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Pontoscolex corethurus (Müller, 1857) is the most common invasive earthworm in disturbed lands in the tropics. Conditions required for its successful colonization of new plots are still not understood since some areas can be invaded while others, sometimes in the vicinity, are not. We kept newly hatched P. corethrurus in a wide range of Amazonian soils where population densities had been previously evaluated. We identified soil conditions that best sustain survival, soil ingestion and growth of P. corethrurus in controlled laboratory conditions and checked if presence/absence in the field was consistent with laboratory observations. While pH and Ca influenced survival; Mg and C content were the greatest determinants for growth and C:P, Mg and clay contents determined soil ingestion rates. Soil ingestion and growth rate were correlated. There were no differences in earthworm soil ingestion rates between invaded and non-invaded soils. However, growth rate and survival were higher in soils from invaded sites than in soils from non invaded sites, indicating that soil quality may play a role in the invasion process. We identified two cases where P. corethrurus did not occur: (1) unfavourable soil texture and chemical properties, but also some areas with and (2) favourable soil texture and chemical properties but no invasion. Other parameters, like vegetation cover (grass or trees), soil structure and compaction, soil hydrologic processes or biotic resistance of native earthworm communities could potentially also be key elements for understanding why P. corethrurus populations occur in some sites and not in others.  相似文献   

The antioxidant activities of eight apple cultivars were studied by using the ferric reducing/antioxidant power (FRAP), the beta-carotene-linoleic acid model system (beta-CLAMS), and the photochemiluminescent (PCL) assays. The antioxidant activity of apples is highly correlated to the total phenolic content (TPC) measured by the Folin-Ciocalteu method and the total polyphenolic index (TPI) obtained by HPLC. Extracts of the peel and flesh were analyzed and assayed separately. The FRAP activities of both peel and flesh extracts correlate well with the TPC (r = 0.95 and 0.99, respectively) and the TPI (r = 0.82 and 0.99, respectively). Similar results were found in the beta-CLAMS activities, showing correlation coefficients of r = 0.90 and 0.91 with the TPC for the peel and flesh extracts and of r = 0.90 and 0.84 with the TPI for the peel and flesh extracts, respectively. The antioxidant activity measured by the PCL assay was not correlated with TPC or TPI due to the lack of integratable lag phase in this method with the flavan-3-ols/procyanidins. Among the five major polyphenolic groups, flavan-3-ols/procyanidins had the highest positive correlation with the FRAP and beta-CLAMS activities: r = 0.84 and 0.88 for the peel extracts, respectively; and r = 0.98 and 0.87 for the flesh extracts, respectively. At individual compound level, epicatechin and procyanidin B2 were the major contributors to the antioxidant activity of apple. Hydroxycinnamic acids may have a significant role in the flesh.  相似文献   

I examine a number of problems that need to be identified and accounted for when examining the relationships between diversity and ecosystem function. Among these are measures of diversity and complexity in ecosystems: species richness, diversity indices, functional groups, keystone species, connectance, etc, all of which may be difficult to relate to ecosystem function. Several important distinctions, when testing diversity–function relationships empirically, are discussed: Diversity of functional groups, diversity within functional groups vs. total diversity; manipulating variables such as body-size distributions vs. manipulating diversity per se; effects of diversity vs. effects of biomass; and diversity–function relations under stable vs. changing conditions or perturbations. It is argued that for the management and development of sustainable ecosystems, it is probably more important to understand the linkages between key species or functional groups and ecosystem function, rather than focusing on species diversity. This is because there are possible mechanistic relations between what species do in ecosystems and ecosystem function. Diversity, being an abstract and aggregated property of the species in the context of communities and ecosystems, lacks such direct relations to ecosystem functions.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of slope aspect and position on microbial biomass C (MBC) and some hydrolytic enzyme activities involved in soil N, P, and S cycles in a rangeland ecosystem of west central Iran. Soil samples were collected from three slope positions (summit, backslope, and footslope) of contiguous north- and south-facing slopes. Results indicated higher silt and clay content, soil organic C (SOC), total N (TN), and C/N ratio on the north-facing slope. Furthermore, MBC, alkaline phosphomonoesterase (ALP), acid phosphomonoesterase (ACP), arylsulfatase (ARS), urease (URS), L-asparaginase (LAS), and L-glutaminase (LGL) activities were greater by 46.1, 65.9, 58.6, 59.6, 52.6, 62.8, and 65.7%, respectively, on the north-facing slope compared to the south-facing one. Higher ratios of enzyme activities to MBC were observed on the north-facing slope. In contrast, per cent of inorganic N and microbial quotient were greater on the south-facing slope. The activity of ALP, ACP, ARS along with SOC, TN, and MBC values decreased from summit to footslope. Overall, our findings indicate that north-facing slope and summit position support greater microbial biomass and hydrolytic diversity.  相似文献   



Environment-friendly management of sites used for disposal of locally generated sedimentary material involves designation of an optimal dumping site location which will render the dredged material re-usable for beneficial purposes. The objective of this research was to determine whether wind, waves, and currents can induce transport of sediment from offshore dumping sites located at intermediate depths in the southern Baltic.

