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改良剂原位修复重金属污染土壤研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
改良剂原位修复重金属污染土壤因其成本低廉、易于实施,已经得到广泛应用。然而,改良剂对土壤重金属的修复仍然存在着一定的局限性和潜在风险。无机和有机改良剂的修复效果不仅与重金属离子的种类有关,而且还受作物、土壤类型及环境因子的制约。本文就目前常用改良剂的修复效果,存在的问题,改良剂原位修复重金属污染土壤的作用机制以及国内外研究进展作简要综述,并对此方面研究的未来趋势提出展望。  相似文献   

污泥和水溶性重金属盐的植物有效性比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用盆栽方法研究了污泥中重金属的植物有效性,并与等量重金属盐进行了比较。结果表明,施用污泥50 g/kg土和100 g/kg土能明显增加番茄和玉米苗期地上部Zn、Cu、As的含量,对Cr、Ni、Pb含量影响不大。施用污泥可以降低玉米苗期地上部Cd的含量。施用污泥与施用等量水溶性重金属盐比较,污泥重金属有效性低于水溶性重金属盐的有效性。在土壤污泥施用量为50 g/kg时,污泥重金属在番茄苗期的Zn、Cu有效系数分别为80.9%和54.8%;玉米苗期Zn、Cu的有效系数分别为53.4%和70.3%;污泥用量为100 g/kg土时,污泥重金属在玉米苗期的Zn、As有效系数分别为74.5%和64.4%。  相似文献   

Copper (Cu) mine tailings, because of their high content of heavy metals, are usually hostile to plant colonization. A pot experiment was conducted to determine the tolerance of four forage grasses to heavy metals in Cu mine tailings and to examine the variation in the microbial functional diversity of soils from the tailing sites in southern China. All the four grass species survived on Cu mine tailings and Cu mine tailing-soil mixture. However, on pure mine tailings, the growth was minimal, whereas the growth was maximum for the control without mine tailings. The tolerance of grasses to heavy metals followed the sequence: Paspalum notatum 〉 Festuea arundinaeea 〉 Lolium perenne 〉 Cynodon daetylon. The planting of forage grasses enhanced the soil microbial biomass. The Biolog data indicated that the soil microbial metabolic profile values (average well color development, community richness, and Shannon index) of the four forage grasses also followed the sequence: P. notatum 〉 F. arundinaeea 〉 L. perenne 〉 C. daetylon. Thus, P. notatum, under the experimental conditions of this study, may be considered as the preferred plant species for revegetation of Cu mine tailing areas.  相似文献   

Immobilization of Cd in contaminated soil is a technique to improve soil quality. Zeolites are potentially useful additives to bind heavy metals. This study examines the influence of decreasing the grain size of raw zeolitic tuff to the nano‐range on Cd sorption‐desorption isotherms in a sandy soil. The aim was to evaluate the feasibility of using nanoparticulate zeolitic tuff as a sequestering agent for Cd in soil. Sorption and desorption of Cd on zeolitic nanotuff was investigated in batch experiments. The sandy soil was amended with zeolitic nanotuff, synthetic Al oxide nanoparticles, or raw zeolitic tuff. After a 48 h sorption step, three desorption steps were induced using the sequential dilution method. The measured sorption‐desorption data were adequately described by the Freundlich equation. A nonlinear two‐stage one‐rate model matched well with measured Cd sorption‐desorption isotherms of zeolitic nanotuff, raw zeolitic tuff, Al oxide nanoparticle, and control soil. The batch experiments demonstrated the strong influence of pH on Cd sorption. Zeta‐potential measurements of zeolitic nanotuff indicated that electrostatic interaction was important for sorption. Soil amended with zeolitic nanotuff showed the lowest hysteresis index based on the differences obtained from sorption‐desorption isotherms regarding the amount of Cd sorbed. The index decreased with increasing metal concentration. For soil amended with nanoparticulate zeolitic tuff, the estimated Freundlich coefficient was 4 orders of magnitude higher than in the control soil and 2 orders of magnitude higher than the soil amended with raw zeolitic tuff. In addition, this sorbent decreased the amount of Cd released after three desorption steps by up to 12 and 7 times compared to the control soil and the soil amended with raw zeolitic tuff, respectively. The effect on Cd sorption of grinding the raw zeolitic tuff to the nanorange was considerably more pronounced than the effect of raw zeolitic tuff.  相似文献   

