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基于仿生耦合功能表面的离心水泵增效机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海豚特殊的皮肤结构具有减阻功能,模仿其结构,设计了一种具有实际工程应用价值的仿生耦合功能表面,将其应用到离心式水泵的叶轮表面,进行水泵增效试验研究。研究结果表明:这种仿生耦合功能表面可提高离心式水泵效率3%及以上;仿生耦合功能表面面层材料的硬度对水泵的效率影响显著。分析认为其增效机制主要在于:表面面层材料与基底材料仿生结构的耦合变形降低了叶轮流道壁面的摩擦力及吸收流体介质对叶轮进、出口湍动能的方式实现对流体介质的控制,从而降低离心泵水力损失,实现增效。  相似文献   

耕作部件耦合仿生表面结构制备方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对农业机械耕作部件既要提高耐磨性又要保证强度的问题,提出了一种通过构建仿生表面结构和控制工艺来设计结构/材料二元耦合仿生表面结构的方法。采用球墨铸铁制备具有仿生表面结构的耕作部件使仿生表面由高硬度白口铁构成,从而兼顾部件的耐磨性和机械性能。试验结果表明,在铸造过程中,单纯通过仿生表面结构或局部设置小型冷铁的方法,部件仿生表面结构局部均未能形成白口铁组织,而上述两种方法的结合运用,可实现仿生表面结构的白口化。分析表明,仿生表面结构可限制熔体流动,设置冷铁可提高局部过冷度,两者结合可实现耦合仿生设计。显微硬度和划痕试验表明,耦合仿生表面结构具有较高的局部硬度,相比于芯部基体,其显微硬度值平均提高了35.71%,而形成相同宽度的划痕时,其所需载荷是芯部基体的1.16倍。水润湿性试验表明,耦合仿生表面结构与芯部基体水润湿性也存在一定的差异,相比于芯部基体,其接触角增大了14.91%。此方法适用于生成具有耐磨性能且高强度的耕作部件,在保证部件机械性能的同时,可提高耐磨性和降低土壤粘附。  相似文献   

秸秆纤维复合板材以其原材料来源丰富、可降解、价格低廉且易加工等特点而受到人们的关注,解决了木材短缺且板材需求日益增加这一尖锐矛盾,使其逐渐成为木材的代替品.层状结构具有良好的力学、声学及热学性能.以软体动物贝壳和鞘翅类甲虫外壳的内部结构为例,研究层状仿生结构,并将仿生结构有效应用于秸秆纤维复合材料中,以此来提高复合材料的整体性能.为此,研究分析了秸秆纤维的处理方法、粘结剂类型与优缺点,以及秸秆纤维增强复合材料的成型工艺;论证了秸秆纤维复合层状仿生板材的可行性.  相似文献   

天然生物材料结构特征及仿生材料的发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自然界中一些生物体的优异结构和特性给人类在不断制造和更新新型材料的过程中带来灵感和启发.根据这些生物体的优秀特征,综述了仿生材料的主要设计思想和方法,重点分析了目前一些典型仿生材料,设计与制备研究的新进展和存在的困难,并提出一些新材料设计思想方法和制备的模型,对仿生材料的设计和研究等均具有指导意义,同时对仿生材料的发展前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

毛蚶壳形态/材料耦合仿生表面耐冲蚀性能试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于毛蚶壳的表面形态特征、软硬相间的硬度分布特征,设计了形态/材料二元耦合仿生模型,试验研究了影响耦合仿生表面耐冲蚀磨损性能的主次因素和最优组合。试验磨料选用80~140目的石英砂与水的混合物,磨损时间为30h,倾斜角度为30°,试样转速为1400r/min。试验结果表明,经激光合金化、激光相变硬化处理的光滑试样、单元形态仿生试样和形态/材料耦合仿生试样的耐冲蚀磨损性能与光滑试样相比均有提高,形态/材料耦合仿生试样的耐磨性最好。影响耦合仿生表面耐冲蚀磨损性能的主次因素依次为激光表面强化技术、振幅、周期和条纹方向,耦合试样经激光合金化处理、振幅为3mm、周期为10mm、条纹方向为法向时具有最优的耐冲蚀磨损性能。  相似文献   

吉林大学为教育部直属的全国重点大学 ,由原吉林大学、吉林工业大学、白求恩医科大学、长春科技大学、长春邮电学院于 2 0 0 0年 6月合并组建而成。生物与农业工程学院是在原吉林工业大学农机国家重点学科基础上组建的。学院设有农业工程、生物工程、仿生与动力工程、食品科学与包装工程、农业经济管理 5个系 ;拥有吉林省地面机械仿生技术与仿生功能材料中试基地、农业机械工程研究院、精确农业研究中心、工程仿生研究所、绿色食品加工分析技术研究所、农业生物环境与能源工程研究所、农产品加工及储藏工程研究所、机电设备研究所等研究、开…  相似文献   

通过对传统材料和仿生材料及其脱土性能的综述,总结了触土部件土壤粘附系统仿生改性减粘降阻的基本规律,并对仿生改性研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

