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The direct response and the short-term recolonisation of soil by fungi and bacteria were studied after heat treatments of a humus soil with high carbon content and low pH, and a calcareous soil with lower carbon content and high pH. Heating was administered using a muffle furnace or an autoclave, with different temperatures and times of heat exposure, after which fresh soil (1%) was added as inoculum. Autoclaved soil showed more marked increases in bacterial growth during the recovery phase than oven-heated soil, and the bacterial growth response was more rapid in calcareous than in humus soil. Fungal growth recovered more rapid and reached values higher than the control in humus soil, while it remained low until the end of the study in calcareous soil. Respiration rate showed similar patterns in both soils. Fungal biomass (ergosterol and PLFA 18:2ω6,9) indicated that fungi benefited by autoclaving in humus soil, while they were disfavoured by this treatment in calcareous soil. The sum of bacterial PLFAs did not change due to heating, but some bacterial PLFAs (e.g. cy17:0) increased in both soils. We propose that the community assembly of the microbial communities after heating were mainly driven by pH, in that the high pH soil selected primarily for bacteria and the low pH soil for fungi.  相似文献   

Because of the focus on renewable energy, new biogas digesters are being built with the consequence of an increased production of anaerobic digestates (AD) as a by‐product. Although they can be used as organic fertilizer on arable fields, negative impacts of these digestates also may occur. Therefore, it was the aim of this laboratory study to investigate the effect of a normally applied volume of 30 m3 ha?1 of anaerobic digestates derived from a ground input substrate of maize (Zea mays L.) , sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.), and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in different ratios (100 /80 / 20%) on the properties of two soils. The soils, which were homogenized (sieved to ≤ 2 mm) and placed in columns with a defined bulk density of 1.45 g cm?3, were a Cambic Luvisol (sandy loam) derived from glacial till and a Podzol (sandy sand) derived from glazial outwash. Physicochemical parameters [pH, electrical conductivity (EC)] and the wetting behavior of the soils were analyzed by measuring the contact angle (CA) by using the Wilhelmy–Plate‐Method (WPM) and the Repellency Index (RI) from the sorptivity of water and ethanol. To determine the risk of soil dispersion as a consequence of digestate amendment, the amount of readily dispersible clay (RDC) was determined by detecting the turbidity of a soil suspension. The application of 30 m3 ha?1 of AD decreased the wettability of the sandy sand as compared to the untreated soil, while the wettability of the loamy sand remained unaffected by the digestate amendment. The amount of RDC was higher in the loamy sand compared to the sandy sand, but the AD‐amended soil did not exhibit a significant change in dispersibility. While the loamy soil exhibited acidification of the soil after digestate application, the sandy soil showed an alkalinization of soil columns. Overall, the soil texture was identified to be a main factor controlling the effect of the digestates on soil properties. The results of this lab study showed that this study can be used as a first approach for the quantification of digestate amendment under practical conditions.  相似文献   

The objective was to study the effects of tillage and cattle slurry application on organic C dynamics in grassland soils. Treatments included long‐term grassland and reinstalled grassland (after tillage and winter wheat cropping) with and without cattle slurry application (240 kg N ha–1 y–1). A period of 4 y slurry application sufficed to increase microbial activity 1.6‐fold in surface soil (0–10 cm). Tillage affected aggregate distribution and basal respiration in the surface soil.  相似文献   