Materials and methods

The problem was addressed by exploring potential sediment transport from two sites located in the Gulf of Gdańsk at depths of about 20 m. A total of 29 combinations of hydrodynamic variables, representing the most extreme possible situations in the area, including eight theoretical uniform wind fields over the entire Baltic Sea from the W, NW, N, NE, E, SE, S, and SW sectors, the wind speed of 30 m s?1, as well as 21 historical extreme storms, retrieved from the HIPOCAS project database, were used.

Results and discussion

The bottom velocities resulting from waves and currents at the dumping sites considered were computed using wave models (WAM, SWAN) and the M3D hydrodynamic model (based on the POM model). To estimate the velocities critical for bedload transport, formulae developed by Soulsby (1997) and Sawamoto and Yamashita (Proc Coastal Sediments 87:415–423, 1987) were used. The volumetric bedload transport was computed based on Meyer-Peter and Müller (1948). The model simulations demonstrated that, for the storm conditions analyzed, the current velocity in the area of the two dumping sites would be so low that it would practically not affect the magnitude of the bottom sediment transport. Thus, the resultant volume of bedload transported would be equal to that generated by the wave action. For the heaviest historical storm, the maximum transport is about 3?×?10?5 m2 s?1.


Under conditions of theoretical storms, the bottom orbital velocities would be higher and the resultant sediment transport would reach almost 7?×?10?5 m2 s?1 for northerly winds. However, this value is still very low compared with the volume of sediment being dumped. The findings of this study may prove useful in designation of future dumping sites.

Many seabird species are experiencing population declines, with key factors being high adult mortality caused by fishery by-catch and predation by introduced predators on nesting islands. In the Mediterranean, both of these pressures are intensive and widespread. We studied the adult survival of an endemic Mediterranean seabird, the Yelkouan shearwater (Puffinus yelkouan), between 1969–1994 and 2007–2010 in Malta and between 2004–2010 in France using mark–recapture methods. Mean annual survival probabilities for breeding adults were below 0.9 for all colonies and periods. Between 1969–1994, annual survival for adults of unknown breeding status was on average 0.74 (95% confidence interval: 0.69–0.80) in Malta, possibly as a result of various human disturbances (including illegal shooting), light pollution and fisheries by-catch. Over the period 2004–2010, we found strong support for variation in adult survival probabilities between breeders and non-breeders, and islands with and without introduced predators in France. Survival probabilities for non-breeders (0.95, 0.81–1.0) appeared to be higher than for breeders (0.82, 0.70–0.94), but were imprecise partly due to low recapture probabilities. In Malta, we found evidence for heterogeneity in survival probabilities between two unknown groups (probably breeders and non-breeders), and seasonal variation in survival probability. Birds were more likely to survive the period including the peak breeding season than an equally long period during which they roam widely at sea. Although annual adult survival probability was still low (0.85, 0.58–1.0), colony protection measures appear to have reduced mortality at nesting cliffs. A population model indicated that colonies in France and Malta would currently require continuous immigration of 5–12 pairs per year to maintain stable populations. Our estimates of adult survival probabilities over the past four decades are consistent with overall population declines. Threats to Yelkouan shearwaters require immediate management actions to avoid ongoing population declines in the western Mediterranean.  相似文献   

The production of nitrous oxide (N2O) is a widespread trait in fungi and is of interest because denitrifying fungi lack the N2O reductase gene (nosZ) that regulates N2O reduction to nitrogen gas (N2). The adaptive ability of soil fungi is better than that of bacteria in acidic soils. We investigated the N2O reduction potential, described by the N2O product ratio (RN2O), N2O/(N2O+N2), in soils of different types of fields under crop cultivation with different fertilizer inputs and a bare fallow field with no fertilization as a control. The fungi-to-bacteria abundance ratio (RF/B) was negatively correlated (P < 0.01) with the natural pH of the soil; however, the high value of RF/B measured in vineyards was due to the large inputs of manure. When the denitrification potential was measured at natural pH values of soils, RN2O was negatively correlated (P < 0.01) with soil pH. When the denitrification potential was measured after short-term modifications of soil pH, however, no significant correlation was found between RN2O and the modified pH. Based on stepwise multiple regression analysis, soil pH and residual nitrate (NO3-) were the key factors regulating N2O reduction in soils at natural pH values (R2=0.88, P < 0.001), whereas the key factor was the soil residual NO3- alone (R2=0.83, P < 0.001) when the soil pH was modified. When the effect of the soil chemical properties was weakened, a high RF/B value had the potential (P < 0.01) to affect N2O reduction; however, the role of fungi was offset by the presence of denitrifying bacteria. These results provide evidence that compared to the indirect effects of RF/B, the direct effects of the soil chemical properties have a greater effect on N2O reduction in fertilized soils.  相似文献   

