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Previous work has hypothesised that cows in low body condition become lame. We tested this in a prospective longitudinal study. Body condition score (BCS), causes of lameness and milk yield were collected from a 600-cow herd over 44-months. Mixed effect binomial models and a continuous outcome model were used to investigate the associations between lameness, BCS and milk yield. In total, 14,320 risk periods were obtained from 1137 cows. There were 1510 lameness treatments: the most common causes of lameness were sole ulcer (SU) (39%), sole haemorrhage (SH) (13%), digital dermatitis (DD) (10%) and white line disease (WLD) (8%). These varied by year and year quarter. Body condition was scored at 60-day intervals. BCS ranged from 1 to 5 with a mean of 2.5, scores were higher in very early lactation but varied widely throughout lactation; approximately 45% of scores were <2.5. The key finding was that BCS < 2.5 was associated with an increased risk of treatment for lameness in the following 0–2 months and >2–4 months for all causes of lameness and also specifically for SU/WLD lameness. BCS < 2.5 was associated with an increased risk of treatment for SH in the following 0–2 months but not >2–4 months. There was no such association with DD. All lameness, SU/WLD, SH and DD were significantly more likely to occur in cows that had been lame previously, but the effect of BCS was present even when all repeat cases of lameness were excluded from the analysis. Milk yield was significantly higher and fell in the month before treatment in cows lame with SU/WLD but it was not significantly higher for cows that were treated for DD compared with non-lame cows. These findings support the hypothesis that low BCS contributes to the development of horn related claw lameness but not infectious claw diseases in dairy cows. One link between low BCS and lameness is a thin digital cushion which has been proposed as a trigger for claw horn disease. Cows with BCS 2 produced more milk than cows with BCS 2.5, however, this was only approximately 100 kg difference in yield over a 305-day lactation. Given the increased risk of lameness in cows with BCS 2, the direct costs of lameness and the small variability in milk yield by BCS, preventing cows from falling to BCS < 2.5 would improve cow welfare and be economically beneficial.  相似文献   


Aims: To assess the change in body condition score (BCS) during the early and late dry periods and its association with postpartum diseases and milk yield in grazing dairy cows from central Argentina.

Methods: BCS assessments during the dry period, and cow health and milk production records up to 90 days in milk (DIM), were collated for cows from 28 farms at monthly visits between 2007 and 2008. Cows were categorised into four groups; those in Group 1 (n=7,067) maintained or gained BCS during the early and late dry periods; Group 2 (n=2,615) maintained or gained BCS during the early dry period and lost BCS during the late dry period; Group 3 (n=1,989) lost BCS during the early dry period and maintained or gained BCS during the late dry period; and Group 4 (n=5,144) lost BCS during the early and late dry periods.

Results: Cows in Group 1 had reduced odds of having retained fetal membranes (RFM), metritis, and clinical mastitis up to 90 DIM than cows in Group 2 (p<0.001), but the odds of disease were similar to cows in Group 3. The odds of having RFM or clinical mastitis tended to be lower in cows in Group 1 than cows in Group 4 (p=0.08). The odds of cows being culled or dying during the first 90 DIM were lower for cows in Group 1 than for those in Groups 2, 3, and 4 (p≤0.05). Mean accumulated milk yield up to 90 DIM was higher in cows in Group 1 than Group 2 and Group 4 (p<0.001), but was similar to that of cows in Group 3 (p=0.28).

