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无公害杀虫剂防治茶尺蠖试验   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
B.t.果菜净、世绿、天霸、海正灭虫灵、抑太保等5种生物杀虫剂,用化学农药辛硫磷及清水作对照,对茶尺蠖进行室内试验,筛选出效果较好的世绿、天霸、灭虫灵。以不同浓度:世绿1000倍,天霸1000倍、2000倍,灭虫灵2000倍、4000倍作田间小区实验,结果表明:3种药剂在喷药后7d,校正虫口减退率分别为97.68%、98.30%、98.09%、98.53%、97.42%,各处理效果与辛硫磷相当。残留分析表明:三种药剂各成分含量均低于国家标准。  相似文献   

喷施茶尺蠖病毒杀虫剂对茶叶品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用茶尺蠖病毒杀虫剂防治茶尺蠖具有良好的防治效果,目前已在浙江省茶区大面积推广应用,且取得了明显的经济效益、生态效益和社会效益。推广应用的剂型主要是茶尺蠖病毒水剂、……  相似文献   

茶棍蓟马[Dendrothrips minowai Priesner (Thysanoptera:Thripidae)]是茶园重要的区域暴发性害虫,然而田间防控主要依靠化学农药,严重影响茶叶质量和安全。为筛选适宜有机茶园防治茶棍蓟马使用的药剂,本文评价了7种生物源杀虫剂对茶棍蓟马成虫的室内毒力和田间防治效果。室内生测结果表明,7种生物源杀虫剂对茶棍蓟马成虫的毒杀活性最高的为6%鱼藤酮微乳剂(2.450 mg/L),其次为10%多杀霉素悬浮剂(3.394 mg/L)、0.6%苦参碱水剂(7.606 mg/L)、0.5%藜芦碱可溶液剂(11.539 mg/L)、0.3%印楝素乳油(15.215 mg/L)、5%天然除虫菊素水剂(25.121 mg/L),而30%茶皂素水剂(518.758 mg/L)对其毒杀活性较低。田间试验结果表明,防治效果最理想的是10%多杀霉素悬浮剂,其750倍液药后1~7 d防效均高于96%;其次是0.5%藜芦碱可溶液剂、6%鱼藤酮微乳剂和0.6%苦参碱水剂,其最高防效均高于90%。综上,10%多杀霉素悬浮剂、0.6%苦参碱水剂、0.5%藜芦碱可溶液剂和6%鱼藤酮微...  相似文献   

除虫脲是苯甲酰基脲类杀虫剂,化学名称为1-(4-氯苯基)-3-(2,6-二氟苯甲酰基)脲,它具有胃毒及触杀作用,能抑制昆虫几丁质的合成,使幼虫在蜕皮时不能形成新表皮,致使虫体畸形而死亡,对鳞翅目害虫有特效。1992年,进行了对茶尺蠖幼虫的室内毒力测定和田间药效试验,现将结果报道如下。  相似文献   

为了满足无公害茶叶生产的需要,武汉大学生科院与武大绿州生物农药有限公司经多次试验,科学的配伍,研制出武大绿洲茶园无公害杀虫剂农药,经试验,对防治灰茶尺蠖害虫有特效,试验结果如下:  相似文献   

茶尺蠖、茶小绿叶蝉为我省茶树上的重要害虫,以往常用扑虱灵、天王星、灭扫利、杀灭菊酯、氮氰菊酯等防治.随着我国临近加入世界贸易组织,世界茶叶进口国出于保护本国利益,纷纷采取绿色技术壁垒措施来限制进口,如欧盟从2000年7月1日起对进口中国茶叶实施更严格农残检测标准(标准值下降10~200倍),其中就包括上述5种茶园最常用农药,如杀灭菊酯原标准为10mg/kg,现标准降为0.1mg/kg;扑虱灵现标准为0.02mg/kg;天王星现标准为0.1mg/kg;为适应国际茶叶市场这一新变化,探讨功夫、毗虫啉…  相似文献   

