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Four nonlactating Holstein dairy cows (BW = 692 +/- 49 kg) were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square design experiment to determine how changes in attributes of reticular contractions were related to changes in passage of digesta from the ruminoreticulum in cattle fed a forage-based diet. Frequencies of reticular contraction during eating, ruminating, and resting phases of the feeding cycle were not affected (P = .09; P = .07; P = .09, respectively) by feeding level. Duration and amplitude of reticular contractions both increased linearly during eating (P = .03; P = .01), ruminating (P = .01; P = .02), and resting (P = .04; P = .02), respectively, as feed intake level increased. After removing the effects of intake, squared partial correlations computed within analyses of covariance indicated that NDF flow was not related to frequency (r2 = .15, P = .20) but was positively correlated with duration (r2 = .76, P = .0001) and amplitude (r2 = .56, P = .003) of contraction, indicating that duration and amplitude of reticular contraction were more associated with duodenal NDF flow than frequency. However, duration of reticular contraction (r2 = .47, P = .014) explained a greater variation in duodenal NDF flow than amplitude (r2 = .011, P = .74). Stepwise multiple regression also indicated that duration of reticular contraction was the attribute most associated (r2 = .76, P = .0001) with duodenal NDF flow. It was concluded that the changes in digesta passage from the ruminoreticulum were associated primarily with changes in the duration of reticular contraction.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - This study examined rumen fermentation, histological, blood, and urinary characteristics as well as ammoniacal nitrogen concentration, pH, nitrogen balance,...  相似文献   

Two digestion and slaughter trials were conducted to evaluate the influence of limestone level on site and extent of digestion and rumen fermentation in lambs. In trial 1, 11 wether lambs (avg wt 40.7 kg) were fed 75% concentrate diets supplemented with .6, 1.5 or 3.0% limestone (.6,1.2,1.7% dietary Ca, respectively) in a completely randomized design. Dry matter intake increased linearly (P less than .10) with limestone level; therefore, other data were analyzed with dry matter intake as a covariate. Total tract organic matter digestion decreased linearly (P less than .05) with increasing limestone but dry matter and fiber digestion were not affected by limestone. Ruminal digestion of dry matter and organic matter declined linearly (P less than .05) with increasing limestone. Ruminal neutral detergent fiber (NDF) digestion was higher with the 1.5 than the .6 and 3.0% limestone diets (quadratic effect, P less than .05) but ruminal digestion of other fiber components was not affected by limestone. Ruminal volatile fatty acids were not affected by limestone level; however, rumen ammonia concentrations decreased linearly (P less than .05) with increasing limestone level. In trial 2, 12 wether lambs (avg wt 43.3 kg) were fed a 35% concentrate diet with .1, 1.5 or 3.0% limestone (.5, 1.2 and 1.6% dietary Ca, respectively) in a completely randomized design. Dry matter intake was not affected by limestone level, but digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and starch (P less than .10), energy, crude protein, acid detergent fiber (ADF) and cellulose (P less than .05) responded quadratically to limestone level, with increases at the 1.5% limestone level. Ruminal dry and organic matter (P less than .05), NDF (P less than .10), ADF (P less than .01), cellulose (P less than .05) and starch (P less than .05) digestion responded quadratically to limestone level with higher values at the 1.5% limestone level. Proportions of ruminal propionate increased linearly (P less than .01) with increasing limestone level and acetate: propionate ratio declined linearly (P less than .01) with limestone level.  相似文献   

In two experiments, each with 32 cross-bred ([Merino x Border Leicester] x Poll Dorset) wether lambs (26 to 33 kg weight range), animals were randomly assigned to one of four treatments. A mixture of lucerne chaff:oaten chaff was used as a basal diet, offered in different ratios. Animals were allowed to consume on a free-access basis in Exp. 1 or 90% of ad libitum intake in Exp. 2 in order to provide a low- (6.5 MJ ME/d) and medium- (9.5 MJ ME/d) quality basal diet, respectively. Isoenergetic amounts of lipid supplements, fish meal (80 g DM), canola meal (84 g DM), and soy meal (75 g DM) were tested in Exp. 1. In Exp. 2, fish meal (9% DM), unprotected rapeseed (7% DM), and protected canola seed (6% DM) were fed as supplements. At the end of 53-d (Exp. 1) or 46-d (Exp. 2) experimental periods, lambs were slaughtered at a commercial abattoir and at 24 h postmortem longissimus thoracis (LT) muscle was