A 32 ha tailings pond used for the disposal of pyritic mine waste was examined after a period of eight years to determine the success of the rehabilitation plan used to revegetate the site. This was achieved by examining both the vegetation cover and the quality of the topsoil in order to determine the effect of the tailings. A number of floristic habitats were identified within the site indicating that succession had occurred since revegetation of the area with metal-tolerant grass species. Four main habitats were investigated: leguminous, grass, gorse and low canopy. The soil layer in Shelton Abbey was 25–30 cm deep and contained levels of nutrients and metals comparable to those found in unpolluted soils. It was followed by a 20–25 cm layer of mixed soil and tailings, followed by the tailings only. The tailings retained elevated concentrations of metals indicating their unsuitability for growth of unadapted plant species. Vegetation from all habitats, analysed both in the summer and winter, contained higher levels of iron only compared with vegetation grown on unpolluted soils. Metals do not appear to be significantly leached from the tailings either into the soil or into surface and ground waters, and have not been accumulated to above normal levels by plant uptake. The rehabilitation protocol used at the site appears to have been successful. However, the site needs to be managed on an on-going basis to ensure the integrity of the bund and revegetated area. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

用固定剂减少污泥中重金属污染土壤的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
该研究将加有重金属固定剂的污泥装入废弃塑料容器制成施肥器,利用人工淋水或自然降水,使污泥中的养分从施肥器中流入土壤,而重金属被固定在污泥中,减少重金属土壤污染,再收集处理残渣,防止二次污染。通过淋滤试验和种植油麦菜、蕹菜的盆栽试验得出以下结论:硫酸钾作为固定剂和污泥混合,不仅肥效好,作物产量高,而且污泥重金属被水淋出量少,植物体内重金属的含量低。该文为污泥合理农用提供了新方法,同时充分利用了废弃塑料容器等废弃物,成本低而收效显著。  相似文献   



The consequences of permanent inundation and storage of flood plain soils and aquatic sediments on metal mobility were studied. The main goal was to quantify kinetic mobilisation processes in order to pinpoint the conditions that pose emission risks to groundwater and surface waters.  相似文献   

以江苏昆山市为典型区,对长三角地区土壤盐酸可提取态重金属含量的结构特征进行分析,得出该区盐酸可提取态重金属的空间分布格局并揭示了引起这种分布格局的成因和污染来源,结果表明:昆山市盐酸可提取态Cd、Cr、Cu、Pb、Zn、Hg属强变异,Ni和Co为中等变异。半方差函数模型拟合表明所有盐酸可提取态重金属元素均符合球状模型,8种重金属元素在一定范围内均存在空间相关性。采用Kriging最优内插法得到了盐酸可提取态重金属含量的空间分布格局,表明土壤盐酸可提取态重金属含量与工业活动、污水灌溉和大气降尘密切相关。通过主成分分析与地统计学相结合的方法,得出该区盐酸可提取态重金属由4个主成分构成,第一主成分为Cd、Cu、Pb、Cr和Zn,决定这一成分的主要因素为工业污水灌溉、大气降尘和元素地球化学特征;第二主成分为Ni,决定这一成分的主要因素为土壤内部因子;第三主成分为Hg,该成分主要受工业点源污染的影响;第四主成分为Co,该成分可能主要受地形影响。  相似文献   