苏特灵对茶尺蠖等害虫的药效   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
商建农  胡新光  倪老虎 《茶叶》2002,28(1):36-37
苏特灵 (茶叶专用型 )粉剂由北京科瑞森生物工程有限公司研制 ,辽宁生物农药厂生产的 BT类菊酯复配型杀虫剂 ,为明确其对茶树主要害虫的防治效果 ,杭州市茶叶科学研究所在田间养虫室内进行了该药对茶尺蠖和茶黑毒蛾幼虫的击倒试验 ,并在浙江三明茶业有限公司租赁茶园内进行了茶尺蠖幼虫田间小区药效试验 ,现将结果报道如下。1 材料与方法1 .1 供试药剂苏特灵粉剂 (北京科瑞森生物工程公司生产、提供 ) ,BT含量为 80 0 0国际单位 /毫克。对照药剂千胜 BT (武汉科诺生物农药有限公司生产、市售 ) ,含量为 1 60 0 0国际单位 /毫克。1 .2 …  相似文献   

石春华  商建农  朱俊庆  张爱兰 《茶叶》2000,26(4):210-211,214
探讨准确的抽样方法是进行田间药效考样和评估新农药药效的前提。茶尺蠖幼虫田间药效试验常用的方法有目测法和盆拍法。试验结果表明, 盆拍法由于人为因素较多,其结果与全群调查有明显的差异,不能反映田间实际情况;目测法由于人为因素干预少,不受理论抽样数的限制,省时省力,早晨8:00以前用目测法与全群调查没有显著的差异,能较客观地反映田间幼虫的实际情况,是进行是药效考查和新农药田间药效试验较理想的抽样方法。  相似文献   

为了更好地推广应用茶尺蠖核型多角体病毒,对江苏主要产茶区茶尺蠖和灰茶尺蠖的分布情况进行调查,并在主要发生区进行茶尺蠖病毒杀虫剂的示范应用.结果表明,苏州市、无锡市为茶尺蠖发生区,南京市、扬州市为灰茶尺蠖发生区,镇江市、常州市为混发区;在低龄幼虫期,每667 m2茶园使用150 mL茶尺蠖病毒杀虫剂防治灰茶尺蠖和茶尺蠖,...  相似文献   

茶尺蠖长期以来是皖南山区茶园的重要害虫,该虫发生时,代数多,为害时间长,可使茶树枝梗光秃,甚至无茶可采,且对茶树树势影响严重。以往生产上常用拟除虫菊酯防治,但长期使用后,茶尺蠖的抗药性逐年增强,药效下降。为探索防治茶尺蠖的替代农药,有效控制茶尺蠖的为害,笔者用昆虫表皮几丁质合成抑制剂进行了药效试验,现将结果报道如下。  相似文献   

[目的]探寻有效防治水稻稻纵卷叶螟的药剂。[方法]用清水作对照,采用1.8%阿维菌素乳油450 g/hm2、40%毒死蜱乳油1 800 g/hm2、20%三唑磷乳油1 800 g/hm2和40%辛硫磷乳油1 500 g/hm2进行防治水稻稻纵卷叶螟的对比试验。[结果]施药15天后,1.8%阿维菌素乳油450 g/hm2和40%毒死蜱乳油1 800 g/hm2的防效分别为85.58%和86.80%,卷叶内有虫率均为0;40%辛硫磷乳油1 500 g/hm2的防效为79.60%,卷叶内有虫率为4.35%;20%三唑磷乳油1 800 g/hm2的防效最低,为72.45%。[结论]4种药剂均对稻纵卷叶螟有一定防治效果,且以1.8%阿维菌素乳油450 g/hm2和40%毒死蜱乳油1 800 g/hm2的防效最为明显。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of three botanical insecticides (neem, datura and bitter apple), and three new chemistry synthetic insecticides (acephate, spirotetramat and spinetoram) against onion thrips (Thrips tabaci) was evaluated in experimental field plots at university of Sargodha, Pakistan. The influence of these botanical and chemical insecticides on natural predators and crop yield was simultaneously investigated. All the botanicals and chemical insecticides tested caused significant reductions (45–70%) in thrips populations; the botanicals gave more than 60% control of thrips, while among chemical insecticides, acephate was found to be the most effective followed by spirotetramat and spinetoram, respectively, and these insecticides gave better control than the botanicals. The adverse effects of the botanicals on predator populations were negligible compared to the chemical insecticides. All chemical treatments resulted in a significantly higher yield compared to the untreated control. The botanicals and chemical insecticides became less effective by 7 days after treatment. Therefore, it is recommended that treatment with botanical or chemical insecticides should be repeated weekly consecutively at least three times to keep thrips populations below economic injury levels until crop maturity.  相似文献   

