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Verlet JR  Bragg AE  Kammrath A  Cheshnovsky O  Neumark DM 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2005,310(5755):1769; author reply 1769
The conclusion by Turi et al. (Reports, 5 August 2005, p. 914) that all experimental spectral and energetic data on water-cluster anions point toward surface-bound electrons is overstated. Comparison of experimental vertical detachment energies with their calculated values for (H2O)n- clusters with surface-bound and internalized electrons supports previous arguments that both types of clusters exist.  相似文献   

Anionic water clusters have long been studied to infer properties of the bulk hydrated electron. We used photoelectron imaging to characterize a class of (H2O)n- and (D2O)n- cluster anions (n 相似文献   

A method for confining electrons to artificial structures at the nanometer lengthscale is presented. Surface state electrons on a copper(111) surface were confined to closed structures (corrals) defined by barriers built from iron adatoms. The barriers were assembled by individually positioning iron adatoms with the tip of a 4-kelvin scanning tunneling microscope (STM). A circular corral of radius 71.3 A was constructed in this way out of 48 iron adatoms. Tunneling spectroscopy performed inside of the corral revealed a series of discrete resonances, providing evidence for size quantization. STM images show that the corral's interior local density of states is dominated by the eigenstate density expected for an electron trapped in a round two-dimensional box.  相似文献   

Aircraft measurements of solar flux in the cloudy tropical atmosphere reveal that solar absorption by clouds is anomalously large when compared to theoretical estimates. The ratio of cloud forcing at an altitude of 20 kilometers to that at the surface is 1.58 rather than 1.0, as predicted by models. These results were derived from a cloud radiation experiment in which identical instrumentation was deployed on coordinated stacked aircraft. These findings indicate a significant difference between measurements and theory and imply that the interaction between clouds and solar radiation is poorly understood.  相似文献   

Chloride and iodide ions exhibit noncompetitive inhibition of carbon dioxide hydration catalyzed by bovine carbonic anhydrase and competitive inhibition of bicarbonate dehydration. Consideration of the net velocity at equilibrium leads to a satisfactory resolution of the dilemma concerning the different concentrations of such anions required to halve the initial reaction rate for each substrate.  相似文献   

Measurements of the complete angular distribution of Auger electrons emitted from well-defined platinum[111] single-crystal surfaces have led to the discovery that the distributions are composed of "silhouettes" of surface atoms "back lit" by emission from atoms deeper in the solid. Theoretical simulations of Auger electron angular distributions based upon atomic point emitters and spherical atomic scatterers of uniform cross section are in close agreement with these experimental results, but opposite to previous theoretical predictions. In view of the definitive results obtained and the straightforward agreement between theory and experiment, angular distribution Auger microscopy (ADAM) is useful for direct imaging of interfacial structure and investigation of electron-solid interactions in the physical and biological sciences and engineering. Applicability of ADAM is illustrated by images obtained for monolayers of silver and iodine on platinum[111].  相似文献   

建立了离子色谱法测定叶面肥中的F-、CI-、NO3-、PO43-、SO42-等5种阴离子含量的方法.样品经超声振荡溶解,采用离子色谱法电导榆测器进行测定.以Metrosep A Supp 4(250 mm×4 mm)阴离子型离子色谱柱为同定相,用碳酸钠和碳酸氧钠混合液为流动相.5种阴离子在15 min内可完全分离.方法加标同收率在90.76%~97.75%之间,6次重复的相对标准偏差在1.7%~9.2%之间,方法检出限(S/N=3)为F-10 mg/kg、CI-10 mg/kg、NO3-15 mg/kg、PO43-30 mg/kg、SO42-10 mg/kg.该方法操作简便、灵敏、选择性高,适用于常规样品分析.  相似文献   

