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A gas chromatographic method for determination of vapor phase nicotine in environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) was collaboratively studied by 6 laboratories. Nicotine is desorbed from XAD-4 sample tubes with ethyl acetate containing triethylamine and determined by gas chromatography with nitrogen-selective detection. Each collaborator received blind duplicate samples at each of 6 nicotine concentrations. Three concentrations were generated by spiking XAD-4 tubes with known amounts of nicotine; the remaining 3 concentrations were ETS samples obtained in a carefully controlled environmental chamber containing sidestream and exhaled mainstream smoke from 1R4F Kentucky reference cigarettes. Repeatability and reproducibility relative standard deviations ranged from 4.4 to 11.1% and from 7.0 to 11.1%, respectively, for nicotine concentrations evaluated (up to 6 micrograms/cu m). The method has been adopted official first action.  相似文献   

Studies in our laboratory revealed artifactual formation of N-nitrosamines during trapping of mainstream and sidestream tobacco smoke by the method of Hoffmann and coworkers (2, 4). Both volatile and tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines were produced. This artifact formation took place on the Cambridge filter, which is part of the collection train used in the previously published procedure. When the filter was treated with ascorbic acid before smoke collection, artifact formation was inhibited. The improved method resulting from these studies was applied to a comparative analysis of N-nitrosamines in smoke from cigarettes that heat, but do not burn, tobacco (the test cigarette) and several reference cigarettes. Concentrations of volatile and tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines in both mainstream and sidestream smoke from the test cigarette were substantially lower than in the reference cigarettes.  相似文献   

Characterizing nicotine delivery from tobacco products is important in the understanding of their addictive potential. Most previous studies report total nicotine and have not differentiated between nicotine in its protonated or free-base form. Rather than simply determining total nicotine, the method described in this paper determines the amount of free-base nicotine associated with trapped mainstream smoke particulate matter generated using a standardized smoking machine protocol. This method quantitatively determines volatile free-base nicotine associated with the particulate phase portion of mainstream cigarette smoke using solid-phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The headspace above total particulate matter from mainstream cigarette smoke trapped on a Cambridge filter pad (CFP) was analyzed for free-base nicotine in 26 cigarette brands. The selected cigarette brands were chosen to cover a wide range of tar and nicotine deliveries as measured under Federal Trade Commission machine smoking conditions. In the CFP's headspace the free-base nicotine levels ranged from 0.01 to 0.08 mg/cigarette. The measured ranges of free-base nicotine were remarkably similar over the different tar and nicotine delivery categories of full-flavored, light, and ultralight cigarette brands.  相似文献   

The benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) delivery of reference and commercially available tobacco cigarettes, as well as reference and placebo marijuana cigarettes, is determined using a sequential liquid chromatographic/liquid chromatographic procedure. The total particulate matter of sample cigarette smoke is collected using a Cambridge filter pad, which is ultrasonically extracted with acetone. The resulting extract is filtered, then fractionated using semipreparative-scale normal phase liquid chromatography (LC). Quantitative determination is achieved using analytical-scale reverse phase LC equipped with a fluorescence detector. The method is precise (+/- 10-15% relative standard deviation) and yields 85% or better BaP recovery at the ng/cig. level. A single pad may be analyzed in 8 person-hours, while a more typical lot of 12 pads (6 pads each for 2 cigarette brands) may be analyzed in 10 person-days.  相似文献   

Ammonia in cigarette mainstream smoke was quantified by LC-MS/MS after derivatization. Two different reagents, fluorescamine and dansyl chloride, were investigated, but only the latter gave stable derivatives; therefore, it was considered the most appropriate choice. Smoke samples were collected on a Cambridge filter pad followed by an impinger containing a solution of hydrochloric acid. Ammonia was then derivatized with a 18.5 mM solution of dansyl chloride in acetonitrile at 70 °C for 30 min in a vial with the internal standard, (15)ND(4)Cl. The resulting derivative was analyzed by LC-MS/MS detection with an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) interface in the positive ionization mode using multiple-reaction monitoring (MRM). Good linearity was obtained in the concentration range of 0.02-1.65 μg/mL (r(2) ≥ 0.999), and the limit of detection (LOD) was established at 0.006 μg/mL. This method has the advantage of being sensitive, efficient, and reliable and is not hindered by interferences from the sample matrix. It should thus be considered a reference method of choice for the determination of ammonia in smoke.  相似文献   

A quantitative colorimetric method for the determination of nitrate and nitrite in cheese has been subjected to collaborative study. The method includes clarification of an aqueous extract of cheese with zinc hydroxide, reduction of nitrate to nitrite via a spongy cadmium collumn (the nitrite originally present is unaltered), diazotization of sulfanilic acid with the nitrite, and coupling with 1-naphthylamine hydrochloride to form a pink azo dye whose absorbance is measured at 522 nm. The spectrophotometric responses are compared to a standard curve. In samples containing both nitrate and nitrite, nitrate is determined by difference. A standard deviation of 5.5 was obtained (5 of 6 collaborators) when a cheese sample spiked with 276 ppm sodium nitrate was analyzed by the method. The method has been adopted as official first action.  相似文献   

In the proposed method 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (DNFB) is reacted with the free epsilon-amino groups in protein of form DNFB-epsilon-amino lysine which is stable to acid hydrolysis. The sample is acid hydrolyzed and unavailable lysine is determined with an amino acid analyzer; total lysine is determined on the untreated sample. The available lysine, which was bound by DNFB, is determined by difference. The available lysine has been determined in 3 samples of 44% protein soybean meal by 5 collaborators, following the method outlined. The range for available lysine in reference standard 1 was 2.02-2.14%, in reference standard 2, 2.59-2.73% and in reference standard 3, 0.55-0.91%. The method has been adopted as official first action.  相似文献   

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