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The Laflamme Lake Watershed Area is located in a sensitive region on the Canadian Shield and is subjected to wet atmospheric loading between 17 and 25 kg ha?1 yr?1. From 1981 to 1988, the level and fluctuations of the atmospheric deposition of acidifying substances has led to various responses in the water chemistry of headwater lakes in the area. The general trend in atmospheric inputs is a gradual increase of acidifying substances from 1981 to 1985 followed by a 2 yr decrease then a return to previous values. In the two lakes with almost no alkalinity acidification has occured throughout the 1983 to 1988 period. In the four lakes with slightly higher alkalinity values, a reversal in acidification is seen when atmospheric loading decreased in 1986. Along with the interannual trends, seasonal variability to acidification occurs with sensitivity of surface waters being highest during spring melt. Sensitivity to acidification can also be altered by watershed processes and in the Laflamme Lake Watershed, soil processes are effective in altering the acidity of precipitation before it reached the lake. In this watershed, wet atmospheric inputs of H+ and NO3 ? are larger than surface water outputs while the reverse occurs for Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl? and SO4 2?.  相似文献   

Chemical indicators suggest that slight, but discernable acidification occurs during smowmelt in some highly sensitive Cascade Mountain Lakes (mean alkalinity 20 ueq L?1). Although some SO4 in the lakes (mean 13 μeq L?1 ) comes from local geologic sources, several considerations suggest that some also comes from atmospheric deposition and anthropogenic sources. If sampling is stratified, the relatively low lake-to-lake and year-to-year variability in chemical constituents demonstrates that these highly sensitive lakes represent excellent indicators of acidification. The contention that precipitation pH >4.6 is needed for protection of sensitive lakes is supported. However, the slight but temporary acidification effect currently detectable during snowmelt, suggests that for adequate protection of these highly sensitive lakes, precipitation pH should be >4.7 to 4.8.  相似文献   

Since 1988, a network of lakes and streams has been monitored in areas of the UK sensitive to surface water acidification. Analysis of 10 years data has focused on the identification and quantification of time-trends in chemical parameters, to establish whether declines in emission of acidifying pollutants have resulted in recovery of acidified surface waters. A national decline in S deposition in the UK since 1988 has not generally been accompanied by a significant improvement in freshwater chemistry. At the three sites where xSO4 concentrations have declined, NO3 has increased and there has been no increase in pH or alkalinity. Upward trends in pH and alkalinity observed at several other sites are not associated with downward trends in acidic anions. Temporal variation in xSO4, NO3, acidity, DOC and other important meaures of surface water quality can all be linked to decadal-scale variation in climate, and this has important implications for the detection of recovery-related trends.  相似文献   

A statistically significant decrease in sulfate was observed in high elevation Cascade lakes during 1983 through 1988. The total decrease averaged 2.2 μeq L?1 in two slow-flush lakes and 4.2 μeq L?1 in three fast-flush lakes for 1983–1985 vs 1986–1988, respectively. Coincident with these changes in sulfate concentrations were a sharp decrease of SO2 emissions from the ASARCO smelter (100 km SE of the lakes), from 87 to 70 kt yr?1 during 1983–1984 to 12 in 1985, the year of its closure, and a gradual change in SO2 emissions from Mt. St. Helens, from 39 to 27 during 1983–1984 to 5 in 1988. The sharpest decreases occurred in non-marine sulfate in fast-flush lakes from 1984 to 1985 (about 2 μeq L?1) and in slow-flush lakes from 1985 to 1986 (1 μeq L?1, which point to the ASARCO closure as the sole cause. However, some of the more gradual decline in non-marine sulfate observed during 1983 through the 1988 sampling periods may have been due to a slow washout of sulfate enriched ash from the 1980 Mt. St. Helens' eruption. Sulfate concentrations in precipitation also declined significantly by about 2 μeq L?1, but changes in volume-weighted sulfate content were not significant. Lake alkalinity did not show a consistent increase in response to decreased sulfate. This was probably due to either watershed neutralization of acidic deposition or the greater variability in alkalinity measurements caused by small changes in acidic deposition making it difficult to detect changes.  相似文献   