Observations of energetic electrons ( greater, similar 0.07 million electron volts) show that the outer magnetosphere of Jupiter consists of a thin disklike, quasitrapping region extending from about 20 to 100 planetary radii (R(J)). This magnetodisk is confined to the vicinity of the magnetic equatorial plane and appears to be an approximate figure of revolution about the magnetic axis of the planet. Hard trapping is observed within a radial distance of about 20 R(J). The omnidirectional intensity J(0) of electrons with energy greater, similar 21 million electron volts within the region 3 r 20 R(J) is given by the following provisional expression in terms of radial distance r and magnetic latitude theta: J(0) = 2.1 x 10(8) exp[-(r/a) - (theta/b)(2)]. In this expression J(0) is particles per square centimeter per second; a = 1.52 R(J) for 3 相似文献   

The Dirac Hamiltonian, which successfully describes relativistic fermions, applies equally well to electrons in solids with linear energy dispersion, for example, in bismuth and graphene. A characteristic of these materials is that a magnetic field less than 10 tesla suffices to force the Dirac electrons into the lowest Landau level, with resultant strong enhancement of the Coulomb interaction energy. Moreover, the Dirac electrons usually come with multiple flavors or valley degeneracy. These ingredients favor transitions to a collective state with novel quantum properties in large field. By using torque magnetometry, we have investigated the magnetization of bismuth to fields of 31 tesla. We report the observation of sharp field-induced phase transitions into a state with striking magnetic anisotropy, consistent with the breaking of the threefold valley degeneracy.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the abundance of H(3)(+) is needed in interstellar and planetary atmospheric chemistry. An important destruction mechanism of H(3)(+) is low-energy electron impact followed by dissociation, but estimates of the reaction rate span several orders of magnitude. As an attempt to resolve this uncertainty, the cross section for dissociative recombination of vibrationally cold H(3)(+) has been measured with an ion storage ring down to collision energies below 1 millielectron volt. A rate coefficient of 1.15 x 10(-7) cubic centimeters per second at 300 kelvin was deduced. The cross section scaled with collision energy according to E(-1.15), giving thee rate a temperature dependence of T(-0.65).  相似文献   

Electron transmission experiments demonstrate a large asymmetry in the scattering probability of polarized electrons by thin organized films of chiral molecules. This large asymmetry results from the interaction of the electron's wavefunction with many scatterers (molecules) in the organized monolayer structure and represents a manifestation of quantum interference on the scale of supramolecular lengths.  相似文献   

The University of Chicago instrumnents on board the Mariner 10 spacecraft bound for Mercury have measured energy spectra and fluxes of electrons from 0.18 to 30 million electron volts and protons from 0.5 to 68 million electron volts along the plasma wake and in the bow shock regions associated with Venus. Unusually quiet solar conditions and improved instrumentation made it possible to search for much lower fluxes of protons and electrons in similar energy regions as compared to earlier Mariner missions to Venus-that is, lower by a factor of 10(2) for protons and 10(3) for electrons. We found no evidence for electrons or protons either in the form of increases of intensity or energy spectral changes in the vicinity of the planet, nor any evidence of bursts of radiation in or near the observed bow shock where bursts of electrons might have been expected in analogy with the bow shock at the earth. The importance of these null results for determining the necessary and sufficient conditions for particle acceleration is discussed with respect to magnetometer evidence that Venus does not have a magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Anions of many types, both organic and inorganic, farmiliar and exotic, can be generated in the gas phase by rational chemical synthesis in a flowing afterglow apparatus. Once formed, the rates, products, and mechanisms of their reactions with neutral species of all kinds can be studied, not only at room temperature but at higher energies in a drift field. These completely unsolvated ions undergo a large number of reactions that are analogous to those they undergo in solution, as well as some that are less familiar. New types of ions, for which there are no counterparts in solution, can be produced and their chemical reactions explored.  相似文献   

