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Background, Aim and Scope  Unresolved complex mixtures (UCM) of hydrocarbons, containing many thousands of compounds which cannot be resolved by conventional gas chromatography (GC), are common contaminants of sediments but little is known of their potential to affect sediment-dwelling organisms. Evidence exists for reduced health status in mussels, arising from aqueous exposure to aromatic UCM components acting through a narcotic mode of action. However, UCM contaminants in sediments may not be sufficiently bioavailable to elicit toxic effects. The aim of our study was therefore to measure the sublethal effects of chronic exposure to model UCM-dominated oils at environmentally realistic concentrations and compare this to effects produced by a UCM containing weathered crude oil. A further aim was to determine which, if any, fractions of the oils were responsible for any observed toxicity. Materials and Methods  Whole oils were spiked into estuarine sediment to give nominal concentrations of 500 μg g−1 dry weight. Juveniles of the estuarine amphipod Corophium volutator were exposed to the contaminated sediment for 35 days and their survival, growth rate and reproductive success quantified. Using an effect-directed fractionation approach, the oils were fractionated into aliphatic and two aromatic fractions by open column chromatography and their toxicity assessed by further chronic exposures using juvenile C. volutator. Results  The growth rates of amphipods were reduced following exposure to the oils although this was only statistically significant for the weathered oil; reproductive success was reduced by all oil exposures. Sediment spiked with UCM fractions also caused reduced growth and reproduction but no particular fraction was found to be responsible for the observed toxicity. Survivorship was not affected by any oil or fraction. Discussion  The study showed that chronic exposure to sediments contaminated by UCM-dominated oils could have population level effects on amphipods. The observed effects could not be explained by hydrocarbons resolved by conventional GC and effects were similar for both UCM-dominated and weathered oils. All of the fractions appeared to contribute to the observed effects; this is in contrast to previous research which had shown that an aliphatic UCM did not cause adverse effects in mussels. Conclusions  To our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate population-level effects arising from exposure to sediments contaminated by realistic environmental concentrations of UCM hydrocarbons. The results are consistent with many compounds, at very low individual concentrations, contributing towards the overall observed toxicity. Recommendations  Risk assessments of contaminated sediments should take into account the contribution towards the potential for toxic effects from UCM hydrocarbons. Studies into sediment contamination should report both aliphatic and aromatic UCM concentrations to aid risk assessments. ESS-Submission Editor: Henner Hollert (hollert@uni-heidelberg.de) This paper has been developed from a presentation at SETAC Europe 16th Annual Meeting 2006 held at the The Hague, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

The biodegradation of cyanide by Trichoderma and Fusarium spp. growing in association with plant roots in microcosms was investigated with CN at 50 or 100 mg/kg. Pea and wheat seeds germinated and plants grew only when seeds were inoculated with the fungi, probably because the plant/fungal association was capable of promoting cyanide catabolism. Inoculation by fungi also increased plant shoot lengths and the biomass of shoots and root compared with control plants without CN and fungi. Such plant/fungal association shows potential as a land remediation system.  相似文献   

Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate(DEHP) is a high-molecular-weight phthalate ester(PAE) that has been widely used in the manufacture of polyvinylchloride and contributes to environmental pollution.The objectives of the present study were to isolate a DEHP degrader that can utilize DEHP as a carbon source and to investigate its capacity to biodegrade DEHP in both liquid culture and soil.A bacterial strain WJ4 was isolated from an intensively managed vegetable soil,which was contaminated with PAEs.The strain WJ4 was affiliated to the genus Rhodococcus and was able to remove DEHP from soil effectively.A period of only 7 d was required to degrade about 96.4%of DEHP(200 mg L-1) in the liquid culture,and more than 55%of DEHP(1.0 g kg-1) in the artificially contaminated soil was removed within 21 d.Furthermore,Rhodococcus sp.strain WJ4 had a strong ability to degrade DEHP without additional nutrients in liquid minimal medium culture and DEHP-contaminated soil and to degrade the homologue of DEHP in both liquid culture and soil.Strain WJ4 represents a novel tool for removing PAEs from contaminated soils and it may have great potential for application in the remediation of environmental pollution by PAEs.  相似文献   