胃肠仿生消化是研究食品营养学及药物代谢动力的重要方法。为实现胃肠仿生连续消化,对胃肠仿生消化装置进行了设计,本胃肠仿生模拟消化装置包括胃肠仿生消化桶及仿生模拟消化控制系统,设置了结构相同的中间腔体的胃仿生消化桶和肠仿生消化桶,外围设置有加热仓,消化桶上均设置有搅拌机构、玻璃观察窗、取样装置、酸液存储槽及碱液存储槽、pH传感器、加热管及温度传感器,二号消化桶右侧固定有控制系统单元的配电箱。装置便于实现胃肠仿生模拟消化过程pH值、温度和搅拌速度的控制与调整,以及消化液的取样分析及消化过程的观察监测,可用于食品营养基质或生物活性物质的仿生消化情况的监测。  相似文献   

针对传统镇压辊粘附土壤、阻力大和壅土问题,基于穿山甲体表鳞片的多边形几何结构,分别设计了正12面体、正15面体和正18面体3种仿生多面体型几何结构镇压辊,制造材料选用Q235。以粘附土壤量、牵引阻力、种子粒距变化率、土壤容重为指标,在室内土槽考察了土壤干基含水率分别为20%和28%时3种仿生几何结构镇压辊在载荷分别为300、500、700N下的镇压效果,并与传统镇压辊对比。结果表明:正12面体仿生镇压辊的种子粒距变化率最低,比传统镇压辊降低了33.19%,即防壅土效果最好,但它却没达到减粘降阻的效果。分别将超高分子量聚乙烯、搪瓷涂层这两种疏水材料分别用于正12面体仿生几何结构镇压辊,通过与传统镇压辊的对比试验证实,采用疏水材料的这两种仿生镇压辊均能达到减粘降阻的效果,镇压辊表面采用超高分子量聚乙烯时粘附土壤量最少,与传统镇压辊相比降低了33.22%;镇压辊表面喷涂搪瓷涂层时阻力最低,与传统镇压辊相比降低了17.87%。该研究结果可为农业机械触土部件表面减粘降阻及防壅土的仿生设计提供参考。  相似文献   

为解决小麦机械脱粒过程中脱净率低的问题,以牛舌舌尖表面丝状乳突结构为仿生原型,开展了小麦仿生脱粒齿形设计与试验。对牛舌舌尖表面进行形貌特征观测,发现舌尖表面丝状乳突分布密度大,结构特征明显,丝状乳突的轮廓呈圆锥状,下粗上细,整体相对粗壮,尖部呈半球形,与牛舌表面呈35°~40°夹角,向口腔方向倾斜。构建"乳突-物料"接触工作界面,包括完全分离、初始接触、乳突插入物料及完全接触4个过程。基于丝状乳突结构特征参数,构建仿生齿形模型,进行单仿生齿形脱粒仿真试验,得到单仿生齿形脱粒最优参数组合:放大比例为2. 5、行进速度为15 mm/s、倾角为38°、接触位置为齿形全高度的0. 2倍处、材料为Q345碳钢。设计了仿生脱粒齿形试验部件及台架,进行仿生脱粒齿形正交试验,并对脱粒过程进行摄像分析。结果表明,仿生脱粒齿形试验部件的脱粒性能良好,脱净率介于97. 5%~99. 5%之间;最优结构参数组合为:放大比例2. 565、倾角39. 8°、脱粒间隙9. 11 mm。  相似文献   

Overland water and salt flows in a set of rice paddies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cultivation of paddy rice in semiarid areas of the world faces problems related to water scarcity. This paper aims at characterizing water use in a set of paddies located in the central Ebro basin of Spain using experimentation and computer simulation. A commercial field with six interconnected paddies, with a total area of 5.31 ha, was instrumented to measure discharge and water quality at the inflow and at the runoff outlet. The soil was classified as a Typic Calcixerept, and was characterized by a mild salinity (2.5 dS m−1) and an infiltration rate of 5.8 mm day−1. The evolution of flow depth at all paddies was recorded. Data from the 2002 rice-growing season was elaborated using a mass balance approach to estimate the infiltration rate and the evolution of discharge between paddies. Seasonal crop evapotranspiration, estimated with the surface renewal method, was 731 mm (5.1 mm day−1), very similar to that of other summer cereals grown in the area, like corn. The irrigation input was 1874 mm, deep percolation was 830 mm and surface runoff was 372 mm. Irrigation efficiency was estimated as 41%. The quality of surface runoff water was slightly degraded due to evapoconcentration and to the contact with the soil. During the period 2001–2003, the electrical conductivity of surface runoff water was 54% higher than that of irrigation water. However, the runoff water was suitable for irrigation. A mechanistic mass balance model of inter-paddy water flow permitted to conclude that improvements in irrigation efficiency cannot be easily obtained in the experimental conditions. Since deep percolation losses more than double surface runoff losses, a reduction in irrigation discharge would not have much room for efficiency improvement. Simulations also showed that rice irrigation performance was not negatively affected by the fluctuating inflow hydrograph. These hydrographs are typical of turnouts located at the tail end of tertiary irrigation ditches. In fact, these are the sites where rice has been historically cultivated in the study area, since local soils are often saline-sodic and can only grow paddy rice taking advantage of the low salinity of the irrigation water. The low infiltration rate characteristic of these saline-sodic soils (an experimental value of 3.2 mm day−1 was obtained) combined with a reduced irrigation discharge resulted in a simulated irrigation efficiency of 60%. Paddy rice irrigation efficiency can attain reasonable values in the local saline-sodic soils, where the infiltration rate is clearly smaller than the average daily rice evapotranspiration.  相似文献   

