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Soil-solid phase associations of Se in seleniferous soils of Punjab were investigated by following sequential extraction procedures involving multiple extractions with 0.2 M K2SO4 (2 times), 0.1 M Na2SeO3 (4 times), 0.05 M NH4OH (4 times), 6 M HCl (2 times) and 9 M HNO3 (2 times) vis-a-vis single extractions with 0.25 M KCl, 0.1 M KH2PO4, 4 M HCl and concentrated HCl. Soil samples were equilibrated with 75Se (as Na2SSeO3) @ 9.25 kBq g - 1 soil by incubating at field capacity moisture regime and subjecting to alternate wetting and drying cycles. Following multiple extraction procedure, out of total 75Se added, 8.8 - 26.1% was present in readily available form (0.2 M K2SO4 extractable); 27.6 - 49.0% as isotopically exchangeable (0.1M Na2SeO3 extractable) and 5.3 - 12.0% as organic Se (0.05 M NH4OH extractable). Selenium extractable in K2SO4 was significantly correlated with free iron (r = - 0.774, p < 0.05) and CaCO3 (r = 0.670, p <0.10) content of the soils. Negative relationship was observed between Se uptake by maize (Zea mays L.) and ammonium hydroxide extractable (r = - 0.752, p <0.05) as well as residual Se (r = - 0.726, p <0.05) in soils. Highly positive coefficients of correlation between isotopically exchangeable Se and Se content (r = 0.851, p <0.01) as well as its uptake by maize (r = 0.841, p <0.01) indicated that the isotopically exchangeable form of Se may be considered as an index of bioavailable Se in seleniferous soils of Punjab. None of the fractions defined by following single extraction procedure was correlated with either the soil characteristics or Se uptake by maize plants. Multiple extraction procedure could, thus, better explain the distribution of Se in different fractions and uptake by plants. 相似文献
太湖流域麦田土壤氮素流失过程的模拟研究 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3
应用田间模拟降雨,研究了太湖流域稻麦轮作方式下,不同雨强和施氮水平对农田氮素径流流失的影响。结果显示,随施氮量增加,农田径流液中氮素的平均浓度和氮素径流累积流失量提高,两者间呈显著正相关。降雨量相同的条件下,低雨强农田产生径流时间较长,而高雨强引起的农田径流量较高;低雨强引起的农田氮素径流累积流失量较高,高雨强引起的农田氮素径流累积流失量较低,这种现象在中、高施氮水平条件下更为明显。试验还表明,在降雨量相同的条件下,降雨持续时间长的小雨引起的农田氮素径流流失量要超过降雨持续时间短的大雨。 相似文献
室内小流域降雨产流过程试验 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
该研究采用新型的小水流流量自动观测系统,在室内小流域模型上进行了不变雨强和变雨强模拟降雨试验,实时观测了模型流域各沟道的产流过程。试验进行了不同降雨强度(25、50、75、120mm/h)和不同降雨历时(5、10、15min)组合的12次降雨试验,同时进行了30-70mm/h和70-30-70mm/h的变雨强降雨试验。在不变雨强的条件下,仪器与人工测量所得稳定流量的最大平均相对误差仅为2.02%。测量得到的流量过程线呈现出起流、稳定和退水3个明显的阶段。其中,起流和退水过程涨落的剧烈程度、稳定阶段的流量大小随雨强增大而增大,稳定阶段的持续时间与降雨历时成正比。空间上,主沟出口的产流过程明显滞后于支沟出口的产流过程,且其两者之间具有一致的流量过程。在变雨强的情况下,流量过程线没有稳定的阶段,流量随雨强变化而变化。该研究对于深入理解流域产流过程具有重要意义,可为相关的模型研究提供可靠的试验支持。 相似文献
滇池流域人工模拟降雨条件下农田施用有机肥对磷素流失的影响 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
应用田间原位人工模拟降雨的方法,在滇池流域不同作物类型农田上研究了有机肥(猪粪)不同用量水平对农田磷素流失的影响。结果显示,随着有机肥(猪粪)施用量的增加,农田流失液中各形态磷素的平均浓度提高,两者间呈显著正相关,相关系数均达到0..9以上。径流方式下,颗粒态磷是主要流失形态;渗漏方式下,有机肥用量水平低时颗粒态磷是主要流失形态,有机肥用量达到中等至较高水平时水溶性是流失的主要形态。同一有机肥用量水平下,不同作物类型农田流失液中各形态磷素的平均浓度均表现为:蔬菜田花卉田粮田。 相似文献
人工降雨条件下黄土坡面养分随径流迁移试验 总被引:26,自引:8,他引:26
降雨条件下坡面农用化合物随地表径流迁移既是农业问题,又是水环境问题。利用室内人工降雨模拟试验,研究了黄土坡面不同坡度下土壤氮、磷和钾随地表径流迁移的特征。研究结果表明,在定坡长土槽坡度变化为5°~25°范围内,初始产流时间随坡度增大呈先变小后增大的趋势;产流15 min内,径流量均急剧增加,随后趋于稳定。随着坡度增加,水土流失程度加剧,径流溶质浓度增高,土壤侵蚀对径流溶质浓度的贡献增大。基于指数函数和幂函数拟合试验数据的结果,表明了幂函数模型更适合模拟黄土坡面非饱和条件下径流溶质浓度变化过程,也可描述径流磷和钾的流失过程,但其初始阶段的拟合不太令人满意。该研究为进一步完善黄土坡面径流养分迁移模拟模型提供了参考。 相似文献