Conclusions and clinical relevance: Cows that lost BCS during the late dry period had increased odds of being diagnosed with several postpartum diseases and had decreased milk yield compared to cows that maintained or gained BCS during the entire dry period. Loss of BCS during any stage of the dry period was also associated with increased incidence of culling or death during the first 90 DIM. These results should raise awareness among dairy cattle producers of the importance of properly managing cow body condition during the dry period, especially during the late dry period.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between the parameters of feeding behaviour and feed intake, 70 lactating dairy cows (23 primiparous and 47 multiparous) were monitored from the 2nd to 15th week of lactation. Data were collected by using an automatic feeder and electronic identification of individual cows from 10 July 2005 to 16 January 2006. The resulting data of the cows in primiparous and multiparous condition were categorised into groups based on the mean of their milk yield over the first 15 weeks of lactation: primiparous cows with below-average milk yield (LP) and above-average milk yield (HP) with an average of 28.44 and 34.31 kg energy-corrected milk (ECM) per day, respectively, and multiparous cows with below-average milk yield (LM) and above-average milk yield (HM) with an average of 38.70 and 44.49 kg ECM per day, respectively. The parameters of feeding behaviour were calculated based on the estimated meal criterion from pooled data. Parity, level of milk yield, and day had significant effects on some of characteristics of feeding behaviour and feed intake parameters. There was no significant difference in meal duration either between primiparous and multiparous cows or between LP and HP. However, a significant difference between LM and HM was observed. Cows in HM had shorter feeding times but a larger meal size, higher DMI, and feeding rate. Moreover, these cows displayed a stronger correlation between meal duration, daily mealtime and daily feed intake (r = 0.37 and 0.50, P < 0.001, respectively) than any other cow or group of cows of the study. Meal duration, daily mealtime, meal size and daily DMI increased on average about 32%, 20%, 35%, and 22% respectively, considering all milk yield groups from the 2nd to 15th week of lactation.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of a monensin controlled-release capsule administered intraruminally at drying-off on body condition score (BCS) at calving, milk yield, fertility and concentration of energy-related blood metabolites in Holstein cows dried-off with low BCS (< or = 3.0, scale 1 to 5 with a 0.25 point of increment). Between July and August, 2001, 220 cows from parity 2 or more and dried-off 50-70 days before expected parturition, with a BCS < or = 3.0 were randomly assigned to either a treatment group (n=110; oral capsule of monensin releasing 335 mg/day for 95 days) or a control group (no capsule, n=110). At assignment, on day 21 before expected parturition, at calving, and at 7, 14, and 21 days in milk a blood sample was obtained from a random sub sample of 10 cows per group. Effects of monensin on serum NEFA, BHBA and glucose were measured. Milk yield, milk fat and protein content (%) at DHIA test days during the entire lactation, 305 ME milk production and reproductive responses were compared. Monensin significantly improved BCS at calving, increased milk yield at test days 4 and 8, decreased the percentage of milk protein, did not change the percentage of milk fat, and decreased NEFA and BHBA during the post-partum period.  相似文献   

This study determined colostrum production of lactating primiparous and multiparous Holstein dairy cows, as well as the predictability of full lactation milk yield based upon this colostrum production. Holstein cows that calved between December 18, 2006 and December 24, 2007 (n = 134) had their first two post-partum milkings weighed and assayed for density. Cows then entered normal production groups and were assessed for milk yield and milk components every 4 or 5 weeks for the duration of their lactation. Primiparous cows produced less colostrum (10.6 versus 13.6 kg; = 0.02) and density adjusted (DA) colostrum (5.2 versus 8.5 kg; < 0.01), but there were no differences in estimated 305 day mature equivalent (305ME) milk production (mean = 13,654 kg) or lactation lengths (mean = 301 days) between parities. Colostrum and DA colostrum were poor estimators of subsequent 305ME milk production within primiparous cows (r2 = 0.20 and 0.01 respectively) and multiparous cows (r2 = 0.18 and 0.12 respectively). Colostrum production of these high producing cows was somewhat lower than expected, highly variable among cows within parity, higher for multiparous versus primiparous cows, and was not a good estimator of subsequent 305ME milk production.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effects of season, farm location, and farm size on farm milk yield (FMY), average milk yield per cow (AYC), milk fat, bacterial score, and bulk tank somatic cell count (BTSCC) of dairy farms in the central region of Thailand. Farms were located in the districts of Kaeng Khoi, Muaklek, Pak Chong, and Wang Muang. Collection of data was at the farm level; individual animal records were unavailable. A total of 967,110 daily farm milk yield, 58,575 milk fat and bacterial score, and 24,109 BTSCC records from 1,034 farms were collected from July of 2003 to June of 2006. There were three seasons: rainy, summer and winter. Farms were categorized into small, medium, and large according to the number of cows milked per day. Results showed that FMY and AYC were higher (p <0.05) in winter and lower in the summer and rainy seasons. In addition, the majority of small size farms had higher (p < 0.05) AYC and milk fat values, and lower bacterial score and BTSCC values than medium and large size farms.  相似文献   

