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猪的氨基酸营养研究进展(续)中国农业大学动物科技学院肖长艇李德发王九峰(五)生长猪的氨基酸需要表4列出了自NRC(1988)出版以来关于生长猪的几种主要氨基酸需要量的研究结果。赖氨酸通常是猪的第一限制性氨基酸。在20~60kg之间的生长猪中,公猪、母...  相似文献   

1 表内所列猪体重以Ib计。推荐的蛋白质和氨基酸供给量的条件是玉米-大豆粕日粮,其中分别含有1560和1500kcal/IbDE(可消化能)和ME(代谢能)。对高瘦肉遗传型的上市屠宰用猪,在计算氨基酸需用量时用的是理想比率(相对于赖氨酸)。 2 公猪在生长和肥育阶段应分别进食含0.90%和0.75%赖氨酸日粮。成年公猪尚未制定特殊的要求。妊娠期小母猪饲以全价日粮,成年公猪日粮也是全价的。  相似文献   

添加氨基酸的低蛋白日粮增加背膘厚对低背膘厚所作的遗传选择导致了上市猪胴体背膘厚的降低。瘦肉生长模型表明,肥育猪采食玉米豆粕日粮时的能量摄入量一般都超过了其最佳瘦肉生长性能所需要的量。研究结果表明,当肥育猪日粮中添加了脂肪时,上市猪的胴体背膘厚就会增...  相似文献   

蛋白质是维持家兔生命活动,保证其健康生长、正常生产的物质基础。家兔所需蛋白质来源于饲粮,兔能有效地消化蛋白质,尤其是青饲料中的蛋白质。蛋白质在兔体内的消化和营养生理与其他单胃、反刍家畜不同,小肠中未被消化吸收的蛋白质和氨基酸可以被盲肠中的微生物利用,形成菌体蛋白,随软粪排出,被家兔重新食入、消化吸收再利用。家兔食软粪的特性可以改善低质量的蛋白质。Jecsai(1985)报道,成年免食入含蛋白质12.8%的饲粮时,食粪特性有助于改善兔的必需氨基酸的供应,并且氮沉积、血清尿素氮、血清氨基酸指标都有提高。1 蛋白质 家兔从日粮中摄取的蛋白质,主要用于体组织更新、生长、妊娠、泌乳及产毛。在日粮配合上通常以粗蛋白和必需氨基酸含量作为计算配方的指标。  相似文献   

前言:蛋白质资源缺乏是当今我国和世界饲料行业普遍面临的问题。研究人员一直在致力于开发非常规的蛋白质饲料资源,以期缓解蛋白质资源紧缺的矛盾,降低饲料成本,以可消化氨基酸为基础配制生长猪口粮,使用部分非常规的蛋白质饲料原料,可以适当降低口粮的蛋白质水平。但是,大幅度降低口粗蛋白质水平有可能使日粮中的氨基酸限制性程度发生变化,需要添加合成氨基酸。首先需要添加的是作为一般饲料原料中猪的第一限制性氨基酸的赖氨酸,往往考虑同时添加蛋氨酸。赖氨酸是合成脑神经、生殖细胞等细胞核蛋白及血红蛋白的必要成分。生长期猪…  相似文献   

日粮中合理的氨基酸营养不仅要求必需氨基酸的种类齐备和含量丰富,而且要求各种必需氨基酸相互间的比例也要适当。如今在饲养实际中,为了使动物的日粮氨基酸达到平衡,经常采用的方法主要是按照饲料必需氨基酸成分进行合理搭配以组成日粮,也即根据动物对各种必需氨基酸数量和比例的要求,选择相应的必需氨基酸不同的饲料组成日粮。然而,采用这种方法在使日粮中限制性氨基酸保持平衡的同时,容易导致其它必需氨基酸的大量过剩,造成不必要的浪费。为合理满足猪禽对必需氨基酸的需要,又不致造成浪费,提高经济效益,在饲养实践中已开始推…  相似文献   

赖氨酸强化低蛋白水平生长猪日粮中限制性氨基酸的确定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赖氨酸强化低蛋白水平生长猪日粮中限制性氨基酸的确定¥中国农业大学动物科技学院@肖长艇@李德发@谯仕彦@王若军赖氨酸强化低蛋白水平生长猪日粮中限制性氨基酸的确定*中国农业大学动物科技学院肖长艇李德发谯仕彦王若军前言蛋白质资源缺乏是当今我国和世界饲料工业普遍面...  相似文献   

