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为探究控失尿素对水旱轮作下水稻产量及土壤肥力的影响,采用大田小区试验,研究了控失尿素减量和普通尿素不同配比混施对水稻产量、氮肥利用率及土壤养分残留量的影响。结果表明,普通尿素和控失尿素均能显著提高水稻叶片叶绿素含量、株高和生物量,但两处理之间无显著差异。控失尿素增产效果低于普通尿素,主要是由于水稻有效穗数的降低。控失尿素和普通尿素混施比单施控失尿素增产0.51~0.92 t/hm~2。在不同配比中,控失/普通为7∶3处理更有利于水稻生长,具有较高的株高、生物量以及氮肥利用效率和较低的氮素残留,增产效果较好。控失尿素减量10%和20%都会显著降低水稻叶片叶绿素含量和肥料利用率,且分别减产0.24~0.41和0.39~0.51 t/hm~2。  相似文献   


A laboratory study was used to simulate the pattern of diffusion of ammonium and nitrate ions in flooded soil. Ammonium, deep incorporated in a submerged irrigation system, diffused upward from the anaerobic to the aerobic layer where biochemical oxidation nitrified it to NO2 and NO3. These oxidized N species diffused downward from the aerobic layer to the anaerobic layer where most or at least partly, was lost as gaseous end products. Three crops of rice were grown in a glasshouse experiment to estimate N use efficiency under various combinations of irrigation and N management practices. Overall N use efficiency averaged 45%. Under continuous flooding, almost two thirds of the applied fertilizer N (647% use efficiency) was recovered by the rice crop. Under alternate flooding and drying, the response was very poor, with only about one fourth (26% use efficiency) of the applied fertilizer N being recovered by the crop. This demonstrated importance of the proper combination of irrigation and fertilizer management in paddy soils to maximize N utilization.  相似文献   

2009~2010年度在我国油菜主产区采用多点田间试验研究了施用控释尿素(Controlled release urea, CRU)对油菜籽产量、氮肥利用率及土壤无机氮含量的影响,以期为CRU在油菜上的施用提供理论依据。结果表明,CRU一次性基施可以保证后期氮素供应,明显促进油菜的生长发育,与普通尿素一次性基施处理(UB)相比,油菜叶片的SPAD值、株高及花期绿叶数明显增加。油菜籽产量增加了7.1%~19.7%,影响产量的构成因素主要有总角果数、分支数和第一节位高。油菜的氮素积累量增加16.9%~27.3%,氮肥利用率提高12.2~17.7个百分点,试验后耕层土壤(030 cm)的硝态氮含量升高了149.3%~296.1%,无机氮含量升高了40.5%~145.9%。CRU处理与尿素分次施用处理(UD)相比,生长指标、油菜籽产量和干物质量均没有明显差异,氮积累量和氮肥利用率有增加趋势。可见,CRU一次性基施可以达到普通尿素分期施用的效果。  相似文献   

本试验以控释期为90d的硫膜(SPCU)和树脂膜(PCU)控释尿素为材料,通过盆栽试验,研究了硫膜和树脂膜控释尿素对水稻产量、 光合特性及氮肥利用效率的影响。结果表明,与普通尿素(U)一次基施相比,控释尿素各处理均能显著提高水稻子粒产量、 氮肥表观利用率和农学效率,增幅分别达15.1%~51.4%、 64.5%~14.11%和5.4~18.2 kg/kg;显著提高水稻生育中后期叶片净光合速率;提高水稻生育中后期的SPAD值。与普通尿素分次施用相比,树脂膜控释尿素及硫膜控释尿素和普通尿素以7∶3比例一次性施入的处理能显著提高水稻子粒产量、 氮肥农学效率以及水稻收获后的土壤全氮和碱解氮含量,其增幅分别为7.9%~31.7%、 3.3~13.0 kg/kg、 2.2%~17.6%和13.2%~22.0%;显著提高叶片中后期的净光合速率,且以树脂膜控释尿素100%一次基施的处理最高。施用树脂膜控释尿素的各处理较普通尿素均能显著提高水稻的氮肥生理效率。树脂膜控释尿素比硫膜控释尿素表现出更好的水稻增产效应和氮肥利用效率,更能有效延缓叶片衰老,实现水稻氮素的高效利用。  相似文献   

