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利用农业防治、生态调控、生物防治、物理防治和化学防治等技术体系,3年来在湘阴建立了一个新的稻米质量安全控制技术示范基地,对比非示范区有效地降低了总氮肥用量、减少了稻田农药施用剂量、保护了稻田自然天敌、压低了病虫害发生基数、丰富了稻田生物多样性、保证了稻谷产量、提高了稻米品质.  相似文献   

云南省热带作物学会于2009年4月28-29日在西双版纳州景洪市召开了第七次会员代表大会暨2009年度学术年会。来自我省昆明、西双版纳、德宏、保山、临沧、普洱、红河、文山等州市的生产、科研、教学等单位的163名代表参加了本次大会。与会代表认真听取了学会相关工作报告,并开展了学术研讨,来自科研、生产第一线15位专家作了大会交流。大会全体代表一致通过了第六届理事会工作报告及修改云南省热带作物学会章程的决议。  相似文献   

杨磊 《江西棉花》2009,31(1):47-47
2008年12月23日,江西省棉花协会在江西南昌召开了成立大会暨第1次理事会议。江西省原副省长孙用和到会作了重要讲话,江西省民政厅、省农业厅、省经贸委、省供销合作社、江西农业大学、省棉花研究所、彭泽县、永修县、高安市等有关部门的领导参加了成立大会。会议通过了《江西省棉花协会章程》,选举产生了协会理事长、常务理事和会长、副会长、秘书长。  相似文献   

简要介绍了水稻在当地粮食生产中的地位,分析了本溪地区发展优质米水稻的自然资源和品种上的优势,着重分析了栽培技术优势,同时提出了选用优质品种、适时播种、适期早插、壮苗稀植、科学施肥、防治病虫草害、合理灌溉等发展对策。  相似文献   

阐述了优质啤麦生产基地国营新洋农场在气候、生态、环境、农业机械、科技服务、经营管理、啤麦干燥与贮藏方面的诸多优势,分析了生产经营目标,提出了推广优质高产栽培配套技术的重点项目:晚茬麦催芽机播、用联合开沟播种机精量播种、建立合理的群体动态结构、科学肥料运筹、搞好种子更新等,展示了发展前景。  相似文献   

研究通过试验、生产,确定了大豆干法加工技术的最佳工艺流程。原豆含水率为14%~16%、豆饼含油率为7%、混料时料水比为10:6,产品的成品率最高,这种制品比传统大豆制品提高了质量、降低了成本、降低了环境污染。  相似文献   

概述了国审棉湘X1251的选育过程,主要从农艺性状、产量、纤维品质、抗病性、抗虫性几方面介绍了其特征特性,并总结了其关键栽培技术。  相似文献   

本文定义了油菜理想株型的内涵,强调油菜的多功能性和理想株型的功能特定性。油菜理想株型是实现油菜某种特定功能,有利于相关经济效益最大化所具备的植株形态。阐明了油菜单株株型和群体株型两个维度之间的关系。梳理了油菜株型研究的基本脉络,提出油菜理想株型研究的四个阶段:初级阶段、成熟阶段、数字化阶段和分子生物技术阶段。系统构建了油菜株型的指标体系,株型指标包括了根、茎、叶、分枝、花、角果以及冠层结构形态等。归纳并提出了形态测量法、经验总结法、试验统计法、数字模拟法、栽培调控法和遗传改良法的油菜株型研究方法划分,提出了光合效能原理,形态结构原理,源、库、流原理,作物生理原理的油菜株型研究基本原理分类。介绍了基于籽粒丰产、基于机械直播、基于菜用或饲用、基于观赏性的四种典型油菜理想株型特征和内涵。分析了油菜株型研究存在的不足,并对油菜理想株型的基本特征、建构策略和研究趋势进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

我国杂交棉产业化现状与发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
 总结论述了抗虫杂交棉的发展历史、需求变化、推动力、生产方式、价格均衡与营销模式,分析了杂交棉产业存在的主要问题,提出了杂交棉产业今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

