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Low‐dose aspirin is used to prevent thromboembolic complications in dogs, but some animals are nonresponsive to the antiplatelet effects of aspirin (“aspirin resistance”).


That low‐dose aspirin would inhibit platelet function, decrease thromboxane synthesis, and alter platelet cyclooxygenase (COX) expression.


Twenty‐four healthy dogs.


A repeated measures study. Platelet function (PFA‐100 closure time, collagen/epinephrine), platelet COX‐1 and COX‐2 expression, and urine 11‐dehydro‐thromboxane B2 (11‐dTXB2) were evaluated before and during aspirin administration (1 mg/kg Q24 hours PO, 10 days). Based on prolongation of closure times after aspirin administration, dogs were divided into categories according to aspirin responsiveness: responders, nonresponders, and inconsistent responders.


Low‐dose aspirin increased closure times significantly (62% by Day 10, P < .001), with an equal distribution among aspirin responsiveness categories, 8 dogs per group. Platelet COX‐1 mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) increased significantly during treatment, 13% on Day 3 (range, ?29.7–136.1%) (P = .047) and 72% on Day 10 (range, ?0.37–210%) (P < .001). Platelet COX‐2 MFI increased significantly by 34% (range, ?29.2–270%) on Day 3 (P = .003) and 74% (range, ?19.7–226%) on Day 10 (P < .001). Urinary 11‐dTXB2 concentrations significantly (P = .005, P < .001) decreased at both time points. There was no difference between aspirin responsiveness and either platelet COX expression or thromboxane production.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Low‐dose aspirin consistently inhibits platelet function in approximately one‐third of healthy dogs, despite decreased thromboxane synthesis and increased platelet COX expression in most dogs. COX isoform expression before treatment did not predict aspirin resistance.

Background: There is currently no simple analytical tool for the evaluation of hypercoagulability in cats. The Platelet Function Analyzer‐100® (PFA‐100; Dade Behring Inc., Deerfield, IL, USA) is a bench‐top machine that evaluates platelet function by measuring closure time (CT) in citrated whole blood under high shear conditions. We hypothesized that cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) have up‐regulated platelet function, which shortens their CT and increases their risk for thromboembolic events. Objectives: The goals of this study were to: (1) establish a feline reference interval for CT using the PFA‐100, (2) measure CT in blood from cats with HCM, and (3) determine if there is a measurable difference between the CT of healthy cats compared with cats with HCM. Methods: Citrated blood samples from 42 clinically healthy cats and 30 cats with HCM were analyzed according to manufacturer's specifications. CT was measured in triplicate and the mean value was used for analysis. Transformed data were compared between clinically healthy cats and cats with HCM using a Student's t‐test, and among cats with mild, moderate, or severe HCM using ANOVA. Results: The median CT of clinically healthy cats was 64 seconds (range 43–176 seconds). The median CT of cats with HCM was 74 seconds (range 48–197 seconds). There was no significant difference in CT between cats with HCM and clinically healthy cats. There also were no significant differences in cats with mild, moderate, or severe HCM. Conclusions: A feline reference interval for PFA‐100 CT will be useful in future studies of platelet function in cats. Cats with HCM do not have shorter CTs when compared with clinically healthy cats.  相似文献   



The adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation test is the gold standard for diagnosing hypoadrenocorticism (HA) in dogs. However, problems with the availability of synthetic ACTH (tetracosactrin/cosyntropin) and increased costs have prompted the need for alternative methods.


To prospectively evaluate the cortisol‐to‐ACTH ratio (CAR) as a screening test for diagnosing canine HA.


Twenty three dogs with newly diagnosed HA; 79 dogs with diseases mimicking HA; 30 healthy dogs.


Plasma ACTH and baseline cortisol concentrations were measured before IV administration of 5 μg/kg ACTH in all dogs. CAR was calculated and the diagnostic performance of ACTH, baseline cortisol, CAR and sodium‐to‐potassium ratios (SPRs) was assessed based on receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves calculating the area under the ROC curve.


The CAR was significantly lower in dogs with HA compared to that in healthy dogs and in those with diseases mimicking HA (P < .0001). There was an overlap between HA dogs and those with HA mimicking diseases, but CAR still was the best parameter for diagnosing HA (ROC AUC 0.998), followed by the ACTH concentration (ROC AUC 0.97), baseline cortisol concentration (ROC AUC 0.96), and SPR (ROC AUC 0.86). With a CAR of >0.01 the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity were 100% and 99%, respectively.