降雨-径流条件下土壤溶质迁移过程模拟 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
通过雨滴的打击加速土壤表面溶质迁移至地表径流过程。通过设计3种水文条件即控制排水状态(-5 cm)、土壤水分饱和状态和土壤渗流状态(5 cm),采用人工模拟3种降雨强度(30、60和90 mm/h),及同时外加模拟相对于降雨量的0、2、4和10倍径流量,研究土壤溶质迁移到地表径流过程中扩散过程的规律。试验结果表明降雨强度、或地表径流总量、或地表水位线的增加,均加速土壤溶质的扩散过程。渗流作用下,对流-扩散作用存在着一种交互作用,能加速分子扩散过程。土壤溶质迁移过程同降雨强度、地表径流量和地下水位高低有着重要关系。 相似文献
黄土高原土壤养分的损失 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
The soil nutrient losses due to excessive soil loss on Loess Plateau were studied by means of runoff plots and systematical determination of soil nutrients both in sediments and runoff.The results show that the amounts of nutrient losses depended on the amounts of ersoion sediments.Along with sediment,11-197kg nitrogen/hectare and 9-174kg phosphorus/hectare were lost,accounting for 92.46-99.47 percent of the total amount of nitrogen loss and 99.85-99.99 percent of the total amount of phosphorus loss respectively.The nutrient losses,very small in runoff,were mainly attributed to erosion of a few rainstorms during a year.The nutrient level in sediment was mostly higher than that in the original soil.Planting grass evidently redued the losses of soil nutrients.The N level was lower in runoff than in rainfall so that the N loss from runoff could be made up by rainfall.Fertilizer application to crops raised the nutrient level in runoff. 相似文献
不同雨强和坡度下侵蚀性风化花岗岩母质坡地产流产沙特征 总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11
为研究解决南方侵蚀性风化花岗岩地区的水土流失问题,该文采用室内人工模拟降雨方法研究了不同降雨强度(30,60,90,120,150 mm/h)和不同坡度(5°,8°,15°,25°)条件下的风化花岗岩残积坡地的土壤侵蚀过程。结果表明:1)坡面径流的初始产流产沙时间都随着坡度和雨强的增大而提前;2)坡面径流量与坡度之间不呈简单的正相关关系,径流系数随雨强的变化呈现指数相关关系,入渗率在雨强为30~120 mm/h之间在坡度8°左右出现极大值;3)侵蚀产沙量随坡度和雨强的增大而增大,其与坡度之间的关系可以用幂函数表示,决定系数均达到0.815,与雨强之间为指数函数关系,决定系数均达到0.889以上;4)水力侵蚀对泥沙具有分选性,径流侵蚀挟带泥沙中的粉粒、黏粒以及细砂粒含量较多;5)坡度和雨强对于侵蚀产沙量的综合影响可以用线性相关方程来比较准确地描述,对产沙量的影响权重排序为:含沙量雨强径流系数坡度。 相似文献
不同降雨强度下黄土区冻土坡面产流产沙过程及水沙关系 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
为了明确降雨对冻土坡面侵蚀的作用机理,探讨冻土和未冻土在不同水力条件下侵蚀之间的差异。通过室内模拟降雨试验,采用3种降雨强度(0.6,0.9,1.2 mm/min)对比定量研究冻土坡面和未冻土坡面产流产沙过程及水沙关系。结果表明:在0.9、1.2 mm/min雨强下,冻土坡面的产流时间相对对照坡面提前了18.7,6.4 min。冻土坡面径流量、侵蚀量均远大于对照坡面,在0.9,1.2 mm/min雨强下径流量分别是对照坡面的1.16,1.19倍,侵蚀量分别是对照坡面的10.40,6.40倍。随着降雨进行,坡面产生不同程度的细沟,其中,冻土坡面相比对照坡面细沟出现时间分别缩短了18 min,22 min,且冻土坡面细沟侵蚀量占总侵蚀量的79%~92%,此比例大于同雨强下的对照坡面。两种坡面的累计径流量与累计产沙量之间满足y=kx+b的线性关系,在细沟间侵蚀阶段,冻土坡面的k值是对照坡面的8.48~9.02倍,而在细沟侵蚀阶段,则为对照的3.68~7.50倍。研究结果表明细沟侵蚀是冻土坡面土壤侵蚀率增大的主要原因,而冻结层的阻水作用是导致坡面上细沟出现时间提前的最重要因素。该研究可以为完善土壤侵蚀机理研究提供一定的参考价值。 相似文献
室内模拟降雨条件下土壤水分入渗及再分布试验 总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4
降雨入渗对城市绿化、防洪排涝、农业生产等方面有着重要的意义。采用室内模拟降雨,使用时域反射仪采集相关数据,从土壤含水率变化特征和湿润锋运移特点等方面,研究了在垂向一维条件下不同雨强降雨对水分入渗的影响,探讨在降雨条件下土壤水分的再分布情况,从而确定试验所用砂壤土保水性最优土层范围。结果表明:降雨结束后,土壤水分的再分布主要受土水势控制,随着时间的延长,蒸发作用逐渐占据主导地位;试验所用砂壤土的最佳保水性土层深度为20~35 cm,可为植物的选栽提供参考。 相似文献