假眼小绿叶蝉是我国茶园重要害虫之一,为了寻找有效、安全的防治药剂,在浙江遂昌开展了15%茚虫威EC等5种新农药田间防治试验。结果表明:15%茚虫威EC 50 ml(a.i)/hm2(下同)、24%虫螨腈SC 108ml、22%氯氟氰菊酯.噻虫嗪ZC 66 ml药后1-21 d的防治效果在80%~90%之间,与10%吡虫啉WP 90 g的90%左右相比差异不显著,表明其速效性与持效性均较好;24%氰氟虫腙SC 216 ml药后1-14 d的防效为28.95%~70.62%,极显著低于吡虫啉;25%吡蚜酮WP 150 g均显著低于吡虫啉。5种药剂对茶树及其他生物未见不良影响。生产上可将15%茚虫威EC、22%氯氟氰菊酯.噻虫嗪ZC、24%虫螨腈SC作为该区防治假眼小绿叶蝉的轮换药剂,逐渐替代10%吡虫啉WP。  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the prophylactic use of insecticides (PUI) in comparison with integrated pest management (IPM) and biological control (BC) strategies. Five replicated experiments were carried out independently in two Brazilian soybean-producing states, Goiás and Paraná, where those pest-control strategies were evaluated during two consecutive growing seasons. The evaluated treatments were integrated pest management (IPM); prophylactic use of insecticides (PUI), a practice that has been increasingly adopted by soybean growers in Brazil as well as in other Latin American countries; biological control (BC) and the control (C), which involved no pest treatment. Although the pest infestation rates in the BC and IPM treatments were higher than that in the PUI treatment, crop productivity, in general, was similar among these treatments and differed only from the control with no pest treatment. These results indicate that the prophylactic use of insecticides on soybeans does not result in higher productivity in the field and that this practice merely requires larger amounts of pesticides, which can impair the sustainability of the soybean crop. Therefore, the use of IPM still remains the best alternative for pest management in soybean fields.  相似文献   

Soil application of systemic neonicotinoid insecticides for control of psyllid vectors of Huanglongbing disease on young citrus trees also produces season-long SAR control of citrus canker caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri Schaad et al. The neonicotinoids imidacloprid (IMID) and thiamethoxam (THIA) were compared with soil or sprinkler applications of the commercial SAR inducer acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM) and foliar sprays of copper hydroxide (CH) and/or streptomycin (STREP) to evaluate their effects on the percentage of canker-infected leaves on 2-yr-old ‘Vernia’ orange and 3-yr-old ‘Ray Ruby’ grapefruit trees in Southeast Florida. All treatments significantly reduced the incidence of foliar canker compared to the untreated check. Soil drenches of ASM and season long rotations with IMID and THIA were highly effective for suppressing foliar canker on young grapefruit and orange trees under weather conditions absent of high intensity rains or tropical storms. Sprinkler application of ASM was less effective than soil drench. The level of control for SAR treatments was comparable to eleven 21-day interval sprays of CH and/or STREP. SAR induced by soil-applied insecticides provides substantial benefits for canker disease management on young citrus trees that may be augmented with ASM.  相似文献   

