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盐生植物做除虫杀菌剂,用于生产绿色食品,解决农药在植物体内的残留问题,使人们重新认识植物源除虫杀菌剂的作用。重点阐述了可用于除虫杀菌的盐生物的种类和性能,盐生植物除虫杀菌剂的制作及使用方法。面对在农产品贸易中苛刻的农药残留标准,使用植物源农药,减少化学农药的施用量,生产绿色无公害食品,盐生植物具有极大的潜在威力。  相似文献   

介绍了盘锦地区滩涂地广阔、土质肥沃,植物种类集中、蕴蓄量大等盐生植物资源特点,并提出盐生植物资源利用的可行性分析及开发设想。  相似文献   

辽宁省盐碱地利用研究所盐生植物研究室,主要开展盐生植物的栽培、应用价值开发及其深加工技术等方面的研究。研究室科研实力雄厚,现有科研人员10名,其中具有副高级职称1人,中级职称5人,具有硕士研究生学历2人。近年来承担了省级课题一“辽河三角洲湿地资源综合利用及生态循环建设”;市级课题一“盐生植物新资源的开发利用研究”等科研工作。  相似文献   

辽宁省盐碱地利用研究所盐生植物研究室,主要开展盐生植物的栽培、应用价值开发及其深加工技术等方面的研究。研究室科研实力雄厚,现有科研人员10名,其中具有副高级职称1人,中级职称5人,具有硕士研究生学历2人。近年来承担了省级课题一“辽河三角洲湿地资源综合利用及生态循环建设”;市级课题一“盐生植物新资源的开发利用研究”等科研工作。  相似文献   

盐生草(Halogeton glomeratus)是我国西北旱区具有极强抗旱耐盐性的一种盐生植物。本研究首次对盐生草籽营养成分进行了全面分析与评价,结果表明盐生草籽粗蛋白含量高达50.20%,氨基酸、矿物质含量丰富,可作为优质的高蛋白饲用源;盐生草籽含油量为19.37%,油色泽为暗黄色,脂肪酸组成中不饱和脂肪酸含量极高,为91.80%,其中亚油酸、亚麻酸含量分别高达50.60%和18.0%,是一种理想的保健食用油开发新资源。利用盐渍化土地种植盐生草,充分挖掘盐生草作为油料、优质蛋白饲料来源新作物的价值,具有巨大的经济效益和生态效益。  相似文献   

刘廷惠  李刚  付龙  郭兴军 《人参研究》2012,24(2):25+27-25,27
无公害植物营养液是由绿村天然营养液有限公司生产,本营养液含有天然微生物20多种必须氨基酸,在人参上属于首次使用,试验结果证明,采用不同浓度的无公害植物营养液在人参上叶面喷施,其中1000倍和1500倍的增产效果较为明显,叶面积增幅分别为31.58%和17.49%,产量增幅分别为13.79%和24.13%。无公害植物营养液可以在有机人参栽培上广泛应用推广。  相似文献   

刘世军  陈岩 《北方水稻》2013,43(3):40-41
为了筛选出植物源杀菌剂防治水稻稻瘟病的最佳用药剂量,2011年做了药效对比试验。结果表明,植物源杀菌剂处理30 ml/667 m2药剂量防治效果最好,但其防治效果仍低于富士一号处理。  相似文献   

<正>辽宁省盐碱地利用研究所盐生植物研究室,主要开展盐生植物的栽培、应用价值开发及其深加工技术等方面的研究。研究室科研实力雄厚,现有科研人员10名,其中具有副高级职称1人,中级职称5人,具有硕士研究生学历2人。近年来承担了省级课题—"辽河三角洲湿地资源综合利用及生态循  相似文献   

植物盐胁迫及其抗性生理研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李艺华  罗丽 《福建热作科技》2006,31(3):46-48,27
盐胁迫是制约农作物产量的主要逆境因素之一。本文综合了几年来植物盐胁迫研究的报道,对盐胁迫下植物生理生化和生长发育变化、植物自身生理系统的响应以及增强植物抗盐胁迫的方法进行综述和讨论。  相似文献   

耐盐碱能源植物研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开发利用耐盐碱的能源植物,既可以推进生物质能源产业的发展,又可以修复和保护生态环境,还可以保障人类的粮食安全.综述了目前在耐盐碱能源植物的资源调查、优良种质筛选、盐碱胁迫的生理响应、耐盐碱机理等方面的研究进展,并指出了耐盐碱能源植物的研究方向.  相似文献   