In this work, we present our experience in the engineered in situ biostimulation of a hydrocarbon-polluted subsoil of an old metal-working plant. The site had a long history of fuel, lubricant oil, and diesel spills and leakages that were initially treated by means of physico-chemical techniques. After one year of treatment, weathered hydrocarbons were firmly sorbed in the unsaturated zone, limiting the effectiveness of the physico-chemical methods being applied. Also, low nutrient and dissolved oxygen levels limited natural attenuation yields. Therefore, a bioremediation approach based on the injection of hydrogen peroxide, an oleophilic fertilizer, and a surfactant was applied. Total petroleum hydrocarbons and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry determinations were performed as a chemical means of monitoring the process. Microbial populations, including the presence of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria, were simultaneously analyzed during the process, using enrichment techniques and confocal laser scanning microscopy observations with fluorescent indicators. Hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria were already present in the polluted subsoil prior to the implementation of this bioremediation technique and increased noticeably during the first 2 months of treatment. Hence, the suitability of the nutrient and oxygen amending approach was confirmed as further demonstrated by chemical determinations.  相似文献   

Rhizosphere soil has a more diverse and active microbial community compared to nonvegetated soil. Consequently, the rhizosphere pyrene degrader population (PDP) and pyrene degradation may be enhanced compared to nonvegetated bulk soil (NVB). The objectives of this growth chamber study were to compare (1) Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon cv. Guymon) growth in pyrene-contaminated and noncontaminated soils and (2) pyrene degradation and PDP among NVB, Bermuda grass bulk (BB), and Bermuda grass rhizosphere soil (BR). Soils were amended with pyrene at 0 and 500 mg kg–1, seeded with Bermuda grass, and thinned to two plants per pot 14 days after planting (DAP). Pyrene degradation was evaluated over 63 days. The PDP was enumerated via a most probable number (MPN) procedure at 63 DAP. Bermuda grass root growth was more sensitive to pyrene contamination than shoot growth. Pyrene degradation followed first-order kinetics. Pyrene degradation was significantly greater in BR compared to BB and NVB with rate constants of 0.082, 0.050, and 0.052 day–1, respectively. The PDPs were 8.01, 7.30, and 6.83 log10 MPN g–1 dry soil for BR, BB, and NVB, respectively. The largest PDP was in soil with the most rapid pyrene degradation. These results indicate that Bermuda grass can grow in pyrene-contaminated soil and enhance pyrene degradation through a rhizosphere effect.  相似文献   

Seventy three accessions of the sevenVicia species belonging to Sativa speciescomplex were screened for nuclear and organellar restriction fragmentlength polymorphic (RFLP), and random amplified polymorphicDNA (RAPD) markers. Total genomic DNAs of 73 accessions wasrestricted with three enzymes, and the restriction fragments werehybridized to the wheat rDNA probe pTa71 (containing 18S, 5.8Sand 25S rDNA genes, and spacers), and faba bean probes Ver6-5 (entire intergenic spacer flanked by small part of25S and 18S fragments) and Ver 18-6 (part of thecoding region of the gene and internal transcribed spacers). InXbaI digests, 16 repeat unit length classes in24 combinations were identified. Digestion withEcoRI and DraI gave2–4 and 1–3 fragments, respectively, with detectablehybridization to the probes, indicating the existence of internalXbaI sites. All the accessions produced 3.5 EcoRI fragment arising fromcoding region of the repeat unit. Four hundred and eighteen RAPDmarkers among 45 accessions were identified with 14 arbitrary10-base primers. The percentage of polymorphic bands withinspecies ranged from 20 in V.angustifolia to 98% inV. nigra. Both RFLP andRAPD markers were unable to assess the relationships betweenaccessions within species as there was often much closer resemblancesbetween certain accessions of different species rather than betweenaccessions within each taxon. This analysis supports the view basedon morphological, cytogenetical and crossability data that it is notpossible to classify Sativa species complex into a small finitenumber of taxa which are clearly circumscribed, and that the complexrepresents a unique case of rapid evolution and incipient speciation.A study of chloroplast and mitochondrial RFLPs was undertaken toanalyze phylogeny through maternal lineage. Chloroplast DNArestriction fragment patterns, using 13 restriction endonucleases,revealed 92.6 to 99% homology between the seven species.Twelve enzyme-probe combinations yielded identical fragmentpatterns for all the seven species. The molecular sizes of thechloroplast DNAs obtained were similar (121.5–123.5), indicating that they had all lost one of theinverted repeats. Total DNAs digested with three restriction enzymesand hybridized to six heterologous probes of mitochondrial originyielded monomorphic bands in five enzyme—probe combinationsacross all the 73 accessions. In other combinations as well,40–66 accessions yielded monomorphic profiles. The smallvariation in the remaining accessions was not species-specificsince the same profiles were present in more than one species. Theseresults i) strongly suggest that the seven species within thecomplex share a common ancestor, or direct lineage and, ii)indicate that these species should be relegated to a rank, perhaps ofsubspecies, within V.sativa species complex.  相似文献   

