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L. Kuntze    E. Fuchs    M. Grüntzig    B. Schulz    D. Klein  A. E. Melchinger 《Plant Breeding》1997,116(5):499-501
Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) and maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) are the most important viruses of maize in Europe. In field and greenhouse experiments, 122 early-maturing European maize inbreds (45 flint and 77 dent lines) were evaluated for their reaction to artificial inoculation by SCMV and MDMV. Three dent inbreds (D21, D32, FAP1360 A) with complete resistance and four dent inbreds (D06, D09, R2306, FAP1396A) with partial resistance against both potyviruses under both greenhouse and field conditions were identified. All other inbreds were highly susceptible to both SCMV and MDMV. Selection for virus resistance in maize breeding could be performed with only one virus at a time because all inbreds resistant to SCMV were also resistant to MDMV. Rank correlations between percentages of infected plants in greenhouse and field trials ranged from 0.51 to 0.72 for both SCMV and MDMV, suggesting that prescreening of breeding materials for virus resistance can be performed in the greenhouse but final evaluation in multilocation trials in the field is recommended.  相似文献   

Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) is one of the most important virus diseases of maize in Europe. In this study, the gene action at two major quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting resistance to SCMV in maize was mapped and characterized. A total of 121 F3 lines from cross F7 (susceptible) × FAP1360A (resistant) were evaluated for SCMV resistance in replicated field trials across two environments under artificial inoculation at seven scoring dates. The genotypic variance was always highly significant and heritability increased up to 0.92 for later scoring dates. The method of composite interval mapping was employed for QTL mapping using four simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers flanking two regions identified in a previous study with cross D145 × D32. The presence of two QTL for SCMV resistance, one on chromosome 6 (Scml region) and one on chromosome 2 (Scm2 region), was confirmed. These two QTL together explained between 15% (first score) and 62% (final score) of the phenotypic variance at various stages of plant development. Gene action was additive for the Scm1 region but completely dominant for the Scm2 region. Comparison of results of this study with those obtained for cross D145 × D32 suggested that the resistance alleles in the two populations are identical for the Scm1 region but different for the Scm2 region.  相似文献   

Summary S1 to S5 inbred lines, derived from a maize population bred for its overall resistance to three tropical viruses, were screened for resistance to maize streak virus (MSV) by artificial plant infection using viruliferous leafhoppers. Symptoms were rated and intra-line frequency distributions studied for all pedigree inbred lines. Mortality due to MSV was very low among these inbreds. Symptoms appeared later, developed slower and were less severe than in the susceptible control hybrid. Results of a study of 500 S1 and 93 S2 lines suggested that resistance is under genetic control via a system involving loci with major genes (with dominance for resistance) controlling high to complete resistance, associated with a genetic system involving loci with minor genes controlling partial resistance. Lines expressing complete resistance to MSV were developed from 5 cycles of inbreeding and selection. The relevance of such complete and partial resistance is discussed.Abbreviations MRPS Mean Rating for Plants exhibiting Symptoms  相似文献   

N. W. Widstrom  M. E. Snook   《Plant Breeding》2001,120(4):357-359
A thorough knowledge of the inheritance of maysin, a flavone glycoside with antibiosis to corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea Boddie, in the silks of maize will assist breeders in choosing the most efficient method of incorporating this trait into elite inbreds. Two breeding populations, one having exotic origin (EPM), the other from southern inbred lines (SIM) were subjected to six cycles of recurrent selection for increased silk maysin. Ten per cent of the individuals evaluated in populations were selected for recombination as S1 progenies in each cycle. Progress was evaluated as C0 to C6 population cycles in a randomized complete‐block experiment with five replications in 1997 and 1998. Maysin fresh weights in silks of the C0 populations were 0.54% for EPM and 0.36% for SIM. Responses of 0.19% per cycle in EPM and 0.22% per cycle in SIM resulted in an EPM (C6) population with 1.76% maysin and an SIM (C6) population with 1.69% maysin. Silk maysin concentrations above 0.2% begin to substantially reduce larval growth and prevent completion of the life cycle when husk coverage is sufficient to force the insect to feed on silks while entering the ear. Chlorogenic acid and two analogues of maysin, apimaysin and 3′‐methoxymaysin, were found in such minor quantities in silks that they could not be credited with any impact on antibiotic activity against the insect. Selection has effectively increased silk maysin concentration in both EPM and SIM. Trait responses for maysin are highly heritable and will allow the plant breeder to introgress resistance to the corn earworm into elite material easily.  相似文献   

