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To determine the biochemical basis of osmotic adjustment, seasonal and treatment differences in foliar water- soluble organic solutes and inorganic ions were investigated for two hardwood species that exhibited osmotic adjustment in a Throughfall Displacement Experiment at the Walker Branch Watershed near Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Leaf samples of overstory and understory chestnut oak (Quercus prinus L.) and understory dogwood (Cornus florida L.) were collected during the 1994 (wet) and 1995 (dry) growing seasons from each of three treatments: dry (-33% throughfall), ambient (control) and wet (+33% throughfall). Foliar soluble carbohydrates and organic acids were measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. During May 1994, when the demand for sucrose was greatest, dogwood accumulated small amounts of glucose, quinic acid and Mg2+, offsetting a decline in nitrate concentration. As the mild drought continued and tree growth slowed, there was a significant accumulation of sucrose in dogwood in the dry treatment in June, and a trend toward increased K+. In overstory chestnut oak in the dry treatment over the same period, there were significant accumulations of fructose, glucose and K+, and a trend toward increased quinic acid accumulation. Sucrose did not become a key osmotically active compound in chestnut oak until August 1994. In 1995, with the exception of understory chestnut oak, there was no accumulation of K+ in either species. During the severe drought of 1995, monosaccharides, particularly glucose and fructose, accounted for most of the osmotic adjustment in both species. Among solutes, glucose constituted the largest accumulation in dogwood in the dry treatment in August 1995, followed by fructose and sucrose. There was only a moderate increase in solutes in chestnut oak trees in 1995, with fructose and glucose constituting over 50% of the predicted solute accumulation in July. Both species accumulated a wider array of solutes during the dry year than during the wet year, but treatment differences in solute accumulation in chestnut oak were partially limited by drought. The greater dehydration tolerance of chestnut oak than dogwood was evident in the higher baseline concentrations of organic solutes and the greater array of solutes accumulated in response to drought.  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric N deposition is predicted to increase plant growth and C storage in N-limited systems, but this assumes that no mitigating ecological factors are influenced by N deposition. Many herbivores are also N-limited and so increased herbivore damage in response to N deposition may moderate, or even eliminate, gains in plant growth under elevated N. Thus the response of herbivores to N deposition could influence the onset and magnitude of N saturation resulting in expedited decreases in C storage. Since tree susceptibility to herbivores is partially under genetic control and will be influenced by site characteristics, we tested whether the interaction between N deposition, tree growth, and herbivore damage depends on tree genetic variation in susceptibility to herbivores at different locations. By monitoring 12 half-sib families of northern red oak (Quercus rubra) saplings at two common garden sites in south-central Pennsylvania, we found that herbivores were pervasive at both sites, resulting in 13% chewing damage, 16% galling damage and 28% browsing damage. N addition significantly affected browsing damage (8% overall increase) and chewing damage (19% overall increase) but did not affect galling damage. However, this effect was strongly dependent on the Q. rubra family and location, both of which influenced oak susceptibility to herbivore damage independent of N additions. Greater browsing damage on trees under N addition caused reductions in relative height growth, and this effect also depended on tree family and location. Our result suggests that herbivory, mediated by tree genetic lineage and site-specific conditions, may represent an important component of C sinks and N saturation under elevated N deposition.  相似文献   

Armillaria root disease is a contributing factor to oak decline in the Ozark Mountains of central USA. We have identified Armillaria gallica, Armillaria mellea, and Armillaria tabescens in Quercus‐Carya‐Pinus forests of the region. Presence/absence patterns of each Armillaria species as well as all possible Armillaria species combinations were analysed by contingency tables and/or stepwise logistic multiple regressions with principal characteristics of the studied sites and forest stands, both quantitative and qualitative: geographic land‐type association, bedrock type, landform position, slope direction (aspect), soil type and soil surface stone cover, down woody debris, abundance and basal area of woody vegetation and decline mortality by species. Most decline mortality consisted of two red oak species (section Erythrobalanus, Quercus coccinea and Quercus velutina), which also were most sensitive to Armillaria infection. Site characteristics related to the distributions of Armillaria species and decline mortality were also related to the preponderance of Q. coccinea and Q. velutina, regional vegetation history (i.e. conversion of Pinus echinata stands to hardwoods), and the different strategies of territory acquisition and spread of the Armillaria species involved. The presence of A. gallica may reduce the activity of more virulent Armillaria species.  相似文献   

