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The prevalence, characteristics of the aetiological agent, clinical signs, pathological changes, pathogenesis, epizootiology, microbiological and serological diagnosis, prevention, and control of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP), caused by Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies mycoides SC type, are reviewed New aspects of the disease are discussed A renewed interest in this disease is important because of outbreaks in Southern Europe since 1980. When, at the end of 1992, the national borders of the countries of the European Community are abolished, it is conceivable that the disease will be introduced by cattle imported into CBPP‐free countries.  相似文献   

The prevalence, characteristics of the aetiological agent, clinical signs, pathological changes, pathogenesis, epizootiology, microbiological and serological diagnosis, prevention, and control of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP), caused by Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies mycoides SC.type, are reviewed. New aspects of the disease are discussed. A renewed interest in this disease is important because of outbreaks in Southern Europe since 1980. When, at the end of 1992, the national borders of the countries of the European Community are abolished, it is conceivable that the disease will be introduced by cattle imported into CBPP-free countries.  相似文献   

When contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) was first detected on a farm north of Melbourne, at Bundoora, in 1858, the predominant theory of miasma was being challenged by contagionist theories of disease transmission. This well‐documented case was recorded during a period of change in the scientific assessment of disease and therefore affords an exploration of what aspects of the landscape were considered important for livestock health at the time. Although the introduction, vaccination programs and eventual eradication of CBPP on mainland Australia has been well explored, scholars have neglected this aspect of the disease's history. By comparing 19th century records of farmland with how the site appears today, it is also possible to highlight the limited information provided by contemporary texts, while at the same time developing an appreciation of the ways in which the perception of the rural landscape has changed. This differing perception has implications for the utilisation of these sources for veterinary and environmental historians seeking to understand the mid‐19th century agricultural landscape and how it relates to animal health.  相似文献   

Summary After an absence of about 25 years contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) appeared again in 1990 in Tanzania. It was preceded by a spread in Kenya to an area bordering Tanzania. Due to the frequent cattle movements across the border it was soon introduced into Loliondo in northern Tanzania. One month after the first cases, CBPP was suspected in a total of 9 herds comprising 1,500 cattle. However, few animals showed clear clinical signs and frequent antibiotic treatment at an early stage further obscured the clinical picture. In one herd with acute cases, the diagnosis was confirmed by autopsy andMycoplasma mycoides subsp.mycoides, SC type, was isolated. From this herd several serum samples were positive in the complement fixation test and gave high absorbance values in an ELISA withM. mycoides subsp.mycoides antigen. From 5 other herds with suspected cases blood samples were negative by the complement fixation test but in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay at least one in each herd was positive.
Pleuroneumonia Contagiosa Bovina En Tanzania Septentrional, Confirmacion Mediante Cultivo Y Estudios Serologicos
Resumen Después de un período de 25 años sin ningún brote, la pleuroneumonía contagiosa bovina apareció de nuevo en Tanzania en 1990, después de que la enfermedad se extendiera a una zona de Kenya fronteriza con Tanzania. Debido a los frecuentes movimientos de ganado vacuno a través de la frontera, la enfermedad se declaró pronto en Loliondo, en el norte de Tanzania. Un mes después de los primeros casos, 9 rebaños, que contabilizaban en total 1500 animales, eran sospechosos de estar infectados. Sin embargo, pocos animales mostraron síntomas clínicos claros y et tratamiento precoz con antibióticos contribuyó a disminuir la intensidad de las manifestaciones clinicas. En un rebaño en el que hubo casos agudos el diagnóstico se confirmó mediante necropsia y se aislóMycoplasma mycoides subsp.mycodies del tipo SC. Varias muestras de sangre de este rebaño dieron resultado positivo en el test de fijación del complemento y dieron valores de absorbancia altos en un test de ELISA conM. mycoides subsp.mycoides. Las muestras de sangre provenientes de otros 5 rebaños en los que se sospechó la existencia de la enfermedad dieron resultado negativo en el test de fijación de complemento mientras que al menos un animal de cada rebaño dio resultado positivo en el test ELISA.

