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采用“老年人心理需求调查问卷”、“老年消费者保健品消费态度问卷”、“老年消费者保健品购买意向问卷”和回归分析方法,对146名老年人进行调查,旨在探讨老年人对保健品的态度在心理需求和购买意向之间的中介效应。调查显示,老年人的心理需求、对保健品的态度和购买意向之间存在着显著的相关关系,老年人对保健品的态度在心理需求和购买意向之间的完全中介效应显著。  相似文献   

游客对区域内同类不同景区的选择倾向调查结果,是景区制定下一步发展计划和市场营销策略的出发点和立足点。通过旅游者态度比较评价模式的内涵和研究步骤,对重庆市6大山岳型景区进行实证研究,获得各景区在游客心目中的价值排名,并分析其背后的影响因素,包括稳定性因素和动态性因素。  相似文献   

本文以班为单位分层整群抽样,选取娄底市高校200名大学生针对饮食保健知识态度行为等方面进行的问卷调查。结果发现:学生的饮食保健常识非常缺乏;对吃早餐等态度欠端正;不良的饮食行为习惯普遍存在。提示加强大学生饮食保健知识,端正饮食保健态度,改善不良的饮食行为习惯迫在眉睫,并建议以培养大学生的健康保健意识为目标,开设一些有关饮食保健、营养学相关的课程与健康教育的专题讲座。  相似文献   

(续上期)二、蜜蜂的寿命蜜蜂是一种“社会性”昆虫。群居蜜蜂的行为,和环境表现出高度的统一性,使得蜂群的寿命,从理论上可以说是无限长的,因为作为“母亲”的蜂王,其寿命长到可和它的后代“子女”在一个蜂房里同居一代、两代甚至几代。但是,就蜂群中的每一蜜蜂个体来说,寿命则相当短促。蜂王的寿命最长,平均寿命一般为3年,也有记录达到8年的;雄蜂在夏季最长寿命为59天,在冬季于无王蜂群中可存活更长一些;工蜂在具有蜂王的正常蜂群中,越夏寿命约为25~35天,最长不超过60~70天,越冬蜂的寿命最长可到304天,一般略多于4~5个月。  相似文献   

南京市红山森林动物园现饲养2头亚洲象,在圈养条件下,发现其表现出原地站立不停点头、晃动身体、踱步等异常行为。本文拟通过环境丰容来尽可能地展示其自然行为,减少异常行为的发生。在丰容前后采取扫描取样法进行观察记录,结果表明:环境丰容后,亚洲象的玩耍行为明显增加,异常行为的发生大大减少。  相似文献   

地面类型和玩具对生长猪应激水平和种属行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验旨在研究地面类型和玩具对生长猪应激水平和舒适行为的影响。选用平均体质量为(26.22±1.17)kg的生长母猪(大白♂×长白♀)432头,随机等分成冷地面、冷地面+玩具、加热地面、加热地面+玩具4个处理,每个处理6个重复,每个重复18头猪,1圈为1个重复,试验期为35 d。试验期间,采集血样测定肌酸激酶、血糖浓度以及嗜中性粒细胞/淋巴细胞比值(N/L);采集唾液测定皮质醇浓度,并对猪的行为进行录像。结果表明:①加热地面与冷地面相比显著降低了血糖(Glu)水平(P=0.02),玩具显著降低了嗜中性粒细胞的数量(P=0.03)和嗜中性粒细胞/淋巴细胞比值(N/L)(P=0.04)。试验前期和后期加热地面上饲养的猪皮质醇浓度显著降低(P0.01,P=0.04)。②加热地面与冷地面相比,显著增加了试验全期猪的舒适行为(P=0.01)、探究行为(P=0.02)和侧卧行为(P0.01)的发生频率。玩具显著增加了猪的舒适行为(P=0.02)和玩耍行为(P=0.04)的发生频率。由本试验得出,加热地面和玩具均可以增加猪种属行为的表达,减少应激,改善其福利。  相似文献   

贵阳市高尔夫俱乐部草坪基地建植与管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过贵阳市高尔夫球场草皮基地的建植和养护管理 ,从中总结了过渡气候带建植草坪应注意的一些问题。根据所建草坪的功能 ,选择相适应的草种应用于高尔夫球场。并对其适应性进行了研究  相似文献   