Rhizobial and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbioses each may consume 4-16% of recently photosynthetically-fixed carbon to maintain their growth, activity and reserves. Rhizobia and AM fungi improve plant photosynthesis through N and P acquisition, but increased nutrient uptake by these symbionts does not fully explain observed increases in the rate of photosynthesis of symbiotic plants. In this paper, we test the hypothesis that carbon sink strength of rhizobial and AM symbioses stimulates the rates of photosynthesis. Nutrient-independent effects of rhizobial and AM symbioses result in direct compensation of C costs at the source. We calculated the response ratios of photosynthesis and nutrient mass fraction in the leaves of legumes inoculated with rhizobial and/or AM fungi relative to non-inoculated plants in a number of published studies. On average, photosynthetic rates were significantly increased by 28 and 14% due to rhizobial and AM symbioses, respectively, and 51% due to dual symbiosis. The leaf P mass fraction was increased significantly by 13% due to rhizobial symbioses. Although the increases were not significant, AM symbioses increased leaf P mass fraction by 6% and dual symbioses by 41%. The leaf N mass fraction was not significantly affected by any of the rhizobial, AM and dual symbioses. The rate of photosynthesis increased substantially more than the C costs of the rhizobial and AM symbioses. The inoculation of legumes with rhizobia and/or AM fungi, which resulted in sink stimulation of photosynthesis, improved the photosynthetic nutrient use efficiency and the proportion of seed yield in relation to the total plant biomass (harvest index). Sink stimulation represent an adaptation mechanism that allows legumes to take advantage of nutrient supply from their microsymbionts without compromising the total amount of photosynthates available for plant growth.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of fire return interval length on the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) community of a Pinus pinaster dominated forest and on the potential for common ECM networks (CMNs) between understorey shrubs and P. pinaster. ECM root tips were sampled from five shrub species belonging to the genera Arbutus, Cistus and Halimium and from maritime pine in four areas of central Portugal characterized by differing fire return interval length. Fungal symbionts were identified using molecular techniques with direct sequencing of the nrDNA ITS region.Twenty nine ECM species and sixteen non-ECM root inhabitants were identified. Six years after wildfire disturbance ECM species richness did not differ significantly between unburnt and burnt areas. Nine ECM fungal species were common to pine and shrubs and both their frequency of occurrence and proportion were significantly higher in the unburnt area when compared with both areas subjected to fire.Our study revealed that while the potential for CMNs between understorey shrub species and pine seemed to be maintained in the long fire return interval area, recurrent fires significantly reduced the frequency of occurrence and the proportion of common symbiont species. High fire frequencies could therefore delay the process of re-colonization by pine seedlings limiting their dispersal in new settings.  相似文献   

Work in many parts of the world has discussed the decline of biodiversity in regions dominated by agriculture. We report the results of a major study documenting the longitudinal profiles of birds between 1998 and 2009 within 66 patches of temperate woodland in a heavily cleared and grazed agricultural region of south-eastern Australia. Many researchers have forecast the loss of bird biota from this region and others that also were formerly dominated by temperate woodland.We had sufficient high quality data to analyse the longitudinal profiles of reporting rates for 76 of the 116 individual bird species recorded in our 12-year study. Unexpectedly, only four of the 76 species analysed (5.6%) exhibited a significant negative linear decrease in reporting rate. More surprisingly, 32 (42.1%) exhibited a significant positive linear increase in reporting rate, including several taxa of conservation concern. These increases occurred despite a series of below-average rainfall years. Reporting rates were too low to formally model long-term trends in some other bird species widely considered to be of conservation concern such as the Diamond Firetail (Stagonopleura guttata) and Speckled Warbler (Chthonicola sagittata).Many authors have used functional (and other) groups to forecast bird species likely to be lost from Australia’s temperate woodlands. However, we found no clear links between life history attributes and long-term trend patterns of species.Our findings contrast with recent findings from other temperate woodland-dominated regions in eastern Australia where losses in bird populations have been documented. However, they parallel other investigations such as in central New South Wales. These similarities among, and differences between, studies suggest regional differences in temporal patterns in bird population dynamics. Many of the observed changes in reporting rates were positive and they provide hope that forecast future losses of a large proportion of existing temperate woodland bird assemblages in south-eastern Australia may not be realised uniformly in all regions.  相似文献   

