and seven other lakes in Wisconsin and Florida were as high as 10 meq 100 g?1 over the pH range 4.5 to 5.5 in well-mixed batch experiments. Exchange of Ca2+ and Mg2+ accounted for over 50% of the neutralizing capacity; Al solubilization and sulfate adsorption were unimportant in neutralizing H+ additions. ANC was correlated with sediment volatile solids content. Sulfate reduction occurred in microcosms that simulated lake-water interactions and subsurface seepage;in situ pore water profiles and a whole-lake mass balance confirm the occurrence of this process in McCloud Lake. Sediment neutralization is important for lakes that receive most of their water from precipitation and thus are particularly susceptible to acidification.  相似文献   

Although water chemistry of precipitation and lakes in Nova Scotia is dominated by C1 from sea salt, correction for marine influence reveals that the dominant anion in acidified lakes is SO4. Atmospheric deposition of non-marine SO4 (SO4) and NO3- for the period 1977–1980 at 4 stations in southwest Nova Scotia averaged 47 meq SO4 * m?2 yr?1 and 21 meq NI3-m?2 yr?1 compared with 38 and 13 meq, respectively, for the average of 3 stations in the northeastern third of the province. Precipitation pH increased from 4.5 to 4.8 along the same axis. Almost 50% of the SO4 deposition occurred when storms came from the southwest, indicating low pressure tracks which pass south of major Canadian sources of S. SO4 * deposition in metropolitan Halifax (1982 bulk data) was 87 meq m?2 yr?1, due to local emissions of ca. 28 300 tonne S in the area, as well as LRTAP. Concurrent deposition of NO3-N was 15 meq m?2 yr?1 (2.1 kg ha?1 yr ?1). Loadings from SO4 deposition in the Halifax area amount to 42 kg ha?1 yr?1 and clearly exceed the federal guideline (M.O.I., 1983) of 20 kg ha?1 yr?1. Water chemistry of southwest, northeast, and Halifax area lakes show the same general SOI trends as observed for atmospheric deposition. In addition we find a positive relationship between SOI concentrations in the urban lakes and proximity to the center of the urban area.  相似文献   

A model has been developed that relates the cation denudation rate (CDR) of a watershed (the rate that cations derived from chemical weathering are carried off by runoff), the atmospheric load of excess SO4, and the pH of the river. Chemical and discharge data for rivers in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland were used to develop and test the model, which is based upon the common major ion chemistry of soft surface waters, and may be expressed by three statements: (1) CDR (meq m?2 yr?1) ? Excess SO4 ?? load (meq m?2 yr?1) = HCO3 ? (meq m?2 yr?1), (2) HCO3 ? (meq m?2 yr?1)/Runoff (m3 m?2 yr?1) = HCO3 ? (meq m?3), (3) pH = pK + \(pP_{CO_2 } \) ? pHCO3 ?. The model in concentration form applies well to lakes. A detailed analysis of the data for the Isle aux Morts River, Newfoundland, is presented, showing that the CDR varies throughout the year, affected by both discharge and seasonal pattern.  相似文献   

The Upper Midwest contains a large concentration of low alkalinity lakes located across a west to east gradient of increasing deposition acidity. We present temporal trends in the chemistry of 28 lakes (4 in Minnesota, 13 in Wisconsin, and 11 in Michigan) representative of the acid-sensitive resource of the region. Lakes were sampled three times per year between 1983 and 1989. Temporal trends in SO4 2? were all negative in direction, consistent with a regional decline in SO2 emissions and atmospheric SO4 2? deposition. However, these trends occurred predominantly in higher ANC (100 to 225 Μeq L?1), non-seepage lakes and were associated with increases in ANC and pH in only one of the 8 lakes. ANC decreased in a second group of lakes, usually in concert with decreased [Ca2++Mg2+], a response we associate with a severe drought. Disruptions in hydrologic flowpaths caused one lake to acidify rapidly after inputs of ANC-rich groundwater ceased and appeared to cause ANC and [Ca2++Mg2+] declines in a second lake by reducing stream-water inflow. Our analysis was thus complicated by hydrochemical effects of climatic variability, which confounded trends related to acidic deposition. Periods longer than 6 yr are needed to transcend climatic signals and verify subtle trends related to atmospheric pollutants.  相似文献   