Y. Li    C. Liu    Y. Shi    Y. Song    T. Wang    Y. Li 《Plant Breeding》2009,128(4):342-347
Development and evaluation of introgression lines have become one of the promising approaches to understanding genetic mechanisms of important traits in crops. In this study, three sets of drought tolerance (DT) selected backcross populations in maize, including two BC2S1 populations and one BC3S1 population, from a cross of Qi319 and Huangzaosi (recurrent parent) were developed by selecting for short anthesis-silking interval (ASI) under the condition of serious water stress at flowering stage. The introgression of chromosome segments was identified using microsatellite markers. The results showed that the marker allele introgression frequencies in the three DT populations significantly increased compared with the expected value under no selection. There was a notable increase of introgression frequency for the most of these markers which were located on all chromosomes except chromosome 8, but most concentrated on some chromosomes, especially on chromosomes 4 and 5. For example, chromosome 4 harboured the largest number of introgression regions, on which five segments were detected. The ASI in the DT populations significantly shortened compared with the initial BC2 population.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) were used to follow the possible introgression of maize DNA into haploids of wheat as a side‐effect of exploiting wheat x maize hybridization for haploid production. AFLPs were generated with 64 MseI/ EcoRI and 64 MseI/ PstI primer combinations, and the AFLP profiles of haploids were tested against those of maize and of the regular wheat varieties involved in the crosses. On average, 45.1 and 110.7 fragments were produced per assay with the MseI/EcoRI and MseI/PstI combinations, respectively. Different numbers of fragments were produced for wheat and maize: an average of 81 in the haploid, 80 in the wheat parent, and only 67.1 in maize. No evidence was found for introgression of maize into the wheat genome. Three unique AFLP fragments were detected in haploids, which were not present in the parental wheat genotypes. These ‘novel’ AFLP bands in the haploids could be caused by nucleo‐cytoplasmic interaction in the hybrid zygote. Such instability in the wheat genome is defined as temporal, as it was not detected in further generations when colchicine‐doubled progeny of the haploids was tested for the presence of polymorphic fragments.  相似文献   

Digitaria sanguinalis, an African grass, was micropropagated from immature inflorescences and callus was transformed by particle gun bombardment. Integration and expression of the bar and uidA genes was shown in the T0 generation. Transformants were shown to be fertile by the production of viable seeds. The time taken from bombardment to the setting of seed was approximately four months. D. sanguinalis and its transformants were shown to be sensitive to maize streak virus (MSV). Therefore this is an ideal model system for testing genetically engineered resistance to MSV. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Kabelka  Eileen  Grumet  Rebecca 《Euphytica》1997,95(2):237-242
Inbred lines derived from the Chinese cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) cultivar, ‘Taichung Mou Gua’ (TMG), have been shown to be resistant to several potyviruses including: zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV), zucchini yellow fleck virus (ZYFV), watermelon mosaic virus (WMV) and the watermelon strain of papaya ringspot virus (PRSV-W). Recently, an additional virus that infects cucurbits, the Moroccan watermelon mosaic virus (MWMV), has been determined to be a distinct member of the potyvirus group. This study demonstrates that TMG-1 possesses resistance to MWMV. Rub or aphid inoculated TMG-1 seedlings remain free of symptoms. Progeny analyses of the F1, F2 and backcross generations show that resistance to MWMV is conferred by a single recessive gene (proposed designation, mwm). Sequential inoculation of progeny possessing resistance to ZYMV followed by MWMV (or MWMV followed by ZYMV) and analysis of F3 families derived from F2 individuals selected for resistance to ZYMV indicate that both resistances are conferred by the same gene, or two tightly linked genes. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Settling, probing and oviposition behaviour ofCicadulina mbila, the main vector of maize streak virus (MSV) disease were studied on four maize genotypes, 100MSR, HASR, Reunion and H512. Of the four, only H512 was completely susceptible to MSV while the other three genotypes were all known to have some resistance to MSV. Generally,C. mbila settled in higher numbers on the MSV susceptible genotype compared to the three virus resistant ones. However, the number of probing marks left on H512 and 100MSR were similar while more marks were made on Reunion and HASR in increasing order. The oviposition patterns were similar to those observed for probing behaviour. The results suggest the existence of potentially useful resistance mechanisms against the vector. The possible implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The European corn borer (ECB) has become a serious pest for maize cultivation in Central and Western Europe. This study was conducted to evaluate resistance against ECB in a cross section of the European maize germplasm. A total of 115 flint and dent inbreds were evaluated for resistance under protected and artificial infestation conditions at two German sites in 1993. Resistance to ECB was assessed by damage rating before harvest, tunnel length in dissected stalks, and relative yield under infestation compared to protected control plots. Means for damage rating of stalks were significantly higher in flint lines than in dent lines. Artificial infestation reduced grain yield by 31% in flint lines and 20% in dent lines. Significant genotypic variances among lines and high genetic ratios (GR) were found in both flint and dent lines for all agronomic and ECB resistance traits. Exceptions were relative yield of stover in both germplasm groups and tunnel length in flint lines. Phenotypic correlations between agronomic and resistance traits were moderate to low. Damage rating was negatively correlated with days to silking and dry matter yield of stover in both germplasm groups. In vitro digestibility of stover was not associated with ECB resistance. Correlations of relative grain yield with tunnel length below the ear and damage rating were significantly negative, even though their magnitude was low. Our results indicate substantial genetic variation among European inbred lines for resistance to the univoltine ECB. Among all resistance traits measured, damage rating of stalks is best suited for assessment of ECB resistance in breeding programs because of its easy recording and high genetic ratio. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