Peripneumonie Contagieuse Bovine Dans Le Nord De La Tanzanie, Confirmation Par Culture Et Etudes Serologiques
Résumé Après une absence d'environ 25 ans la péripneumonie contagieuse bovine est de nouveau apparue en 1990 en Tanzanie. Elle a été prècedée d'une progression au Kenya vers une zone bordant la Tanzanie. Par suite de mouvements frontaliers fréquents du bétail, elle a été beintôt introduite dans la région de Loliondo, dans le nord de la Tanzanie. Un mois après les premiers cas, 9 troupeaux totalisant 1500 têtes ont été supectés. Cependant, peu d'animaux ont présenté des signes cliniques nets et, de surcroît, les traitements antibiotiques entrepris en début de maladie obscurissent le tableau clinique. Le diagnostic a été confirmé à l'autopsie dans un troupeau présentant des cas cliniques etMycoplasma mycoides subsp.mycoides, type SC, a été isolé. Plusieurs échantillons de sérum de ce troupeau ont été positifs en fixation du complément et ont donné de grandes valeurs d'absorption dans un test ELISA avec un antigèneM. mycoides subsp.mycoides. Pour 5 autres troupeax avec des cas suspects, les échantillons de sang ont été négatifs en fixation du complément mais un au moins pour chaque troupeaux a été positif dans un test ELISA.

Seroprevalence, clinical findings, and lesions of contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) in Beetal goats were recorded during an outbreak. The overall seroprevalence of CCPP was 32.50%. Confirmation of Mycoplasma mycoides in serum was carried out using counter immunoelectrophoresis (CIE) technique. The highest CIE-positive cases were recorded in the older goats (51.72%) as compared to young ones. Nasal swabs collected from 39 goats showing respiratory signs were found positive for M. mycoides. The most consistent clinical findings were mild to severe cough, purulent nasal secretion, emaciation, dyspnea, increased respiration rate, and pyrexia. Mortality due to CCPP was 9.17%. Consolidation of lungs exhibited the highest frequency (100%), followed by alveolar exudation (90.90%) and pleural adhesion (72.72%). Among the microscopic lesions, septal peribronchiolar fibrosis exhibited the highest frequency (81.81%), followed by fibrinous pleuritis (63.63%) and peribronchiolar cuffing of mononuclear cells (54.54%) in lungs. From these results, it was concluded that CCPP under subtropical conditions has high prevalence in Beetal goats and leads to significant mortality.  相似文献   

Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) remains a major cattle disease in Africa with serious socio-economic consequences. Its eradication requires the development of improved vaccines. Knowledge on this disease and its causing agent, Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides biotype Small Colony (MmmSC), has been progressing significantly in the last years, opening new areas for vaccine design. Advances were achieved in the understanding of the protective immune responses to MmmSC infection and immunopathological mechanisms allowing the pathogen to escape the host immune response. Based on sequencing and genomic studies, some virulence factors and metabolic pathways were unraveled leading to the identification of potential MmmSC vaccine candidates. Based on these findings, this review presents a scientific strategy to design multi-component sub-unit vaccines for mucosal delivery as the most promising approach for efficient long-term protective vaccines to prevent CBPP.  相似文献   

The first Australian bovine brucellosis eradication campaign on a state-wide basis was initiated and established in Tasmania. The procedures involved in drawing up a suitable scheme together with a summary of the difficulties encountered in setting up and operating the scheme are described, leading to the successful eradication of brucellosis from Tasmania. Our observations that milk was not a major factor in the transmission of brucellosis infection from cattle to man are recorded. Recognition is accorded to veterinarians, some eminent in the profession, who, in the absence of Australian research into the disease, gave freely of their advice in helping to pioneer the eradication program. Within one year of commencing the scheme 4 herds had been accredited; by 3 years 85 herds had been accredited.  相似文献   

山羊传染性胸膜肺炎是由山羊支原体山羊肺炎亚种引起的一种山羊常见的高度接触性呼吸道传染病,有传染快速,发病率、死亡率高的特点,给山羊养殖业带来巨大损失。本文从病原学、流行病学、临床症状以及诊断与防控方面对山羊传染性胸膜肺炎进行综述,帮助读者更加全面、深入的了解本病,以期为山羊传染性胸膜肺炎的诊断和防治提供新思路。  相似文献   

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