Forest floor CO(2) efflux (FF(cer)) is an important component of global carbon budgets, but the spatial variability of forest floor respiration within a forest type is not well documented. Measurements of FF(cer) were initiated in mid-March of 1991 and continued at biweekly to monthly intervals until mid-November. Observations were made at 45 sites along topographic gradients of the Walker Branch Watershed, Tennessee including northeast and southwest facing slopes, valley-bottoms, and exposed ridge-top locations. The FF(cer) measurements were made with a portable gas-exchange system, and all observations were accompanied by soil temperature and soil water content measurements. As expected, FF(cer) exhibited a distinct seasonal trend following patterns of soil temperature, but soil water content and the volume percent of the soil's coarse fraction were also correlated with observed rates. Over the entire measurement period, FF(cer) ranged from a typical minimum of 0.8 micro mol m(-2) s(-1) to an average maximum near 5.7 micro mol m(-2) s(-1). No significant differences in FF(cer) were observed among the ridge-top and slope positions, but FF(cer) in the valley-bottom locations was lower on several occasions. An empirical model of FF(cer) based on these observations is suggested for application to whole-stand estimates of forest carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to study the changes in net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance values in 3‐year‐old cork oak and holm oak seedlings growing in natural conditions and inoculated with Apiognomonia quercina, Biscogniauxia mediterranea, Botryosphaeria corticola and Pleurophoma cava. Throughout the 4‐month experimental period, the evolution of visual external symptoms and the values of physiological variables were periodically recorded. All pathogens caused stem lesions around the infection point; however, the lesions caused by B. corticola were longer in both oak species. On cork oak seedlings, all pathogens induced a significant and gradual reduction in net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance values, whereas other physiological disturbances were induced only by B. corticola infections on holm oak seedlings.  相似文献   

Climatic signal of earlywood vessels of oak on a maritime site   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Earlywood vessel lumen areas were measured in 72 consecutive tree rings in wood cores from oak (Quercus robur L.) trees in a maritime woodland. This anatomical time series was statistically correlated with climate data for the same time span. There was a strong dependence of earlywood vessel lumen area on rainfall between February and April, which reflects the role of water availability in vessel ontogeny. By inversion, earlywood vessel lumen areas can be used as a proxy to reconstruct spring precipitation beyond the archived weather records. Such information may be of value in the context of climate change.  相似文献   

Studies within and outside the U.S. indicate recurring oak (Quercus spp.) regeneration problems. In deciduous forests of the eastern U.S., a prevailing explanation for this trend is fire suppression leading to high competitor abundance and low understory light. In response, prescribed fire is increasingly used as a management tool to remedy these conditions and encourage future oak establishment and growth. Within eastern Kentucky, we implemented single and repeated (3×) prescribed fires over a 6-yr period (2002–2007). Pre- and post-burn, we quantified canopy cover and oak seedling survival and growth compared to other woody seedlings deemed potential competitors, primarily red maple (Acer rubrum L.) and sassafras (Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees.). Burning temporarily decreased canopy cover 3–10%, but cover rebounded the subsequent growing season. Repeated burning ultimately produced canopy cover about 6% lower than sites unburned and burned once, suggesting a cumulative effect on understory light. Red maple exhibited low survival (∼40%) following single and repeated burns, but growth remained similar to unburned seedlings. Burning had little impact on sassafras survival and led to total height and basal diameters 2× greater than unburned seedlings. A single burn had no impact on red oak (Erythrobalanus spp.) survival and increased height and basal diameters 25–30%, but this positive growth response was driven by seedlings on several plots which experienced high burn temperatures and consequently high overstory mortality. White oaks (Leucobalanus spp.), however, exhibited twice as high mortality compared to those unburned, with no change in growth parameters. Repeated burning negatively impacted survival and growth of both oak groups compared to unburned seedlings. With both burn regimes, oaks with smaller pre-burn basal diameters exhibited the lowest post-burn survival. Thus, despite the ability of prescribed burns to temporarily increase understory light and reduce red maple survival, neither single or repeated burns placed oaks in an improved competitive position. These findings result from a combination of highly variable yet interdependent factors including the (1) life history traits of oaks compared to their co-occurring competitors, (2) pre-burn stature of pre-existing oak seedlings, and (3) variability in fire temperature and effects on understory light.  相似文献   