影响猪内源性氮和氨基酸流量的因素很多,如饲料采食量、体重、抗营养因子含量、日粮蛋白质水平以及日粮纤维水平等。对纤维而言,由于物理和化学性质的不同,对猪消化道内营养物质的影响也不尽相同。而在影响内源性氮和氨基酸排泄的因素中,日粮纤维的来源和成分比纤维的水平更具有影响。  相似文献   

自NRC2001年发布奶牛的营养需要量以来,奶牛日粮配方就不再仅为了满足传统的蛋白质需要,同时至少需要对日粮的首要限制性氨基酸——蛋氨酸和赖氨酸进行平衡。在开发氨基酸供应亚模型时所采用的严谨方法,以及随后对氨基酸需要量的推荐进一步充实了"理想蛋白质"的原理。  相似文献   

生长猪赖氨酸的需要及其随能量摄入量变化程度主要取决于肌肉的生长速度。高效日粮及适宜的饲养计划必须与动物肌肉的生长潜力密切联系。因此在配制生长猪的日粮,制定饲养计划时,必须考虑蛋白质的沉积能力。只有充分了解影响蛋白质沉积能力的因素,才能获得最佳饲养效果。本文重点阐述生长猪的蛋白质沉积能力与体重、性别及基因间的关系。  相似文献   

Recent advances in swine protein nutrition are characterized by the development of functional amino acids (AA) in regulating fetal and postnatal survival, growth and development. These AA include arginine, glutamine, glutamate, proline, leucine, cysteine and tryptophan. Due to limited knowledge on AA nutrition, pork producers have traditionally paid little attention to supplementing the arginine family of AA to swine diets. Results of recent studies indicate that functional AA serve important regulatory functions in nutrient metabolism, protein turnover, and immune function, therefore enhancing efficiency of feed utilization by pigs. The underlying mechanisms include activation of nitric oxide, mammalian target of rapamycin, gaseous signaling, and AMP-activated protein kinase pathways, as well as anti-oxidative function. Dietary supplementation with arginine, glutamine, proline or leucine to weanling piglets enhances their growth performance. Arginine or glutamine is also effective in increasing milk production by lactating sows. Furthermore, supplementing arginine to the diet of pregnant gilts between days 30 and 114 of gestation increases the number of live-born piglets and litter birth-weight. Availability of feed-grade functional AA holds great promise for improving animal health and nutrient utilization in pig production worldwide. Additionally, feedstuffs of animal origin [e.g., blood meal (ring dried), feather meal (hydrolyzed), meat and bone meal, porcine protein meal, and poultry by-product meal (both feed- and petfood-grades)] are excellent and cost-effective sources of both essential and functional AA for formulating balanced swine diets. New knowledge on AA nutrition provides a much needed scientific basis for revising the next edition of swine nutrient requirements.  相似文献   

Recent advances in swine protein nutrition are characterized by the development of functional amino acids(AA)in regulating fetal and postnatal survival,growth and development. These AA include arginine,glutamine,glutamate,proline,leucine, cysteine and tryptophan. Due to limited knowledge on AA nutrition,pork producers have traditionally paid little attention to supplementing the arginine family of AA to swine diets. Results of recent studies indicate that functional AA serve important regulatory functions in nutrient metabolism,protein turnover, and immune function,therefore enhancing efficiency of feed utilization by pigs. The underlying mechanisms include activation of nitric oxide,mammalian target of rapamycin,gaseous signaling,and AMP-activated protein kinase pathways, as well as anti-oxidative function. Dietary supplementation with arginine,glutamine, proline or leucine to weanling piglets enhances their growth performance. Arginine or glutamine is also effective in increasing milk production by lactating sows. Furthermore,supplementing arginine to the diet of pregnant gilts between days 30 and 114 of gestation increases the number of live-born piglets and litter birth-weight. Availability of feed-grade functional AA holds great promise for improving animal health and nutrient utilization in pig production worldwide. Additionally, feedstuffs of animal origin[e. g. , blood meal (ring dried),feather meal(hydrolyzed),meat and bone meal, porcine protein meal,and poultry by-product meal(both feed- and petfood-grades )]are excellent and cost-effective sources of both essential and functional AA for formulating balanced swine diets.New knowledge on AA nutrition provides a much needed scientific basis for revising the next edition of swine nutrient requirements.  相似文献   