Differences among rice genotypes demonstrate that root system of upland rice cultivars influences P acquisition and growth performance. We studied root and shoot growth and nutrition of traditional and modern cultivars of upland rice as affected by P availability (three rates). At the highest P rate, the greatest dry mass was obtained with Maravilha, which was on average 180% higher than Caiapo. The modern has exceeded the traditional in growth performance, besides accumulating more nutrients. Maravilha was more efficient in root and shoot growth, and nutrient absorption with P supply, using less photoassimilates for root growth. Traditional cultivars of upland rice may develop better than modern cultivars in low P availability, with facilitates its adaptation in soils with this condition. Modern cultivars are more responsive to P fertilization, which demonstrates a better option in a cropping system with P supply to aim at high yield.  相似文献   

控释肥对水稻产量和氮肥利用效率的影响   总被引:83,自引:15,他引:83  
氮肥施用量大,氮素利用效率低一直是困扰我国水稻生产的突出问题,如何提高氮肥利用效率,减少因施用氮肥而引起的环境污染问题,是目前肥料研究中共同关心的课题。通过田间试验研究了美国Scotts控释肥、自制控释肥(AgroBB)、未包膜复合肥(Com)和混合肥(NPK)在等氮、磷、钾养分下对水稻产量和氮肥利用效率的影响。结果表明,(1)美国控释肥、自制控释肥与未包膜的复合肥比较,早稻增产8.57%~12.45%,晚稻增产9.64%~11.49%,差异达极显著或显著水平,而AgroBB与Scotts间的差异不显著。NPK与Com比较,晚稻增产7.20%,早稻仅增产2.47%。(2)早稻各处理的氮肥农学效率明显高于晚稻。Scotts、AgroBB和NPK的氮肥农学效率分别比Com明显地提高了26.93%~29.82%、18.52%~25.06%和5.35%~18.69%,其中两种控释肥之间、AgroBB与NPK间差异未达显著水平。(3)Scotts、AgroBB一次施用,NPK分次施用的氮肥回收效率分别比Com一次施用明显地提高了25.72%~28.82%、3.75%~23.70%和8.46%~27.73%。本试验条件下,控释肥处理的氮肥回收效率虽然与分次施用混合肥处理无显著性差异,但是其农学效率和生理效率明显大于混合肥处理。  相似文献   

氮肥用量及其分施比例对棉花氮利用和土壤氮平衡的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Yellow River valley is one of the three largest cotton production areas in China.An experiment was performed in cotton fields of Anyang,China from 2013 to 2014 to investigate the effects of nitrogen(N) application rate and the ratio between basal and topdressing N fertilizer on N balance in a soil-plant system,N use efficiency,and cotton yield.Five N application rates as treatments were applied with the same split application ratio.Half of the N(50% basal fertilizer) was applied at pre-planting and the other half(50% topdressing fertilizer) at the initial flowering stage.These treatments were:zero N(N0,control),90 kg N ha~(-1)(N90(5/5)),180 kg N ha~(-1)(N180(5/5)),270 kg N ha~(-1)(N270(5/5),a reduced N rate),and 360 kg N ha~(-1)(N360(5/5),a conventional N rate).Additional 2 split application ratios as treatments were applied with the same N rate of 270 kg N ha~(-1).The split application ratios between basal N and topdressing N were 30%:70%(N270(3/7)) and 70%:30%(N270(7/3)).Results demonstrated that soil NH_4-N content in the 0–60 cm layer and NO3-N content in the 0–20 cm layer increased with increased N rate at the squaring and boll-opening stages and then decreased to lower levels at the initial flowering and harvest stages.Soil NO_3-N content in the 20–60 cm layer after the initial flowering stage increased with the increase of topdressing N rate.Soil apparent N surplus varied at different growth stages,while the soil apparent N surplus over the entire growth period exhibited a positive relationship at N rates over 180 kg ha~(-1).Seed cotton yield of N270(3/7) was the highest of all treatments.Plant N uptake,N agronomic efficiency,and apparent N recovery efficiency of N270(3/7) were significantly higher than those of N270(5/5) and N270(7/3) in both growing seasons.These suggest both economic and ecological benefits in cotton production in the Yellow River valley could be created,by appropriately reducing total N application rate and increasing the ratio of topdressing to basal N fertilizer at the initial flowering stage.  相似文献   