B. Schulz    R. Kreps    D. Klein    R. K. Gumber  A. E. Melchingeru 《Plant Breeding》1997,116(5):415-422
The univoltine European corn borer (ECB) has become a major limiting factor for maize (Zea mays L.) production in central Europe. The objective of this study was to survey the genetic variation for ECB resistance in European elite maize germplasm. Eighteen flint and 23 dent inbreds were screened under artificial ECB infestation at two locations in 1993 and 1994. Resistance was assessed by damage rating of broken plants, measurement of tunnel length in dissected stalks, and yield reduction in infested plots relative to insecticide-protected control plots. Flint lines showed significantly greater means for damage rating than dent lines with grain yield reduction of 35% and 24%, respectively. Significant genotypic variances among lines and high heritabilities were found for agronomic traits and damage rating. Heritabilities were intermediate for tunnel length and relative grain yield. Significant associations of days to silking, ear dry matter content, and dry matter yield of the whole plant with damage rating and tunnel length suggested a better resistance in late-maturing, high-yielding inbreds. Genotypic correlations of relative grain yield with tunnel length and damage rating ranged between ?0.46 and ?0.72. Partial correlations, eliminating the effect of flowering time, confirmed these associations. Damage rating of stalks is the most suitable trait for evaluation of ECB damage owing to its high heritability and easy recording. Tunnel length below the primary ear is a useful trait for assessing antibiosis because it is not correlated with days to silking. Inbreds with extreme resistance and susceptibility were identified which can be used as parents for establishing breeding and QTL mapping populations.  相似文献   