Body condition scoring (BCS) is widely used to evaluate the nutritional status of livestock (cows, ewes, sows). In intensive systems, rabbit does are generally inseminated 11 days post partum and, due to a hormonal antagonism and an energy deficit caused by concurrent lactation and pregnancy, they show low fertility. The aim of this investigation was to assess an in vivo method for scoring the body condition of does by verifying the association with the body fat depots, the chemical composition of body tissues, the ovarian status, the hormonal response and the reproductive performance. The evaluation of BCS, involving 66 multiparous lactating does inseminated at 11 days post partum, was based on the test of bone protrusions and fullness of muscle of the loin, rump and hind leg. The traits were subjectively scored using 0, 1 and 2 for poor, intermediate and good condition, respectively. For calculating an aggregate BCS, the hind leg score was omitted, because it is less correlated with the real body condition. Adding the respective score (0–2) of the loin and rump regions, 5 classes of BCS were obtained (0–4). This aggregate BCS was highly correlated with the body fat depots (r = 0.79), the ether extract content of muscle samples of Obliquus abdominis (r = 0.87) and Biceps femoris (r = 0.84), and the ether extract of the empty body (r = 0.84). There was a lower correlation with the body weight (r = 0.45). The increase of BCS corresponded to higher lipid content in the body parts considered, especially the Obliquus abdominis (from 2.0 to 10.0%) and fat depots (from 10.6 to 107.7 g/doe). BCS was not related to ovulation rate or embryo production, but was correlated with sexual receptivity and fertility.Plasma FSH and LH concentrations were determined by RIA, 48, 24, 0 h before and 1 h after GnRH administration and artificial insemination. Animals with extreme body condition scores (BCS ≤ 1 or BCS = 4) showed lower plasma FSH levels (20.0 vs. 34.5 ng/mL) than does with optimal body condition (2 ≤ BCS ≤ 3) and their preovulatory LH surge, released after GnRH administration, was less evident (16.9 vs. 20.3 ng/mL). The poor reproductive performance of does with extreme BCS could be explained by this pituitary activity. On day 11 post-partum, a high number of does (71.2%) had extreme BCS and showed a lower sexual receptivity (37.2% vs. 80.0%) and fertility rate (50.9% vs. 86.6%) than does in optimal condition. On these results, the possibility of applying an in vivo method for scoring the body condition of lactating rabbit does appears promising for use in on-farm reproductive management.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the effect of long day photoperiod (LDPP) on milk production and reproduction in milk goats. A total of 79 goats were randomly assigned to three treatment groups blocked by day of kidding. Group 1 (Gr1, n = 26) was subjected to natural photoperiod from January 6 to December 5. Group 2 (Gr2, n = 24) was subjected to LDPP (20 h light, 4 h dark) from June 22 to December 5. Group 3 (Gr3, n = 29) was subjected to LDPP from January 6 to December 6. Weekly milk weights and samples were collected for fat, protein and somatic cell count (SCC) determinations. Blood serum was harvested for progesterone (P4) determination. Results indicated a significant effect (p < 0.001) between treatments for body weight changes, feed intake and milk yield. Both light treated groups had a significantly higher (p < 0.001) average daily milk output for the entire lactation period than the control group (G1, 2.193 kg/day; G2, 2.517 kg/day; G3, 2.305 kg/day). Milk fat for the overall lactation was significantly higher in Gr3 (+ 0.19 g/100 ml) than for Gr2 (+ 0.06 g/100 ml) when compared to the control group (x g/100 ml) under natural photoperiod. Somatic cell counts throughout lactation were significantly (p < 0.001) lower for Gr2 (1.70 million/ml) and higher for Gr3 (2.03 million/ml), with the control group (Gr1) having an intermediate level (1.96 million/ml). Progesterone levels between June 9 and August 30 indicated that 27%, 48% and 63% of the animals had P4 levels in excess of 1.0 ng/ml serum for Gr1, Gr2 and Gr3, respectively. Pregnancy diagnosis by ultrasound in December revealed that a high number of does in the light treated groups (10 of 37) were pseudo-pregnant when compared with the control group (1 of 21). Although light appeared to be effective in increasing milk production, further investigations are needed to evaluate the effect of LDPP on pseudo-pregnancy in dairy goats.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed (1) to study the effects of lactation stage, season, and parity on milk cortisol concentrations in Holstein cows, and (2) to elucidate the relationships between milk yield, quality, and milk cortisol concentration. Subjects of this study were 24 dairy cows kept in a free stall barn. Milk samples were taken on test day in May, August, November, and February. Data of milk yield, quality, and cortisol concentration were collected. Random effects of animals and fixed effects of lactation stage, test day, and parity on milk yield, quality, and cortisol concentration were analyzed using mixed models. We estimated the best linear unbiased prediction of each trait (BLUP) which was an animal-specific value. Correlation among milk yield, quality, and cortisol concentration was calculated using raw data and BLUP. The effect of the lactation stage on milk cortisol concentration was significant: the value observed in early lactation was higher than in other stages. However, the correlation between milk yield and cortisol concentration was low. The beginning of lactation might be a strong stressor for every cow. Calculated with raw data, milk cortisol concentration had respectively significant negative correlation with milk protein contents and solid not-fat contents. Calculated with BLUP, milk cortisol concentration showed a significant and negative correlation with milk protein contents. The lactation stage and milk protein contents should be considered for measurement of milk cortisol concentrations.  相似文献   