【目的】 了解化肥氮钾用量减少条件下不同比例紫云英与普通化肥尿素或控释尿素配施对双季稻产量及氮钾利用效率的影响,旨在为南方双季稻种植区制定科学减肥增效策略提供依据。 【方法】 通过连续 6 年定位田间小区试验,除对照不施肥外,试验的其他 5 个处理早稻施肥量均为 N 150 kg/hm2、P2O5 75 kg/hm2、K2O 120 kg/hm2,氮素以尿素、控释尿素、紫云英按处理比例配合和施用。分析了双季稻产量,植株氮、钾养分吸收积累、利用效率及土壤氮、钾养分含量。 【结果】 与 (CF100) 处理相比,早稻翻压紫云英鲜草 17145 kg/hm2 时,早、晚稻均减施氮 40%、减施钾 21% 条件下,氮肥采用尿素处理 (CF60 + A40) 或控释尿素处理 (CRU60 + A40) 以及早稻翻压紫云英鲜草 25715 kg/hm2,早、晚稻均减施 60% 氮、32% 钾条件下,氮肥采用控释尿素处理 (CRU40 + A60) 有利于早晚稻及全年产量的提高,其中以 CRU60 + A40 处理增产效果最佳。CF60 + A40 和 CRU60 + A40 处理早晚稻的稻谷、稻草和植株氮素及钾素积累量均较 CF100 提高,其中 CRU60 + A40 处理提高效果最明显。紫云英与尿素或控释尿素配施提高了早晚稻氮、钾养分利用效率,CF60 + A40、CF40 + A60、CRU60 + A40 和 CRU40 + A60 处理的氮肥和钾肥回收利用率、氮肥和钾肥农学效率以及氮肥和钾肥偏生产力均高于 CF100 处理。在紫云英替代和肥料等量施用条件下,施用控释尿素处理比施用尿素处理有利于提高养分利用效率。6 年 12 季水稻种植后,紫云英与尿素或控释尿素配施处理的土壤全氮、碱解氮和速效钾含量均较 CF100 处理有所提高。 【结论】 综合考虑作物产量效应、养分高效利用及土壤肥力维持,在该区域双季稻种植体系中早稻可用紫云英替代 40% 氮肥、20% 钾肥,晚稻减施 40% 氮肥、20% 钾肥,氮肥品种采用控释尿素或尿素均可,采用控释尿素有进一步提高早稻紫云英的替代比例和晚稻氮钾肥减施比例潜力。   相似文献   

China has the world''s highest nitrogen (N) application rate, and the lowest N use efficiency (NUE). With the crop yield increasing, serious N pollution is also caused. An in-situ field experiment (2011-2015) was conducted to examine the effects of three N levels, 0 (i.e., no fertilizer N addition to soil), 120, and 180 kg N ha-1, using integrated rice management (IRM). We investigated rice yield, aboveground N uptake, and soil surface N budget in a hilly region of Southwest China. Compared to traditional rice management (TRM), IRM integrated raised beds, plastic mulch, furrow irrigation, and triangular transplanting, which significantly improved rice grain yield, straw biomass, aboveground N uptake, and NUE. Integrated rice management significantly improved 15N recovery efficiency (by 10%) and significantly reduced the ratio of potential 15N loss (by 8%-12%). Among all treatments, the 120 kg N ha-1 level under IRM achieved the highest 15N recovery efficiency (32%) and 15N residual efficiency (29%), with the lowest 15N loss ratio (39%). After rice harvest, the residual N fertilizer did not achieve a full replenishment of soil N consumption, as the replenishing effect was insufficient (ranging from -31 to -49 kg N ha-1). Furthermore, soil surface N budget showed a surplus (69-146 kg N ha-1) under all treatments, and the N surplus was lower under IRM than TRM. These results indicate IRM as a reliable and stable method for high rice yield and high NUE, while exerting a minor risk of N loss. In the hilly area of Southwest China, the optimized N fertilizer application rate under IRM was found to be 100-150 kg N ha-1.  相似文献   