为探讨高盐负荷导致内鸡肺动脉重建的发生发展过程及其与肺动脉高压的关系,将160 只7 日龄AA商品代内公仔鸡,随机分成正常对照组和试验组(饮水中含质量浓度为0.30%的NaCl 溶液),分别于处理后6周内,采用右心导管法测定肺动脉压(mPAP);采用图像分析仪测定肺小动脉面积及中膜厚度.结果显示:1)试验组肉鸡的肺动脉压显著高于对照组((2.91±0.29)~(3.62±O.39)kPa vs(2.18±0.40)~(2.41±0.39)kPa);2)处理4、5、6周时,试验组肉鸡各种管径肺小动脉管壁面积,管总面积(Aw/AT=63.40±5.79)(P<0.05)和中膜厚度占外径百分值(mMTPA=38.02±3.55)均显著高于对照组(P<0.01);3)肉鸡各种管径肺小动脉 Aw/AT mMTPA 都与平均肺动脉压(mPAP)、AHI(腹水心脏指数)极显著相关.表明高盐诱发肉鸡肺血管结构重建是其导致肺动脉高压发生发展的形态学基础.  相似文献   

Riboflavin and 12 of its derivatives have been shown to form solvated electrons under ultraviolet irradiation (253.7 nanometers) in various water-methanol solvent mixtures. The highest quantum yield of solvated electrons (about 0.03) was obtained for flavins containing tyrosine on a side chain in the isoalloxazine N-3 or N-10 position. The splitting of hydrogen atoms from excited flavin molecules was also observed. From the results presented here, it can be determined that the semiquinone transients are formed not only by way of the flavin triplet, as usually suggested, but also by the attack of the electrons and hydrogen atoms on flavin molecules in the ground state. This is important, because the flavin radicals remaining after the electron-ejection or hydrogen-splitting processes must also be considered in the subsequent reaction mechanisms. The electron-ejection process from electronically excited flavins has important implications in the photobiology of these compounds.  相似文献   

离子色谱法测定新鲜蔬菜中的无机阴离子   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以流速1.2 mL/min,流动相为1.7 mmol/L NaHCO3:1.8 mmol/L Na2CO3混合液,色谱条件为:阴离子分离柱Dionex AS14S柱(4 mm×250 mm)及相应保护柱IonPacAG14(4 mm×50 mm),自动连续再生抑制装置SRS-ULTRA 4 mm,建立了外加水模式抑制电导检测的离子色谱法对蔬菜中4种阴离子进行了分离测定.结果表明,F-、Cl-、NO-3和NO-2的检出限(5S/N)分别为0.05,0.05,0.01和0.01 mg/L,相关系数分别为0.9990,0.999 1,0.999 5和0.999 2,RSD分别为0.71%,0.75%,1.20%和1.50%.  相似文献   

Solvated electrons are powerful reagents in the liquid phase that break chemical bonds and thereby create additional reactive species, including hydrogen atoms. We explored the distinct chemistry that ensues when electrons are liberated near the liquid surface rather than within the bulk. Specifically, we detected the products resulting from exposure of liquid glycerol to a beam of sodium atoms. The Na atoms ionized in the surface region, generating electrons that reacted with deuterated glycerol, C(3)D(5)(OD)(3), to produce D atoms, D(2), D(2)O, and glycerol fragments. Surprisingly, 43 ± 4% of the D atoms traversed the interfacial region and desorbed into vacuum before attacking C-D bonds to produce D(2).  相似文献   

We demonstrate coupling and entangling of quantum states in a pair of vertically aligned, self-assembled quantum dots by studying the emission of an interacting electron-hole pair (exciton) in a single dot molecule as a function of the separation between the dots. An interaction-induced energy splitting of the exciton is observed that exceeds 30 millielectron volts for a dot layer separation of 4 nanometers. The results are interpreted by mapping the tunneling of a particle in a double dot to the problem of a single spin. The electron-hole complex is shown to be equivalent to entangled states of two interacting spins.  相似文献   

Yields of free radicals in irradiated aqueous solutions of saccharides at 77 degrees K are larger and qualitatively different from those observed in the components alone. In addition, a blue color results only with the solution. The mechanism proposed to explain the observations is the stabilization of hydrated electrons by the solute.  相似文献   

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