Zn and Pb release of sphalerite (ZnS)-bearing mine waste tailings   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Background, aim, and scope  Contaminated mine drainage water has become a major hydrogeological and geochemical problem. Release of soluble metal contaminants and acidity from mining sites can pose serious chemical risks to surface and groundwater in the surrounding environment, and it is an important socio-economic factor addressed by working groups like SUITMA Morel and Heinrich (J Soils Sediments 8:206–207, 2008). The release of Zn and Pb from sulfide-bearing flotation residues of a small scale mine in Western Germany is investigated with focus on metal transfer to soil solution. Total contents of the soil material as well as soil water sampled with suction cups were analyzed. The influence of pH on leaching behavior was investigated with pHstat tests. Isotopic analyses helped assessing seepage water velocity. The aim of this study was the assessment of the environmental behavior of zinc and lead caused by the weathering of sulfide-bearing mine tailings. Especially, we address in this paper the dissolution of sphalerite (ZnS) in contrast to the well-known dissolution processes of pyrite (FeS2). Materials and methods  Total metal contents of the soil samples were analyzed by energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, total C concentration was measured using a CHNS elemental analyzer. X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra were recorded from powdered soil samples. Soil water was sampled in nylon suction cups. Electrical conductivity (EC), pH, and temperature of the soil water samples were measured in the field immediately after sampling. Major anions (F, Cl, NO2, NO3, SO4) were analyzed by ion chromatography, major cations (Ca, Na, K, Li) were analyzed by flame photometry, heavy metals (Zn, Pb, Fe, Mn, and Mg) by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Tritium was analyzed by liquid scintillation counting (LSC), 18O and 2H were analyzed by isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS). pHstat tests were performed at four different pH values between 2 and 5. Results  Total Zn contents of the soil samples averaged 10 g kg−1, Pb contents averaged 2.5 g kg−1, Fe 22 g kg−1, S 8.0 g kg−1, and total carbon 4.0 g kg−1. Below 2-m depth, soil samples had neutral pH values. Toward the surface, pH decreased down to pH 5.4 in P1 and P3, and to pH 5.9 in core P2, respectively. Dissolved contents of major ions (Mg, Ca, K, SO4, and HCO3) in the soil solution increased with depth. Metal concentrations (Fe, Mn, Zn) decreased with depth. The solution pH was neutral to slightly alkaline in samples below 2 m and slightly acidic (pH 6) at 1 m depth. Tritium values are around 7 TU and correspond to modern rain, i.e., after 1975. Stable isotope values plot on the global meteoric water line. The pHstat tests provide two kinds of information, the acid neutralization capacity after 24 h (ANC24) and the release of metals depending on pH. The ANC24 increases linearly with decreasing pH from about 60 mmol(eq) kg−1 at pH 5 to about 460 mmol(eq) kg−1 at pH 2. Zn and Fe release show a strong increase with decreasing pH to 126 and 142 mmol(eq) kg−1, respectively. Pb release increases at pH <4 and Mn release at pH <5, both to about 10 mmol(eq) kg−1. Discussion  With an average of 10 g kg−1, this field site is highly enriched in Zn. In the oxidized topsoil, Zn concentrations are significantly lower than in the anoxic subsoil. The distribution pattern of total Zn contents and soil pH values indicate that the topsoil, which is prone to oxidation and acidification, is already depleted in Zn. Only in soil core P2, Zn (and Fe) contents in the topsoil were higher than in the subsoil. Oxidation of the sulfidic material leads to redistribution into mobilizable species. High soil water concentrations (10 to 15 mg L−1) can be found at acidic pH. The dominant Zn species in the soil solution is Zn2+. At neutral pH, Zn concentrations are below 0.001 mg L−1. During the soil passage, the contaminated seepage water enters the anoxic subsoil with pH buffering carbonates. Results indicate that Zn is immobilized there. However, when the acid neutralization capacity is exhausted, a breakthrough of dissolved Zn to the groundwater has to be expected. Lead averages 2.5 g kg−1 inside the flotation dump. In contrast to Zn, the first centimeters of the oxidized topsoil with high TOC contents show higher Pb contents than the anoxic subsoil. About 80% of the cation exchange capacity in the topsoil is occupied by Pb. In contrast to Zn, Pb is not abundant as aqueous species at slightly acidic pH. Values lower than pH 4 are necessary to mobilize Pb in higher amounts, as pHstat experiments confirm. Hence, Pb is not expected to be leached out until the buffer capacity of the soil is exhausted. Conclusions  The environmental fate and behavior of Zn and Pb in the flotation dump is strongly depending on pH and redox conditions. Oxidation of sphalerite leads to a transfer of Zn from immobile to easily mobilizable species. Sulfide oxidation leads to an acidification of the topsoil where the buffer capacity is already exhausted due to the leaching of carbonates. At acidic pH, Zn is transferred to the aqueous phase and leached to the subsoil where soil pH is neutral. Electron supply and the buffer capacity of the material are found to be the main factors controlling the mobility of Zn. In contrast, the transfer of comparable amounts of Pb to the aqueous phase requires pH values <4. Since Pb is enriched in the topsoil, not leaching to the groundwater, but direct uptake (e.g., children, animals) and uptake by plants is the highest environmental risk. If the acidification of the soil proceeds with the same rate as in the last 40 years, it will reach the bottom of the tailing in about 200 years and a breakthrough of metals to the groundwater has to be expected. Recommendations and perspectives  The behavior of the different metals and their environmental impact depends on the different metal properties as well as on external conditions, e.g. pH, redox conditions, buffer capacity, and groundwater recharge. To assess the future release of metals from a flotation dump it is crucial to determine the main processes leading to acidification, the buffer capacity, and heavy metal binding forms. The release of heavy metals to the groundwater could be prevented by liming or other buffering techniques de Andrade et al. (J Soils Sediments 8:123–129, 2008). Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Abstract. The chemical extractability of heavy metals introduced into the soil during 7 years application of sewage sludge, composted municipal solid waste and sheep manure, and their availability to citrus plants were studied. The total content of metals in the soil (0-20 cm)was increased by the use of sludges and compost, but only the Ni content in the saturation extracts of soil was significantly increased. Total Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn were sequentially fractionated into water-soluble plus exchangeable, organically bound, carbonate-associated, and residual fractions. Most of the heavy metals were present in carbonate and residual fractions, although substantial amounts of water-soluble plus exchangeable Cd, and organically bound Cu and Ni were found. No significant increases in the metal contents in leaves and orange fruits were observed, with the exception of Pb in leaves. Several statistically significant correlations between metal content in plants, metal content in soil fractions, and chemical characteristics of soil were also found.  相似文献   