Simple phosphorus saturation index to estimate risk of dissolved P in runoff from arable soils 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Abstract. There is increasing evidence that phosphorus has been accumulating in the surface horizons of agricultural soils to the extent that some soils represent a potential diffuse source of pollution to surface waters. The relationships between equilibrium phosphorus concentration at zero sorption (EPC 0 ) of soil and a number of soil physicochemical variables were investigated in the surface layers of arable and grassland agricultural soils sampled from the Thame catchment, England. Soil EPC0 could be predicted from an equation including soil test (Olsen) P, soil phosphate sorption index (PSI) and organic matter content (OM) (R2 =0.88; P <0.001) across a range of soil types and land use. The simple index Olsen P/PSI was found to be a good predictor of EPC0 (R2 =0.77; P <0.001) and readily desorbable (0.02 m KCl extractable) P (R2 =0.73; P <0.001) across a range of soil types under arable having soil organic matter contents of <10%. 相似文献
Estimation of nitrogen and phosphorus losses to surface water and groundwater through the implementation of the SWAT model for Norwegian soils 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
Ioannis Panagopoulos Maria Mimikou Maria Kapetanaki 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2007,7(4):223-231
Scope and Background
It is acknowledged that diffuse sources cause the most important nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) losses to the river system and substantially enrich the groundwater in nitrates. These losses arise primary from agricultural activities mainly fertilizer applications, and they are determined by soil attributes. In cold climates, winter conditions and freezing of soils may influence the infiltration capacity of the soil and thereby can have a serious effect on the partitioning of excess precipitation and subsequently on the soil and nutrient transportation. The purpose of this article is to investigate the behaviour of six widespread and different textured soil types, on nutrient (N, P) losses under cold climate conditions. The investigation was conducted in the Norwegian Vansjø-Hobølv catchment through the application of a physical model named Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), taking into consideration the additional aspect of freezing soils during winter, which distinguishes Scandinavian from other European soils.Methods
SWAT is a physical river basin model that was developed for the U.S.D.A. Agricultural Research Service, by the Blackland Research Center in Texas. In the current modeling approach the catchment was divided into 43 Hydrologic Response Units (HRUs) which consist of different combinations of the existed landcover and soil types. Nitrogen and phosphorus losses arising from these HRUs were estimated for the period 1990–2001 through the simultaneous simulation of water and sediment processes that are closely linked to the nutrient processes. The model took into account soil temperature in order to quantify water and nutrient transport to deeper layers, considering negligible downward movement when the soil temperature was under 0°C. It also simulated the aboveground development of the snowpack and the snowmelt processes on a daily basis. The six different soil types were distinguished in two groups according to their similarity in texture and other physical properties, one group of fine-textured soils and a group of coarse soils. The results were evaluated for different crop cultivations (barley, oats and wheat) of the aforementioned soils. Finally, the model was calibrated and validated by comparing predicted results with measured data.Results and Discussion
