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张恩权 《野生动物》2006,27(6):41-43,34
中国是世界上动植物种类最丰富的国家之一,但国内对野生两栖爬行动物的掠夺性利用还在发展;国内野生两栖爬行动物资源在这种疯狂的掠夺下已经接近枯竭,多数物种处于濒危状态。动物园作为野生动物异地保护的重要场所,饲养繁殖野生动物的最终目的是实现濒危物种的再引入,恢复野外种群数量.出于以上目的,动物园中两栖爬行动物的饲养管理方式有别于爬虫爱好者单纯的满足对宠物的要求和增殖牟利追求。这种区别不仅表现在选择动物种类方面,更多的体现在丰容概念的引入及工作方法的应用:营造合理的饲养环境、饲养环境小气候的周期性变化、设施的丰容、群体的调整、食物及供给方式的变化、对繁殖行为的鼓励等。这些丰容手段对保持两栖爬行动物的自然行为,从而保证动物的野外生存能力具有重要作用.  相似文献   

The killing of cattle in order to support the market price, the millions of sorted male pullets or the killing of surplus animals in zoological gardens or breeds which do not have the right colour--the human way to deal with sentient creatures becomes more and more bizarre. How far is our treatment of animals compatible with the legal demand for killing a vertebrate animal only if a reasonable reason (also called good reason = vernünftiger Grund) according section 17 no. 1 of the German Animal Protection Act exists. An offence against this act could be punished with imprisonment up to three years or a fine. However, to constitute an offence is not necessarily illegal. The legislator has created the expression "reasonable reason" as an indefinite legal term. Therefore the animal protection law can further develop the legal term "reasonable reason" with the help of interpretation and dispensation of justice and adapt it to all social realities. Therefore an appropriate judgement on the killing of a vertebrate animal only is possible by viewing each individual case taking into regard all important factors of the relation between the animal and its owner. The killing of a vertebrate animal, which is found to be illegal according to section 17 no. 1 Animal Protection Act can not be punished in case special Community Law exists which has priority over national law. Community Law which cancels national law exists in the scope of housing, slaughtering and transporting of farm animals. There are loopholes in Community Law concerning the killing of domestic animals in their breeding that could be closed by national law. A solution to secure animal protection could be the creation of a strict law for the breeding of domestic animals in Germany.  相似文献   

吴其锐 《野生动物》2011,32(5):285-288
无论在国内还是国外,动物园或野生动物养殖场在生产过程中,动物伤人等事故都时有发生。相比较而言,野生动物饲养展出业是一种面临着较大危险源的职业。本文通过对国内外动物园或野生动物养殖场发生的一些动物伤人事故案例进行分析研究后,发现在许多事故中,人往往既是事故的受害者,同时又是事故的肇事者,无论是因为设施的缺陷,还是因为动物处于危险状态,还是因为人的疏忽,都是由于人的不安全行为激发了事故隐患,导致了事故的发生。本文认为,提高人的安全行为能力,是野生动物饲养与展出安全管理的重要工作。人的安全行为能力,包括对事故发生的预见性行为能力,对安全生产的掌控性行为能力和对危机的应对性行为能力。  相似文献   

刍议动物类型自然保护区兽医的素养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统养殖和动物园养殖的动物发病时,其发病时间、数量和症状等情况,兽医可以仔细询问畜主或饲养人员;而野生动物生活在自然环境中,是动物类型自然保护区从事兽医专业人员的服务对象,发病时及以后的一系列情况无从问及。所以动物类型自然保护区的兽医职业,不同于传统养殖和动物园内的兽医工作,必须掌握多学科基础理论知识,必须主动从野外观察入手,充分掌握野生动物的生物学特性,收集和梳理好有效的本土自然信息、本区内野生动物信息、保护区周边社区家养动物信息,并将它们融为一体,才能分辨出野生动物发病时,是属于个发、散发、群发,还是普通病与传染病。因此,动物类型自然保护区的兽医比传统兽医人员会有更高、更严且更全面的素养。  相似文献   