为更好地研究利用光谱反映的土壤重金属信息,实现具有多重金属复合污染问题的铅锌矿区土壤重金属含量高光谱快速估测,该研究以河北省某铅锌矿区为例,首先对研究区土壤的Cu、Cr、Ni、Zn、Cd、Pb污染状况进行了评价分析,其次基于实验室高光谱数据,组合变换光谱、特征变量和反演算法形成不同反演策略,通过各反演策略下的重金属反演精度比较,定量分析不同光谱预处理、特征选择和建模算法的优劣与适应性,构建最优反演模型。研究结果表明:1)研究区土壤Cr、Ni清洁程度较好,其余Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb均有不同程度污染;参比当地土壤背景值,区域内梅罗综合污染指数均值29.7,为重度污染,潜在生态风险因子均值1330.3,处于高生态风险状态;2)光谱预处理可以增强土壤重金属信息表达。其中,光谱微分效果较好,但易受噪声影响,而多元散射校正、标准正态变量、倒数对数变换可以进行光谱去噪,提升处理效果;3)特征选择方法中,相关系数法选择特征波段数目多,不同重金属反演R2 差异较大;Boruta法选择特征波段数目少,不同重金属反演R2 差异较小;4)BPNN、XGBoost可以较好描述重金属含量与光谱的非线性关系,相较于其他算法具有更好表现,分别实现了Cr、Ni、Zn和Pb、Cd的最优反演,SVMR实现了Cu的最优反演。研究表明,不同的光谱预处理、特征选择与建模算法对于土壤重金属含量的反演均具有较大影响,选择合适的处理、建模算法可以有效提升反演精度。该研究为进一步实现高效、准确、大范围遥感监测铅锌矿区土壤重金属污染状况提供参考依据。  相似文献   