The present study, using RAPD analysis, was undertaken to characterize genetic variation in three forms of V. angularis, cultivated, wild and weedy forms, and their relationships. The materials used consisted of 171 individuals (plants) or cultivars from 23 populations including 5 wild populations, 6 weedy populations, 6 cultivated populations and 6 populations with plants having wild and weedy or intermediate morphology, denoted here as complex populations. The materials used were collected on Honshu Island, Japan and seeds collected directly from the field were germinated for DNA extraction. In addition, 6 landrace accessions of V. angularis from the genebank were also analyzed. Genetic variation was highest in the wild form (Hg= 0.132; GD = 0.388), followed by the weedy form (Hg= 0.124; GD = 0.341) and the least in the cultivated form (Hg= 0.079; GD = 0.274). Intra-population genetic variation was high in the weedy and in the wild populations. However, inter-population was greater than intra-population genetic variation for all groups of populations studied in the V. angularis complex. 93% of the total diversity in the present study was exhibited by plants from complex populations and specific RAPD bands were found in these populations. Our results provide evidence that complex populations would be a logical focus for efforts to conserve the V. angularis complex in situ. Our results suggest that weedy populations are usually an ecotype of the wild form adapted to a different habitat.  相似文献   

固氮微生物菌种选育是固氮微生物肥料生产应用的基础。本研究从玉米根际土壤分离到1株高效固氮菌株GD542,菌体短杆状,0.4μm×1.0~1.5μm,革兰氏阴性;固氮酶活性为5.046nmol(C2H4)·h-1·mg-1(蛋白);利用碳源较广泛,抗逆性较强,既可在4℃低温生长,也可以在37℃下生长,耐盐性高达10%。16SrDNA序列分析结果表明,该菌株与鞘氨醇单孢菌Sphingomonas azotifigens的16SrDNA序列有高达96%的同源性,结合形态特征和生理生化特征等,将其初步鉴定为鞘氨醇单孢菌Sphingomonas sp.。接种小白菜的温室盆栽试验表明,菌株GD542具有很好的固氮效能,与无氮对照相比,接种GD542处理植株干重增加206%,含氮量增加230%,达到统计学显著差异水平,开发应用前景较好。  相似文献   

Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLPs) were employed within the taxonomically difficult Solanum nigrum L. complex in order to characterize the genetic diversity present in a collection of the Gatersleben Genebank, to classify taxonomically unknown material, and to correlate the clustering of the examined accessions with their geographic origin. The results from AFLP analyses using two primer combinations on 44 entries from five species led to the detection of four major clusters, simultaneously uncovering significant differences in the levels of genetic diversity within or between species. S. americanumexhibited the highest infraspecific variation despite close geographic origins, simultaneously being placed in a clearly separated cluster in comparison to the other examined species of the complex. In addition, these other species showed even less interspecific variation than was found at the infraspecific level in S. americanum. In terms of taxonomy, the application of AFLPs helped in the classification of 13 black nightshade accessions formerly only listed as Solanum sp. This also was confirmed by morphological determination. Furthermore, one accession formerly classified as S. physalifolium var. nitidibaccatum i) clustered with AFLPs and ii) was identified morphologically as S. villosum. Contradictory classifications remain for two further entries from the same species, found within the S. nigrum cluster after AFLP analyses, while belonging to S. physalifolium var. nitidibaccatum according to herbarium specimen. Finally, as indicated by the information on provenance in geographically separated subclusters in S. americanum and partially in S. villosum, clues on the currently unknown origin of accessions from the genebank seem feasible by AFLP data.  相似文献   

The biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) via free-living and attached micro-organisms in soil/water systems was observed in order to examine the variability in the community dynamics and physiological profiles of the micro-organisms. As determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), the Domain Bacteria, consisting of three phyla α-, β- and γ-Proteobacteria, reached 41.27–56.05% of all organisms in the soil/water system for PAH biodegradation. Among the free-living species, Proteobacteria, including Brevundimonas (Pseudomonas) diminuta, Caulobacter spp., Mycoplana bullata, Acidovorax spp. and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were found to be dominant—making up 93.51–99.80% of the population—and therefore seem to be associated with PAH biodegradation. Total plate count numbers and the count of Pseudomonas sp. present in the free-living population increased to between 103 and 106 CFU ml−1 when clay with very low organic matter content was used as the matrix for PAH degradation. However, total plate count microbial numbers increased to only 101–102 CFU ml−1 using natural soil from Taichung containing 1.883% organic matter. The soil organic content (SOM) seemed to affect the mass transfer of PAH in soil, leading to the difference in PAH biodegradation. Two different approaches, which included community-level physiological profiling (CLPP) and ectoenzymatic activities, were used to explain the functional diversity between free-living and attached bacteria. The free-living and attached bacterial communities from the clay system showed proportionately greater differences using CLPP. Relatively high levels of esterases, aminopeptidases and some specific glycolysis-gluconeogenesis enzymes gave an identifiable correlation with PAH biodegradation. The differences in bacterial composition, numbers and physiological characteristics show that free-living and attached micro-organisms may play different biochemical roles in PAH degradation in soil.  相似文献   

The ‘Morelos’ accessions of Amaranthus from Mexico demonstrate taxonomic ambiguity at the basic morphologic level. The main cause is the enormous morphological and genetic variation exhibited by the species in the genus. Although basic morphological criteria can be applied to herbarium specimens or germplasm collections for quick taxonomic identification, the morphological data alone can be misleading. To ascertain the taxonomic identity of the ‘Morelos’ accessions and their hypothesized species affiliation to Amaranthus caudatus or Amaranthus cruentus, we conducted a comparative analysis of phylogenetic relationships among these taxa/accessions using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and micromorphology methods. Based on AFLP data, all the controversial ‘Morelos’ accessions can be consistently placed into a single A. cruentus species clade, which is clearly separated from the A. caudatus species clade. The AFLP-based phylogenetic relationship of ‘Morelos’ and delimitation of A. cruentus and A. caudatus are further supported by micromorphology, showing that the combination of these techniques can provide more reliable data for germplasm identification than each method used alone.  相似文献   

When planning optimal conservation strategies for wild and cultivated types of a plant species, a number of influencing biological and environmental factors should be considered from the outset. In the present study Brassica rapa was used to illustrate this: to develop Scandinavian conservation strategies for wild and cultivated B. rapa, DNA-marker analysis was performed on 15 cultivated and 17 wild accessions of B. rapa plus 8 accessions of the cross compatible B. napus. The B. rapa cultivars were bred in Sweden and Finland in 1944–1997 and the wild B. rapa material was collected from Denmark, Sweden and United Kingdom. The B. napus accessions were bred within the last 20 years in the Scandinavian countries. Results were based on scoring of 131 polymorphic ISSR markers in the total plant material. A Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach implemented in NewHybrids demonstrated a clear distinction of B. rapa and B. napus individuals except for three individuals that seemed to be backcrosses. The backcrossed hybrids descended from two Swedish populations, one wild and one escaped. The overall pattern of genetic variation and structure in B. rapa showed that cultivated and wild B. rapa accessions formed two almost separated clusters. Geographical origin and breeding history of cultivars were reflected in these genetic relationships. In addition, wild populations from Denmark and Sweden seemed to be closely related, except for a Swedish population, which seemingly was an escaped cultivar. The study point to that many processes, e.g. spontaneous introgression, naturalisation, breeding and agricultural practise affected the genetic structure of wild and cultivated B. rapa populations.  相似文献   

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