J. Thomas  Q. Chen  L. Talbert 《Euphytica》1998,100(1-3):261-267
Robertsonian translocation between homoeologous chromosomes is one means for introducing alien genes from related species into common wheat. This study was undertaken to determine if selection for normal segregation of an alien trait could be used to identify favourable translocations. Agrotana (an octoploid agrotriticum, probably derived from Thinopyrum ponticum) carries resistance to the wheat curl mite (Eriophyes tulipae Keifer) which is the vector of wheat streak mosaic virus. Agrotana was crossed with the winter durum Michurinka (Triticum turgidum L. em. Bowden), and resistant F2 plants were backcrossed four times with Norstar winter wheat (T. aestivum L. em. Thell.). During the later stages of backcrossing and selfing, resistant progenies were tested for their segregation ratios; selection was made for high and stable rates of transmission of mite resistance in segregating male gametes and zygotes. The 49 descendant gametes were tested for Mendelian-like inheritance of resistance. Two lines were identified with segregations that approached Mendelian ratios (1:1 male transmission in a testcross, 3:1 in F2 and 1:2:1 among F3 families). Contrary to expectations, selection for stable F2 ratios (3:1) proved more efficient than selection for normal male transmission (1:1) as a means of identifying these stocks. Chromosome painting and PCR (polymerase chain reaction) analysis indicated the recovery of two independent Robertsonian translocations, both of which probably involved the reunion of the short arm of a group 6 chromosome of Thinopyrum ponticum and the long arm of chromosome 6D. In conclusion, selection for Mendelian ratios from among backcross derivatives of an interspecific hybrid was successful in isolating desirable translocations; cytogenetic methods were only used to characterise desirable stocks once these were identified. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The parasitic witchweed, Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth, is the greatest biological constraint for cereal crop production by resource-poor farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. Maize, Zea mays L., is a widely grown cereal crop in this region (22 × 106 ha). Striga-resistant maize populations were produced and tested as half-sib families in West and Central Africa. Three populations with white (W), yellow (Y), or mixed (Y/W) grain colour were formed by: (1) intercrossing Striga resistant maize inbred lines followed by two generations of random mating; (2) testing far under artificially induced S. hermonthica infestations in Nigeria, Cameroon, and Ivory Coast and selection of resistant families; (3) two generations of random mating; and (4) two years of testing for resistance. Striga-resistant synthetic W, Y and Y/W populations were produced by compositing resistant half-sib families. Outstanding performance in grain yields and host plant resistance was observed. Maize damage ratings and number of harvested ears were highly correlated with grain yield. High variation was observed for Striga emergence counts. The populations have combined resistance to Striga, maize streak virus (MSV), and other major biotic constraints for maize cultivation in Africa, thus providing the opportunity for improved sustainable maize production under stress environments. Breeder's seed of these synthetic varieties are being multiplied for distribution to national programmes.  相似文献   

The presence of maysin, a flavone glycoside, and its analogues in the silks of corn is an important defence against invasion of the ear by corn earworm in the southeastern USA. Three dent maize inbreds with high silk‐maysin concentrations were evaluated for chromosomal location of major genes controlling synthesis of three antibiotic chemicals by crossing them to a series of waxy‐marked chromosome 9 reciprocal translocations. The data indicated that genes for maysin and its analogues are probably present on the short arms of chromosomes 1 and 10, and long arms of chromosomes 5 and 8 for inbred line GT114, the short arms of chromosome 1 and 6, and the long arms of chromosome 5 and 8 for inbred line GE37, and the short arms of chromosomes 1 and 10, and the long arm of chromosome 4 for inbred line SC102. These results are in general agreement with other translocation studies on corn earworm injury to sweet corn inbreds and gene and restriction fragment length polymorphism marker studies to locate quantitative trait loci (QTL) for maysin synthesis, with the exception that QTL on chromosome 9 have been found to be strongly associated with flavone synthesis. The most significant concordance between conventional and molecular techniques for locating chromosome regions influencing synthesis of antibiotic chemicals from silks of high silk antibiosis sources is found for the short arm of chromosome 1. This region is the most likely one on which to place emphasis during the initial stages of transferring high‐maysin silks to elite inbred lines. A chromosome 1 marker plus at least one more from any chosen high‐maysin inbred source should be sufficient to transfer high maysin silks to other lines. Other markers may be needed for transfer of specific traits when recovering recurrent parent genome types in a backcrossing procedure.  相似文献   

The main pest of maize in north‐western Spain is the pink stem borer, Sesamia nonagrioides, and stem lodging is one of the consequences of attack. Since rind puncture resistance is related to stem lodging resistance, the objectives of this work were to estimate the genetic effects involved in the inheritance of rind puncture resistance and to determine the phenotypic correlation coefficients between rind puncture resistance and pink stem borer damage. Six generations from the crosses ‘CM109’בEP31’ and ‘CM109’בEP42’ and a 10‐inbred line diallel were evaluated in Pontevedra, Spain, in 1995 and 1996. The inheritance of rind puncture resistance had two significant components, one additive and one dominant. Non‐allelic and genotype × environment interactions were not significant. Improvement for internode rind puncture resistance to increase stem strength and stalk lodging resistance could have some positive influence on resistance to pink stem borer. However, its use as an estimator of pink stem borer resistance cannot be generalized and so must be restricted to programmes that involve materials exhibiting physical resistance to pink stem borer attack.  相似文献   