马宗仁 《草业学报》1999,8(3):72-75
研究了一般管理条件下高尔夫球场果岭区植物种群与护养因子之间的相互关系。结果:灌溉,施肥,划破及调酸要岭区群落均有一定的影响。不过划破及调酸的作用效果最大,灌溉及施肥处理的作用最小。群落内苔藓消真正原因是处理后果岭媾和落内部种种群竞争的结果,即草坪草的超速补偿生长。  相似文献   

In modern intensive husbandry, systems often restrict farm animal behavior. Behavioral needs will be generated by external stimuli such as stressors deriving from environmental factors or the method of animal care, or some internal factor in farm animals. This means that behavioral restriction would induce maladaptation to stressors or chronic stress. Such a risk of behavioral restriction degrades an animal's physical and mental health and leads to economic loss at a farm. Methods to reduce the risk of behavioral restrictions are to ameliorate the source of a stressor through adequate animal management or to carry out environmental enrichment. This review is intended to describe the relation between animal management and behavioral needs from the perspective of animal motivation.  相似文献   

Neonicotinoids, some of the most widely used pesticides in the world, act as agonists to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) of insects, resulting in death from abnormal excitability. Neonicotinoids unexpectedly became a major topic as a compelling cause of honeybee colony collapse disorder, which is damaging crop production that requires pollination worldwide. Mammal nAChRs appear to have a certain affinity for neonicotinoids with lower levels than those of insects; there is thus rising concern about unpredictable adverse effects of neonicotinoids on vertebrates. We hypothesized that the effects of neonicotinoids would be enhanced under a chronic stressed condition, which is known to alter the expression of targets of neonicotinoids, i.e., neuronal nAChRs. We performed immunohistochemical and behavioral analyses in male mice actively administered a neonicotinoid, clothianidin (CTD; 0, 10, 50 and 250 mg/kg/day), for 4 weeks under an unpredictable chronic stress procedure. Vacuolated seminiferous epithelia and a decrease in the immunoreactivity of the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase 4 were observed in the testes of the CTD+stress mice. In an open field test, although the locomotor activities were not affected, the anxiety-like behaviors of the mice were elevated by both CTD and stress. The present study demonstrates that the behavioral and reproductive effects of CTD become more serious in combination with environmental stress, which may reflect our actual situation of multiple exposure.  相似文献   

A central component of successful wildlife conservation is the understanding of public perceptions toward a species. We administered an online survey to Alabama waterfowl hunters (n = 284) to examine differences in awareness and knowledge of and attitudes toward Whooping Cranes. We investigated if these variables and/or birding specialization influenced likeliness to participate in conservation behaviors. Specialization level was positively related to awareness, knowledge, and conservation attitudes. Respondents with greater knowledge and favorable attitudes toward cranes were more likely to donate to a hypothetical crane conservation fund, and expert birdwatchers were more likely to belong to a birding organization than novice or intermediate birdwatchers. Our research supplements existing birding specialization literature by incorporating cognitive variables specific to Whooping Cranes. Findings suggested that enhancing knowledge regarding Whooping Crane conservation may be an advantageous strategy for promoting conservation and positive behaviors toward the species.  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to establish behavioral indexes of piglet welfare. Forty‐eight piglets were allocated to either four indoor pens or four outdoor pens (six piglets per pen). The indoor system was a commercial pen that consisted of a concrete floor and a slat floor. The outdoor system had a dirt paddock with a wooden hutch. Growth performance, salivary cortisol levels, skin lesions and behaviors of the piglets were monitored for 4 weeks. Sixteen types of behaviors were recorded by using 2‐min instantaneous scan sampling for 8 h/day. Growth performance and salivary cortisol levels did not significantly differ between the two housing systems. On the other hand, skin lesions and behaviors were significantly affected by the housing system. The number of skin lesions was higher in the indoor system. In addition, piglets in the outdoor system showed more investigative and social‐play behaviors than those in the indoor system. Piglets in the indoor system showed more resting, drinking, moving, fighting, and conflict behaviors than those in the outdoor system. We conclude that investigative, social‐play and conflict behaviors may be effective indexes of the welfare level of piglets, especially investigative and conflict behaviors.  相似文献   