Atmospheric loads to dilute lakes in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California are very low, and fall almost entirely as snow. When acidic anions preferentially elute from melting snow, these low loads may nontheless be enough to acidify low ANC lakes. Two of the ten lakes included in the Sierra Episodes Study are discussed here: High Lake, the only lake in the study to become acidic during snowmelt; and Treasure Lake, typical of the remainder of the lakes. All lakes exhibited increases in NO3 ? concentrations during early snowmelt; these were accompanied by increases in base cations, primarily Ca2+. In the first few days of snowmelt, NO3 ? concentrations at High Lake increased more rapidly than concentrations of base cations, resulting in ANC values below zero. Export of both NO3 ? and SO4 2? from the watersheds exceeded the inputs from the snowpack, suggesting that other sources (e.g., watershed minerals, stored inputs from the previous summer, transformations of other inputs) of these anions are important.  相似文献   

From a level of 1 kg ha?1yr?1 in north central Minnesota, emission-related wet SO4 deposition increases across northern Wisconsin and northern Michigan to about 18 kg ha?1yr?1 in south central Michigan. Samples taken from 82 clearwater (low color) lakes across this region in the summer of 1984 showed a pattern of acidification in proportion to deposition. We found a linear increase in the difference between alkalinity and Ca+Mg and in lake SO4 concentration with increasing deposition. We developed a simple equation to predict the emission-related SO4 deposition levels that will cause the alkalinity of sensitive clear-water lakes to go to zero.  相似文献   

Alkalinity production in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of Canada, the U.S.A., Norway and Sweden is calculated from either strong acid titrations or budgets for base cations and strong acid anions, using mass-balance budgets. Where alkalinity budgets for lakes and their catchments are calculated in acid-vulnerable geological settings, in-lake processes often contribute more to lake alkalinity than yield from terrestrial catchments. Nitrate and sulfate removal, and Ca exchange with sediments are the predominant alkalinity generating mechanisms in lakes. Nitrate and sulfte removal rates increase as the concentrations of NO? 3 and SO4 2? in lake water increase, so that in-lake acid neutralizing capacity increases as acid deposition increases. Both processes occur in sediments overlain by oxic waters, at rates which seem to be controlled primarily by diffusion.  相似文献   

Acid sensitive headwater lakes (n=163) throughout Finland have been monitored during autumn overturn between 1987–1998. Statistically significant decline in sulphate concentration is detected in 60 to 80 percent of the lakes, depending on the region. Median slope estimates are from ?1.1 µeq L?1 in North Finland to ?3.3 µeq L?1 in South Finland. The base cation (BC) concentrations are still declining especially in southern Finland (slope ?2.5 µeq L?1), where every second lake exhibits a significant downward trend. The BC slope is steeper for lakes with less peatlands, more exposed bedrock, longer retention time and southerly location, but these factors are inter correlated. Gran alkalinity slope medians for the three regions range from 1.4 to 1.8 µeq L?1 yr?1. No significant negative alkalinity trends were detected. The similarity in the slopes of SO4, BC and alkalinity in this data compared to seasonal sampling data from Nordic Countries can be regarded as indirect evidence that autumnal sampling is representative for long term monitoring for these ions. There are no indications of increased organic carbon in lakes, as found in some recent trend analyses of similar regional data sets. Although the processes behind the positive development in these lakes have to be revealed with site- specific intensive studies, this data suggests, that the initial recovery from lake acidification in Finland is a regional phenomenon.  相似文献   

Results from surveys of low-ANC lakes (high elevation, and seepage lakes), and of surface waters in dystrophic, acidic bogs, indicate that acidic precipitation and organic acidity are each generally necessary, but not solely sufficient, for chronically acidic status in Maine lakes. Acidic, low DOC (ANC < 0; DOC < 5 mg L-1) lakes of all hydrologic types are acidic due largely to acidic deposition; high DOC (DOC > 30 mg L-1) acidic seepage lakes are acidic due largely to organic acidity, and high DOC drainage lakes are acidic due to a combination of both factors. No low DOC drainage lakes are known with pH less than about 5.0, suggesting that organic acidity is necessary to depress lake pH values to below 5 in Maine at current deposition loadings,The dominant anion of low DOC, acidic waters is sulfate. Acidic waters with intermediate concentrations of DOC (5 to 30 mg L-1), may be dominated by S04 and/or organic acidity. Seepage-input lakes were the only group to include both organically-dominated (37% of the acidic lakes) and S04-dominated members (63% of the acidic lakes). High DOC systems are typically low pH bogs, and are all organic acid-dominated.  相似文献   