Yellow mosaic disease, caused by wheat yellow mosaic virus (WYMV), is one of the most serious diseases of winter wheat in Japan and China. A single major QTL for WYMV resistance in the Japanese wheat variety 'Yumechikara', designated Q.Ymym, has been mapped on a 43.6 cM linkage block between the two markers Xcfd233 and Xgwm349 on chromosome 2D. We were able to obtain two recombinants within the block, which facilitated reducing the size of the linkage block. The pseudomolecule sequence of 'Chinese Spring' (CS) indicated that the original Q.Ymym region of 43.6 cM corresponded to 68.5 Mb and the narrowed Q.Ymym region represents a size of 27.3 Mb. The sequence features of the Q.Ymym region were unique in comparison with CS sequences, which may have led to the low recombination rate within the block. The Q.Ymym haplotype block was detected in other WYMV-resistant varieties but not in the susceptible varieties used in this study. The unique sequence structure of the Q.Ymym region allowed the development of co-dominant markers for use in marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

Genetic information is needed on maysin, a compound in maize, Zea mays L., silks that is antibiotic to corn earworm larvae, Helicoverpa (formerly Heliothis) zea (Boddie), to assist in the process of breeding for resistance to this pest. This study was initiated to elucidate the inheritance of maysin content in the silks of a cross between two maize inbreds (GT114 and GT119) having resistance to the corn earworm. Reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) procedures were used to quantify the maysin concentration of silks from individual plants in the parent, F1, F2, and first backcross generations of the cross GT114 × GT119. A model assuming dominance at a single locus for low maysin content which is expressed only when a dominant modifier is present was proposed to explain the segregation ratios obtained in the F2 and first back-crosses of GT114 × GT119. This model also provided a fit for maysin data previously generated from a cross between inbreds F6 and F44. Observations of selfed families in the backcross of GT114 × GT119 to the low maysin parent confirmed the two-locus model (one factor with dominance for low maysin expressed only when a modifier gene is also present) as a plausible explanation for inheritance of silk maysin in the cross. The process of selection for high maysin will be complicated somewhat by the presence of a gene which modifies the expression of dominance unless a method of easily identifying the gene, independent of maysin content, can be developed.  相似文献   

The results from the evaluation of apricot seedlings for resistance to the plum pox potyvirus (sharka) are presented. The susceptibility of 291 seedlings from 19 different crosses, most of them between resistant and susceptible cultivars, was determined. The results obtained seem to indicate that the resistance to plum pox potyvirus in apricot is controlled by a single gene, where resistance would be a dominant trait and the resistant parents used would be heterozygous for this trait. Since the resistance appeared to behave as a quantitative trait during the evaluation process, the hypothesis of a monogenic control is discussed.  相似文献   

G. Seitz    A. E. Melchinger    H. H. Geiger    I. S. Singh 《Plant Breeding》1995,114(3):231-234
Eleven flint inbreds of maize were crossed with 11 dent inbreds according to a balanced incomplete factorial mating design to produce 66 single crosses (2W) in both reciprocal forms. Additionally, six three-way crosses (3W) were also produced in both reciprocal forms. These hybrids were evaluated for 11 forage yield and quality traits in 1983 and 1984 at three sites in Germany. Highly significant reciprocal differences were observed for nine traits in the 2W. The respective variance component estimates amounted to 2–33% of the variance component due to crosses. On average, flint × dent 2W had lower dry-matter content (DMC) than dent × flint 2W and a 1 % greater dry-matter yield (DMY) of forage. Three-way crosses produced on singles exhibited greater DMC (3%) and DMY (5%) of the ear, metabolizable energy content (MEC) of stover (1%), and DMC and DMY of forage (2%) than their reciprocal forms produced on lines. Based on this study, because of their minor importance, routine testing for reciprocal differences among 2W hybrids is not recommended.  相似文献   

Genetic basis of variation for salt tolerance in maize ( Zea mays L).   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The genetic basis of salt tolerance was examined in selected salt tolerant and sensitive material from a sample of accessions previously assessed for variability in salinity tolerance. The North Carolina Model 2 Design and analysis was followed, tolerance being assessed in 10-day-old seedlings grown in salinized solution culture at control (0 mM), 60 mM and 80 mM NaCl concentrations). Salinity tolerance was shown to be under the control of genes with additive and non-additive effects, with broad and narrow sense heritability estimates being approximately 0.7 and 0.4 over all treatments. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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