collected for the analysis of fatty acid (FA) composition of structural phospholipid and storage triglyceride fractions. Fish meal diet increased LT muscle long-chain n-3 FA content by 27% (P < 0.02) in Exp. 1 and 30% (P < 0.001) in Exp. 2 compared with lambs fed the basal diet, but fish meal decreased (P < 0.01) the n-6 FA content only in Exp. 1. Soy meal and protected canola seed diets increased (P < 0.01) LT muscle n-6 FA content but did not affect long-chain n-3 FA content. Longissimus thoracis muscle long-chain n-3 FA were mainly deposited in structural phospholipid, rather than in storage triglyceride. In both Exp. 1 and Exp. 2, the ratio of n-6:n-3 FA in LT muscle was lowest (P < 0.01) in lambs fed fish meal supplement compared with all other treatments. Protected canola seed diet increased the ratio of n-6:n-3 FA (P < 0.01) and PUFA:saturated fatty acid (P < 0.03) content from those animals fed the basal, fish meal, and unprotected rapeseed diets in Exp. 2. This was due to an increase in muscle n-6 FA content, mainly linoleic acid, of both phospholipid (P < 0.001) and triglyceride (P < 0.01) fractions and not to an increase in muscle n-3 FA content. The results indicate that by feeding fish meal supplement, the essential n-3 FA can be increased while lowering the ratio of n-6:n-3 content in lamb meat to an extent that could affect nutritional value, attractiveness, and the economic value of meat.  相似文献   

Restricted feeding and high concentrate diets are potential strategies for growing dairy heifers. Ruminal manipulation with additives such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast culture (YC) has been shown to alter digestibility when added to this type of diet. An experiment was conducted to investigate the ruminal fermentation and in situ digestibility of diets with 3 different levels of forage to concentrate (F:C) fed at restricted intake without and with YC addition. Three cannulated post-pubertal Holstein heifers (age 18.0 ± 1.2 months; body weight 449.6 ± 19.7 kg) were fed diets consisting of corn silage as the sole forage source in a 3 period (35-day) Latin square design. Heifers were fed diets for 21 days with no YC addition, followed by 14 days where YC was added to the diet (1 g/kg as fed basis). Low (LC), medium (MC), and high (HC) concentrate diets (20, 40, and 60% concentrate) were fed once daily on a restricted basis to provide 0.22 Mcal ME/kg empty BW0.75. Rumen fluid was sampled on days 18 and 32 of each period, and rumen contents were evacuated on days 21 and 35 of each period. An in situ study was done on days 14 to 17 and on days 28 to 31. Mean ruminal pH was not different between dietary treatments and no YC effect was detected. Mean total volatile fatty acids (VFA) and ruminal ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N) concentration was also not different among diets with different F:C. Molar proportions of acetate were decreased, and propionate were increased; while the acetate-to-propionate ratio was decreased as the concentrate level increased from LC to HC. Total VFA, propionate, and acetate as well as isoacids concentration increased, yet NH3-N concentration decreased with YC addition in all diets. From these results we conclude that feeding HC diets in restricted amounts had minimal effects on rumen fermentation rate between different F:C diets. The addition of YC modified NH3-N and volatile fatty acid concentrations in the rumen in all 3 diets in this study, presumably through alterations in end-product production and utilization.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to compare feeding and other behavior and nutrient digestibility of tropical grade Brahman (body weight (BW) = 231 kg ± 12.4; n = 3) and crossbred water buffalo (BW = 300 kg ± 13.9; n = 3). This experiment on digestibility and measures of muscles of mastication utilized one‐way, and animal behavior two‐way, analysis of variance, respectively. Two video camcorders were installed in each pair of buffalo and Brahman for 24 h period programmed on the 107th, 109th and 111th days of the digestion trials. Frequency and duration of feeding, meal intake, rumination, bolus, chews, drinking, defecating, standing and lying were recorded daily. Muscle diameter of Digastricus, Masseter and Pterygoid and different regions of the tongue were sampled and measured under light microscope using a standard micrometer. Buffalo obtained significantly higher intake of dry matter, roughage, crude protein, total digestible nutrient and metabolized energy than Brahman. This was supported by longer meal duration (P ≤ 0.05), and shorter meal breaks (P ≤ 0.05) of buffalo than Brahman. The diameter of the muscles for mastication was bigger (P ≤ 0.05) in buffalo than in Brahman, which is indicative of stronger chewing ability. Briefly, lesser and slower chewing action; higher intake of roughage and crude protein; and longer resting behavior of crossbred water buffalo than Brahman are all indicative of better digestive and metabolic performance of the buffalo under high roughage feeding conditions.  相似文献   