Conclusion and Clinical Importance

Calculation of the CAR is a useful screening test for diagnosing primary HA. As a consequence of the observed overlap between the groups, however, misdiagnosis cannot be completely excluded. Moreover, additional studies are needed to evaluate the diagnostic reliability of CAR in more dogs with secondary HA.  相似文献   

Background: A major cause of death in dogs with immune‐mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) is thromboembolism. Previous studies suggest unfractionated heparin (UH) is not effective in preventing thromboembolism in IMHA; however, subtherapeutic dosing could explain the seeming lack of efficacy. Hypothesis: Providing therapeutic plasma concentration of UH by individually adjusting doses based on antifactor Xa activity would improve survival in IMHA. Animals: Fifteen dogs with primary IMHA. Methods: Randomized, prospective, controlled clinical trial. Dogs received standardized therapy for IMHA and either constant dose (CD) (150 U/kg SC) (n = 7) or individually adjusted dose (IAD) (n = 8) UH, monitored via an anti‐Xa chromogenic assay, adjusted according to a nomogram. UH was administered every 6 hours until day 7, and every 8 hours thereafter. UH dose was adjusted daily in IAD dogs until day 7, weekly until day 28, then tapered over 1 week. Dogs were monitored for 180 days. Results: At day 180, 7 dogs in the IAD group and 1 in the CD group were alive (P= .01). Median survival time for the IAD group was >180 days, and 68 days for the CD group. Thromboembolic events occurred in 5 dogs in the CD group and 2 dogs in the IAD group. Doses of UH between 150 and 566 U/kg achieved therapeutic anti‐Xa activity (0.35–0.7 U/mL). Conclusions and Clinical Importance: This study suggests that IAD UH therapy using anti‐Xa monitoring reduced case fatality rate in dogs with IMHA when compared with dogs receiving fixed low dose UH therapy.  相似文献   

Twenty-four healthy mixed-breed dogs were divided into 4 groups. Group 1 received a placebo p.o. q12h, group 2 received an average of 16.5 (15.1-17.8) mg/kg buffered aspirin p.o. q12h, group 3 received an average of 2.2 (2.0-2.4) mg/kg carprofen p.o. q12h, and group 4 received an average of 12.8 (11.7-13.8) mg/kg etodolac p.o. q24h (with a placebo in the PM). All treatments continued for 28 consecutive days. Gastroduodenal endoscopy was performed on days -9, 0, 5, 14, and 28. Multiple gastric biopsies were obtained endoscopically on day -9 to determine each dog's Helicobacter infection status. Four regions in the stomach and 1 region in the proximal duodenum were evaluated endoscopically, and each was assigned a score from 1 to 11. Scores for each region then were summed to give a total score for each endoscopic evaluation. Erosions and submucosal hemorrhages were seen in all dogs receiving aspirin. Only minor gastric lesions were observed in the carprofen, etodolac, and control groups. No adverse clinical signs were noted in any dog given any treatment. Median total score on days 0, 5, 14, and 28, respectively, were as follows: group 1: 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0; group 2: 5.0, 27.0, 26.0, 27.5; group 3: 5.0, 5.0, 6.0, 5.0, group 4: 5.0, 7.0, 5.0, 5.0. There was no significant difference among dogs receiving carprofen, etodolac, or placebo. The administration of carprofen, etodolac, or placebo to healthy dogs resulted in significantly less gastroduodenal lesion development than in dogs receiving buffered aspirin.  相似文献   



There are no clear treatment guidelines for dogs with clinically well‐regulated hyperadrenocorticism in which serum cortisol concentrations before and after an ACTH stimulation test performed 3–6 hours after trilostane administration are < 2.0 μg/dL.


To determine if serum cortisol concentrations measured before (Pre1) and after (Post1) ACTH stimulation at 3–6 hours after trilostane administration are significantly lower than cortisol concentrations measured before (Pre2) and after (Post2) ACTH stimulation 9–12 hours after trilostane administration, in a specific population of dogs with clinically well‐regulated hyperadrenocorticism and Pre1 and Post1 <2 μg/dL.


Thirteen client‐owned dogs with clinically well‐regulated hyperadrenocorticism and Pre1 and Post1 serum cortisol concentrations <2.0 μg/dL 3–6 hours after trilostane administration.


Prospective study. Dogs had a second ACTH stimulation test performed 9–12 hours after trilostane administration, on the same day of the first ACTH stimulation test. Cortisol concentrations before and after ACTH stimulation were compared using a paired t‐test.


Cortisol concentrations before (1.4 ± 0.3 μg/dL) and after the first stimulation (1.5 ± 0.3 μg/dL, mean ± SD) were significantly lower than cortisol concentration before the second stimulation (3.3 ± 1.6 μg/dL, P = .0012 each). Cortisol concentration before the first stimulation was also significantly lower than cortisol concentration after the second stimulation (5.3 ± 2.4 μg/dL, P = .0001).