Based on the law of animal welfare and on the EU-rule about keeping of wild animals in zoological gardens 15 zoological gardens in Brandenburg were inspected by a temporary team consisting of one veterinarian from the state office of feeds and agriculture, the local authorized veterinarian and one director of the zoogardens. Data of every zoological garden at first were recorded by special lists of queries. So it was possible to estimate the keeping conditions and to realize deficiencies and the main problems. During the local inspection these data were controlled and the structure of keeping units as well as the conditions and behaviour of the animals were evaluated. Every unit was evaluated taking into consideration all points of view. If necessary proposals for improvements were made which were to enforce by the local authority. Furthermore the documentation and the economic areas were inspected. The number of kept species and animals was relatively low. Only two zoological gardens were to classify as mean ones. The majority of the fences and aviaries corresponded with the minimal demands of the today rules resp. was larger in the dimension and space. There were very nice keeping units, but also some deficiently in the structure or in the quality of the ground. By some photographs positive and negative examples are demonstrated. The feeding and also the veterinary service were on high level. The team found out that staffs of the zoogardens had a positive position to animal welfare. Step by step they improved the keeping conditions. The central inspection by a multi-professional team was estimated positively and should be repeated in certain intervals. The used lists of queries were suitable. The valid rules and guide lines should be revised in near future.  相似文献   

In Germany and other european countries some sanctuaries for wild animals in hardship exist. For some species however the lack of available places is striking. As a consequence, not only is it impossible to help the animals, but also legislative rules are not enforceable in these cases. This situation can be remedied by a) increasing the number of places, which would require governmental measures as well as the engagement of zoological gardens, b) decreasing the necessity for the use of sanctuaries by measures, which prevent wild animals from falling into unsuitable conditions, and c) improving the availability of information about placement possibilities. If a place is found numerous points must be settled previous to the actual transfer, especially concerning the suitability of the facility and the conditions for the placement.  相似文献   

During the last years, keeping of fallow deer for the purpose of meat production has become a branch of industry that requires special attention from the view of ethology and animal protection. In zoological and judicial terms, the deer habituated to paddock keeping still belong to wild animals that are held captive. This paper describes the valid demands of fallow deer to its biotic and abiotic environment and deals in particular with population density, feeding practices, antlers amputation, killing and supervision.  相似文献   

There is a decrease in the number of elephants kept in European zoological gardens and circus companies. In the future the import of animals will only be possible for holders which are able to keep family-groups of elephants under species-specific conditions. This will not be possible under circus conditions. This article will describe some problems observed in elephant holdings in zoological gardens and circus companies.  相似文献   

驯养经济动物养殖及种群遗传多样性的研究方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我国貉、银狐、北极狐、水貂、梅花鹿等野生动物养殖作为一项新兴的产业已成为建设新农村新的经济增长点,但是无论是野外资源的保护成效,还是人工驯养繁殖业的发展状况以及野生动物及其产品的经营利用秩序与社会需要和客观要求相比,还存在着相当大的差距。与野外环境中的种群比较,圈养种群是进行遗传学研究的最好的模型对象,对于研究野生种群近交与群体灭绝间的关系是非常合适的材料。目前国内外对于驯养经济动物与野生种群遗传多样性的研究主要集中于线粒体DNA、核糖体DNA、微卫星分子标记及主要组织相容性复合体等几个方面。作者针对目前国内外尤其是国内有关驯养经济动物养殖现状及其与野生种群形态、遗传多样性差异几个重要研究技术方面的研究进行了详细的论述和探讨,旨在通过利用我国养殖的野生小种群遗传学特性,为珍稀野生动物种群保护遗传学研究及加快国内经济动物养殖提供理论支持。  相似文献   

The amount of space available to animals in zoos is always limited by a range of factors that has little to do with animal biology. Most zoos exist on confined sites, their absolute boundaries are usually fixed. The starting point in a discussion about an animal's perceived needs is necessarily immediately to be considered in terms of other demands on the space available. Nonetheless, a detailed scientific understanding of the wild biology of a species has come to be regarded as essential to the determination of what constitutes appropriate captive conditions of zoos for that species. An examination of how zoos have confined animals through the last 2 centuries shows a trend away from the closest forms of confinement in cages, toward larger spaces, often with open viewing for visitors. Elephants represent an anomaly. They continue to be maintained in zoos according to traditions involving extraordinarily close human control, as if they were working animals. Looking at traditional captive elephant management practices, however, does not provide any reasonably complete view of elephant needs. Wild biology suggests that zoo elephants should enjoy a naturalistic social life and live more independently than they traditionally have done in zoos. For this, zoo elephants need far more extensive living spaces than those with which they are currently provided.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis infections caused by Mycobacterium (M.) pinnipedii in a South American sea lion, Bactrian camel, and Malayan tapirs kept in two zoological gardens spanning a time period of 5 years are reported. The zoos were linked by the transfer of one tapir. Conventional bacteriological and molecular methods were applied to detect the pathogen. Spoligotyping and MIRU/VNTR-typing performed to assess the genetic similarity revealed identical molecular characteristics of the isolates from all animals involved. Anti-tuberculosis antibodies were detected using ELISA and a recently developed serological rapid test. The study shows that: (i) using molecular methods, the assessment of the genetic relationship of infectious agents helps to confirm the routes of infection, and that (ii) immunological tests may help to detect tuberculosis infections ante mortem more reliably and early. This would prevent the transfer of tuberculosis by asymptomatic animals.  相似文献   