We investigated tree species effects on the soil microbial community in the tropical montane forest on Mt. Kinabalu, in Malaysian Borneo. We investigated microbial composition (lipid profile) and soil physicochemical parameters (pH, moisture, total C, N and phenolics concentration) in top 5-cm soils underneath two conifers (Dacrycarpus imbricatus and Dacrydium gracilis) and three broad-leaves (Lithocarpus clementianus, Palaquium rioence and Tristaniopsis clementis). We found that the primary difference in microbial composition was between conifer versus broad-leaves. The abundance of specific microbial biomarker lipids correlated with soil pH, total C and N. We conclude that tree species have significant impacts on the soil microbial community through their effects on soil pH, total C and N.  相似文献   

Five field experiments, belonging to the Swedish long‐term soil fertility experimental project initiated in 1957, are situated in the very south of the country, two of them on land of favourable natural conditions and three on less favourable areas. The experimental design consists of all 16 combinations between four N and four PK treatments in two 4‐year crop rotations, with and without livestock. In the livestock rotation a clover/grass leg is cropped and cattle manure added once per rotation. One weakly (B1), one ordinary (C2), and one heavily (D3) fertilised NPK‐treatment in both crop rotations were examined in order to compare yields of less favourable with yields of favourable sites. The last five rotation sequences were used.

In both rotations, D3 yields of the less favourable sites were superior to B1 yields of the favourable sites, except for winter wheat in the livestock rotation, for which the B1 yield at the favourable sites was superior. In contrast, D3 yields of the less favourable sites were generally lower than the C2 yields of the favourable sites except for clover/grass ley in the livestock rotation and oil seed rape in the rotation without livestock, for which the D3 and C2 yields were the same statistically.  相似文献   

During winter when the active layer of Arctic and alpine soils is below 0 °C, soil microbes are alive but metabolizing slowly, presumably in contact with unfrozen water. This unfrozen water is at the same negative chemical potential as the ice. While both the hydrostatic and the osmotic components of the chemical potential will contribute to this negative value, we argue that the osmotic component (osmotic potential) is the significant contributor. Hence, the soil microorganisms need to be at least halotolerant and psychrotolerant to survive in seasonally frozen soils. The low osmotic potential of unfrozen soil water will lead to the withdrawal of cell water, unless balanced by accumulation of compatible solutes. Many microbes appear to survive this dehydration, since microbial biomass in some situations is high, and rising, in winter. In late winter however, before the soil temperature rises above zero, there can be a considerable decline in soil microbial biomass due to the loss of compatible solutes from viable cells or to cell rupture. This decline may be caused by changes in the physical state of the system, specifically by sudden fluxes of melt water down channels in frozen soil, rapidly raising the chemical potential. The dehydrated cells may be unable to accommodate a rapid rise in osmotic potential so that cell membranes rupture and cells lyse. The exhaustion of soluble substrates released from senescing plant and microbial tissues in autumn and winter may also limit microbial growth, while in addition the rising temperatures may terminate a winter bloom of psychrophiles.Climate change is predicted to cause a decline in plant production in these northern soils, due to summer drought and to an increase in freeze-thaw cycles. Both of these may be expected to reduce soil microbial biomass in late winter. After lysis of microbial cells this biomass provides nutrients for plant growth in early spring. These feedbacks, in turn, could affect herbivory and production at higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - The unsustainable use of soil natural capital and ecosystem services is of global concern due to damage and losses on a worldwide scale. This situation is further...  相似文献   

A database documenting the distribution of birds, mammals, amphibians and snakes across 1° latitude and longitude squares of mainland sub-Saharan Africa provides an opportunity to quantify how many of these vertebrates are potentially catered for by recent large-scale conservation proposals. Sets of priority areas proposed by BirdLife International, the World Wildlife Fund (USA), the World Conservation Union and the World Wide Fund for Nature, Conservation International, and the World Resources Institute contain between 45 and 93% of 3752 species of birds, mammals, snakes and amphibians breeding in this area. Gaps in the coverage of vertebrates were found in all large-scale proposals, and these are mapped. Most of the conservation proposals perform better than random selection of similar sized areas of Africa, with the proposals focused on species performing more efficiently than schemes based on large areas of intact habitat or process-related criteria. Four of the schemes approach the performance of a complementarity-based algorithm that aims to maximise the number of species captured within a given area of land, and which has been widely advocated as a tool for conservation planning. The reasons for this are discussed and the relevance of the results for conservation planning at coarse and fine scales are explained.  相似文献   

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