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Acid mine drainage from Contrary Creek flows into an entire arm of Lake Anna. Much of the acid inflow is neutralized by bacterial sulfate reduction in the lake sediments. We developed a simple model to track the seasonal fate and mass transport of sulfate and alkalinity along the acidified arm. The loss of sulfate from the water column was characterized by a first-order decay reaction. A gain in alkalinity due to sulfate removal was also incorporated in the model. In addition, CO2 acidity and pH in the water column were calculated. The model was calibrated with data collected in 1983 and 1984. Model sensitivity runs were conducted to demonstrate the importance of sulfate reduction in the system.  相似文献   

A mass balance model was developed to simulate mercury (Hg) cycling in Onondaga Lake, New York. MERC4, a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency model of the physical and biogeochemical transport and transformation of Hg, was modified by the addition of input from two supporting models (Fish Bioenergetics Model 2 and a lake eutrophication model) to model the transport of Hg into and out of plankton and fish. The model calculates the concentrations of total Hg, methylmercury, elemental Hg, and ionic Hg in both dissolved and particulate forms in the water column. The model was calibrated to an extensive data set of temporally and spatially variable Hg concentrations in Onondaga Lake in 1992. In addition to standard transport processes of advection and dispersion included in MERC4, the Onondaga Lake Mercury Model includes remineralization to simulate release of Hg from settling particulates before incorporation into sediment. The model provides an analytical framework for understanding and predicting the behavior of Hg in Onondaga Lake and has potential use in evaluating the relative impact of different source control and remedial alternatives.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to determine the degree of oil retention from an oil spill area in view of natural physical weathering, and to evaluate the compositional changes of the natural oil retained in the soil material. The percentage of oil retained over the 1 yr period of weathering was determined at various intervals, and the compositional changes were studied by G.L.C. and I.R. The results of G.L.C. indicated the loss of low molecular weight n-paraffins, and that of I.R. indicated the formation of sulfones and ether groups as a result of oxidation reaction due to natural exposure. It was established that up to 4% oil was retained in the soil material after 6 mo of exposure, and that about 3.5% remained after a year.  相似文献   

Soil and microbiological properties of a tropical rain forest soil were evaluated 17 years after oil spillage to access the chronic effects of, and interrelationship between population of petroleum hydrocarbon utilizing and nitrifying microorganisms. The spatial distribution of petroleum hydrocarbons (oil), the nutrient status and the abundance of heterotrophic microbes along soil transect lines in the contaminated zones served as the index for corroborating the results. The pH status of soil in the contaminated (Heavy impact — HI, and moderate inpact — MI) zones varied from acidic, that is 4.0 to near neutral PH, that is 6.0. The C content of soils decreased from 3.6% at the HI zones to 2.84% at the MI zones. Total N in the HI and MI zones differed by a factor of 0.10%. Available P was higher at the MI than HI zone, while CEC decreased from a combined mean of 6.48 at the HI zones to 4.46 at the MI zones. Although residual oil content was higher in the HI zones than MI zone, the soil nutrient status within these two zones did not vary significantly (P=0.05). However, soil microbes responded differently. For instance, petroleum hydrocarbon utilizers correlated positively with the distribution of oil in the environment. But, not the nitrifying microorganisms. Aerobic nitrifiers were abundant at the HI than MI zones, while anaerobic nitrifiers were higher at the MI than HI zones. With the presence of petroleum hydrocarbon utilizers anf nitrifying microbes. It is possible to enhance the degradation of oil in the 17 yr old spillage by adopting bioremediation.  相似文献   

A dynamic transport model, FRONT, that describes the downwards transport of acidity in podzolized forest soils is presented. In this model the downward transport of acidity with the soil solution is counteracted by a production of alkalinity through the weathering of primary minerals and delayed by the adsorption of sulfate and hydrogen ions on iron- and aluminium oxides. The heart of the model is a massbalance equation that describes the transport of bulk acidity/alkalinity. The FRONT model was tested on 23 deep soil profiles situated along three transects in west-to-east direction across Sweden. Using a deposition scenario starting at 1910 the model was able to account for the large regional differences in the present depth of the acid front. Assuming a linearly decreasing deposition until 30% of present deposition is reached in 2010 the model was used to simulate a scenario for profiles in different parts of Sweden. The scenarios indicated that the upper parts of soil profiles that are severely acidified today will recover and assume a new steady-state in 2030. However, for soil profiles that have large stores of adsorbed sulfate in the B horizon the simulations indicate that one can expect an increased acidity in the deep soil layers several decades after the deposition has ceased due to downward transport of acidity.  相似文献   