A large data base on inland lakes in the Upper Great Lakes Region (UGLR) was used to evaluate assumptions and relationships of empirical acidification models. Improved methods to calculate background alkalinity and background SO4 2? are reported; SO4 2? enrichment factors indicate that terrestrial SO4 2? sources and watershed or lake sinks must be considered for site-specific background SO4 2? estimates. Significant relationships were found between lake acidification estimated as change in SO4 2? and precipitation acidity but not between changes in lake alkalinity and precipitation acidity in this lightly impacted region.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this monitoring is to detect long-term Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) induced changes in the water quality of small lakes, throughout Finland, with low conductivity. The monitored lakes (n=171, sampled every autumn since 1990 and in 1987) have a smaller watershed (usually headwater or seepage lakes), a larger lake/catchment ratio, and lower base cation concentrations, alkalinity and pH than Finnish lakes on average. The monitoring network provides background data for air pollution dose/response studies, critical load calculations and for the modelling of acidification scenarios. The declining sulphate deposition seems to be reflected in small headwater lakes all over southern and central Finland as a lowering of the sulphate concentration in the waters. Nitrate concentrations in these lakes have been typically low in the autumn. The base cation concentration is not generally declining, as it is in deposition in many areas. The sulphate concentration in lakes has declined more than base cations. Hydrologically, the recent years have been quite variable because of varying annual precipitation. The variation in alkalinity and pH in typical Finnish lakes is dependent on the content of humic material derived from catchments. The monitoring period is too short to reveal consistent trends in major ion chemistry. However, signs of improvement in recent years can be seen; in comparing 1993 to 1987, years with similar organic acidity and base cations, it seems that the sulphate decline in lakes monitored is compensated by a significant rise in both alkalinity and pH.  相似文献   

Acid sensitive headwater lakes (n=163) throughout Finland have been monitored during autumn overturn between 1987–1998. Statistically significant decline in sulphate concentration is detected in 60 to 80 percent of the lakes, depending on the region. Median slope estimates are from ?1.1 µeq L?1 in North Finland to ?3.3 µeq L?1 in South Finland. The base cation (BC) concentrations are still declining especially in southern Finland (slope ?2.5 µeq L?1), where every second lake exhibits a significant downward trend. The BC slope is steeper for lakes with less peatlands, more exposed bedrock, longer retention time and southerly location, but these factors are inter correlated. Gran alkalinity slope medians for the three regions range from 1.4 to 1.8 µeq L?1 yr?1. No significant negative alkalinity trends were detected. The similarity in the slopes of SO4, BC and alkalinity in this data compared to seasonal sampling data from Nordic Countries can be regarded as indirect evidence that autumnal sampling is representative for long term monitoring for these ions. There are no indications of increased organic carbon in lakes, as found in some recent trend analyses of similar regional data sets. Although the processes behind the positive development in these lakes have to be revealed with site- specific intensive studies, this data suggests, that the initial recovery from lake acidification in Finland is a regional phenomenon.  相似文献   

As part of the PIRLA projects, diatom-pH transfer equations were used to infer past lakewater chemistries from dated sediment cores. Diatom inferred lakewater acidification appeared to show a strong subregional pattern within Florida. Five lakes were examined from in or near the Trail Ridge region (in the north-central peninsula) and all showed some evidence of recent acidification (>.20 pH units decrease) probably related to acidic deposition. Lakes hi the Panhandle region and the Ocala National Forest (south of Gainesville) did not show evidence of recent anthropogenic acidification, although few acidic clearwater lakes hi the Panhandle were examined. Paleolimnological studies have provided strong evidence for acidification due to acidic deposition in a small subset of lakes from various regions of the United States. This subset is defined geographically by different acidic deposition rates and bedrock types, and by the many limnological factors that contribute to lake pH and buffering capacity. Unfortunately, it is also defined by the small numbers of lakes that have so far been studied.  相似文献   

Acid-induced fish damage in small lakes in southern Finland was studied in a fish status survey of eighty lakes from 1985–1987. Later, twenty of these lakes were selected for further monitoring. A sampling of these lakes from 1988–1989 showed that the decrease in some perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) and roach (Rutilus rutilus L.) populations still continued. The results from the same lakes in 1992 showed that successful reproduction had taken place with many of the perch populations that had been close to extinction in 1985. In contrast, no signs of recovery in the roach populations were detected. The explanation for the appearance of new cohorts of perch could have been the decrease in acid deposition but the exceptional hydrological conditions of winters in the early 1990s may also have affected them. The different responses of the perch and roach populations were interpreted as a consequence of the different sensitivity of these two species to acidification. Even a slight improvement in the water quality has resulted in the appearance of strong new year-classes of perch, but not of roach. Therefore, more improvement in water quality is needed until a sensitive species like roach can reproduce again.  相似文献   