本文定义了茶文旅康融合发展模式的概念,总结了茶文化旅游的研究概况和问题,分析了基于茶树、茶园、茶厂、茶叶、茶文化和茶活动等茶文旅康资源的开发路径,解析了茶主题景区、茶特色小镇、茶文化特色村、茶文化田园综合体、茶庄园等重点项目的理论设计和实践,最后对茶文旅康开发提出了建议.  相似文献   

The presence of lignin within biomass impedes the production of liquid fuels. Plants with altered lignin content and composition are more amenable to lignocellulosic conversion to ethanol and other biofuels but may be more susceptible to insect damage where lignin is an important resistance factor. However, reduced lignin lines of switchgrasses still retained insect resistance in prior studies. Therefore, we hypothesized that sorghum lines with lowered lignin content will also retain insect resistance. Sorghum excised leaves and stalk pith Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench (Poales: Poaceae) from near isogenic brown midrib (bmr) 6 and 12 mutants lines, which have lowered lignin content and increased lignocellulosic ethanol conversion efficiency, were examined for insect resistance relative to wild-type (normal BTx623). Greenhouse and growth chamber grown plant tissues were fed to first-instar larvae of corn earworms, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) and fall armyworms Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), two sorghum major pests. Younger bmr leaves had significantly greater feeding damage in some assays than wild-type leaves, but older bmr6 leaves generally had significantly less damage than wild-type leaves. Caterpillars feeding on the bmr6 leaves often weighed significantly less than those feeding on wild-type leaves, especially in the S. frugiperda assays. Larvae fed the pith from bmr stalks had significantly higher mortality compared with those larvae fed on wild-type pith, which suggested that bmr pith was more toxic. Thus, reducing lignin content or changing subunit composition of bioenergy grasses does not necessarily increase their susceptibility to insects and may result in increased resistance, which would contribute to sustainable production.  相似文献   

大豆品种鼓粒期田间抗旱鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大豆鼓粒期缺水是制约大豆产量形成的重要因素之一。在鼓粒期对大豆品种进行抗旱性鉴定,可为大豆抗旱育种和抗旱节水栽培提供依据。选取不同地区育成的代表性品种(品系)46份,在鼓粒期田间干旱与灌水条件下,分析其产量、产量性状、生育期与形态性状、籽粒品质性状等指标,并且对其进行抗旱性鉴定。结果表明,干旱区46份材料平均产量1 759.6 kg/hm²,灌水对照区平均产量2 223.1 kg/hm²,46个品种平均耗水系数1.079 t/kg。干旱对三粒荚影响显著,对单株荚数、单株粒数、生物产量、单株粒重、百粒重影响极显著。干旱区的平均蛋白质含量极显著高于灌水区,比对照区提高幅度4.47 %;平均脂肪含量极显著低于灌水区,比正常灌水区降低幅度4.19 %。干旱条件下品种百粒重下降,生育期提早均属于品种抗旱性的适应反映,与抗旱性无关。适于呼伦贝尔的品种推荐为北豆14、黑河50、黑河43、华疆3、登科1号、蒙豆15、北豆37、黑河36、北豆38等。  相似文献   

A new doubled haploid (DH) rice population was established from a cross between WBPH-resistant japonica Chunjiang 06 (C J-06) and susceptible indica TN1. Sucking inhibitory and ovicidal resistance of the DH rice lines were evaluated on the basis of non-preference response of WBPH immigrants and honeydew excretion by WBPH females, and appearance of watery lesions in the necrotic discoloration of leaf sheaths ovipositied by WBPH,respectively. Both the major gene resistance to WBPH, sucking inhibitory and ovicidal resistance, showed 1 (resistant): 1 (susceptible) segregation ratio in the DH population. Relative density of WBPH populations and damage scores in the DH population indicated combined functions of both the major resistance genes as well as QTLs affecting the host plant response to WBPH infestations. Thus, the newly developed CJ-06/TN1 DH population could be a useful material to analyze major genes and QTLs for WBPH resistance in japonica rice.  相似文献   