This study was part of a larger study that addressed the effects of marine algae (ALG) supplementation in the ration of high yielding periparturient dairy cows. The objectives were to induce milk fat depression (MFD) in early lactation by feeding docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) from ALG and to determine the effects on milk production, milk components and metabolic status early post partum. This study focuses on the oxidative status in the plasma during the ALG supplementation. Plasma samples were collected from 16 Holstein Friesian cows at the day of parturition and at −1, 2, 4 and 6 weeks relative to calving with half of the cows receiving the ALG supplement (44 g DHA/d) from 3 weeks pre partum on. The following parameters were measured in plasma: ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP), α-tocopherol level, glutathione peroxidase activity (GSH-Px) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) concentration. There was a significant effect of time for FRAP and α-tocopherol indicating changes in the plasma oxidative status around parturition. The ALG supplementation was successful in creating a milk fat depression (MFD) but could not improve the energy balance. Feeding of ALG significantly increased lipid peroxidation as measured by TBARS, probably through their high content of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   


The relationship of milk fat–protein ratio (FP), body condition score (BCS), body weight (BW) and their changes (ΔBCS, ΔBW) to energy balance (EB) in early lactation, and usefulness of the traits for predicting of EB of primiparous Finnish Red Dairy Cattle were studied. BW on the first test-day after calving correlated negatively (r=?0.30; P<0.02) with EB, suggesting large loss of body reserves for heavier cows. FP correlated significantly (r=?0.37) with EB on the first but not on the other test-days. Thus, when a single measure of FP is used to predict EB, records on the first test-day after calving seem to be the most appropriate. Milk FP was a better predictor of EB than BCS, BW or their changes. The accuracies of predictions were moderate; the best prediction explained 39.4% of EB variation. The low accuracy was suggested to be caused by imprecision in estimation of the EB.  相似文献   



Application of assisted reproductive technologies in buffaloes is limited to some extent by farmers’ inability to detect oestrus because of its poor expression. The present study aimed at investigating reliability of a milk progesterone enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to assess the ovarian cyclicity during post partum, oestrus and post-breeding periods in water buffaloes.