Conclusions and clinical importance

In dogs with clinically well‐regulated, trilostane‐treated, hyperadrenocorticism, and cortisol concentrations <2 μg/dL before and after the first stimulation, a second ACTH stimulation test performed 9–12 hours after treatment can result in higher cortisol concentrations that could support continued trilostane treatment.  相似文献   

We tested the effect of dose of GnRH superagonist on pituitary and testicular function in a study with four groups of four male dogs. The Controls received blank implants and the other three groups received implants containing 3, 6 or 12 mg deslorelin (d ‐Trp6‐Pro9‐des‐Gly10‐GnRH ethylamide). In all deslorelin‐treated groups, there was initially an acute increase in plasma concentrations of LH and testosterone, followed by declines such that both hormones became undetectable after approximately 12 days. There was a dose–response in some of these early aspects of the hormone profiles. With respect to long‐term effects of treatment, the 12‐mg dose had significantly greater effects than the smaller doses for the duration of minimum testicular volume [366 ± 77, mean ± SEM (3 mg), 472 ± 74 (6 mg), and 634 ± 59 (12 mg) days], absence of ejaculate [416 ± 88 (3 mg), 476 ± 83 (6 mg), and 644 ± 67 (12 mg) days], undetectable plasma concentrations of LH and testosterone [367 ± 64 (3 mg), 419 ± 72 (6 mg), and 607 ± 69 (12 mg) days], the delay until complete recovery of LH and testosterone secretion [394 ± 65 (3 mg), 484 ± 72 (6 mg) and 668 ± 47 (12 mg) days], and the delay until testes had regrown to normal volume [408 ± 77 (3 mg), 514 ± 74 (6 mg), 676 ± 59 (12 mg) days]. The time taken to restore full ejaculates was also longest for the 12‐mg dose: 716 ± 67 (12 mg) days vs 440 ± 66 (3 mg) and 538 ± 83 (6 mg) days after implantation. There was no correlation between delay to recovery of normal ejaculate quality and body mass. We conclude that the dose–response relationship with deslorelin implants is not expressed with respect to the degree of suppression of reproduction, but on the maximum duration of suppression and thus to delay until recovery.  相似文献   



Infrared thermography is a painless, noninvasive, nonionizing diagnostic imaging exam used in human medicine as an auxiliary tool for breast cancer diagnosis in women.


Define thermographic mean temperatures of healthy mammary glands and compare these temperatures with those of mammary glands with tumors in dogs.


Fifty client‐owned female dogs were evaluated, including 20 with histopathologically confirmed mammary tumor and 30 clinically healthy (control).


A randomized study using infrared thermography analyzed each mammary gland of the animals from the control group and mammary glands with tumors from the tumor group, then the thermographic temperatures obtained were compared. Thermographic exam was performed in a temperature‐controlled room with a cooled thermographic camera—Flir E‐40 (Flir Systems®)


There was significantly a higher temperature in the caudal abdominal and inguinal mammary glands than the other glands in the healthy group (P < .05). Dogs with mammary tumors had significantly higher thermographic temperature compared with unaffected glands regardless of the tumor size and the location (P < .05).

Conclusions and clinical importance

The technique seems to be able to assess for the presence of neoplasia within the mammary tissue in bitches. Further investigation is necessary to determine the impact of this technique when adopted clinically.  相似文献   

Background: Various protocols using different doses of recombinant human thyrotropin (rhTSH) in TSH stimulation testing have been described. However, the influence of TSH dosage on thyroxine (T4) concentration has not yet been evaluated in suspected hypothyroid dogs.
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of 2 doses of rhTSH.
Animals: Fifteen dogs with clinical signs consistent with hypothyroidism and abnormal stimulation results with 75 μg rhTSH and 18 clinically healthy dogs.
Methods: All dogs were stimulated with 75 and 150 μg rhTSH IV in a 1st and 2nd stimulation test, respectively. Blood samples were taken before and 6 hours after rhTSH administration for determination of total T4 concentration.
Results: Using the higher dose led to a normal test interpretation in 9 of the 15 dogs, in which stimulation had been abnormal using the lower dose. Based on follow-up information, hypothyroidism was excluded in 7 of these 9 dogs. In all 6 dogs with a blunted response to the higher dose, hypothyroidism could be confirmed. Healthy dogs showed significantly higher post-TSH T4 concentrations with the higher compared with the lower dose. Post-TSH T4 concentrations after TSH stimulation were not related to dogs' body weight in either healthy or diseased dogs.
Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: TSH dose significantly influenced test interpretation in suspected hypothyroid dogs. Differentiation between primary hypothyroidism and nonthyroidal disease was improved with 150 μg rhTSH. Because this effect was independent of the dogs' body weight, the higher dose is recommended in dogs that have concurrent disease or are receiving medication.  相似文献   

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