In Berlin, the authorization and inspection of experiments on animals and of facilities for laboratory animal breeding and husbandry are carried out by the same authority. According to Section 16 (1) sentence one no. 3 Tierschutzgesetz (German animal protection act), there are presently 1200 procedures registered and 68 facilities approved to breed and keep vertebrates for experiments (according to Section 11 (1) sentence one no. 1 Tierschutzgesetz). In 2006, the use of 300,903 vertebrates was reported. There are 38 animal welfare officers in the twenty major scientific facilities who are in charge of in-house supervision. The authority visits the facilities where experiments take place at regular intervals to observe and supervise their operations. On request, the facilities must send the records from the experiments to the authority for examination (according to Section 9 a Tierschutzgesetz). With the annual laboratory animal report, the authority can verify the number of authorised laboratory animals. By checking the scientific publications the authority can compare them with the authorised animal experiments. Facilities for laboratory animal breeding and husbandry are continuously supervised. Offences against the animal protection act are prosecuted. When there are deficiencies in animal welfare, the authority sets a deadline to correct the defects. If the deficiency still exists after the expiry of the term, the authority imposes a penalty payment or initiates legal proceedings. The important role of the animal welfare officers (Section 8 a Tierschutzgesetz) is apparent. The majority of supervisions show that there are deficiencies. This indicates that more emphasis must be put on prevention. The facilities must provide better support and resources for the animal welfare officers. Furthermore, the scientists must be more receptive to the animal welfare officers in their role as advisers. Continuous and adequate training is imperative to the goal of maintaining sufficient in-house supervision and to keep the animals from suffering. If in-house supervision works well, the State's role in regulating animal experiments can be reduced.  相似文献   

With about 300 species primates represent one of the largest animal groups within mammals. They are kept in zoological gardens, as laboratory animals or in private ownership. Against this background it is difficult to define all species-specific aspects of a primate husbandry. The paper describes the basic requirements for primates like nutrition, possibilities for social interactions and species specific behaviour, stimuli for activities, health care and environmental conditions. Although no definitive regulations exist by law, the Appendix A (Species-specific Provisions for Non-human Primates) of the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes (ETS 123) will be of great importance in the future.  相似文献   

中国动物园保护教育现状分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
2005年10月~2007年7月采用游客问卷调查法、实地考察法及访问法,调查了我国60家动物园的保护教育情况,对游客受教育途径、效果及意愿等进行调查。结果显示,受教育途径选择通过阅读动物说明牌所占比例最高(34.21%),依次为观察动物(31.54%)、同伴或其他游客(14.43%)、动物园工作人员(5.66%)、科普教育馆(5.26%)及其他途径(9.41%);游客在游园后认识更多动物比例最高(34.03%),依次为了解动物行为方式(21.32%)、认识到保护动物的重要性(16.10%)、了解动物生活习性(15.27%)、了解动物生存环境(12.87%);游客希望配备讲解员占42.93%,希望提高说明牌质量占22.40%,希望有宣传手册占19.77%。方差分析显示,城市动物园、野生动物园及专业类型野生动物园的游客从动物园工作人员(P=0.028<0.05)、科普教育馆(P= 0.011<0.05)获得教育的差异性显著;三者在认识更多动物效果上存在极显著差异(P=0.003<0.01)、了解动物的生存环境存在显著差异(P=0.03<0.05)。针对这些调查结果提出了长期开展动物园保护教育的建议。  相似文献   

王兴金 《野生动物》2012,33(1):48-50
野生动物的移地保护和保护教育是现代动物园的主要功能,兽医在保障野生动物健康方面承担着重要的使命。动物园兽医在本质上是医学的一个特殊分枝,由于野生动物及其疾病种类的复杂性和个人精力、能力的局限性,动物园兽医的职业化和专业化是提高野生动物健康保障能力的根本出路;应激因素对圈养动物的健康造成很大的威胁,而适度驯化则可以最大限度地减少应激的发生;在国内建立区域动物园兽医服务网络、建立兽医行业内部信息交流平台是提高动物园兽医行业整体水平的基本思路:正确的疾病诊断和规范的处方,以及全面关注动物的基本需求、积极主动的疾病防疫等在兽医日常工作中占有同等重要的地位。由于兽医掌握了动物发病和死亡的第一手资料,动物园应当为兽医参与动物管理提供条件。  相似文献   