Spring-born Hereford x Angus heifers (n = 206) were used to determine effects of energy supplementation programs and amount of starch in the diet on incidence of puberty. In Exp. 1, heifers (205 +/- 5 kg; n = 68) grazing dormant native pasture were fed 0.9 kg/d (as-fed basis) of a 42% CP supplement from November until February 14. Heifers were stratified by weaning weight and allotted randomly to treatment before breeding (May to July). Treatments were 1) 0.9 kg (as-fed basis) of a 42% CP supplement/d and pasture (control); 2) a high-starch (HS) diet (73% corn; 53% starch) fed in a drylot for 60 d (HS-60); 3) a HS diet fed in drylot for 30 d (HS-30); or 4) a low-starch (LS) diet (49% corn; 37% starch) self-fed on pasture for 30 d (LS-30). The HS-60 and HS-30 heifers were limited-fed to gain 0.9 kg/d, and the LS-30 heifers had ad libitum access to the diet. High-starch-60 and LS-30 heifers were heavier (P < 0.05) than control and HS-30 heifers at the beginning of the breeding season. Thirty-one, 25, and 26% more HS-60 heifers were pubertal (P < 0.05) on May 1 compared with LS-30, HS-30, and control heifers, respectively. At puberty, HS-60 heifers were 24 and 22 d younger (P < 0.05) than LS-30 and control heifers, and 31 kg lighter (P < 0.01) than LS-30 heifers. In Exp. 2, heifers grazed dormant pasture and were fed 0.9 kg (as-fed basis) of a 42% CP supplement/d from weaning in October to late February; then heifers were assigned randomly to treatments for 60 d before the breeding season. In two years, control heifers (n = 46) grazed pasture and received 0.9 kg of SBM supplement/d; LS (n = 46) heifers were self-fed a distiller's grain and soybean hull-based diet in drylot; and HS heifers (n = 46) were limited-fed a corn-based diet in drylot. During treatment, HS and LS heifers had greater weight gains than control heifers. Pubertal BW (313 +/- 6 kg) was not influenced by treatment, but HS and LS heifers were younger (P < 0.03) than control heifers at puberty. During a 60-d breeding period, the incidence of puberty was greater (P < 0.05) for HS and LS heifers than for control heifers and was greater (P < 0.05) in HS than in LS heifers in Year 1. Feeding a LS or a HS diet for 30 d before breeding may be inadequate to stimulate puberty in beef heifers, but feeding a diet with a greater amount of starch for 60 d before breeding may increase the incidence of puberty during breeding of heifers that have inadequate yearling weight.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine effects of feeding corncobs of various mean particle size (MPS) on ruminal, digestive and metabolic characteristics of early-weaned lambs fed pelleted 74.9% concentrate:25.1% corncob diets. The MPS of corncobs in diets was 6.5, 5.4, 1.4 and .8 mm, respectively. As particle size decreased, percentage starch decreased and percentage neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and cellulose increased. In Exp. 1, 28 crossbred rams (seven/treatment, avg initial wt, 15.3 kg) were used in a randomized complete-block design. In Exp. 2, lambs from Exp. 1 were re-weighed (avg initial wt, 16.8 kg) and fed the same diets as in Exp. 1. In Exp. 1 and 2, lambs ingested dry matter (DM) equal to 2.68 and 3.74% of body weight, respectively. In Exp. 1, apparent DM digestibility was unaffected by corncob MPS; however, in Exp. 2, DM digestibility was highest (68.8%) for lambs fed the 6.5-mm diet and lowest (63.8%) for those fed the .8-mm diet. Apparent starch digestibility was high (greater than 98.8%) in both experiments. Neutral detergent fiber and ADF digestibilities were highest for lambs fed the 1.4-mm diet (50.5 and 43.6%, Exp. 1; 39.6 and 28.9%, Exp. 2). A dramatic increase (6.8 to 39.1%) in acid detergent lignin (ADL) digestibility was observed in Exp. 1 as corncob MPS decreased. In Exp. 2, ADL digestibilities were similar for lambs fed the 6.5-, 5.4- or 1.4-mm diets (avg value, 5.9%) and highest for those fed the .8-mm diet (29.7%). Nitrogen metabolism was unaffected by corncob MPS. In Exp. 1, digestible energy intake, corrected for urinary losses, did not differ among treatments but in Exp. 2, lambs consuming the 6.5-mm diet had higher corrected digestibility energy intakes (1,926.6 kcal/d) than did those fed other diets (avg, 1,832.4 kcal/d). Ruminal pH sampled 4 h post-feeding was highest for lambs consuming the 6.5-mm diet (6.25) in Exp. 1 and the 1.4-mm diet (5.89) in Exp. 2. Lowest ruminal pH (5.30 and 5.36, respectively) was for lambs consuming the .8-mm diet in Exp. 1 and the 5.4-mm diet in Exp. 2. Ruminal lactate concentrations were variable within and among treatments. Total ruminal volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentrations were similar across treatments but in Exp. 2, there was a shift in molar proportions from acetate to propionate as corncob MPS decreased.