延迟释放型包衣尿素对水稻生长和氮素吸收的影响   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
通过田间试验比较研究了普通尿素和延迟释放型包衣尿素在不同施用量、不同施肥方式(普通尿素为基肥+两次追肥;延迟释放型包衣尿素为接触施肥方式)条件下对移栽稻生长过程和氮素吸收的影响。结果表明,延迟释放型包衣尿素在比普通尿素施氮量(N150kg/hm2)减少30%(N105kg/hm2)和50%(N75kg/hm2)时,对水稻生长不会产生任何不良影响;由于包衣尿素在田间的养分释放动态与水稻对氮素的吸收规律吻合,施用包衣尿素的水稻产量、吸氮量和氮肥利用率均显著高于普通尿素处理,其中水稻产量增加12.7%~14.4%,吸氮量增加27.5%~32.7%;普通尿素和氮肥用量减少30%和50%的包衣尿素3个处理的氮肥利用率分别为19.9%、58.8%和89.9%。此外,施用包衣尿素比普通尿素水稻的子粒粗蛋白质含量提高9.2%~12.2%。  相似文献   

控释肥料提高氮素利用率的作用及对水稻效应的研究   总被引:142,自引:17,他引:142  
研究了田间条件下控释肥料氮的释放速率与水稻吸收氮量之间的关系。结果表明 ,控释肥料氮的释放速率在水稻生育前期高 ,但随着时间的进程而逐渐降低。水稻从 70日型控释肥料中吸收的氮遵循三次曲线 ,因此 70日型控释肥料能够满足水稻本田生长期对氮的需要。施用控释肥料的水层含氮量极低 ,且无可见的水藻生长 ;而施尿素的水层则尿素N和NH4+-N含量高 ,水藻活动繁茂 ,滞留于水层的肥料氮 5~ 6d内迅速地降至无氮对照水平 ,氨的挥发损失和氮的反硝化损失大。控释肥料氮的利用率高达 72.3% ,比尿素高出 36.5个百分点。  相似文献   

减氮控磷稳钾施肥对水稻产量及养分积累的影响   总被引:26,自引:8,他引:18  
氮、 磷用量偏大,钾肥用量不足不仅影响水稻的正常生长发育,而且导致养分利用率偏低。本文通过田间试验,研究减量施用氮、 磷肥,稳定钾肥投入对水稻产量、 养分积累量和肥料利用率的影响。试验设14个处理,每个处理重复2次。结果表明,氮钾、 磷钾、 氮磷钾配施处理的水稻秸秆生物量和籽粒产量均显著高于不施肥处理(P0.05); 减氮控磷稳钾处理(N 225 kg/hm2、 P2O5 60 kg/hm2、 K2O 90 kg/hm2)与常规施肥处理相比(N 300 kg/hm2、 P2O5 150 kg/hm2、 K2O 60 kg/hm2)能显著增加水稻秸秆生物量(P0.05),明显提高千粒重和籽粒产量; 试验还得出,减氮控磷稳钾处理分蘖期地上部氮、 钾含量和秸秆氮、 钾含量显著高于常规施肥处理(P0.05); 收获期地上部氮、 钾的积累量和氮、 磷的表观利用率显著大于常规施肥处理(P0.05)。适当减少氮、 磷用量, 增加钾肥用量能改善氮、 钾营养状况,促进地上部干物质的积累,提高籽粒产量和氮、 磷表观利用率。N 196.2 kg/hm2、 P2O5 46.5 kg/hm2、 K2O 90 kg/hm2的配施方案具有实际推广应用价值。  相似文献   