GMHR crops have been cultivated in the Americas for nearly 20 years. Prior to release, regulators asked the question, “will herbicide selection pressure for evolution of HR weeds increase significantly as a result of GMHR crop cultivation?” In hindsight, they could not have imagined the rapid, widespread adoption of glyphosate-resistant (GR) crops and subsequent chain of events: surge in glyphosate usage at the expense of other herbicides, sharp drop in investment in herbicide discovery, unrelenting rise of GR and multiple-HR weed populations, and increasing herbicide use in GMHR cropping systems. In this brief review, we outline grower adoption of GMHR soybean, maize, cotton, and oilseed rape (canola) in the Americas, and their impact on herbicide-use practices for weed management. Cultivars with stacked-HR traits (e.g., glyphosate + glufosinate + dicamba or 2,4-D) will provide a short-term respite from HR weeds, but will perpetuate the chemical treadmill and selection of multiple-HR weeds. The only sustainable solution is for government or end-users of commodities to set herbicide-use reduction targets in our major field crops similar to European Union member states, and include financial incentives or penalties in agricultural programs to support this policy. Concomitantly, industry incentives must expand to improve grower adoption of best management practices for HR weeds. New or emerging technologies will provide additional tools for reactive HR weed management in the future, but their time of arrival is uncertain.  相似文献   

稻瘟病主效抗性基因对广东省籼稻稻瘟病菌的抗性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对来自不同抗源的30个抗稻瘟病单基因系进行了小种专化抗性及田间抗性的分析和评价。30个单基因系对163个广东省稻瘟病菌株的抗谱介于0.6%~89.6%,大多数单基因系对测试的病菌表现出较窄的抗谱,在病区表现为高度感病,但含有Pikh 和 Pi1(t)的单基因系表现出广谱抗性,抗谱分别为89.6% 和 82.2%,在病区表现出较好的田间抗性。基于抗性基因与163个稻瘟病菌的抗感互作聚类分析,将30个单基因系的小种专化抗性划分为15个类型。主成分因子分析结果表明,其中9个类型的小种专化抗性表现出较大差异,可解释总变异的81.3%。含有Pik、Piz5、Pi9、Pish的单基因系在小种专化抗性上有别于广东省骨干亲本,这些基因在今后抗性育种中可重点引入。Pikh\[或 Pi1(t)\]、Pi9(或 Piz5)及Pish(或 Pita2)的基因聚合有利于提高广东省水稻品种对该地区稻瘟病菌的抗谱。并就稻瘟病抗性基因的研究及利用策略进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Summary Studies on the level of resistance to entrance and resistance to invasion within leaves indicated that the best genotypes in the Colombian material reached the level of cv. Record. No significant differences in resistance were found betweenS. tuberosum ssp.andigena andS. phureja clones. Resistance to entrance and resistance to invasion were correlated.
Zusammenfassung Von 29 S?mlingen, die aus Selbstbefruchtung von 12 verschiedenen Klonen hervorgingen, wurden zwischen ein und fünfzehn Pflanzen auf Resistanz gegen das Eindringen und auf Resistenz gegen das Ausbreiten derPhytophthora infestans ins Blattwerk untersucht (Tablle 1). Die beiden Komponenten der Blattresistenz waren korreliert (r=0,63***, Abb. 1). Keine signifikanten Unterschiede wurden im Ausmass der Blattresistenz zwischen den Klonen vonS. tuberosum ssp.andigena undS. phureja gefunden. Ein Vergleich mit den Feldresistenz-Standards zeigte, dass nur die besten Genotypen der kolumbianischen Kollektion den von der Sorte Record erbrachten mittleren Resistenzgrad erreichten (Tabelle 2).