Nutrient release in clinoptilolite-phosphate rock (Cp-PR) systems occurs through dissolution and cation-exchange reactions. Investigating the kinetics of these reactions expands our understanding of nutrient release processes. Research was conducted to model transport kinetics of nutrient release in Cp-PR systems. The objectives were to identify empirical models that best describe NH4, K, and P release and define diffusion-controlling processes. Materials included a Texas clinoptilolite (Cp) and North Carolina phosphate rock (PR). A continuous-flow thin-disk technique was used. Models evaluated included zero order, first order, second order, parabolic diffusion, simplified Elovich, Elovich, and power function. The power-function, Elovich, and parabolic-diffusion models adequately described NH4, K, and P release. The power-function model was preferred because of its simplicity. Models indicated nutrient release was diffusion controlled. Primary transport processes controlling nutrient release for the time span observed were probably the result of a combination of several interacting transport mechanisms.  相似文献   

The background levels of residual oils in the Western North Atlantic off the east coast of Nova Scotia decreased from approximately 6 to about 2 μgl?1 during May 1970 to January 1971 following a major spill of Bunker C fuel oil from the tanker ARROW which was wrecked in Chedabucto Bay, Nova Scotia on February 4, 1970.  相似文献   

Modeling studies on sulfur deposition and transport in East Asia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A three dimensional regional Eulerian model of sulfur deposition and tranport has been developed. It includes emission, transport, diffusion, gas-phase and aqeous-phase chemical process, dry depostion, rainout and washout process. A looking up table method is provided to deal with the gas-phase chemical process including sulfur transfer. Calculated values have reasonable agreement with observations. Distribution of sulfur deposition and transport in East Asia are also analyzed in the paper. Simulation shows that sulfate (SO 4 2– ) is the main substance to transport in long range transport. Some amount of sulfur emission of different countries transport across boundaries, but the main origin of sulfur deposition in each country in East Asia is from herself. Furthermore, some transport paths on different layers and outlet or inlet zones are found.  相似文献   

An investigation of the acetylation of rice straw with acetic anhydride at 100 and 120 degrees C for 1-4 h with four tertiary amine catalysts (pyridine, 4-dimethylaminopyridine, N-methylpyrrolidine, and N-methylpyrrolidinone) or without catalyst in a solvent-free system was undertaken, and the extent of acetylation was measured by weight percent gain, which increased with the extent of reaction time and temperature and the amounts of catalyst used. 4-Dimethylaminopyridine was found to be the most effective catalyst of those studied. At a concentration of 7% of the catalyst in acetic anhydride, a weight percent gain of 15.4% was realized, compared with 11.2% for the noncatalyst reaction, after 0.5 h of exposure to the system at 120 degrees C. Characterization of acetylated straw was performed by FT-IR, CP MAS (13)C NMR, and thermal studies. Interestingly, the acetylated straw is significantly hydrophobic and does not get wet with water, thereby offering potential for the better utilization of cheap waste materials as natural sorbents in oil cleanup.  相似文献   

As part of a multidisciplinary study performed for the National Commission on Air Quality, the phenomena of atmospheric transport and the removal of SO2 and SO4 ? during a major regional sulfate episode (the period July 18–25, 1978 in the eastern U.S.) had been examined. The main objective of this study was the evaluation and the quantification of varying source/receptor relationships under atmospheric conditions conducive to long-range transport of fine particulate matter. In the case study presented here, air mass trajectories were obtained using the numerical NMC trajectory predictions and the results of the isobaric trajectory computations at the 850 mb level. The effects of alternative regional SO2 emission reduction scenarios on the predicted ambient SO2 and SO4 ? concentrations were also investigated using the new modeling methods that were specifically developed for this purpose.  相似文献   