Field trials were conducted to study the responses of grain yield and nitrogen (N) use efficiency at five input rates (N0, N82.5, N165, N247.5, and N330 kg ha?1) in a set of nine of the most representative rice cultivars. Grain yields of rice across the nine cultivars were increased significantly by N level. All the cultivars contained a significant linear plus plateau or quadratic relationship between N levels and grain yields.The minimum yields (means of 2 years) at N0, N82.5, N165, N247.5, and N330 level all occurred in No. 2 cultivar. Compared with the grain yield of No. 2 at different N levels, those of the maximum cultivars increased by 37.1 (No. 8), 39.1 (No. 7), 48.4 (No.3), 43.3 (No. 4), and 43.9% (No. 3), respectively. In 2011, the highest average apparent nitrogen recovery efficiency (ANRE) in grain of the 4 N levels occurred in No. 3 cultivar (45.9%), followed by No. 4, No. 6, and No. 1, and the highest average agronomic efficiency (AE) in grain of the 4 N levels occurred in No. 9 cultivar [29.0 kg (kg N)?1], followed by No. 3, No. 1, and No. 4. For the second-season planting, the highest average ANRE occurred in No. 4 cultivar (28.4%), followed by No. 3, No. 5, and No. 6, and the highest average AE occurred in No. 5 cultivar [18.1 kg (kg N)?1], followed by No. 4, No. 3, and No. 7. Overall, No. 3 and No. 4 cultivars were the ideal ones that not only increased the grain yield but also improved the N use efficiency.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to assess the efficiency of several experimental fertilizers in a soil-plant system. The laboratory-prepared fertilizers consisted of granular urea coated with Kraft pine lignin. Five fertilizers were used with coatings differing in thickness and/or the addition of linseed oil as a sealing agent. The experiment was carried out in pots inside a glasshouse. The crop used was rye-grass. Results were compared with those from a urea control treatment without coating and a soil without fertilizer application.

The dry matter yield and the N uptake by the plant were higher in the treatments with coated controlled release fertilizers (CRF) than in those with uncoated urea. There was a lower nitrogen loss through leaching when using CRF (34 to 68%) was used than when using uncoated urea (over 74%) was used. The N use efficiency was lower for urea than for coated fertilizers. This index increased with the thickness of the coating and the addition of the sealing agent.  相似文献   

不同缓/控释尿素在黄土台塬区春玉米的减量施用效果   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文通过田间试验研究了覆膜条件下,黄土台塬区6种缓/控释尿素减量施用对春玉米产量、氮肥利用率及氮素累积量等的影响,以确定适合本地区春玉米施用的缓/控释氮肥品种和用量,为本地区春玉米简约、高效施肥技术提供理论依据与技术支撑。以春玉米品种‘先玉335’为供试作物,设9个处理,分别为不施氮肥处理(N0)、农户常规施氮处理[普通尿素,施氮量225 kg(N)·hm~(-2),N225]、普通尿素减量处理[施氮量180 kg(N)·hm~(-2),N180]和6种缓/控释尿素减量处理[施氮量180 kg(N)·hm~(-2)]。6种缓/控释尿素分别为树脂尿素、控失尿素(CLU)、硫包衣尿素(SCU)、脲甲醛(UF)、多肽尿素和稳定尿素。在玉米各生育时期采集地上部植株样品及耕层(0~20 cm)土样,分析耕层土壤无机氮含量,测定玉米植株氮素累积量及产量。施用氮肥可显著增加玉米产量,增产率在28%~65%。与N225相比,N180玉米产量显著降低19.1%,但各缓/控释尿素(减量20%)一次基施没有明显的减产效应,其中SCU与CLU分别增产4.5%和2.7%。与农户常规施肥相比,N180降低经济效益2 051$·hm~(-2);各缓/控释尿素(除UF)可增加玉米氮素累积量、提高氮肥利用率2.26%~12.69%,经济效益提高347~1 747$·hm~(-2),氮肥利用率和经济效益以SCU、CLU最高。大喇叭口期—吐丝期,缓/控释尿素氮素释放量大可能是提高氮肥吸收和利用率的原因之一。控失尿素和硫包衣尿素等缓/控释尿素减量(20%)并一次性基施,能维持产量不降低,提高氮肥利用率和经济收益,节约劳动力成本,可作为黄土台塬区春玉米简约化减量化施肥的一种选项。  相似文献   