This study was designed to compare the evolution in nutritive value between two permanent grasslands that had different botanical composition, during 2 years (2003 and 2004), and to study the relationships between a set of vegetation and digestibility characteristics. Botanical composition, lamina proportions (LP), and in vivo organic matter digestibility (OMD) of grasslands were measured at three different times during the first growth cycle over 2 years: last week in May, third week in June and second week of July. Foliar traits [specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf dry matter content (LDMC)] were measured on grasses in the first period of both years. The LDMC and botanical composition values were used to calculate plant functional types (PFT) of the grasslands at each period. Relationships between OMD and SLA, LDMC, LP and forbs proportions (FP) were tested. Grassland rich in forbs, which was classified in PFT B, showed higher OMD in the first stage of maturity and lower OMD at the end of the cycle in 2004 than grassland rich in grasses, which was classified as PFT C. There were significant relationships between LDMC and OMD across the two first periods. There were also significant relationships between LP and OMD in the first period and between FP and OMD in the third period. The botanical composition of the grassland and consequently its PFT is an important factor explaining the evolution of the nutritive value of permanent grasslands during the first growth cycle.  相似文献   

目的:了解淫羊藿中淫羊藿苷含量及在种植过程中有机氯类农药残留量。方法:采用2005年版《中国药典》一部中方法对不同产地的6批淫羊藿药材进行理化分析,以高效液相色谱法分析淫羊藿苷含量,以气相色谱法测定有机氯类农药残留量。结果:不同产地的6批药材中总黄酮含量均在7.4%以上,淫羊藿苷含量在0.20%.-0.29%之间。结论:淫羊藿苷的含量偏低  相似文献   

Little is known about the impact of direct sowing under vegetation cover on the production and quality of New Rice for Africa(NERICA) on poor oxisol. In this study, two NERICA varieties(NERICA 3 and NERICA 8) were grown under tropical oxisol soil with very low nutrient contents. Four cultivation systems were used in completely randomized block design, including plowing(control), unplowed soil with dead vegetation cover(DVC), unplowed soil with live vegetation cover(LVC) and unplowed soil with mixed vegetation cover(MVC). DVC significantly improved the exponential growth of NERICAs. NERICA 3 was the more productive(2.16–3.05 t/hm~2) compared with NERICA 8(0.71–1.21 t/hm~2). Cultivation systems improved the nutritional quality of NERICAs. The total protein content of NERICA 3 under DVC and MVC was 84.8% and 75.0% higher than control, respectively. The total soluble carbohydrate contents of NERICA 8 under LVC and MVC was 73.2% and 57.3% higher than control, respectively. These results suggested that conservative approach like direct sowing on unplowed soil with vegetation cover systems can improve the nutritional quality of rainfed NERICAs and their sustainable production under poor oxisol soil in sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

农产品质量安全是国家乡村振兴战略的重点和难点。氨基甲酸酯类农药残留严重威胁粮油产品质量安全与人民生命健康。目前,常用的氨基甲酸酯类农残检测方法主要是仪器检测法,无法满足现场对粮油农残混合污染进行现场高灵敏同步快速检测的需求。本研究在前期自主选育的克百威和甲萘威单克隆抗体基础上,研究并制备出农残混合污染同步快速检测阵列芯片,建立了一种现场高灵敏同步快速检测技术,实现了在30 min内同步定量克百威和甲萘威。经过优化,克百威和甲萘威的检测限分别为0.11、0.09 ng/g,线性范围为0.33~3000 ng/g、0.18~1500 ng/g。在花生样品检测中,克百威和甲萘威的加标回收率分别为88.4%~98.3%和90.1%~118.8%;批内差(RSD)分别为9.0%和3.5%;批间差(RSD)分别为12.3%和16.3%。该阵列芯片检测结果与液相色谱-质谱联用(HPLC-MS/MS)检测结果高度一致。该阵列芯片满足了对农产品中克百威和甲萘威进行现场高灵敏同步快速检测的需求,并可广泛应用于农产品质量安全、食品安全以及环境监测等领域。  相似文献   

The quality and safety of agricultural products is the technique focus of the strategy of rural vitaliza⁃tion. Carbamate pesticide residues are seriously threatening the safety of agricultural product and human life and health. Nowadays, the common detection methods are instrument-based for carbamate pesticide residue, which dis⁃ satisfy the request of an on-site rapid, sensitive and simultaneous detection for multiple carbamate pesticide resi⁃ dues. Based on the home-made monoclonal antibodies against carbofuran and carbaryl respectivity, a microarray for rapid and simultaneous detection of multiple carbamate pesticide residues was developed within 30 min. Under the optimized conditions, the limits of detection(LODs)were found to be 0.11 and 0.09 ng/g, while the linear ranges were 0.33-3000 and 0.18-1500 ng/g for carbofuran and carbaryl respectively. By using spiked peanut samples, it recorded recoveries of 88.4%-98.3%, 90.1%-118.8% for carbofuran and carbaryl respectively. The RSD of intraarray were found at 9.0%, 3.5%, while the RSD of inter-array were recorded at 12.3%, 16.3% respectively. The de⁃ tection results of the microarray were highly consistent with that of HPLC-MS/MS. This proposed microarray provid⁃ ed an on-site high-sensitivity, simultaneous and rapid detection of carbofuran and carbaryl, and could be widely used in the fields of agricultural product quality safety, food safety and environmental monitoring.  相似文献   