After oil spills, oiled wildlife are regularly cleaned at considerable cost. Yet the conservation value of this intervention has been questioned, mostly because cleaned animals appear to have poor post-release survival. However, reliable long-term data are needed to judge the success of such programs. We used 16 ring recoveries to estimate survival of 932 Cape gannets (Morus capensis) that were oiled, cleaned and released in 1983. For the period 1989-2006, we further compared survival of 162 surviving cleaned gannets to that of 10,558 non-oiled gannets using capture-recapture data. We used modern statistical tools that account for recapture probabilities, recovery rates, transience, and temporary absence from the breeding colonies. Mean annual survival rates of de-oiled gannets ranged from 0.84 (se = 0.05) to 0.88 (se = 0.02), depending on analysis and colony. Between 1989 and 2006, rehabilitated gannets survived slightly less well than unoiled birds, but the difference was similar to the difference in survival between the two colonies where the birds were studied. Our results show subtle long-term effects of oiling and subsequent treatment. However, they also show that cleaned gannets can survive at almost the same rate as unoiled birds, at least if they survived the initial years after release. Rehabilitation of these birds may thus be a valuable conservation intervention for this localised species where a single spill can threaten a large proportion of the world population.  相似文献   

设施菜地因大水大肥管理方式导致的氮素淋失已成为当前关注焦点。探寻氮素淋失阻控技术需要首先探明土壤中NO_3~--N的运移和淋失过程,找到淋失阻控的关键点,从而实现蔬菜栽培高产量低环境成本。本研究以京郊设施菜地黄瓜-番茄轮作系统为研究对象,通过田间试验获取土壤温度、湿度、NO_3~--N含量等数据,对反硝化-分解(DNDC)模型进行参数校验,并以农民常规种植模式为基线情景,设置改变土壤基础性质、灌溉量、施氮量等不同情景,运用DNDC模型对设施菜地系统土壤氮素运移及淋溶损失进行定量评价。结果表明:经验证后的DNDC模型能够较好地模拟蔬菜产量、5 cm土壤温度和0~20 cm土壤孔隙含水率变化以及NO_3~--N的迁移过程,是模拟和评价氮素运移和损失的有效工具。模拟不同情景表明,设施菜地0~60 cm土壤NO_3~--N累积主要受灌溉水量和氮肥施入量的影响,此外土壤pH和土壤有机碳的变化也是影响NO_3~--N运移的重要因子。节水节肥是设施菜地氮素淋失减量的最有效方法,相比常规措施,同时减少20%灌溉量和20%施氮量可明显降低59.04%的NO_3~--N淋失量。同时,在节水节肥的基础上改变灌溉方式并提高20%土壤有机碳含量,在保证蔬菜产量的前提下,能够进一步降低69.04%的NO_3~--N淋失量。可见, DNDC模型为设施菜地NO_3~--N淋失评价和阻控提供了一个较好的解决方案。在当前重点关注减氮节水等管理措施的同时,提高土壤本身的质量,不失为一种更有效的减少设施菜地氮素淋失的途径。  相似文献   

For the January 1985 smog episode concentrations of SO2, sulphate (SO4), NO x (sum of NO and NO2) and nitrate (NO3) have been calculated for north-western Europe by means of an atmospheric transport model. The unfavorable dispersion conditions (moderate to low wind speeds, a low mixing height and a strong inversion) and a reduced dry deposition over the snow-covered or frozen soil, in combination with increased space heating emissions due to the exceptionally cold weather, gave rise to high ground level concentrations. In order to study the effectiveness of control measures during this type of episodes, calculations were made for various emission scenarios. The results were evaluated for four receptor areas, two areas relatively close to the major sources (The Netherlands and the Black Forest) and two more remote areas (Scotland and the SW coast of Sweden, near Gothenburg).  相似文献   



In this paper, a novel modeling approach is applied to assess the unique transport characteristics of hydrophobic (bitumen containing) cohesive sediment for the Ells River, AB, Canada. The modeling offers a new way of treating the transport and fate of fine sediment in rivers and points to the importance of including a sediment entrapment process in the modeling of the Ells River sediment dynamics.

Materials and methods

The modeling approach involves combining two existing models (RIVFLOC and MOBED). Using fine sediment transport parameters derived from laboratory flume experiments (e.g., settling velocity of sediment as a function of floc size and the critical shear stresses for deposition) and the calculated flow field from the MOBED model (using field survey data such as, cross-sectional geometry, river slope, grain size of bed material, and discharge), the RIVFLOC model is used to predict the transport characteristics (including entrapment) of the hydrophobic Ells River sediment.