The experiment was conducted at Kulumsa, South East Ethiopia, using four levels of nitrogen (N) (0, 50,100 and 150?kg N ha?1) and four levels of phosphorus (P) (0, 35, 70 and 105?kg P2O5 ha?1) fertilizers arranged in 4?×?4 factorial arrangements in randomized complete block design with three replications. The available P was increased after harvest due to the application of N and P fertilizer at the rates of 100 or 150?kg N ha?1 and 70 or 105?kg P2O5 ha?1. More specifically, nutrients concentration and nutrient uptake were significantly (p?<?.01) varied among treatment combinations and nutrient use efficiency was declined by increasing N and P after optimum rates. The higher physiological efficiency of N (53.47?kg kg?1) and P (580.41?kg kg?1) and the highest apparent recovery of N (19.62%) and P (2.47%) was recorded from application of 50?kg N ha?1 and P at 70?kg P2O5 ha?1 and the highest agronomic efficiency of N (10.78?kg kg?1) and P (15.25?kg kg?1) was recorded from N at the rate of 50?kg N ha?1 and P at 35?kg P2O5 ha?1, respectively. The combination of N at 100?kg N ha?1 and P at 70?kg P2O5 ha?1 was promising combination that generated highest net benefit 488,878.5 ETB (Ethiopian birr) ha?1 with the highest marginal rate of return (36638%) and gave the highest seed yield (1858.82?kg ha?1) with yield increment of about 57.72% over the control.  相似文献   

Growing rice in saline soils by minimizing damage on growth and yield remains a challenge. We conducted field experiments in the Africa Rice research field located in the Senegal River delta (16° 11? N, 16° 15? W) to study the effects of three management options of fertilization e.g. (i) nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilization: NPK; (ii) NPK combined with zinc: NPK-Zn, and (iii) NPK combined with gypsum: NPK-gypsum on the soil salinity level, the nutrient uptake and the productivity of different rice cultivars. The whole objective of this study is to determine how zinc or gypsum associated to NPK fertilizer can improve the growth and productivity of rice crop in saline soil. Results showed that the initial soil salinity level was reduced rapidly in plots treated with gypsum. The leaf-K/Na ratio, agronomic nitrogen use efficiency (ANUE), and grain yield of rice cultivars under the salinity stress were improved by the NPK-gypsum and NPK-Zn options relatively to the NPK option, suggesting that NPK-gypsum and NPK-Zn are suitable management options in reducing adverse effect of low K/Na, low ANUE as well as to improve rice yield under salinity stress.  相似文献   

Improving fallow quality in upland rice-fallow rotations in West Africa through the site-specific use of leguminous cover crops has been shown to sustain the productivity of such systems. We studied the effects of a range of residue management practices (removal, burning, mulching and incorporation) on fallow biomass and N accumulation, on weed biomass and yield response of upland rice and on changes in soil physical and chemical characteristics in 2-year field trials conducted in three agroecological zones of Côte d'Ivoire. Across fallow management treatments and agroecological zones, rice yields were on average 20–30% higher in legume than in natural fallow plots. Weed biomass was highest in the savanna zone and lowest in the bimodal forest and tended to be less following a legume fallow. Regardless of the type of fallow vegetation and agroecological zone, biomass removal resulted in the lowest rice yields that varied from 0.5?t ha–1 in the derived savanna zone to 1.5?t ha–1 in the Guinea savanna zone. Burning of the fallow vegetation significantly increased yield over residue removal in the derived savanna (0.27?t ha–1, P<0.05) and bimodal forest zones (0.27?t ha–1, P<0.01), but not in the Guinea savanna. In both savanna environments, residue incorporation was superior to the farmers' practice of residue removal and rice yield increases were related to amounts of fallow N returned to the soil (r2=0.803, P<0.01). In the forest zone, the farmers' practice of residue burning produced the highest yield (1.43?t ha-1 in the case of legumes) and resulted in the lowest weed biomass (0.02?t ha–1). Regardless of the site, improving the quality of the fallow or of its management had no significant effects on either soil physical or soil chemical characteristics after two fallow cycles. We conclude that incorporation of legume residues is a desirable practice for rice-based fallow rotation systems in savanna environments. No promising residue management alternatives to slash-and-burn were apparent for the forest zone. Determining the possible effects on soil productivity will require longer-term experiments.  相似文献   