Résumé Une à quinze plantes, issues de 29 plants provenant de l'auto-pollinisation de 12 cl?nes différents ont été testées pour leur résistance à l'invasion du feuillage (tableau 1). Les 2 composants de la résistance foliaire sont corrélés (r=0,63***, fig. 1). Aucune différence significative n'a été trouvée dans les niveaux de résistance foliaire entre les cl?nes deS. tuberosum ssp.andigena etS. phureja. Une comparaison avec les témoins de référence résistants au champ indique que seulement les meilleurs génotypes des collectes de Colombie atteignent le niveau moyen de résistance de la variété Record (tableau 2).

Summary The efficiency of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) in inducing localised acquired resistance against infection byErwinia carotovora subsp.carotovora was evaluated by treating potato tubers with ASA at three concentrations. Three days after treatments, tubers were inoculated withE. carotovora subsp.carotovora by wound inoculation or by irrigation with a bacterial suspension. Experiments were performed for two consecutive years. Statistical analysis revealed that treatment of tubers by immersion in ASA solutions at low concentrations induced a significant reduction in the soft rot incidence. Wounding of the tubers was the most effective inoculation method and ASA at concentration of 0.0125% (w/v), pH 7 was more efficient than at 0.025 or 0.05%. No phytotoxicity of such treatment was observed.  相似文献   

苗期抗性不同的水稻品种成株期对褐飞虱的抗性   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
 在浙江富阳评价了汕优63(含Bph1)、IR42(含bph2)、IR56(含Bph3)和TN1(感虫对照)以及新近育成的杂交稻中浙优1号、国稻6号等苗期抗性不同的水稻品种成株期对褐飞虱的抗性。结果表明,苗期中抗(5级)以上的水稻品种在成株期均表现出明显的抗性;苗期高感(9级)的水稻品种成株期亦感虫,但田间虱烧出现时间和虱烧程度有所差异。苗期高感的中浙优1号田间“虱烧”发生时间比同样高感的TN1晚5 d,推测中浙优1号对褐飞虱有一定的耐受性,这是在苗期鉴定中不能体现的。因此,应重视对苗期感虫的优良水稻品种的成株期抗性鉴定。  相似文献   

长江流域稻区二化螟抗药性监测   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
2008-2009年期间,采用毛细管点滴法测定了浙、苏、皖、湘、鄂、川、豫等7省17个种群二化螟4龄幼虫对常用杀虫剂的抗性,结果表明:长江流域稻区二化螟对杀虫剂的抗性分布存在明显的区域性。高抗区浙江南部的苍南、瑞安、江山二化螟种群对20世纪70-90年代广泛使用的沙蚕毒素类的杀虫单(抗性倍数43.2~177.0倍)和有机磷类的三唑磷(238.7~728.1倍)、毒死蜱(31.7~57.8倍)均产生了高-极高水平抗性,且对近年来开始广泛使用的氟虫腈(11.2~24.7倍)和阿维菌素(5.9~7.1倍)也产生了中等或低水平抗性;中抗区的安徽庐江、湖南攸县、江苏高淳种群对三唑磷产生极高水平抗性(203.2~379.0倍),对杀虫单(18.3~48.8倍)和毒死蜱(29.8倍)产生了中等-高水平抗性,对氟虫腈(4.4倍)和阿维菌素(4.1~4.7倍)为敏感性降低;低抗区除江苏仪征种群对毒死蜱(45.2倍)、安徽和县种群对三唑磷(50.0倍)开始产生高水平抗性外,对其他杀虫剂为敏感-中等水平抗性,对氟虫腈和阿维菌素为敏感;敏感区的河南信阳、江苏连云港、四川武胜种群除对个别杀虫剂(如杀虫单)为低水平抗性外,对其他大多数杀虫剂为敏感-敏感性降低。还讨论了按抗性分布的区域性来制定相应的抗性治理方案。  相似文献   

杂交水稻抗白叶枯病特性表达的制约因素分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
杂交水稻不同于常规稻,它是一个群体结构同质、个体结构异质的杂种F1群体。本文从遗传、种子 生产、杂种优势以及栽培等方面分析了影响抗白叶枯病特性表达的因素;提出了为使抗白叶枯病特性正常表 达,在杂交稻三系育种,种子繁殖以及栽培上应注意的问题。  相似文献   

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