In the framework of the AL:PE 2 project, studies on acidification and organic pollution in mountain lakes have been conducted in several ranges in the Iberian peninsula: Pyrenees (Northeastern Spain), Sierra de Gredos (Central Spain), Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain) and Serra da Estrela (Central Portugal). These studies focused on water and sediment chemistry and organisms (benthic diatoms, Zooplankton, aquatic macroinvertebrates, and fish) as indicators of acidification. Organic micropollutants (PAH, PCB, DDE, hexachlorobenzene and others) in lake sediments and fish have been studied as tracers of atmospheric pollution. The Iberian peninsula lakes do not show severe anthropogenic acidification. pH values are in the range of sensitive lakes, but the levels of acidic pollutants are low. The status of the organisms surveyed agreed with this diagnosis. Pyrenean lakes showed the highest fluxes of organic pollutants related to fossil fuel combustion., higher pollutioninduced versus natural acidity ratios, and modeled alkalinity and pH declines.  相似文献   

Sediment cores and surface sediments from fourteen lakes locatedalong three pollution gradients in the Usa basin, north-east European Russia were analysed for diatoms, spheroidal carbonaceous particles, trace metals and water chemistry. At each site past pH was inferred using a diatom-based transfer function and critical loads for sulphur deposition were calculated using a diatom model. Lakes from the Vorkuta transectcurrently experience the highest levels of atmospheric deposition, however, results suggest that at present day sulphurdeposition levels there is no danger of lake acidification at any of the sites, due to their high buffering capacity. The sediment records show that sites from the Inta and Vorkuta transects experienced higher pollution loads 10–30 yr ago, whencoal production and mining were more intensive. There is also evidence that in the Vorkuta area atmospheric deposition mighthave led to the alkalisation of the lakes since diatom floristicchanges and an increase in inferred pH coincide with the periodof peak industrial activity.  相似文献   

Water chemistry data on which all the investigations in the AL:PE 1 (Acidification of Mountain Lakes: Palaeolimnology and Ecology) and AL:PE 2 (Remote Mountain Lakes as Indicators of Air Pollution and Climate Change) projects are based, are available for 28 lakes in U.K. (Scotland), Italy, Norway and France (AL:PE 1) and in Svalbard (Norway), Ireland, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Russia (AL:PE 2). The results show high sulphate concentrations in some mountain lakes in all the countries. Nitrate and sulphate concentrations have different distribution patterns among the sites. A gradient in acidification from north (Norway) to central Europe (via U.K. to Italy) is identified for the AL:PE lakes by means of multivariate data analysis. Critical loads and their exceedance are calculated, where sufficient information is available, both according to the leaching of S, and of S plus N from the catchment. The pattern of critical load exceedance demonstrates an increasing importance of nitrate from Norway via U.K. to Italy. Leaching of N was of considerable importance to the acidification of lakes in the Italian Alps. The projects receive financial support from the European Union.  相似文献   

Despite a slight reduction in the level of acidic deposition in Norway, acidification of lakes and rivers continues. The Norwegian Liming Project (1979–84) demonstrated that lime treatment can be an effective measure against acidification of watercourses given appropriate adaptation to local conditions. Liming in Norway is difficult because of (1) large amounts of precipitation, (2) short retention time of lakes, and (3) episodic changes in water chemistry. In 1988 NOK 14 mill. has been allocated to operational liming and research. We report here on chemical and biological responses from lime treatment of a lake, a river and a catchment. Lake Store Hovvatn was limed in 1981 and successfully stocked with brown trout. Before reliming in 1987, fish growth had ceased, but increased post liming. The River Audna has been continuously limed since 1985. Sea trout fisheries have improved, and the stocking of Atlantic salmon smolts at the mouth of the river in 1986 has already resulted in the return of spawners. Liming of the entire terrestrial catchment to the pond Tjønnstrond in 1983 by helicopter was also successful; stocked brown trout have survived to the present.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven Maine lakes in felsic terrane were sampled in May and October 1986, bracketing the summer interval of minimum flushing, in order to statistically test a hydrogeochemical process model that separates Gran alkalinity (ANC) production into terrestrial vs lacustrine components. Significant ANC increases over the 5 mo were restricted to relatively shallow lakes with large contiguous watersheds, and/or lakes where contact zones in the local bedrock offered increased potential for summer groundwater inflow. Summer ANC increases depended mainly on terrestrial contributions; in-lake alkalinity generation was 16±5 meq m?2 over 5 mo, of which ca. 11 meq m?2 resulted from biological assimilation of directly-deposited nitrate-N. The remaining 5±5 meq m?2 cannot be assigned with confidence, but is thought to reflect lacustrine sulfate reduction. The over-summer changes in ANC and conductance of Maine headwater lakes in upland granitic terrane approached statistical detection limits resulting from pure analytical and sampling error. This convergence highlights the importance of even small analytical biases when analyzing limnological time series, and confirms the utility (statistical efficiency) of the one-time, comparative sampling design adopted during the U.S. EPA's Eastern Lake Survey (ELS).  相似文献   