Extracts of leaves of Schinus molle Rev L. (Anacardiaceae) obtained with water or ethanol as solvents were evaluated in the laboratory for their insecticidal effect on adults of the elm leaf beetle, Xanthogaleruca luteola Müller (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), at 2.5, 3.0, 4.3, and 5.6% w/v for the aqueous extracts and, 2.0, 2.5, 3.5, 4.3, and 4.7% w/v for the ethanol extracts. The extracts were applied onto leaves of elm trees (Ulmus sp., Ulmaceae) to observe the feeding of adults, and later their effectiveness and to obtain the LC50. Both extracts were effective and caused mortalities greater than 97% with the ethanol extract at the two highest concentrations (4.3 and 4.7% w/v), and near 27% with water at 4.3 and 5.6% w/v. The LC50 of the ethanol extract, calculated through Probit analysis, was 1.88% w/v on the 2nd day, lower than the LC50 of 8.52% w/v on the 4th day achieved by the aqueous extract. Additionally, the antifeeding effect of both extracts on adults was determined. The aqueous extract inhibited feeding completely (100%), whereas the ethanol extract did not cause any antifeeding effect.  相似文献   

A sandy loam soil was treated with 2·5 kg carbofuran/ha on each of five occasions between May and October 1984. In 1985, the field performance of benfuracarb, carbofuran, carbosulfan, chlorfenvinphos and furathiocarb against cabbage root fly (Delia radicum) and carrot fly (Psila rosae) was studied in this soil and in identical but previously untreated soil by applying exponentially increasing doses of granular formulations to radish and carrots at drilling. Chlorfenvinphos reduced numbers of larvae of both pests by >90% in both soils but the performance of all the carbamates was significantly worse in the previously treated soil than in the previously untreated soil. Dazomet, a partial soil sterilant, was applied to part of the experimental area in October 1985 and the performance of aldicarb, carbofuran, carbosulfan, chlorfenvinphos and thiofanox against cabbage root fly was assessed in 1986. The efficiency of aldicarb and chlorfenvinphos was not affected by any of the pre-treatments but that of carbofuran and carbosulfan was reduced in all the pre-treated soils, including the soil treated with dazomet. Carbofuran residues in radish were detectable only in plants grown in previously untreated soil. In laboratory incubations, a dustless base formulation of carbofuran was degraded more quickly in pre-treated than in untreated soils but a granular formulation was degraded more slowly and at a similar rate in both soils.  相似文献   

药剂拌种对花生苗期的影响及田间蛴螬防效评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究花生常用拌种药剂的苗期安全性及田间防效,采用盆栽法测定了3种杀虫剂拌种在不同温度、土壤湿度和播种深度对花生出苗率及生长指标的影响。综合比较得出安全性依次为毒死蜱>氟虫腈>吡虫啉;分别加入4种杀菌剂混配拌种后发现,出苗率和其它生长指标均有所提高,其中萎锈•福美双效果最好。田间试验得出:毒死蜱单独拌种具有较高的杀虫增产效果,加入杀菌剂有一定的增效;吡虫啉与萎锈•福美双混配拌种可提高出苗率及防虫效果,增产率为53.59%;氟虫腈拌种后防虫效果较差,与4种杀菌剂混配后增效不显著。  相似文献   

试验结果表明,锌营养具有提高甜菜幼苗抗坏血酸氧化酶活性,增加全生育期叶绿素合量和净光合率,促进干物质积累,显著提高根含糖率等效应。亩施1kg硫酸锌作种肥在黑土地较对照可提高根含糖率0.76度,提高产糖量2.9%;在碳酸盐黑土地可提高根含糖率1.1度,增产块根7.1%,产糖量提高15.4%。  相似文献   

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