Progesterone concentrations were measured by an ELISA in milk of 23 postpartum buffaloes in relation to oestrus, pregnancy, body condition score (BCS) and milk production. Two milk samples were taken at 10 days intervals, every month starting from day 30 and continued to day 150 post partum. BCS and milk production were recorded during sample collection. Milk samples from bred buffaloes were collected at Day 0 (day of breeding), Days 10–12 and Days 22–24. Defatted milk was preserved at −80°C until analysis. Pregnancy was confirmed by palpation per rectum on Days 70–90.


Seventeen buffaloes had 47 ovulatory cycles, one to four in each, 13 were detected in oestrus once (28 % oestrus detection rate). Progesterone concentration ≥1 ng/ml in one of the two 10-day-interval milk samples reflected ovulation and corpus luteum formation. The intervals between calving to first luteal activity and to first detected oestrus varied from 41 to 123 days (n = 17) and 83 to 135 (n = 13) days, respectively. Eight buffaloes were bred in the course of the study and seven were found pregnant. These buffaloes had a progesterone profile of low (<1 ng/ml), high (≥ 1 ng/ml) and high (≥ 1 ng/ml) on Day 0, Days 10–12 and Days 22–24, respectively. Buffaloes cycling later in the postpartum period had fewer missed oestruses (P < 0.05). Buffaloes with a superior BCS had a shorter calving to oestrus interval and produced more milk (P < 0.05).


Milk progesterone ELISA is a reliable tool for monitoring ovarian cyclicity and good BCS may be an indicator of resuming cyclicity in water buffalo.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate milking frequency as a potential stressor in Holstein–Friesian dairy cows managed in a pastoral farming system. The circadian body (vaginal) temperature rhythm was measured in cows milked twice-a-day (2x) or once-a-day (1x) in two experiments. The first experiment was conducted at peak lactation (50 ± 11 days in milk, DIM) and the second in response to a transition from 2x to 1x milking at mid-lactation (153 ± 21 DIM). At peak lactation, body temperature was continuously recorded for seven days in 40 dairy cows, milked either 2x (two groups, n = 10 per group) or 1x (two groups, n = 10 per group) from the time of calving. At mid-lactation, 60 dairy cows were milked either 2x (four groups, n = 5 per group), 1x (four groups, n = 5 per group) or switched from 2x to 1x on the afternoon of 156 DIM (2x:1x, four groups, n = 5 per group). Body temperature was measured in three of the five cows per group (36 cows in total) for 10 days from 153 to 162 DIM. Milk yield and total grazing time (Experiment 2 only) were recorded in all cows. At peak lactation cows milked 2x had a higher (P ≤ 0.051) mean body temperature between 1600 and 0000 h than 1x cows (38.6 vs. 38.4 °C; SED = 0.03 °C). At mid-lactation, mean body temperature was also elevated between 1600 and 2000 h in 2x cows compared to 1x cows (2x: 38.6 °C, 1x:38.4 °C, SED = 0.04 °C; P < 0.001) and tended (P = 0.083) to be higher in 2x cows between 2000 and 0000 h. On the day the milking frequency was switched from 2x to 1x (156 DIM), mean body temperature still tended to be higher (P = 0.087) between 1600 and 2000 h in cows continuing on 2x compared with 2x:1x and 1x cows. Body temperature in 2x:1x cows on 157 DIM was lower than 2x cows and similar to that of 1x cows, but there was no consistent effect of milking frequency on body temperature from 158 to 162 DIM. Cows milked 2x had a higher daily milk yield than 1x cows at peak lactation and at mid-lactation (peak lactation 2x: 28.1 ± 5.1, 1x: 24.5 ± 4.7 kg milk per day). Time spent grazing between 1600 and 2000 h was initially at least 22 min higher (P = 0.031) in 1x cows than in 2x:1x and 2x cows on 153 DIM but there were no differences (P ≥ 0.107) in the remaining days of the trial. Milk yield in 2x:1x cows declined rapidly on 156 DIM to be lower (P < 0.001) than both 2x and 1x cows but from 157 DIM began to follow the same pattern as 1x cows. In conclusion, milking frequency had an effect on the circadian body temperature rhythm, particularly in the late afternoon and evening. There was a decline in body temperature from 1600 h if milking frequency was reduced, but this change was not explained by treatment differences in time spent grazing during the same period. The alterations in the circadian body temperature rhythm with milking frequency were likely due to differences in metabolic activity and internal heat production associated with locomotor activity and relative milk production rather than physiological stress per se.  相似文献   