Recent advances in swine protein nutrition are characterized by the development of functional a- mino acids (AA) in regulating fetal and postnatal survival, growth and development. These AA include arginine, glutamine, glutamate, proline, leucine, cyste- ine and tryptophan. Due to limited knowledge on AA nutrition, pork producers have traditionally paid little attention to supplementing the arginine family of AA to swine diets. Results of recent studies indicate that functional AA serve important regulatory functions in nutrient metabolism, protein turnover, and immune function, therefore enhancing efficiency of feed utili- zation by pigs. The underlying mechanisms include activation of nitric oxide, mammalian target of rapam- ycin, gaseous signaling, and AMP-activated protein ki- nase pathways, as well as anti-oxidative function. Di- etary supplementation with arginine, glutamine, pro- line or leucine to weanling piglets enhances theirgrowth performance. Arginine or glutamine is also ef- fective in increasing milk production by lactating sows. Furthermore, supplementing arginine to the diet of pregnant gilts between days 30 and 114 of gestation increases the number of live-born piglets and litter birth-weight. Availability of feed-grade functional AA holds great promise for improving animal health and nutrient utilization in pig production worldwide. Addi- tionally, feedstuffs of animal origin [ e. g. , blood meal ( ring dried ), feather meal ( hydrolyzed ), meat and bone meal, porcine protein meal, and poultry by-prod- uct meal (both feed- and petfood-grades) ] are excel- lent and cost-effective sources of both essential and functional AA for formulating balanced swine diets. New knowledge on AA nutrition provides a much needed scientific basis for revising the next edition of swine nutrient requirements.  相似文献   

<正>氮、磷是重要的环境污染源,因此减少动物排泄物中的氮、磷是控制环境污染问题的有效途径之一。目前,遗传学家已经成功培育出新一代能更加有效生产动物蛋白的猪禽品种,接下来,营养学家需要设计出能充分发挥其遗传潜力的饲养方案,以  相似文献   

给产奶牛补加过瘤胃蛋白质如鱼粉和保护的大豆饼粕对提高乳蛋白含量和乳产量并不是最好的方法。奶牛在乳蛋白合成上也需要多肽或短肽,它们在乳腺中可能作为前体直接参与乳蛋白合成。奶牛通过注射补充混合氨基酸(必需AA+ 非必需AA)或只注射必需AA 都可提高奶产量并明显提高乳蛋白含量和产量,但乳糖含量有所下降。进而,向奶牛日粮中添加经保护处理的氨基酸,如赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、苯丙氨酸和组氨酸,也能明显提高产奶量和乳蛋白含量。  相似文献   

肉仔鸡氨基酸营养研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从可消化氨基酸需要量、维持氨基酸需要量和氨基酸适宜比例模型化研究3个方面对近年来肉仔鸡氨基酸营养研究的进展进行综述,并提出一些还需进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

猪功能性氨基酸营养研究进展   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
传统营养学主要是把氨基酸作为合成蛋白质的前体去研究蛋白质和氨基酸的需要量.近年来,人们对氨基酸在物质代谢和免疫功能调控中所起的作用越来越感兴趣,并提出了功能性氨基酸的概念.功能性氨基酸是指除了合成蛋白质外还具有其他特殊功能的氨基酸,其不仅对动物的正常生长及维持是必需的,而且对多种生物活性物质的合成也是必需的.例如精氨酸能提高受孕率,促进胚胎发生,增加血流量,增强抗氧化活性.促进蛋白质合成、免疫细胞增殖和肠道发育,最终提高动物繁殖性能及胚胎和新生动物的生长与健康.因此,在日粮中添加功能性氨基酸可大大提高猪的营养状况和生产性能.  相似文献   

1 氨基酸螯合物及其性质 由一定数量的可以提供孤对电子或Л几电子的离子或分子(统称配体)与可以接受孤对电子或Л电子的原子或离子(统称中心原子)以配位键结合形成的具有一定组成和空间构型化合物称为络合物.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展和人民对营养食品需求的增长,我国奶牛业的发展正进入新的阶段,除国营奶牛业外,农民奶牛业的比重迅速增长。为了挖掘奶牛的产奶潜力,提高单产和牛奶的品质,在国内外对奶牛营养研究成果的基础上,奶牛氨基酸营养新体系及其应用已提到日程。  相似文献   

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