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Twenty-four wether lambs averaging 47 kg were used to study the effects of dietary K and Na additions on metabolism of lambs. Lambs were randomly allotted to four treatments and fed 900 g/d of the following: control diet consisting of 50% ground tall fescue hay and 50% concentrate; K diet calculated to contain 4% K with K added as KCl; Na diet calculated to contain 4% Na with Na added as NaCl, and K-Na diet containing 2% K and 2% Na with K and Na added from the same sources as in the K and Na diets. Water intake and urine excretion were highest for lambs fed the Na diet. Dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) digestibilities were similar among treatments. The K-Na diet resulted in decreased (P less than .05) acid detergent fiber (ADF) digestibility compared with lambs fed the Na diet. Nitrogen (N) retention was highest (P less than .05) in lambs fed the K diet and lowest in those fed the Na diet. Rumen NH3-N was lower (P less than .05) in lambs fed the Na diet compared with controls. Rumen K at 2 and 6 h postfeeding was highest (P less than .05) and rumen Na at 6 h lowest (P less than .05) for lambs fed the K diet. Plasma K values at both sampling times were highest (P less than .05) in lambs fed the K diet. At 6 h postfeeding, plasma Mg was higher in control lambs compared with those fed the K-Na diet.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to characterize the exsheathment kinetics of Ostertagia ostertagi infective larvae (L3) following in vivo exposure to bovine rumen contents derived from low and high roughage diets. O. ostertagi L3 were placed in disposable dialysis bags and incubated for various time points between 0 and 360 min in the rumen of a fistulated steer maintained on a 71% grain diet or a 100% grass diet. The maximum percentage of exsheathed L3 was observed 120 min post-exposure to grass-derived rumen contents, while maximum exsheathment for L3 exposed to grain-derived rumen contents did not occur until 360 min. This work provides the first report of the in vivo exsheathment kinetics for O. ostertagi in its bovine host. Results of this study also support earlier reports that rumen pH may affect the exsheathment efficiency of abomasal trichostrongylids.  相似文献   

Four ruminally fistulated Holstein heifers (BW = 385 +/- 6.2 kg) were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square experiment to determine the effect of feeding frequency on intake, water consumption, ruminal fermentation, and feeding and animal behavior. The treatments consisted of different feeding frequencies: a) once daily (T1); b) twice daily (T2); c) 3 times daily (T3); and d) 4 times daily (T4). Heifers were offered ad libitum access to concentrate and barley straw. Feeding frequency did not affect DMI (P >0.10), but water consumption tended to increase linearly as feeding frequency increased (P = 0.08). Average ruminal pH was not affected (P >0.10) by feeding frequency, but at 12 h after feeding ruminal pH was greater for T2 than for the other treatments. Total VFA concentration and VFA proportions were not affected (P >0.10) by feeding frequency, except valerate proportion, which increased linearly (P = 0.05) as feeding frequency increased. The concentration of ammonia-N was affected (P <0.05) cubically as feeding frequency increased (greatest for T3 = 9.3 mg of N/100 mL; lowest for T2 = 7.2 mg of N/100 mL). Feeding frequency had no effect on daily percentages of behavioral activities (P >0.05), except for observational behavior, for which there was a linear decrease as feeding frequency increased (P = 0.02). Heifers spent the same time on chewing activities, independent of feeding frequency. However, meal criteria tended to be affected (P = 0.07) by feeding frequency, with T2 (39.4 min) showing the longest intermeal interval. Total daily meal time, meal frequency, and meal size were not affected by feeding frequency (P >0.10), whereas meal length and eating rate showed cubic tendencies (P = 0.10 and P = 0.06, respectively) as feeding frequency increased. These results suggest that in the present experimental conditions, with heifers fed high-concentrate diets and with noncompetitive feeding, a smaller range of ruminal pH values was observed when feed was offered twice daily. Although heifers spent the same time on chewing activities, more stable ruminal conditions were probably achieved by feeding twice daily due to the rumination pattern, which was more constant during daytime in T2 than in T1. Moreover, when daytime and nighttime ruminating activity were analyzed separately, this activity was different in T1 (17.3 vs. 30.8%, respectively; P <0.05) but not in T2 (21.5 vs. 28.0%, respectively; P >0.05).  相似文献   

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