Results and discussion

The application of the connected RIVFLOC and MOBED models, demonstrated the unique hydrophobic sediment dynamics of the Ells River. The model showed no deposition (in the classical sense) of the hydrophobic sediment as the bed shear stresses, even at base flow, are well above the critical bed shear for deposition (flocculation is shown to occur, but its impact on settling is negligible given the high shear stresses). However, the model showed the possibility of fine sediment ingression into the river bed (interstitial voids) due to the entrapment process which is known to occur at bed shear stresses well above the critical shear stress for deposition.


The salient features of RIVFLOC and MOBED models and their applications for understanding the transport and fate of unique hydrophobic fine sediments are presented. The models are shown to be useful for the understanding and projection of flow characteristics and sediment dynamics (including entrapment), and will be of benefit for the adaptive management of riverine monitoring programs given various flow scenarios including extreme events and climate change.

镉在中性和碱性土柱中不同深度处的运移模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Human health has been potentially threatened by cadmium (Cd) contained in sewage irrigation water.Previous studies of Cd transport in soils were mainly conducted using small soil cores with pH values less than 6.The objectives of this study were to determine the parameters of the convection-dispersion equation (CDE) for Cd transport in relatively larger columns with neutral and alkaline soils,and to investigate the parameters' variability with depth.The soil columns were 50 cm in length and 12.5 cm in diameter.Ceramic suction lysimeters were buried at depths of 2.5,7.5,17.5,27.5,and 37.5 cm to abstract soil solution.Cd concentration in the soil solution samples were subsequently analyzed to obtain breakthrough curves (BTCs).Equilibrium and nonequilibrium models in CXTFIT program were used to estimate parameters of the CDE.The results suggested that both equilibrium and non-equilibrium models performed well in modeling Cd transport.The hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient (D) ranged from 0.18 to 10.70 cm 2 h 1,showing large differences among different depths.The retardation factor (R d) ranged from 25.4 to 54.7 and the standard deviation of R d value was lower than 30% of the mean value.Precipitation coefficient (R p) decreased consistently with increasing depth,varying from 1.000 × 10 10 to 0.661 h 1.Sensitivity tests showed that D was less sensitive than R d.These results would be helpful in understanding the transport and retention of Cd in non-acidic soils.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the transport of isoxaflutole and RPA 202248 and their accumulation potential in semistatic water bodies, using a distributed watershed scale model and observed water quality data. A conceptual model was developed to characterize the fate and transport of isoxaflutole residues to and in surface water. The soil and water assessment tool (SWAT), a continuous daily time-step watershed model, was used to simulate the processes identified in the conceptual model. Monitoring data were available for a number of surface water bodies within the major product use area as a result of extensive and intensive residue monitoring. Detailed product use information at the zip-code level was obtained through dealer sales and a grower survey. The hydrologic and chemical transport results from the SWAT model were validated by comparison to available monitoring data from selected water bodies. Upon validation, the model was used to simulate the fate of isoxaflutole-derived residues in the water bodies using long-term historical weather data. The results from this investigation indicate no evidence of long-term accumulation of isoxaflutole and its metabolite RPA 202248 in semistatic water bodies.  相似文献   

The increasing use of petroleum-derived fuels over the last few decades has subsequently augmented the risk of spills in the environment. Soil pollution with petroleum hydrocarbons (principally caused by leaks in pipelines and underground storage tanks) is one of the major sources of soil degradation. Once in soil, fuel hydrocarbons suffer from a wide variety of multiphase processes including transport (advection, diffusion, and dispersion) among and within phases (aqueous and non-aqueous liquid, gas, and soil solids), mass transfer among phases (volatilization, sorption, and solution), and other natural attenuation processes, such as biodegradation and plant uptake and metabolism. This review identifies and describes the major processes occurring in soil that have a significant influence on the environmental fate of petroleum hydrocarbons. The definition of the processes involved in pollutant migration and distribution in soil and the formulation of adequate equations using accurate parameters (e.g., diffusion coefficients, velocity of advective flows, and mass transfer coefficients) will allow prediction of the final fate of soil pollutants. In addition to transport and mass transfer processes, which are more widely studied, the incorporation of attenuation mechanisms driven by microorganisms and plants is essential to predict the final concentration of the pollutants in the whole multiphase scenario. This work underlines the importance of the determination of accurate parameters through the performance of laboratory and/or field-scale experiments to develop precise pollutant migration models.  相似文献   

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