We assessed the effect of mycorrhizal inoculation on short‐term uptake kinetics of arsenate and arsenite by excised roots of upland rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Zhonghan 221). A concentration of 0.01–0.05 mM arsenic (As) differentially affected the influx rates of both arsenate and arsenite into rice roots non‐inoculated or inoculated with Glomus mosseae and G. versiforme. While Vmax for arsenate uptake by non‐mycorrhizal roots was 1.02 µmol g?1 fresh weight h?1, it was reduced by a factor of 2.4 for mycorrhizal roots (about 0.42 µmol g?1 fresh weight h?1) in the high‐affinity uptake system. However, at high concentrations of 0.5–2.5 mM As only G. versiforme was able to reduce As influx. The results show that mycorrhizal effects on As uptake of upland rice are both concentration and species‐specific.  相似文献   

氮肥优化管理协同实现水稻高产和氮肥高效   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
【目的】 研究不同氮肥管理方式对水稻生长、氮累积分配和产量的影响,为通过氮肥优化管理提高水稻产量和氮肥利用率提供理论依据。 【方法】 以江苏省如皋市农业科学研究所的长期定位田间试验(2008 年至今)为研究平台,以江苏省沿江及苏南地区主推水稻品种‘镇稻 11 号’为供试材料,设 3 种氮肥管理模式,即:不施氮肥对照(CK)、农民习惯施氮(N 350 kg/hm2,氮肥运筹为基肥∶分蘖肥∶促花肥 = 4:4:2,FFP)和氮肥优化管理(氮肥运筹为基肥∶分蘖肥∶促花肥:保花肥 = 4:2:2:2,OPTs),其中氮肥优化管理包括优化施氮处理(N 240 kg/hm2,OPT)、优化替氮处理(OPT 施氮基础上,有机肥氮替代 20% 化肥氮,OPT1)和优化减氮再替氮处理(OPT 施氮基础上,先减氮 20% 再用有机肥氮替代 20%化肥氮,OPT2),通过在水稻最大分蘖期、拔节期、开花期和成熟期采集地上部植株样品,分析生物量、产量、氮累积和氮转运及其相互关系的差异。 【结果】 OPTs 处理较 FFP 处理平均增产 8.4%,其原因是提高了水稻花后的氮累积和生物量,进而提高了水稻的穗粒数、结实率和千粒重。水稻氮累积和转运的结果表明,FFP 处理主要是通过增加花后植株体内氮转运来提高籽粒氮累积,而 OPTs 处理则主要是通过提高花后水稻植株氮累积来增加籽粒氮累积。同时,水稻氮肥利用率随施氮量的增加而降低,与 FFP 处理相比,OPTs 处理的氮肥偏生产力(PFPN)、氮肥农学效率(AEN)和氮肥回收效率(REN)分别平均提高 99.4%、137.6% 和 70.0%;且优化替氮处理(OPT1)在稳定增产的基础上仍可进一步提高水稻的氮肥利用率。另外,分析不同氮肥管理模式对水稻的产量贡献阶段可知,相较于 FFP 处理与 CK 处理间的氮肥低产低效阶段,氮肥优化管理则可实现从 FFP 提升到 OPTs 的高产高效阶段。 【结论】 利用氮肥总量控制、分期调控和适量有机替代的氮肥优化管理措施,可协同实现水稻高产和氮肥高效。   相似文献   

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