The generation of alkalinity by SO4 reduction and net storage of reduced S in lake sediments has been estimated from an analysis of sediment cores from 16 lakes in ME, VT, NY, MI, MN, and WY. The cores have been dated by 210Pb. The rate of pre-1850 (background) storage of S in lake sediments suggests that alkalinity contribution to lake water from this process ranged from 0.2 to 9.3 geq L?1, with an average of 4 geq L?1, Background values are similar for all lakes and remain low in the WY lakes up to the present. Maximum alkalinity contributions recorded in sediment, from upper mid-west and eastern lakes, dated between 1850 and 1985 are between 0.4 and 33 geq L?1, with a lake mean maximum of 9.9 geq L?1, Significant increases in recent S storage only occur in eastern lakes. Average values for net S accumulation in the sediment of most lakes for post-1850 sediment are typically less than half of maximum values.  相似文献   

The controlled acidification of a two-basin lake is described. The lake was divided by a vinyl curtain in 1984; acidification of one basin began in 1985. Target pH values of 5.5, 5.0 and 4.5 are planned for 2-yr increments. Biotic and chemical responses and internal alkalinity generation are being studied. Baseline studies, initial results at pH 5.5, and predictions of lake responses to acidification are described.  相似文献   

The biology and chemistry of three northeastern Pennsylvania lakes was studied from summer 1981 through summer 1983 to evaluate lakes with different sensitivities to acidification. At the acidified lake (total alkalinity ≤ 0.0 μeq L?1) there were fewer phytoplankton and zooplankton species than at the moderately sensitive lakes. The most numerous plankton species in all three lakes are reportedly acid tolerant. Among the benthic macro- invertebrates (BMI) there were more acid tolerant Chironomidae at the acidified lake, but more acid intolerant Ephemeroptera and Mollusca and a higher wet weight at the least sensitive lake. There were no differences among the lakes' BMI mean total numbers or mean number of taxa. The fish community at the acidified lake was dominated by stunted Lepomis gibbosus, but L. machrochirous were most abundant in the other lakes. Principal component analysis suggested a shift in all three lakes over the sampling period toward combined lower pH, alkalinity, specific conductance, Ca and Mg and higher Al and Mn. Such chemical changes have been associated with acidification. The rate and extent of acidification appeared to be controlled by geological and hydrological characteristics of the drainage basins.  相似文献   

Netting surveys of lakes varying in pH (4.4–7.1) showed that lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) populations fail to recruit at pH <5.5 and are lost from lakes with pH<5.2. Brook trout (S. fontinalis) were extirpated in lakes with pH <5.0. In regional chemical surveys of Ontario lakes, it was found that 2% of sampled brook trout lakes and 2.5% of lake trout lakes were acidified (alkalinity <0 uEq L?1). Threshold pH levels determined from fisheries assessments were used to estimate that 1% of lake trout and brook trout populations have been lost due to acidification.  相似文献   

The long term acidity level of a lake is determined by the balance between acidity input to the catchment and the generation of alkalinity in the catchment. If the input of acidity through biomass net production and the production of alkalinity through weathering of minerals can be estimated, then the steady-state acidity level can be calculated for the lake under a certain acid deposition rate. Such a calculation has been carried out for 8 lakes ranging from acid to neutral. For lakes with the most sensitive soils in the catchment, the critical acid deposition load that will permit the lake to stay neutral, may be less than zero acidity, indicating that the forest growth is contributing to the acidification of very sensitive system under the present forest managements methods.  相似文献   

Ion mass budgets were measured for 2 water yr (June–May, 1981–83) for a high and a ).ow elevation lake and their associated catchments. The lakes are located in the Turkey Lakes Watershed (TLW) in central Ontario, Canada, which is an undeveloped basin located on the Canadian Shield, 50 km north of Sault Ste. Marie. The ionic budgets of the lakes show that atmospheric deposition directly to the lakes' surfaces is the principal input pathway for H+ and NH4, whereas basic cations, SO4, NO3, and probably alkalinity are supplied primarily by inflow from the surrounding terrestrial basin and/or upstream lake. The lakes strongly retain H+ (i.e. output ? input), weakly retain the N species, and are in balance (i.e. output = input) for other ions except Ca and alkalinity which show an excess output compared to measured + estimated inputs. We hypothesize that an input of groundwater and/or seepage accounts for most of the Ca and alkalinity imbalance although the existence of within-lake alkalinity generation is probable also.  相似文献   

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