Protection of animals needs major concern in breeding programmes especially if inherited diseases occur which cause pain, suffering and/or damages for the animals. Dogs breeders and people keeping dogs as well as veterinarians should be informed about the etiology on sequels of diseases which cause pain to the animals and from which the animals have to be protected in order to make them more conscious on these problems and to achieve changes in dog breeding programmes. The information system "Inherited Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System of Dogs" should display the already published knowledge about etiology, pathogenesis, appearance, therapy and genetics of these diseases. This information system was built up in such a way that it can be used by students as a learning programme to understand the basic relationships among animal protection, diseases, and dog breeding. The user is also supplied with support for breeding decisions as well as for interpretation of breeding values and genotype probabilities. Additionally, information can be obtained on all in the German Association for Dog Breeding (VDH) represented breeds and breeding clubs. Actions to reduce genetically caused diseases required for members of dog breeding clubs are also available. The information system ist programmed by using HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). Publication is possible on CD-ROM and on Internet. The supplied hyperlinks allow to make use of other publications on the world wide web related to dog and diseases of dogs.  相似文献   

人工驯养野生动物是获取野生动物产品的重要手段,但是非法盗猎的野生动物产品以人工饲养的名义进入市场,就会对野生动物的保护形成挑战。因此,准确鉴别市场上的动物产品是来自养殖场还是野外,是保护野外种群,维持养殖业正常秩序的关键。本研究以北美水貂(Neovison vison)为例,基于颧骨内侧空间(ZAS)、颧宽(ZAA和ZBA)、颅基长(BSL)、下颌长(MDL)、眶后收缩(POC)和最大面部宽度(GFB)等量度,建立了9个头骨形态计量学指标:POC/GFB、POC/BSL、POC/MDL、ZAS SQRT/BSL、ZA SSQRT/MDL、ZBA×BSL/2ZAS、ZBA×MDL/2ZAS、ZBB×BSL/2ZAS和ZBB×MDL/2ZAS。野生组(n=32,9雄23雌)和饲养组(n=45,35雄10雌)的比较表明,除POC/GFB外,所有指标对于在两组样品之间均有显著差异,整体判别正确率为73.2%—85.5%。在性别已知的情况下,雄性的整体正确率为82.4%—93.8%,雌性为41.7%—85.7%。为此,应针对不同性别、不同来源的动物建立相应的参考数据,利用似然比进行鉴别。本研究的结果不仅可用于北美水貂的鉴别,也为其他小型食肉动物的鉴别提供经验。  相似文献   

Keeping wild animals in captivity is still object of criticism, above all due to the fact that room is restricted for these animals. But wild animal husbandry is basing on several factors: It has to concern physiological requirements as well as natural behaviour patterns, so as actions and reactions of wild living animals caused by ecological occasions have to be replaced by suitable arrangements. Most of the time proper animals husbandry is valued by quantity; in that way, that the measurements of artificial homes are often supposed to be more important than the quality of this enclosures. Optimal feeding, social structure, stimula for behaviour patterns like playing, breeding an rearing in calmness and well trained keepers are other basic requirements for wild animal husbandry. Criteria for keeping wild animals should not be scheduled by restrictive arrangements; innovations would be complicated by any regulations.  相似文献   

The article looks at the legal situation concerning the permission for commercial activities with animals due to Article 11 par. 1 no.3 (d) of the German Animal Welfare Act, in particular in combination with activities at changing places. Regardingly the German legislator has recently (especially since 1998) started to approach the problems of animal welfare by adopting specific regulations, e. g. by enacting an obligation to inform the authority of the planned change of place of activity. Currently the legislator discusses an extension of the enabling act for an ordinance by the Federal Government on the central register for circusses. Standardized data collection and transmission shall contribute to an effective control of the companies' compliance with animal welfare law. Article 11 par. 2a of the German Animal Welfare Act is an important regulation concerning activities at changing places. It allows to combine the permission with time limits, conditions and impositions of duties. Such collateral clauses can be set down to keep an animal stock book or--in a wider sense--a documentation of the company's activities to guarantee an effective control by the authority. In the case of American rodeo shows it is to mention that collateral clauses to introduce more animal welfare are imposed by the local authorities responsible for the area where the shows will take place rather than by the authority which actually has given the permission. The authorities have to distinguish subsequent collateral clauses or directives on one hand and the revocation of the permission on the other hand, since in this case the requirements are more strict. The recent preliminary judicial decisions of the administrative courts concerning this legal problem are contradictory so that they cannot serve as a guideline for the authorities.  相似文献   

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