Fine-textured soils caused significant runoff, sediment, total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) yields to the river system while coarser soils were characterized by high water drainage and nitrates leaching. The first soil group caused a mean of 517 mm of runoff in annual basis, 200 mm higher than this arising from coarse soils. Moreover, 3 tonnes of sediments per hectare, 24.6 kgN/ha and 0.54 kgP/ha were lost annually to surface water from fine soils while the average respective losses originating from coarse soils were only 1.3 tn of sediments/ha, 13.6kgN/ha and 0.17kgP/ha. The sensitivity ranking of the soil types to TN and TP losses was silty-clay-loam>silty-loam>clay>loamy>sandy-loam>sandy. An average of 277 mm of water was percolated annually under the bottom of the soil profile in coarse soils causing the additional leaching of 5.6 kgN-NO3/ha whereas the losses originating from fine-textured soils were 153 mm and 2.5 kg/ha respectively. According to their sensitivity in nitrates leaching, the six soil types were ranked in the following order: sandy>loamy>sandy-loam>silty-loam>silty-clay-loam>clay.Conclusions and Perspectives
The results showed that even though under cold climate conditions, with monthly periods of average air-temperatures below zero, the overall amounts of annual TN and TP losses to surface waters as well as nitrates leaching to groundwater were considerable. This demonstrates that the cold climate conditions did not affect the long-term behavior of the six widespread Norwegian soils, which on an annual basis responded similarly to the respective European soils. According to the model’s estimations, infiltration with N and P transport still occur in wintertime, and comparing to other studies that reported similar results, different possible explanations were considered. The results demonstrate the need of considering the soil differentiation in Scandinavian countries similarly to the rest of Europe in order to apply mitigation measures against nitrogen and phosphorus losses to surface and groundwater.14.
交替冻融对坡面产流产沙的影响 总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4
冻融作用使土壤更容易成为侵蚀的物质来源,进而加剧土壤侵蚀程度。为了揭示冻融作用对坡面土壤水蚀的影响,该文通过室内交替冻融循环试验和人工模拟降雨试验,研究了交替冻融作用下坡面的降雨产流产沙特征。试验以未经过任何冻融作用的风干土壤为对照,设计了2种交替冻融循环周期处理(3和6)、2种土壤质量含水率水平(10%和20%)、4种降雨强度(25、50、75、100 mm/h)。结果表明,相对于对照,降雨强度相同时,2种土壤含水率下的交替冻融作用都可以使产流产沙强度增大,且产沙强度的增大幅度大于产流强度。交替冻融循环周期相同时,各降雨强度下的产流产沙强度随含水量的增加而增加。质量含水率相同时,各降雨强度下的产流产沙强度随冻融循环周期的变化相对较为复杂,当质量含水率为10%时,产流产沙强度随冻融循环周期的增加而增大,当质量含水率为20%时,产流产沙强度随冻融循环周期的增加而减小。当质量含水率为10%,交替冻融循环周期为3和6时,增流百分比分别为3.52%、4.71%,增沙百分比分别为6.13%、16.95%。当质量含水率为20%,交替冻融循环次数为3和6时,增流百分比分别为10.24%、5.01%,增沙百分比分别为81.99%、53.07%。相同降雨强度下,土壤质量含水率对产流产沙强度的影响大,交替冻融作用对产流产沙强度的影响小。该研究为冻融侵蚀机理的研究提供参考依据。 相似文献