Aspergillus flavus infects several food and feed crops, such as corn (Zea mays L.), cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.), and tree nut crops and contaminates the seed with carcinogenic aflatoxins. These susceptible crops contain rich reserves of lipids and fatty acids. The nature of relationship between lipids and the ability of the fungus to infect and produce aflatoxins in mature cottonseed, a protein-rich animal feed, has been addressed previously. In this study, we tracked lipid accumulation in developing cottonseed (15–35 days post-anthesis [DPA]) and also the ability of an aflatoxigenic strain and an isogenic non-aflatoxigenic strain to grow and produce aflatoxins in planta. The aflatoxigenic strain Af-70 green fluorescent protein (GFP) and the isogenic, non-aflatoxigenic strain SRRC 1500 (fungal collections maintained at the Southern Regional Research Center) did not differ much in infection and colonization of cottonseed. The non-aflatoxigenic strain did not produce aflatoxin at all stages of cottonseed development, whereas the aflatoxigenic strain Af-70 GFP produced copious amounts of aflatoxin and it coincided with the increasing levels of lipids, especially in mature cottonseed (30–35 DPA). Fungal growth, as quantified by the GFP expression in the fungus, was highly correlated with toxin production.  相似文献   

The objective of this special issue is to highlight the current state of research in the field of insects as food and feed, but also other aspects on the exploitation of insect farming. In this editorial, we make a short introduction of the topic of the special issue, briefly present the contributions that are collected in it and offer some thoughts on the future research priorities and challenges that should be addressed. Regarding insect farming, there are additional applications, such as fertilizer, health-promoting products, and cosmetics, that can be produced and utilized, that go far beyond food and feed production.  相似文献   

为给玉米秸秆还田技术的机理研究和推广应用提供参考,总结和分析了该技术的研究进展。秸秆还田对土壤物理性状、土壤水分含量、土壤有机质和矿质营养含量、土壤微生物和土壤酶活性,以及下茬小麦生长发育、产量及其构成因素、籽粒品质及麦田病虫害均有影响。未来该技术应增强增产机理、量化技术及配套技术方面的研究。  相似文献   

Ipomea carnea Jacq, a common weed known as ‘Beshram’ was introduced in India, as an ornamental plant. Surprisingly, except fiber length, other morphological characteristics like, cell wall thickness, lumen diameter, flexibility coefficient and wall fraction of I. carnea resemble with softwoods like, Pinus kesiya, and Picca abies. Cannabis sativa L., a common weed known as soft hemp consists of both bast fiber as well as core fiber. The unique morphological characteristics of I. carnea like, cell wall thickness and flexibility coefficient, which resembles with softwoods along with long fibers of C. sativa, in which I. carnea deficits in a proper blend ratio, can be used in a better way for the development of high quality value added paper. The optimum kraft cooking conditions for I. carnea and C. sativa were: active alkali 16%, sulfidity 20%, temperature 165 °C, time (at temperature) 120 min and wood to liquor ratio of 1:4 for I. carnea and 1:3.5 for C. sativa. The screened pulp yield of I. carnea and C. sativa were found to be 49.3 and 54.3% at Kappa number of 29, respectively. An anthraquinone (AQ) dose of 0.1% increases the pulp yield to the tune of around 0.6% as well reduce the Kappa number to the tune of 22%. CEHH bleaching of C. sativa produces pulp brightness of 82% (Elrepho) at total chlorine demand of 5.07%. On contrary to this the I. carnea kraft pulp at same chlorine demand produce a pulp with improved brightness of 85.4% (Elrepho).  相似文献   

A total of 550 maize inbred lines collected from global breeding programs were evaluated for drought resistance under both well-watered and water-stressed environments. The evaluation was based on multiple measurements of biomass taken before and after the drought stress was applied using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), along with other selection criteria including anthesis-silking interval, leaf senescence, chlorophyll content, root capacitance, final grain yield, and grain yield components. Kernel weight was the most stable trait under drought stress. Correlations between the primary trait (grain yield) and the secondary traits, except the root capacitance and ASI under water-stressed condition, were all significant. Root capacitance had relatively low heritability and low genetic correlation with other drought resistance criteria, and is not recommended as a drought resistance criterion. Significant reduction of NDVI values measured in the afternoon when the leaves became rolling, compared to those measured in the morning when the leaves were open, provides a reliable index for leaf rolling, which however was not significantly correlated with grain yield. NDVIs measured across different developmental stages were highly correlated with each other and with most of the secondary traits as well as, grain yield, indicating that NDVI can be used as a secondary trait for large-scale drought resistance screening. Regression models built based on non-yield drought criteria and yield components explained about 40% and 95% of the variation for the grain yield, respectively. Some maize lines developed in China for temperate regions showed strong drought resistance comparable to tropical maize lines when tested under tropical condition, indicating that temperate lines with a wide adaptability can be used in drought resistance breeding for both temperate and tropical environments.  相似文献   

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