Biochar (BC) application as a soil amendment has aroused much interest and was found to considerably improve soil nutrient status and crop yields on poor, tropical soils. However, information on the effect of BC on temperate soils is still insufficient, with effects expected to differ from tropical soils. We investigated the effects of BC on soil nutrient dynamics, crop yield, and quality in a greenhouse pot experiment. We compared three agricultural soils (Planosol, Cambisol, Chernozem), and BCs of three different feedstocks (wheat straw [WS], mixed woodchips [WC], vineyard pruning [VP]) slowly pyrolyzed at 525°C, of which the latter was also pyrolyzed at 400°C. The BCs were applied at two rates (1% and 3%, which would correspond to 30 and 90 t ha–1 in the field). Three crops, namely mustard (Sinapis alba L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), and red clover (Trifolium pretense L.) were grown successively within one year. The investigated soil properties included pH, electrical conductivity (EC), cation‐exchange capacity (CEC), calcium‐acetate‐lactate (CAL)–extractable P (PCAL) and K (KCAL), C, N, and nitrogen‐supplying potential (NSP). The results show a pH increase in all soils. The CEC increased only on the Planosol. The C : N ratio increased at 3% application rate. Despite improving the soil nutrient status partly, yields of the first crop (mustard) and to a lesser extent of the second crop (barley) were significantly depressed through BC application (by up to 68%); the yield of clover as third crop was not affected. Only the BC from WS maintained yields in the range of the control and even increased barley yield by 6%. The initial yield reduction was accompanied by notable decreases (Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn) and increases (Mo) in micronutrient concentrations of plant tissues while nitrogen concentrations were hardly affected. The results of the pot experiment show that despite additional mineral fertilization, short‐term growth inhibition may occur when applying BC without further treatment to temperate soils.  相似文献   

典型畜禽粪便厌氧发酵产甲烷潜力试验与计算   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为获得符合中国现阶段畜牧业生产实际的畜禽粪便产甲烷潜力(Biochemical Methane Potential,BMP),为不同养殖场粪便管理甲烷评价提供参考,该研究选取蛋鸡粪、奶牛粪、猪粪三种主要畜禽粪便,在(37±0.5)℃条件下进行中温批式厌氧发酵试验,并利用First-order模型和修正后的Gompert...  相似文献   

Summary We studied the build-up and turnover of microbial biomass following the addition of farmyard manure to an unmanured soil and to soils from a long-term experiment in which different levels of farmyard manure had been applied for the last 23 years. The application of farmyard manure at 15–90 t ha-1 to previously unmanured soil increased the microbial biomass during the first 3 months of incubation but a gradual decline occurred with further incubation for up to 12 months. Microbial biomass C was positively correlated with soil organic C and ranged from 1.8% to 2.2% of organic C after 12 months of farmyard manure applications. Biomass turnover increased with the application of farmyard manure, ranging from 0.81 to 0.87 year-1 with various levels of manure. Amendment of soils from the long-term manure experiment with various levels of farmyard manure led to a build-up and decline in biomass C as seen in the unmanured soils, but biomass C was higher in all treatments compared to the corresponding unmanured soil treatments. Biomass turnover was greater compared to the unmanured soil treatments and it decreased with increasing levels of farmyard manure. The average soil respiratory activity increased with increasing levels of farmyard manure, but respiratory activity per unit of biomass C decreased with increasing levels of manure. Enzyme activities were greater in long-term manured soils compared to unmanured soils amended with various levels of manure. There was a significant correlation between biomass C and enzyme activities.  相似文献   

Thirty-two different basidiomycete isolates were inoculated separately into contaminated soil and the soil colonization ability was assessed visually. Large differences in the colonization ability and growth patterns were found between the different fungi. Phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) were extracted from the soils of the seven isolates with the best colonizing ability. All PLFAs that were not found in pure cultures of the seven fungi were considered as bacterial PLFAs. The bacterial PLFA data were subjected to principal component analysis (PCA) to indicate changes in the indigenous bacterial community. The experiment was repeated in a sandy agricultural soil. The bacterial PLFA patterns were altered when fungi were inoculated into soil, irrespective of whether it was polluted or not. In particular the PLFA cy19:0, indicative of Gram-negative bacteria, was higher in fungal-inoculated soil than in uninoculated controls. The PLFA patterns for each fungal treatment were distributed more or less similarly in the PCA plots of both contaminated and sandy agricultural soil. Soil inoculated with Antrodia vaillantii, Hypholoma fasciculare or Recinicium bicolor was considerably different from the control along PC 1. Soil inoculated with Phanerochaete chrysosporium was characterized by different values along PC 2 compared with the other fungal soils.  相似文献   