Seven agroforestry tree species were grown in a clay loam soil treated with different levels of selenate‐Se, viz. 0, 1.25, 2.5 and 5.0 mg/kg supplied through sodium selenate. After 1 year of growth, a progressive decrease in dry matter of leaves, stem and roots was observed with increasing levels of applied Se. However, a significant decrease in dry matter yield was observed only at or above 2.5 mg Se per kg soil and shisham (Dalbergia sissoo) proved to be highly sensitive to the presence of selenate‐Se in the soil. On average, the largest above‐ground and below‐ground biomass was accumulated by arjun (Terminalia arjuna) and the lowest by the acacia tree (Acacia tortillas). The selenium content of leaves, stem and roots of all the tree species increased significantly with increasing levels of applied Se, although a large variation within species was observed. In the stem portion of different trees, the highest concentration of Se was found in dek (Melia azedarach) (5.1 mg/kg) and the lowest in mulberry (Morus alba) (2.6 mg/kg). The efficiency of selenium removal (including leaves, stem and roots) was the highest in arjun followed by eucalyptus (Eucalyptus hybrid) – Clone 10, mulberry, jambolin (Syzygium cumini), dek, shisham and acacia. Effective removal of Se takes place through the stem portion of different trees where it constitutes 30–50% of total Se. Large variation in Se uptake by different tree species suggests that trees vary in their potential for phytoremediation of seleniferous soils. In one growing season, shisham aged 24 years, poplar (Populus deltoides)– Clone G 48 (10 years old) and eucalyptus – Clone 10 (10 years old) could remove 2385, 1845 and 1407 g Se per hectare respectively. Corresponding reductions in Se capital of the soil varied between 24 and 37, 19 and 29 and 14 and 32%, respectively, in the surface layer (0–15 cm) alone or 7–11, 6–9 and 4–7% for the whole soil profile (0–120 cm). Removal further increased to 4207 g Se per hectare under an agroforestry farming system of poplar–mentha/wheat with Se being reduced from 43 to 65% for the surface layer and from 13 to 20% for the whole profile. 相似文献
雨强和坡度对红壤坡耕地地表径流及壤中流的影响 总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6
地表径流和壤中流是坡面重要水文过程,雨强和坡度是影响坡面地表径流和壤中流产流主要因素。为研究降雨强度和地表坡度对坡耕地地表径流和壤中流的影响,该文采用人工模拟降雨试验法,在长3.0 m、宽1.5 m、深0.5 m土槽,设计4个不同坡度(5°、10°、15°、20°)和3个不同雨强(30、60、90 mm/h)对红壤坡耕地地表径流及壤中流产流过程进行模拟试验。结果表明:1)壤中流开始产流时间滞后于地表径流,降雨强度从30到90 mm/h,地表径流、壤中流产流开始时间均随雨强增大而减小,壤中流比地表产流开始滞后时间随着雨强增大先增大后趋于稳定;2)地表径流强度随雨强增大而增大,壤中流初始径流强度随雨强增大而增大,不同雨强下壤中流径流峰值相近;3)地表径流和壤中流产流过程曲线有明显差异,地表径流产流过程线先增大后趋于稳定,壤中流产流过程线呈抛物线型即先增大后减小;4)从5°到20°,地表产流开始时间随坡度增大而减小,壤中流产流开始时间随坡度增大先减小后增大;5)从5°到20°,地表径流强度先增大后减小,10°为转折坡度,壤中流产流峰值随坡度增大而减小,并且随着坡度增大达到壤中流峰值时间不断减小。 相似文献
聚丙烯酰胺应用对黄土复合坡面降雨产流的影响 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3
复合坡是自然界常见的主要坡型。通过室内人工降雨模拟试验,研究了复合坡面降雨产流规律以及聚丙烯酰胺(polyacrylamide,PAM)应用对其的影响。试验采用2种复合坡型(凹型坡和凸型坡)的12个坡度组合和4个PAM施用量,共48个试验处理。结果显示,PAM应用显著缩短了初始降雨产流时间,初始产流时间平均比对照处理提前63.7%~71.6%。PAM应用明显改变了坡面径流随降雨历时的变化规律。PAM应用后,除了大坡度(≥10°)、小量PAM应用(0.5 g/m2)的凸型坡外,降雨径流系数在整个降雨过程中基本维持稳定。PAM应用增大了降雨径流系数和径流量,且径流系数和径流量随着PAM施用量的增大而增大。凸型坡的径流量平均比凹型坡的大14.7%~31.8%。当PAM施用量为0.5、1.0和2.0 g/m2时,凹型坡和凸型坡的径流量分别比对照处理增加55.7%、100.2%、147.3%和16.6%、69.3%、108.9%。在黄土坡地上大剂量(≥1.0 g/m2)应用PAM可明显增大坡面径流量,实际应用中应制定合理的PAM施用量。 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(19-20):2689-2699