Wet-only rainwater composition on a weekly basis was determined at four sites in West Java, Indonesia, from June 1991 to June 1992. Three sites were near the extreme western end of Java, surrounding a coal-fired power station at Suralaya. The fourth site was ~100 km to the east in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta. Over the 12 months study period wet deposition of sulfate at the three western sites varied between 32–46 meq m?2 while nitrate varied between 10–14 meq m?2. Wet deposition at the Jakarta site was systematically higher, at 56 meq m?2 for sulfate and 20 meq m?2 for nitrate. Since sulfate and nitrate wet deposition fluxes in the nearby and relatively unpopulated regions of tropical Australia are both only ~5 meq m?2 anthropogenic emissions of S and N apparently cause significant atmospheric acidification in Java. It is possible that total acid deposition fluxes (of S and N) in parts of Java are comparable with those responsible for environmental degradation in acid-sensitive parts of Europe and North America.  相似文献   

We adapted a reduced-form model, built to predict the aquatic effects of alternative nitrogen and sulfur emissions scenarios on Adirondack lakes, New York, for use on high elevation lakes of Maine (HELM), USA. The Tracking and Analysis Framework (TAF) model was originally designed to evaluate the biotic, economic, and health effects of acid deposition. The TAF model developed in our study was used to assess the biotic effects of different levels of sulfate deposition resulting from alternative emissions scenarios. The aquatic portion of the model is based on a lumped-parameter watershed chemistry model, MAGIC (Model of Acidification of Groundwater in Catchments). The original TAF model was built by calibrating MAGIC to 33 lakes in the Adirondack Mountains. We calibrated MAGIC to 78 HELM lakes, and built reduced-form models from these MAGIC predictions. We evaluated TAF predictions of acid neutralizing capacity (ANC), a fish acid stress index (ASI), and the probability of fish presence in 2030 for four different SO2 emissions-reduction scenarios. The most dramatic emissions reduction scenario produced only modest increases in mean ANC (16.8 μeq/L ± 7.9 μeq/L) and slight increases in mean predicted probability of presence of acid-sensitive fish (0.07± 0.09) across all lakes. However, a small number of lakes were predicted to have more substantial increases in ANC and improvements in other conditions for acid-sensitive fish. Our results reflect the reality that many of the high elevation lakes of Maine historically had low ANC and that some were even acidic in pre-industrial times. Thus, ’recovery’ for most of the high elevation lakes of Maine will be modest under any scenario of reduced acidic deposition.  相似文献   

A statistically significant decrease in sulfate was observed in high elevation Cascade lakes during 1983 through 1988. The total decrease averaged 2.2 μeq L?1 in two slow-flush lakes and 4.2 μeq L?1 in three fast-flush lakes for 1983–1985 vs 1986–1988, respectively. Coincident with these changes in sulfate concentrations were a sharp decrease of SO2 emissions from the ASARCO smelter (100 km SE of the lakes), from 87 to 70 kt yr?1 during 1983–1984 to 12 in 1985, the year of its closure, and a gradual change in SO2 emissions from Mt. St. Helens, from 39 to 27 during 1983–1984 to 5 in 1988. The sharpest decreases occurred in non-marine sulfate in fast-flush lakes from 1984 to 1985 (about 2 μeq L?1) and in slow-flush lakes from 1985 to 1986 (1 μeq L?1, which point to the ASARCO closure as the sole cause. However, some of the more gradual decline in non-marine sulfate observed during 1983 through the 1988 sampling periods may have been due to a slow washout of sulfate enriched ash from the 1980 Mt. St. Helens' eruption. Sulfate concentrations in precipitation also declined significantly by about 2 μeq L?1, but changes in volume-weighted sulfate content were not significant. Lake alkalinity did not show a consistent increase in response to decreased sulfate. This was probably due to either watershed neutralization of acidic deposition or the greater variability in alkalinity measurements caused by small changes in acidic deposition making it difficult to detect changes.  相似文献   

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