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结合近几年扶沟县小麦三樱椒高产套种实践,提出三樱椒的高产栽培技术,包括选种、育苗、苗床管理、定植移栽、田间管理、病虫害防治等。  相似文献   

从选地、整地、施肥、管理、病虫害防治等,介绍烤烟套种玉米间作小麦栽培技术。  相似文献   

从小麦种植模式、营养池构造、适时播种,培育壮苗、施肥及管理等方面介绍了扶沟县小麦、三樱椒高产高效间作套种技术措施。  相似文献   

贾广杰 《种子科技》2023,(18):64-66
小麦、花生和玉米作为我国的主要农作物,其生产效率直接影响农作物的总产量和农民的收入。然而,传统、单一的作物种植方式往往无法充分利用土地资源,也容易导致土壤养分的枯竭。为了解决这些问题,相关研究者提出了小麦、花生和玉米的间作套种模式,这种模式通过优化种植结构,实现了作物的互利共生,既提高了农业生产效率,又改善了土壤的肥力。文章探讨了间作套种模式要点,以期为提高小麦、玉米、花生产量和质量提供参考。  相似文献   

为提高土地的利用率,总结了小麦、西瓜、棉花、花生、甘蓝等作物的3种间作套种模式,供同行参考。  相似文献   

小麦套种朝天椒间作玉米高产高效栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈艳玲 《中国种业》2012,(11):72-73
朝天椒是内黄县的主要经济作物之一,常年种植面积2万hm2左右,占全县耕地面积的1/3,平均每667m2产200~250kg,效益为2000~3000元,种植的主要品种以子弹头、三樱椒等自留种为主。小麦、玉米是内黄县的主要粮食作物,小麦常年种植面积6万hm2,  相似文献   

根据三樱椒特征特性,提出栽培上具体措施及几种间作模式,提高产量,改善品质,增加经济效益.  相似文献   

玉米套种芸豆栽培技术要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1品种选择 1.1玉米品种最好选择抗病能力强、秆壮不倒伏的收敛型或半收敛品种,如四单19、庆单1等品种.  相似文献   

优质再生稻高产栽培的关键技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
再生稻是利用水稻的再生特性,通过水肥等栽培管理措施,使头季稻(中稻)收获后稻桩上的休眠芽萌发,进一步生长发育而成的水稻。它具有生育期短(60天左右),种一次收两次,投入产出高,劳动效率高,经济效率高,省工,省种,省肥,省秧田等优点。再生稻的米质好,食味佳,无污  相似文献   

莜麦即裸燕麦,在甘肃省通渭县有悠久的种植历史,种植面积仅次于小麦.随着生产的发展和人们对食品多样化的需要,莜麦以其较高的营养价值及药用价值深爱人们的喜爱.  相似文献   

优质旱稻新品种中旱3号的选育及栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
~~优质旱稻新品种中旱3号的选育及栽培技术@王一平$中国水稻研究所!杭州310006 @罗利军$上海市农业生物基因中心!上海201106 @余新桥$上海市农业生物基因中心!上海201106 @梅捍卫$上海市农业生物基因中心!上海201106 @郭龙彪$中国水稻研究所!杭州310006 @钟代彬$中国水稻研究所!杭州310006 @应存山$中国水稻研究所!杭州310006~~  相似文献   

A plant breeding program is a long-term investment. Therefore, periodic assessment of the effectiveness of a breeding strategy is essential to maximize genetic gains per unit of time and resource invested. In this work, we assessed the effectiveness of the early-generation testing (EGT) approach used in the upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) breeding program at Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation), Brazil, estimating the genetic progress achieved for three traits in two distinct phases, spanning 15 years. In the first phase (from 2003 to 2010), it was used the bulk method within F3 progenies with prior testing of F2 crosses, while in the second phase (from 2010 to 2017), it was used the bulk method within F2 progenies. The dataset comprised 70 yield trials, involving 1884 F3:5 progenies (phase I) and 925 F2:4 progenies (phase II) from an elite population, and 10 check cultivars, evaluated for grain yield (GY), plant height (PH) and days to flowering (DTF). For estimating the genetic gain, we adapted a generalized linear regression method to compute bi-segmented linear regression coefficients. Desirable genetic gains were achieved only for GY in both phases of the breeding program, with 78.75 kg ha?1 year?1 (2.68%) in the first phase, and 53.78 kg ha?1 year?1 (1.54%) in the second phase. These results show the effectiveness of EGT, especially via bulk method within F3 progenies with prior testing of F2 crosses, applied to upland rice breeding. Some refinements are discussed in the method to make it more cost-effective and more efficient in achieving genetic gains.  相似文献   