我国商品有机肥和有机废弃物中重金属、养分和盐分状况   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:19  
【目的】 分析我国主要菜区商品有机肥和有机废弃物的重金属、养分和盐分状况,为蔬菜高效安全施肥和菜田土壤质量改善提供一定的理论依据。【方法】 针对全国主要菜区包括北方6省(市)和南方12省(市)典型商品有机肥和有机废弃物展开调查,取样时间是2014年1月上旬,共采取商品有机肥样品126个和有机废弃物样品255个,对3类商品有机肥和5类有机废弃物中重金属、养分和盐分状况进行了研究。【结果】 1)按照我国现有的NY525-2012有机肥料中重金属限量标准,商品鸡粪中Cd、Pb和Cr超标率分别为10.3%、17.2%和17.2%,商品猪粪中Cd和As超标率分别为20.0%和6.7%,其它商品有机肥中Cr、Cd、As和Hg超标率分别为13.4%、2.4%、2.4%和2.4%;鸡粪中Cd、As和Hg超标率分别为2.4%、7.1%和2.4%,猪粪中Cd、Pb、As和Hg超标率分别为1.5%、3.1%、15.4%和1.5%,牛粪中Cd和Hg超标率分别为1.7%和1.7%,羊粪中Cd超标率为12.5%,其它有机废弃物中Cr和As超标率分别为4.5%和13.6%。现在的畜禽粪便与传统有机肥已经大不相同,尤其是鸡粪和猪粪中Cu、Zn含量远高于上个世纪90年代初,分别增加1.5~16.2倍和1.3~4.7倍。2)商品有机肥中全氮含量、全钾含量和氮磷钾总含量较有机废弃物平均分别高出51.2%、32.0%和15.0%,有机废弃物中全磷含量、有机质含量、C/N比值和C/P比值较商品有机肥平均分别高出23.7%、41.5%、22.7%和15.2%。商品有机肥中,商品猪粪的全磷含量、有机质含量和C/N比值均相对较高,其它商品有机肥的全氮含量、全钾含量、氮磷钾总含量和C/P比值均相对较高;有机废弃物中,鸡粪和猪粪的全氮含量、全磷含量和氮磷钾总含量均相对较高,鸡粪、羊粪和其它有机废弃物的全钾含量相对较高,猪粪、牛粪和羊粪的有机质含量相对较高,牛粪的C/N比值相对较高,牛粪和羊粪的C/P比值相对较高。3)商品有机肥的EC值(平均23.5 mS/cm,n=126)较有机废弃物(平均7.7 mS/cm,n=255)高出2.1倍。商品有机肥中其它商品有机肥的EC值很高,其次是商品猪粪,商品鸡粪的EC值相对较低;有机废弃物中鸡粪和其它有机废弃物的EC值相对较高,其次是羊粪,猪粪和牛粪的EC值相对较低。【结论】 商品鸡粪以Cd、Pb和Cr超标为主,商品猪粪以Cd和As超标为主,其它商品有机肥以Cr超标为主;猪粪、鸡粪和其它有机废弃物以As超标为主,羊粪以Cd超标为主。商品有机肥中全氮含量、全钾含量和氮磷钾总含量均高于有机废弃物,有机废弃物中全磷含量、有机质含量、C/N比值和C/P比值均高于商品有机肥。商品有机肥的EC值远高于有机废弃物。  相似文献   

红透山铜尾矿重金属分布及其对土壤重金属污染的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过对红透山铜尾矿重金属分布及尾矿区和农田区土壤重金属污染状况进行研究,结果显示:尾矿中四种重金属Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd均出现不同程度的淋滤-富集现象,对周围土壤存在较大的环境威胁。尾矿区土壤综合污染指数16.27,达重污染程度;周围农田土壤为轻度污染,综合污染指数1.29。四种重金属的污染状况分别为:Cd、Cu为重度污染,Zn为轻度污染,Pb为安全级别。  相似文献   

Chemical characteristics and some parameters related to biological components were determined in 16 soils from a fairly homogeneous area in the north of Italy, contaminated with different levels of heavy metals. Correlation analysis of the parameters studied showed close positive relationships among the metals and with the organic C content in the soils studied. Negative relationships were observed among the heavy metals, soil respiration, and the ratio between evolved CO2–C and microbial biomass C per unit time (specific respiratory activity). This was ascribed to an adverse heavy metal effect on the soil microflora, which appeared to increase the accumulation of organic matter as the heavy metal content increased, probably because the biomass was less effective in mineralising soil organic matter under these conditions.  相似文献   

生物质炭与氮肥配施降低水稻重金属含量的盆栽试验   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
针对重金属污染严重的土壤,探索施用氮肥和生物质炭减少水稻重金属吸收的可行性。该研究采用盆栽试验,选用生物质炭、硫硝铵氮肥(简称普通氮肥)和含硝化抑制剂3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸盐的硫硝铵氮肥(简称3,4-dimethylpyrazolephosphate,DMPP氮肥),设置了5种处理包括对照即未添加氮肥和生物质炭、普通氮肥添加、DMPP氮肥添加、生物质炭+普通氮肥添加和生物质炭+DMPP氮肥添加,研究了不同处理对水稻华航丝苗(Oryza sativa L.)生长和重金属Cu、Zn和Cd吸收特性的影响。结果表明,不配施生物质炭时,DMPP氮肥对水稻籽粒产量无显著(P0.05)影响;生物质炭与普通氮肥或DMPP氮肥配施均能增加水稻籽粒产量:与单施普通氮肥相比,生物质炭与普通氮肥配施水稻籽粒产量显著(P0.05)增加20.3%;与单施DMPP氮肥相比,生物质炭与DMPP氮肥配施水稻籽粒产量显著(P0.05)增加49.3%。与不施肥对照相比,生物质炭与DMPP氮肥配施能降低籽粒Cu、Zn和Cd含量,其籽粒Cu、Zn和Cd质量分数分别显著降低20.0%、21.4%和11.6%。未配施生物质炭时DMPP促进Cu从秸秆向籽粒的转移,配施生物质炭时DMPP促进Cu和Cd从根向秸秆的转移;生物质炭与不同氮肥配施对水稻籽粒/秸秆和秸秆/根Cu、Zn和Cd转运系数的影响因配施氮肥品种不同而存在差异。综上,生物质炭与DMPP氮肥配施可降低籽粒中重金属Cu、Zn和Cd质量分数,促进水稻生长,增加水稻籽粒产量,适宜在多重金属污染稻田施用。  相似文献   