为进一步提高猪粪在厌氧消化过程中水解性和产甲烷性能,同时增加猪粪沼液还田利用途径的生态安全性,该研究采用水热的方式对猪粪进行预处理,探究了不同温度(70、90、120、150和170 ℃)水热预处理对猪粪的理化特性和厌氧消化产甲烷性能的影响,并对其沼液的生态安全性进行评估。结果表明,不同温度水热处理30 min条件下,猪粪SCOD(Soluble Chemical Oxygen Demand,溶解性化学需氧量)增加了3.9%~43.6%;经150 ℃水热处理后的猪粪获得最高的产甲烷量(398±40) mL/g(以VS计算,Volatile Solid,挥发性固体),相对于未经处理猪粪的产甲烷量显著提高了5.6%(P<0.05)。猪粪经150 ℃水热预处理和厌氧消化后的沼液中重金属Hg、As、Pb、Cr和Cd含量均满足《农用沼液(GB/T 40750-2021)》的限量要求;粪大肠杆菌的含量满足《粪便无害化卫生要求(GB7959-2012)》;土霉素大幅度降低,恩诺沙星、磺胺嘧啶和诺氟沙星的含量均低于检测限。因此,适当的水热预处理(150 ℃)不仅能够提高猪粪的厌氧消化产甲烷性能,并且能够进一步加强粪污无害化处理和降低沼液还田利用的环境风险。  相似文献   



Since substrate quality can influence the C mineralization pattern of compost in soils, proper selection of compost is important in increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) levels. This study investigated the effect of substrate quality of livestock manure composts on compost C mineralization and retention in soils.  相似文献   

Soil drying renders considerable amounts of phosphorus soluble upon rewetting, which may be partly derived from lysed microbial cells. Using direct bacterial cell counting in water and tetra-sodium pyrophosphate extracts of two Australian pasture soils, we found that almost all extractable cells were lysed following the rewetting of dry soils. The amounts of phosphorus in the lysed cells corresponded closely to the increases in water-extractable phosphorus following soil drying, suggesting that bacterial cell lysis is a major source of the released phosphorus.  相似文献   

畜禽粪便作为农业面源污染的主要来源之一,对农田土壤质量及河源区水质安全存在严重威胁.本研究选取东辽河源区东辽县畜禽粪便为研究对象,通过分析其重金属与典型抗生素与产生特征,阐明了畜禽粪便农田施用的环境承载力及应对措施.结果表明:畜禽粪便中重金属Cu、Zn含量最高,四环素类抗生素中金霉素残留最高,猪粪中含量高于鸡粪和牛粪....  相似文献   

Plots of a tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) sward in the south coastal region of BC, Canada, were treated with dairy manure slurry or fertilizer at 50 or 100 kg NH4-N ha−1 up to four times per year for six consecutive years; control plots received no manure or fertilizer. The length of fungal hyphae and abundance of bacterial cells were determined by direct counting at 19 sample dates during the fourth (1997), fifth (1998) and sixth (1999) application years. Bacterial abundance was significantly greater in manured soil than in fertilized and untreated soils. In contrast, hyphal length was significantly greater in untreated soil than in manured and fertilized soils. In subplots that ceased to receive manure in 1998, bacterial abundance remained greater through 1998 and 1999 than in previously fertilized plots, indicating that the 4 year cumulative effect of manure was detectable for at least two growing seasons after applications cease. The apparently negative effect of manure and fertilizer on fungal hyphae also appeared to persist through 2 years after applications ceased. Bacterial abundance increased after an initial application of manure for 1 year to previously untreated plots, but not to levels comparable to plots treated with manure continuously from 1994 to 1998.Increases in bacterial abundance, during the one to three week intervals immediately following individual applications of manure, were inconsistent and other factors, such as soil moisture, temperature and perhaps crop phenology appear to have had strong effects on the timing of these microbial responses. Annual means for bacterial abundance and total microbial biomass in the continuous manure treatment were similar for all 3 years. This suggested that the manure-induced increase in microbial biomass probably reached a plateau between one and 3 years after applications commenced. The large bacterial populations along with abundant carbon substrates in manured soil, relative to fertilized soil, were probably capable of immobilizing influxes of mineral N, explaining the observations that less leaching occured from manured than from fertilized soils.  相似文献   