The milk yields of 1824 cows were used to investigate the effect of lesion-specific causes of lameness, based on farmer treatment and diagnosis of lame cows, on milk yield. A three-level hierarchical model of repeated test day yields within cows within herds was used to investigate the impact of lesion-specific causes of lameness (sole ulcer, white line disease, digital dermatitis and other causes) on milk yield before and after treatment compared with unaffected cows. Cattle which developed sole ulcer (SU) and white line disease (WLD) were higher yielding cattle before they were diagnosed. Their milk production fell to below that of the mean of unaffected cows before diagnosis and remained low after diagnosis. In cattle which developed digital dermatitis (DD) there was no significant difference in milk yield before treatment and a slightly raised milk yield immediately after treatment. The estimated milk loss attributable to SU and WLD was approximately 570 and 370 kg, respectively. These results highlight that specific types of lameness vary by herds and within herds they are associated with higher yielding cattle. Consequently lesion-specific lameness reduction programmes targeting the cow and farm specific causes of lameness might be more effective than generic recommendations. They also highlight the importance of milk loss when estimating the economic impact of SU and WLD on the farms profitability.  相似文献   

Heat load impairs the feed intake and milk yield of dairy cows: The higher their milk yield and energy expenditure (EE), the larger the expected effect. Our objective was to examine the efficacy of feeding such cows at night, which avoiding their access to feed for 5 1/2 h during the hot hours of the day, to reduce the heat load upon them in a hot climate. Approximately 120 cows in a herd in a hot region in Israel were allocated to two treatments: day (DFT) or night (NFT) feeding, which differed only in the schedule of feed allocation. The experiment was conducted from May to September 2000 (118 days). The cows were group fed on a total mixed ration, and the daily amounts of feed offered and of orts collected were recorded. The daily group average milk yield was also recorded. Ten cows in each group were selected for individual measurements. The energy expenditure of these cows was estimated once before and three times during the experiment, by monitoring heart rates and measuring oxygen consumption. The rectal temperatures and respiration rates (RR) of these cows were measured in the morning and afternoon on two consecutive days in August. Cows on NFT had lower feed intake but similar milk yield to that of DFT cows, and NFT cows had better milk yield persistence over time. The effects of the temperature-humidity index (THI) on milk yield and intake were similar in the two treatments. The rectal temperature and respiration rate, and the increase in these measures from morning to afternoon hours, did not differ from DFT and NFT cows. The energy expenditure of NFT cows was lower than that of DFT cows, and their efficiency of energy utilization for milk production was higher.  相似文献   