谭莹  曾昉  李大胜 《中国猪业》2021,16(3):13-18
通过实践调查和案例分析,研究了环境规制政策和非洲猪瘟疫情下的广东省生猪养殖现状及面临的问题。调查发现,环境规制政策给养殖户带来了较大压力,污染处理导致养殖成本直接上升,经营变得困难。但是,环境规制也促使养殖户对环保更加重视,并在此过程中学习了新的粪便处理技术。受非洲猪瘟疫情影响,广东省生猪养殖行业加速去产能明显,给养猪业带来较大冲击,此外,非洲猪瘟疫情也使养殖户对疫病知识和疫病防控工作更加了解和重视。通过案例访谈对养殖场进行了深入了解,发现不同类型、不同规模养殖场在多重因素的影响下其应对处理方式均有所不同。最后,根据研究结论提出了相应政策建议。  相似文献   

Objective To determine the effect of ocular blinkers on driving horses’ reactions to visual and audible stimuli. Design Balanced crossover trial with horses randomly assigned to either wear blinkers or not wear blinkers first or second, then subjected to repeated sequences of four distinct stimuli (chain rattle, cap gun, umbrella opening, and shaking of an aluminum can containing coins). Two weeks later, this process was repeated with the ordering of wearing blinkers reversed. Animal studied Eight driving horses of various breeds. Procedures Responses were recorded quantitatively as inter‐beat times (the time between each heart beat in msec) and qualitatively via video recording. Statistical analysis of the first 10 s of inter‐beat times poststimulus assessed the effect of the presence of blinkers, order of blinker application and stimulus type using a linear regression model with a random effect for horse. Results Wearing blinkers is significantly associated with a decrease in the inter‐beat times (increase in heart rate) when they are worn by horses experiencing an unfamiliar sound. However, wearing blinkers is significantly associated with an increase in the inter‐beat times (decrease in heart rate) when worn by horses experiencing a primarily visual, familiar stimulus. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance Trained driving horses, when they wear blinkers, have a decrease in inter‐beat time (an increase in heart rate) when there is an unfamiliar sound. This may have relevance to horses who have limited vision caused by trauma or disease.  相似文献   


1. Divergence in outcomes from studies on the effects of litter materials on body weight, feed intake, feed conversion and mortality in broilers has led to a need for a meta-analysis to quantify their effects.

2. A systematic search of published quantitative research relating to wood shavings and alternative bedding litters was conducted using databases.

3. Means, standard deviations and sample sizes were extracted from each study. The response variables were analysed using the standardised mean difference (SMD, control treatment minus alternative litters).

4. The literature demonstrated that alternative materials have no impact on feed intake in broilers, compared to wood shavings (SMD = 0.064, 95% CI = ?0.101–0.229, P = 0.44).

5. There was a positive overall effect of wood shavings on body weight (SMD = 0.253, 95% CI = 0.073–0.433, P = 0.006), feed conversion (SMD = ?0.169, 95% CI = ?0.327 – ?0.012, P = 0.03) and mortality (SMD = ?1.069, 95% CI = ?1.983 – ?0.155, P = 0.02) of broilers, compared to other litter types.

6. Subgroup meta-analysis revealed that straw, when used as an alternative litter material to wood shavings, may be responsible for lower body weight (SMD = 0.654, 95% CI = 0.162–1.146, P = 0.009), worse feed conversion (SMD = ?0.487, 95% CI = ?0.828 – ?0.145, P = 0.005) and higher mortality rates of broilers (SMD = ?3.25, 95% CI = ?5.681 – ?0.819, P = 0.009). Rice husks impaired body weight compared to wood shavings (SMD = 0.535, 95% CI = 0.065–1.004, P = 0.02).

7. It was concluded that different litter types do not affect the broilers’ feed intake. Conversely, broilers kept on straw showed lower body weights, worse feed conversion and higher mortality rates, in comparison to wood shavings. Rice husks decreased body weight compared to wood shavings.  相似文献   

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