Nitrogen losses following application of pig slurry to arable land   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. Emissions of ammonia (NH3) and nitrous oxide (N2O), and nitrate (NO-3) leaching were measured in two field experiments following application of pig slurry at rates corresponding to 83–96 kg NH4-N ha-1 before sowing. In spring and in autumn 1994, slurry was applied by four methods: trenching (T), shallow injection (S), band spreading immediately followed by harrowing (B/H) and band spreading (B). NH3 emission measurements were made during the first week after application in both experiments. In the spring experiment N2O emissions and NO-3 leaching were measured during 6 and 52 weeks after spreading respectively, and during 11 and 33 weeks after spreading in the autumn experiment. In spring, the increased N2O emissions (i.e. control subtracted) ranged from 0.27% (T) to 0.45% (B/H), and in the autumn study from 0.92% (T) to 1.14% (B/H), of applied NH4-N, although showing no statistically significant differences. In order to validate the chamber measurements, a ‘megachamber’(21 m2) was used together with an infrared spectrometer. The emissions agreed well for (B/H), while (B) resulted in lower emissions compared with the smaller chambers. Emissions of NH3 were about one order of magnitude higher. In spring, (B) gave the highest emission, reaching 19.5% of applied NH4-N, whereas (S), and (B/H) gave the lowest emissions, reaching 1.2 and 3.5% of applied NH4-N, respectively. NH3 emissions in autumn were 15–20% lower compared with spring. In spring the increased nitrate leaching ranged from 10.1 (T) to 24.9 kg ha-1 (B/H) and from 29.5 (B) to 37.8 kg ha-1 (T) in the autumn experiment, showing no statistically significant differences. Estimations of indirect N2O emissions due to ammonia deposition and nitrate leaching, suggested that the N2O contribution from NH3 deposition was relatively small, while the indirect N2O emissions from NO-3 leaching were of the same order of magnitude or higher than the direct N2O emissions.  相似文献   


A pot experiment was carried out in the greenhouse with two loamy sand Dystric Cambisols derived from schist to investigate the effect of liming and phosphorus (P) application on plant growth and P availability and its assessment by four soil test methods: 0.01M calcium chloride (CaCl2), cation anion exchange membrane (CAEM), Egnér‐Riehm, and Olsen procedures. Soils were first incubated for two weeks with lime at four levels, depending on their content of exchangeable aluminum (Al). Phosphorus was added at two rates (75 and 150 mg P kg‐1) and the incubation proceeded for an additional two‐week period. Sudangrass (Sorghum sudanenses cv. Tama) was then planted and harvested four weeks later. During incubation and plant growth, soils were maintained at 70% of field moisture capacity. Although pH value and soil extractable P in original soils were similar, the results showed a significant difference on the effect of liming and P application. Acidity was the major limitation for DM yield in the soil with the highest amount of exchangeable Al, while P availability was the main constraint in the other soil. Liming above pH (0.01M CaCl2) 5.3–5.5 did not increase DM yield in either soil and showed a negative effect on one soil (9.7 to 6.9 and 10.2 to 7.8 g pot‐1). Phosphorus content and uptake by sudangrass increased with liming, revealing a positive effect of lime on the availability of P to plants. Added P showed a lower efficiency in the soil with highest amounts of Al compounds. Soil tests performed after the execution of the pot experiment showed variable tendencies to predict P availability, according to the nature of the procedures and soils. Soluble‐P in 0.01M CaCl2 increased with the rise of soil pH. Extractable CAEM‐P and Egnér‐Riehm‐P also increased with liming, but reflected the soil depletion caused by plant uptake. Extractable Olsen‐P presented the most inconclusive results, suggesting the limitation of this method for acid soils which have been limed.  相似文献   

集约化畜禽养殖场污染物处理应用现代信息技术初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简介了集约化畜禽养殖场污染物处理应用现代信息技术现状,包括制定畜禽污染物处理规划、计算畜禽污染物理化性状、设计畜禽污染物处理装置、评估畜禽污染物处理的经济效益及环境效益和提供畜禽污染物处理还田技术指导等。并指出现代信息技术应用于集约化畜禽养殖场污染物处理存在的问题及其发展趋势  相似文献   