Background  Increasing awareness in the last decade concerning environmental quality had prompted research into ‘green solutions’ for soil and water remediation, progressing from laboratoryin vitro experiments to pot and field trials. In vitro cell culture experiments provide a convenient system to study basic biological processes, by which biochemical pathways, enzymatic activity and metabolites can be specifically studied. However, it is difficult to relate cell cultures, calli or even hydroponic experiments to the whole plant response to pollutant stress. In the field, plants are exposed to additional a-biotic and biotic factors, which complicate further plant response. Hence, we often see thatin vitro selected species perform poorly under soil and field conditions. Soil physical and chemical properties, plantmycorrhizal association and soil-microbial activity affect the process of contaminant degradation by plants and/or microorganisms, pointing to the importance of pot and field experiments. Objective  This paper is a joint effort of a group of scientists in COST action 837. It represents experimental work and an overview on plant response to environmental stress fromin vitro tissue culture to whole plant experiments in soil. Results  Results obtained fromin vitro plant tissue cultures and whole plant hydroponic experiments indicate the phytoremediation potential of different plant species and the biochemical mechanisms involved in plant tolerance. In pot experiments, several selected desert plant species, which accumulated heavy metal in hydroponic systems, succeeded in accumulating the heavy metal in soil conditions as well. Conclusions and Recommendations   In vitro plant tissue cultures provide a useful experimental system for the study of the mechanisms involved in the detoxification of organic and heavy metal pollutants. However, whole plant experimental systems, as well as hydroponics followed by pot and field trials, are essential when determining plant potential to remediate polluted sites. Multidisciplinary research teams can therefore increase our knowledge and promote a practical application of phytoremediation.  相似文献   

In previous greenhouse experiments red mud, a residue of the alumina industry, was identified as effective amendment for in situ fixation of heavy metals. In the present study, we further evaluated the efficiency and potential drawbacks of red mud in an outdoor pot experiment. Application of 5 % (w/w) red mud (RM) should reveal possible drawbacks of red mud due to indigenous pollutants such as As, Cr, and V. Three soils from arable land in Lower Austria named Untertiefenbach (U) (Eutric Cambisol), Weyersdorf (W) (Dystric Cambisol), and Reisenberg (R) (Calcic Chernozem) were spiked with Cd, Zn, Cu, Ni, and V at two concentration levels in 1987, two soils originate from long‐term industrially polluted sites, located in Carinthia (Arnoldstein – Rendzic Leptosol; Zn, Cd, and Pb) and Tyrol (Brixlegg – Dystric Fluvisol; Cu, Zn). Zea mays was cultivated in pots for three months in outdoor conditions. Extraction with 1 M NH4NO3 was used to assess the influence of RM on the labile metals. Lability of Cd, Zn, Ni, and Pb was reduced upon RM treatment on a sandy soil up to 91 %, 94 %, 71 %, and 83 % of the control, respectively. Metal accumulation in shoots was reduced for Cd and Zn up to 54 % and for Ni up to 75 % (soil W), but not for Pb (soil A). Addition of RM (5 % w/w) increased the total As, Cr, and V concentrations in soils by 5, 20, and 50 mg kg–1, respectively. Whereas the lability of Cr was not affected, 1 M NH4NO3‐extractable As and V exceeded the trigger value for water quality according to Prüeß (1994). Lability of Cu increased upon RM application, especially on the Cu polluted industrial soil (B), while Cu toxicity appeared to be reduced as indicated by the higher corn biomass production. Red mud holds promise as soil amendment in terms of reduction Cd, Zn, and Ni bioavailability. However, at additions as high as 5 % (w/w) large As, Cr, and V concentrations of this material may limit its application.  相似文献   