Upland rice production plays an important role in both household consumption and crop rotation. Until now, a blast resistant upland variety has not been released in Thailand. The bimodal pattern of rain distribution in Thailand’s upland rice production areas create a favorable environment for the outbreak of leaf blast when seedling-tillering, and neck blast within the heading stage. The use of genetically resistant cultivars has proven to be an effective way to cope with this problem. In this study, 256 indigenous upland rice plants were screened for blast resistance under greenhouse and field conditions. Ten indigenous upland rice varieties, ULR292, ULR242, ULR219, ULR162, ULR161, ULR134, ULR109, ULR098, ULR081, and ULR066, were identified as resistant to leaf blast disease in both natural infection and artificial inoculation, under greenhouse conditions. Additionally, six of the ten varieties, ULR162, ULR161, ULR134, ULR109, ULR098, and ULR081, were found to be resistant to neck blast under field conditions. These new sources of blast resistance identified from indigenous upland rice varieties proved more resistant than the check varieties, depicting their potential for further use in Thailand’s rice blast resistance improvement program.  相似文献   

花培创造的水稻新种质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭秀平  陈旭 《中国种业》2002,(10):60-60
种质资源在品种遗传改良、生物技术等研究中具有重要意义.我们以丰富的同源四倍体水稻种质资源为材料,同源四倍体水稻具有4个相同的染色体组,同源四倍体一位点上有4个等位基因,在四倍体的情况下,隐性突变往往得不到表现而被掩盖起来,但通过四倍体水稻花药培养的减倍,可以得到具有隐性突变的二倍体杂合体,在花粉植株F2中可使隐性突变性状得以表达,在花药植株后代中,寻找和发现具有特殊性状又有较大利用价值的新种质.通过几年的工作,我们陆续获得了如下新种质.  相似文献   

Two rice ecotypes, the so-called lowland and upland populations, which carry different isozyme genotypes mostly at a single locus, are cultivated in Japan. The aim of this study was to examine the origin and the mechanism for keeping these genetic differences. The upland population is cultivated in upland fields and carries a different allele for a particular isozyme gene, Pgd-1, which has never been found in the lowland population. RFLP markers showed a weak trend for genetic differentiation between the two ecotypes. On the other hand, morphological, and physiological traits showed marked differences between the two ecotypes. Furthermore, based on the genotypic difference, two Japonica subgroups are defined in the upland population. Subgroup I is the minor group and carries key lowland characters, including the genotype for PGD. Subgroup II carries different traits and the genotype for PGD of the alternative subgroup. As an allelic difference for Pgd-1 is known to occur between the two ecospecies, Tropical (Tr) and Temperate (Tm) Japonicas, upland cultivars can be classified by diagnostic characters which distinguish a variety into Tr or Tm type. The upland population consists of three types of cultivars, Tr-, Tm- and intermediate-type. In contrast, the lowland population consists of a uniform Tm type Japonicas. As Japanese upland cultivars still have an isozyme allele specific to the Tr type, the upland population has a rather complex constitution which is presumably now being introgressed by lowland genetic material, but still represents a major difference at some genetic levels. Upland rice carries several stress-resistant genes which would be useful for lowland rice breeding. The genetic difference would be efficient for tagging upland specific traits by upland specific genetic markers. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) belonging to five ecotypes (aus, aman, boro, bulu and tjereh) and to two groups of Japanese rice (lowland and upland) are examined with respect to KClO3 resistance, phenol reaction and apiculus hair length. These characters have been used as available criteria to classify rice into two types indica and japonica, for the last thirty years.The findings of this study are that the aman, boro and tjereh ecotypes should be classified as typical indica; and that the Japanese lowland rice cultivars are mainly typical japonica. Some of the aus, bulu and Japanese upland rice cultivars differ from typical indica and typical japonica, so the respective terms aus type, bulu type and J.u.r. type, are proposed. Aman, boro tjereh and Japanese lowland rice are cultivated in lowland. Some of the aus, bulu and Japanese upland rice cultivars have the characteristics of upland rice. In general, lowland rice cultivars can be clearly classified into indica or japonica, while upland cultivars cannot.Abbreviations Aph dominant gene for apiculus hair length > 0.7 mm - aph recessive gene for apiculus hair length < 0.7 mm - J.u.r. type Japanese upland rice type  相似文献   

水稻生态化种植高产栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖敏 《种业导刊》2019,(5):12-13
水稻种植在农业生产中具有举足轻重的作用。做好粮食安全生态化生产,对于我国水稻种植再上新台阶具有重要现实意义和历史意义。从基地的生态环境条件要求、水稻获得高产的合理种植密度、田间的平衡施肥管理、病虫害和杂草的综合生态防治、优良品种的选择和培育壮秧等方面,分析了水稻生态化种植的高产栽培技术。  相似文献   

野生稻繁种是野生稻资源保存、利用研究的基础性工作,野生稻繁种项目是中国农科院下达的研究项目。我们项目组2002年开始对野生稻繁种栽培技术进行探讨研究,经过6年时间的繁种生产和试验,总结探讨出一套野生稻繁种栽培技术。这套技术对今后野生稻繁种和生产都具有一定的指导作用和推广价值。  相似文献   

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