采用多重筛选方法相结合,从土壤、秸秆、堆肥等不同来源样品中分离得到4株具有较强纤维素降解能力细菌A531、A422、B622和C631,该4株菌株同时具有使堆肥快速升温和有效除臭潜力。经菌体形态观察、生理生化分析及16S rDNA鉴定,其中两株分别为蜡状芽孢杆菌(A531)、白色芽孢杆菌(C631),菌株A422和B622须进一步鉴定。将该4株菌与本实验室保藏的1株氨氧化细菌(新型耐热芽孢杆菌Aliibacillus thermotolerans)BM62按照不同比例配制成复合菌剂进行堆肥功能验证,结果表明,菌株A531、A422、B622、C631和BM62按照1∶1∶1∶1∶1的比例混合进行堆肥,与对照堆肥相比,添加菌剂的堆肥中纤维素降解率提高19.83%,总氮损失率降低10%,NO_2~-含量增加46.6%,NH_3挥发率降低35.5%;将此复合菌剂各菌株比例调整为2∶2∶1∶1∶1的堆肥结果为,纤维素降解率提高了21.73%,总氮损失率减少8.1%,NO_2~-含量增加39.7%,NH_3挥发减少23.1%;将此复合菌剂各菌株比例调整为1∶2∶1∶2∶1的堆肥结果为,纤维素降解率提高了18.86%,总氮损失率减少了11.2%,NO_2~-含量增加了49.1%,NH_3挥发减少42.6%。以上结果表明,此复合菌剂可以明显降低堆肥过程不愉快气味,降低堆肥中氮素损失,快速有效分解纤维素等有机物质,具有很好的应用价值和社会意义。  相似文献   

The effect of three annually consecutive additions of pig slurry at two rates (90 and 150 m3 x ha(-1) x year(-1) on soils and soil humic acids (HAs) was investigated in a field experiment under semiarid conditions. Soils and pig slurries were analyzed by standard methods. The HAs were isolated from soils and pig slurry by a conventional procedure based on alkaline extraction, acidic precipitation to pH 1, purification by repeated alkaline dissolutions and acidic precipitations, water washing, dialysis, and final freeze-drying. The HAs obtained were analyzed for elemental (C, H, N, S, and O) and acidic functional group (carboxylic and phenolic) composition, and by UV-vis, FT-IR, fluorescence, and ESR spectroscopies. With respect to the control soil, the pig slurry amended soils had greater pH and electrical conductivity, slightly larger total N content, and smaller values of C/N ratio. A decrease of total organic C was observed only in soils amended for 2 and 3 years at the higher slurry rate. With respect to control soil HA, pig slurry HA was characterized by larger contents of S- and N-containing groups, smaller acidic functional group and organic free radical contents, a prevalent aliphatic character, extended molecular heterogeneity, and smaller aromatic polycondensation and humification degrees. Amendment with pig slurry HA determines a number of modifications in soil HAs, including increase of C, S, and COOH contents, C/N ratios, and aliphaticity and decrease of extraction yields and N, O, phenolic OH, and organic free radical contents. These effects are generally more evident after the first year of slurry application and tend to disappear with increasing number of treatments. Most probably, over the years the slightly humified slurry HA is mineralized through extended microbial oxidation, whereas only the most recalcitrant components, such as S-containing, phenolic, and aliphatic structures, are partially accumulated by incorporation into soil HA.  相似文献   

该文总结了20余年关于养殖场粪水厌氧处理技术的研究开发工作和30余个工程的实践经验,介绍了中国畜禽粪水厌氧处理的现状,详细分析了各类处理技术的技术要点、适用范围、研究和应用现状,并就实际工程的建设和运行提出了具体的措施和意见。  相似文献   

Wang  Qiang  Chen  Zhaoming  Zhao  Jun  Ma  Junwei  Yu  Qiaogang  Zou  Ping  Lin  Hui  Ma  Jinchuan 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2022,22(3):968-981
Journal of Soils and Sediments - Biogas slurry (BS) is widely used as a valuable fertilizer for crop production. However, little is known about the effects of long-term BS application on potential...  相似文献   

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