瓦房店市是我国重要的水果生产基地,在国内水果生产领域占有重要地位。随着水果市场化的不断深入,如何满足和适应国内外市场需求成为瓦房店市水果生产的关键问题。从瓦房店市水果生产实际出发,阐述了实施水果生产标准化的必要性,提出了发展水果生产标准化的具体措施。  相似文献   

对引进的谷子新品种金谷子耐旱TG118进行品种比较试验和多点试种。结果表明:该品种抗旱、耐瘠、适应性强,稳产、高产、抗病抗风抗倒伏强,品质优良,粮草兼用,种植简单,省工易管;一般产量在6000kg/hm2以上,比当地主栽品种增产20%以上。最高产量达9450kg/hm2,适于在辽西北地区推广应用。  相似文献   

对《种子法》存在问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《种子法》是我国种植业第一部法律。自实施以来,为依法加强种子管理提供了有力的法律支撑,促进我国种子产业发生翻天覆地的变化。但随着依法管理工作的深入和种子产业的快速发展,《种子法》及配套规章的一些问题逐步显现出来。对《种子法》及配套规章存在的问题进行深入分析,对需要进一步补充的章节以及需要调整的内容进行深入探讨,以求更加完善和明确。  相似文献   

About 30 years have passed since the Government of Egypt embarked on implementing a series of large scale drainage projects. At present, about 3.8 million acres have been provided with drainage systems on the basis of systematic pre-drainage investigations and designs. The target is to provide drains in approximately 6.4 million acres in the Nile Valley and Delta.The implementation of the subsurface drainage system is carried out by the public sector and private contractors under direct supervision of governmental regional departments. The implementation process depends on many factors related to the drainage material, machinery, manpower, site requirements, farmers and organizations involved. Problems and constraints are sometimes challenging, however, the annual rate of implementation has gradually increased to 170,000 acre/year.This paper discusses the different aspects involved in the implementation process of drainage systems. The development in materials, machinery and construction technologies will be reviewed. Institutional and management factors are going to be also considered.  相似文献   

赵异 《湖南农机》2007,(3):31-32
在新世纪,面对机遇和挑战,党的十六大把“社会更加和谐”作为全面建设更高水平的小康社会的一个重要目标。中国人素有社会和谐的理想;西方人自古也向往社会和谐;借鉴东西方两种和谐社会思想的经验、教训,构建社会主义和谐社会理论。  相似文献   

A European irrigation map for spatially distributed agricultural modelling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a pan-European irrigation map based on regional European statistics, a European land use map and a global irrigation map. The map provides spatial information on the distribution of irrigated areas per crop type which allows determining irrigated areas at the level of spatial modelling units. The map is a requirement for a European scale assessment of the impacts of irrigated agriculture on water resources based on spatially distributed modelling of crop growth and water balance. The irrigation map was compiled in a two step procedure. First, irrigated areas were distributed to potentially irrigated crops at a regional level (European statistical regions NUTS3), combining Farm Structure Survey (FSS) data on irrigated area, crop-specific irrigated area for crops whenever available, and total crop area. Second, crop-specific irrigated area was distributed within each statistical region based on the crop distribution given in our land use map. A global map of irrigated areas with a 5′ resolution was used to further constrain the distribution within each NUTS3 based on the density of irrigated areas. The constrained distribution of irrigated areas as taken from statistics to a high resolution dataset enables us to estimate irrigated areas for various spatial entities, including administrative, natural and artificial units, providing a reasonable input scenario for large-scale distributed modelling applications. The dataset bridges a gap between global datasets and detailed regional data on the distribution of irrigated areas and provides information for various assessments and modelling applications.  相似文献   

在介绍粉质仪和拉伸仪结构和原理的基础上,探讨了粉质曲线中吸水率、形成时间、稳定时间、弱化度和评价值等指标与面粉品质的关系,以及如何根据拉伸曲线中面团最大拉伸阻力、延伸度和拉伸曲线面积等指标来评价面团品质,并结合生产实际,概述了粉质仪和拉伸仪在面粉生产中的作用。  相似文献   

农村信息化服务的现状及建设措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析当前我国农村信息化服务的现状,提出加强农村信息化服务的新举措。  相似文献   

车辆ABS控制算法的研究及探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对现代汽车的ABS控制算法作了一些简单的介绍,同时指出了它们的一些缺陷,相应地提出了几种对ABS的其它控制方法并加以探讨,其中着重论述了ABS门限值控制算法中参考车速的确定方法和基于附着系数的控制算法。  相似文献   

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