为了认识重金属耐性植物五节芒(Miscanthus floridulus)对尾矿砂土壤的改良作用,在尾矿砂堆积地上选择1个裸露的尾矿砂样点(对照)和4个五节芒定居的尾矿砂样点(RI、RII、RIII和RIV)为样地,研究了土壤微生物生物量、呼吸速率和酶活性随五节芒定居梯度的变化规律以及这些微生物参数与土壤理化特性和重金属含量的关系。结果发现,随着五节芒在尾矿砂上的定居,除土壤pH以外,土壤有机碳、总氮、总磷、NH4+-N、NO3--N和速效磷的含量以及团聚体稳定性和最大持水量均显著提高(P 0.05),而土壤重金属总量与DTPA可提取量均显著下降(P 0.05)。土壤生物生物量碳、氮、磷、基础呼吸速率、基质诱导呼吸速率、10种土壤酶活性均显著提高(P 0.05),但土壤呼吸熵和多酚氧化酶活性显著下降(P 0.05)。主分量分析(PCA)结果表明,土壤微生物参数、土壤理化特性和土壤重金属数据均可显著区分出5个研究样地;典范相关分析(CCA)结果看出,土壤微生物参数总体变化与土壤理化特性呈显著正相关(pH除外),与土壤重金属呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

Soils are an effective sink for carbon storage and immobilization through biomass productivity and enhancement of soil organic carbon (SOC) pool. The SOC sink capacity depends on land use and management. Degraded lands lose large amounts of C through SOC decomposition, erosion, and leaching. Thus, restoration of disturbed and degraded mine lands can lead to increase in biomass productivity, improved soil quality and SOC enhancement and sequestration. Reclamation of mined lands is an aggrading process and offers significant potential to sequester C. A chronosequence study consisting of 0‐, 5‐, 10‐, 15‐, 20‐ and 25‐year‐old reclaimed mine soils in Ohio was initiated to assess the rate of C sequestration by pasture and forest establishment. Undisturbed pasture and forest were used as controls. The SOC pool of reclaimed pasture sites increased from 15·3 Mg ha−1 to 44·4 Mg ha−1 for 0–15 cm depth and from 10·8 Mg ha−1 to 18·3 Mg ha−1 for 15–30 cm depth over the period of 25 years. The SOC pool of reclaimed forest sites increased from 12·7 Mg ha−1 to 45·3 Mg ha−1 for 0–15 cm depth and from 9·1 Mg ha−1 to 13·6 Mg ha−1 for 15–30 cm depth over the same time period. The SOC pool of the pasture site stabilized earlier than that of the forest site which had not yet attained equilibrium. The SOC sequestered in 0–30 cm depth over 25 years was 36·7 Mg ha−1 for pasture and 37·1 Mg ha−1 for forest. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The risk assessment of heavy‐metal contamination in soils requires knowledge of the controls of metal concentrations and speciation. We tested the relationship between soil properties (pH, CEC, Corg, oxide concentrations, texture) and land use (forest, grassland, arable) and the partitioning of Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn among the seven fractions of a sequential extraction procedure in 146 A horizons from Slovakia. Using a cluster analysis, we identified 92 soils as representing background metal concentrations while the remaining 54 soils showed anthropogenic contamination. Among the background soils, forest soils had the lowest heavy‐metal concentrations except for Pb (highest), because of the shielding effect of the organic layer. Arable soils had the highest Cr, Cu, and Ni concentrations suggesting metal input with agrochemicals. Grassland soils had the highest Cd and Zn concentrations probably for geogenic reasons. Besides the parent material (highest metal concentrations in soils from carbonatic rock, lowest in quartz‐rich soils with sandy texture), pedogenic eluviation processes controlled metal concentrations with podzols showing depletion of most metals in E horizons. Partitioning among the seven fractions of the sequential extraction procedure was element‐specific. The pH was the overwhelming control of the contributions of the bioavailable fractions (fractions 1–4) of all metals and even influenced the contributions of Fe oxide‐associated metals (fractions 5 and 6) to total metal concentrations. For fractions 5 and 6, Fe concentrations in oxides were the most important control of contributions to total metal concentrations. After statistically separating the pH from land use, we found that the contributions of Cu in fractions 1–4 and of NH4NO3‐extractable Al, Cd, Pb, and Zn to total metal concentrations were significantly higher under forest than under grassland and in some cases arable use. Our results confirm that metal speciation in soils is mainly controlled by the pH. Furthermore, land use has a significant effect.  相似文献   

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