Abstract Small beds packed with soil were used to study intertill soil erosion and chemical transport processes. We compared the partitioning of bromide and phosphate between runoff and leaching, and related sediments rates (g/min) to bromide and phosphate concentrations in the runoff. Stainless steel tilted beds (1.0 x 0.5 x 0.1 m) with 2% slope were equipped with leaching and surface runoff collection funnels. A Tifton loamy sand was hand‐packed in the beds to a bulk density of 1.7 Mg/m3. Chemicals were sprayed uniformly to the soil surface and followed by a 2 h, 10 cm simulated rainfall. Runoff and leaching started after 27 min of rainfall and remained constant. Change in sediment rate, and bromide and phosphate concentrations from the first to the second runoff sample was related to splash transport. Breakthrough curves for leaching of bromide and phosphate were different and related to their affinity for the soil particle surfaces. This experimental technique may be useful for estimation of pesticide and fertilizer losses from interrill areas. 相似文献
洱海流域农田径流氮磷污染严重,大量氮磷污染物随雨水进入洱海,导致洱海水质雨季下降。为从源头控制氮磷污染物的输出,该研究采用人工模拟降雨的方法,探究5、10、15、20、25 cm 5种不同高度的排水口对农田径流氮磷流失的控制作用。结果表明,农田排水口较低会造成产流初期硝态氮和颗粒态氮浓度升高,将排水口高度提高到15 cm以上可有效降低径流中各形态氮磷浓度,并稳定在较低水平;排水口高度从5 cm提高至15~25 cm产流中总氮、颗粒态氮、铵态氮、硝态氮流失量分别降低了85.60%~93.13%、88.39%~95.77%、84.59%~91.72%、63.05%~65.15%,总磷、颗粒态磷流失量分别降低了86.75%~92.66%,61.64%~94.61%,且排水口设置在15 cm高度处氮、磷流失量削减效果突出,在15 cm基础上继续提高排水口不会对氮磷流失量产生明显影响。综上所述,将排水口提高到15~25 cm对农田径流污染控制效果优越。结合洱海流域多年降雨资料及建设成本,推荐将农田排水口设置于距土壤表面15 cm高度处,对控制农田养分流失,减少面源污染起到显著效果。 相似文献
Loss of pendimethalin in runoff and leaching from turfgrass land under simulated rainfall 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
A field study was undertaken to investigate runoff and leaching loss of the herbicide pendimethalin in turfgrass land of loamy sand soil. A series of plots constructed in a golf course fairway were surface-applied with pendimethalin SC formulation at the rate of 2. 25 or 4.50 kg a.i./ha and subjected to simulated rainfall at 2.0 cm/day for 10 consecutive days. Runoff losses of pendimethalin were the highest at the first rainfall and then gradually decreased with time. The first runoff event contained pendimethalin in its highest concentration, and in subsequent runoff samples the concentration decreased exponentially. The ranges of pendimethalin concentration were 80.9-18.2 and 177.4-48.6 microgram/L in the standard and double doses, respectively. Total losses by 20 cm of rainfall for 10 days reached 0.81 and 1.22% of the initial deposits at 2.25 and 4.50 kg a. i./ha, respectively. Pendimethalin concentration in the leachate collected at 30-cm soil depth was quite lower than that in the runoff, and the concentration rapidly decreased from 4.3-4.7 to 0. 2-0.4 microgram/L during the 10 days of rainfall treatment. Soil residue analysis at 45 and 90 days after pendimethalin treatment showed that more than 90% of the residue remained at the top 10 cm of soil depth. Low runoff and leaching confirmed that lateral and downward movement of the herbicide should be limited in turf soil. The half-life of pendimethalin under field conditions was 23-30 days and was not affected by application dose and rainfall treatment, but longer persistence was observed under laboratory conditions. Considering low runoff and leaching, as well as relatively short persistence in soil, it is concluded that little environmental carryover of pendimethalin would be expected in turfgrass land. 相似文献