为探究体况评分(Body Condition Score,BCS)和步态评分(Locomotion Score,LS)对奶牛泌乳性能的影响,本试验在2016年7月至8月通过对北京地区7个奶牛场近5 000头泌乳牛进行体况和步态评分并收集相关的DHI数据,采用固定模型分析BCS和LS的影响因素及场、胎次、泌乳阶段、LS和BCS对日产奶量、体细胞数及乳成分的影响。结果表明:BCS和LS对日产奶量均有极显著影响(P0.01),BCS对乳蛋白率有显著影响(P0.05);胎次对LS有极显著影响(P0.01),而对BCS无显著影响,场-测量人、泌乳阶段对BCS和LS均有极显著影响(P0.01);LS与BCS之间回归关系显著,LS较高的个体BCS较低。在生产上可以综合运用BCS和LS加强管理,提升产奶量,改善乳品质量,使牛场获得更大的经济利益。  相似文献   

Data from six primiparous and nine multiparous Holstein cows were used to clarify the difference of Ca and P mobilization between primiparous and multiparous cows during early lactation. The dry matter intake (DMI) of primiparous cows was lower (P < 0.01) than those of multiparous cows. Milk yield was lower in primiparous cows at 7, 14, 21 (P < 0.01), and 28 days (P < 0.05) after parturition. There was no significant difference in milk Ca and P concentrations between primiparous and multiparous cows. There were no significant differences in plasma Ca and P concentrations between primiparous and multiparous cows. The plasma P level at 7 days postpartum in primiparous cows was lower (P < 0.05) than 28 days postpartum. The concentration of plasma osteocalcin (OC) measured as bone formation marker of primiparous cows was significantly higher than multiparous cows (P < 0.01) at 21 and 28 days postpartum. The urinary deoxypyridinoline (DPD) as bone resorption marker of primiparous cows tended to be higher (P < 0.10) than multiparous cows at 21 days after parturition and decreased to the same level as that of multiparae toward the peak lactation. These results show that Ca and P mobilization of primiparous cows are more active than multiparous cows.  相似文献   

C.R. Stockdale   《Livestock Science》2008,116(1-3):191-202
The objective of the experiment reported here was to establish the effect of canola meal supplements of different protein degradability on the performance of grazing dairy cows with different body condition scores (BCS) in early lactation, and to compare this with feeding a cereal grain supplement instead. The experiment included a total of 72 cows in six treatments in a 2 * 3 factorial design, incorporating two BCS at calving (4.1 and 5.6 units on an 8-point scale), and three early lactation pelleted supplements. The three pelleted supplements were 100% wheat (wheat supplement), 50% wheat and 50% untreated mechanically extracted canola meal (a rumen degradable protein supplement), and 50% wheat and 50% canola meal that had been subjected to additional heat and pressure (a rumen undegradable protein supplement). It was hypothesised that fat cows would perform best with the treated canola meal supplement, which provided most rumen undegradable protein, whereas the type of protein would not be important for thin cows, and neither would the type of supplemental energy. Cows grazed pasture after calving at a daily pasture allowance of 35–40 kg DM/cow and were offered 6 kg concentrates each day. Cows were fed these diets for 92 days on average, from calving until three weeks into the mating period. Both canola meal-based supplements resulted in higher (P < 0.05) daily milk production than the wheat supplement (33.3 and 34.0 v. 30.5 kg/cow) in both thin and fat cows. Body condition score at calving positively (P < 0.05) affected average milk yield (31.6 v. 33.7 kg/cow), however, there was a time × BCS × supplement interaction whereby the fatter cows benefited from the use of either of the canola meal supplements for a longer period than did the thin cows. Average milk fat concentrations were greater (P < 0.05) where the canola meal supplements were fed (39.3 and 39.6 v. 35.6 g/kg), and in fat cows relative to thin cows (40.0 v. 36.3 g/kg). Serum urea concentrations were significantly (P < 0.05) lower in cows fed wheat than in those fed either of the canola meal supplements (3.1 v. 4.3 and 4.2 mmol/L). Serum β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations were lowest (P < 0.05) where wheat pellets were fed, and highest (P < 0.05) where treated canola meal pellets were fed, and plasma glucose concentrations were highest with wheat and lowest with the treated canola meal pellets. Thus, the hypothesis was not supported by the results of this experiment.  相似文献   

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