Established trees influence the growth and physiology of seedlings by altering above- and belowground conditions; however, tree influences on seedling physiology via belowground interactions are not well understood. We used soil transfers to an open field to examine the belowground influences of a Quercus ellipsoidalis E.J.Hill dominated forest on Q. ellipsoidalis seedling mycorrhizal infection, nutrient uptake, growth and photosynthesis over three years. After two years, seedlings planted with large quantities of forest soil (HF treatment) had greater leaf mass and foliar N concentrations than seedlings receiving smaller quantities of forest soil (LF) and control treatments. Mycorrhizal infection was greater in the HF treatment after one year compared with the LF and control treatments, with a positive correlation of foliar N and mycorrhizal infection in Year 2. There were marked effects of treatments on seedling spring phenology with HF seedlings breaking bud up to 17 days earlier than seedlings in the other treatments. The HF seedlings also had more rapid leaf expansion and larger leaves, and an increase in net photosynthetic rates. These results highlight complex linkages between above- and belowground physiology: forest soil had substantial effects on seedling physiology, including traits such as phenology that have previously been considered to be under aboveground control. Belowground influences of trees on conspecific seedlings may play a critical role in early seedling establishment.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of altered precipitation on leaf osmotic potential at full turgor (Psi(pio)) of several species in an upland oak forest during the 1994 growing season as part of a Throughfall Displacement Experiment at the Walker Branch Watershed near Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The main species sampled included overstory chestnut oak (Quercus prinus L.), white oak (Q. alba L.), red maple (Acer rubrum L.); intermediates sugar maple (A. saccharum L.) and blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica Marsh.); and understory dogwood (Cornus florida L.) and red maple. The precipitation treatments were: ambient precipitation; ambient minus 33% of throughfall (dry); and ambient plus 33% of throughfall (wet). Except in late September, midday leaf water potentials (Psi(l)) were generally high in all species in all treatments, ranging from -0.31 to -1.34 MPa for C. florida, -0.58 to -1.51 MPa for A. rubrum, and -0.78 to -1.86 MPa for Q. prinus. Both treatment and species differences in Psi(pio) were evident, with oak species generally exhibiting lower Psi(pio) than A. saccharum, A. rubrum, C. florida, and N. sylvatica. The Psi(pio) of C. florida saplings declined in the dry treatment, and Q. prinus, Q. alba, and A. saccharum all exhibited a declining trend of Psi(pio) in the dry treatment, although Psi(pio) of Q. prinus leaves increased in late August, corresponding to a recovery in soil water potential. Cornus florida exhibited osmotic adjustment with the largest adjustment coinciding with the period of lowest soil water potential in June. The only other species to exhibit osmotic adjustment was Q. prinus, which also maintained a lower baseline Psi(pio) than the other species. We conclude that a 33% reduction of throughfall is sufficient both to alter the water relations of some species in the upland oak forest and to enable the identification of those species capable of osmotic adjustment to a short-term drought during a wet year.  相似文献   

The effects of site conditions and cultivation on the growth of sawtooth oak (Quercus acutissima Carr.) plantations were evaluated at the Hongyashan forest farm, in Chuzhou City, Anhui Province, China. The results indicate that the position on the slope, the amount of gravel and the thickness of the soil were important factors in the growth of the sawtooth oak. Lower slope positions with small amounts of gravel and a thick soil were better for the growth of this species than middle slope positions with more gravel and a thin soil. Given the site conditions of the hilly and mountainous areas in Chuzhou City, the mixed Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata Hook.) and sawtooth oak forests did not improve forest productivity compared with pure sawtooth oak forests. Both urea and compound fertilizers promoted the growth of sawtooth oak, as did site preparation and intercropping. Two years after planting, the height growth of ordinary seedlings with a starting height of 0.6 m was higher than that of supper seedlings with a starting height of 1.0 m. Compared with planting, the early growth of the coppices was faster, but the later growth of the coppices was slower. __________ Translated from Journal of Fujian College of Forestry, 2008, 28(2): 130–135 [译自: 福建林学院学报]  相似文献   

Components of dehydration tolerance, including osmotic potential at full turgor (Psi(pio)) and osmotic adjustment (lowering of Psi(pio)), of several deciduous species were investigated in a mature, upland oak forest in eastern Tennessee. Beginning July 1993, the trees were subjected to one of three throughfall precipitation treatments: ambient, ambient minus 33% (dry treatment), and ambient plus 33% (wet treatment). During the dry 1995 growing season, leaf water potentials of all species declined to between -2.5 and -3.1 MPa in the dry treatment. There was considerable variation in Psi(pio) among species (-1.0 to -2.0 MPa). Based on Psi(pio) values, American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.), dogwood (Cornus florida L.), and sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) were least dehydration tolerant, red maple (A. rubrum L.) was intermediate in tolerance, and white oak (Quercus alba L.) and chestnut oak (Quercus prinus L.) were most tolerant. During severe drought, overstory chestnut oak and understory dogwood, red maple and chestnut oak displayed osmotic adjustment (-0.12 to -0.20 MPa) in the dry treatment relative to the wet treatment. (No osmotic adjustment was evident in understory red maple and chestnut oak during the previous wet year.) Osmotic potential at full turgor was generally correlated with leaf water potential, with both declining over the growing season, especially in species that displayed osmotic adjustment. However, osmotic adjustment was not restricted to species considered dehydration tolerant; for example, dogwood typically maintained high Psi(pio) and displayed osmotic adjustment to drought, but had the highest mortality rates of the species studied. Understory saplings tended to have higher Psi(pio) than overstory trees when water availability was high, but Psi(pio) of understory trees declined to values observed for overstory trees during severe drought. We conclude that Psi(pio) varies among deciduous hardwood species and is dependent on canopy position and soil water potential in the rooting zone.  相似文献   

The effect of warm storage (15°C) for 0, 15 or 31 days, applied after cold storage until April, and date of lifting to cold storage on the physiological condition and field performance of two-year-old oak seedlings (Quercus robur L.) was investigated. Assessments before planting included plant moisture status, root and shoot dry weight, root growth potential (RGP), while after planting root growth, shoot growth phenology, shoot and root dry matter accumulation and stem quality were assessed. Warm storage effects were large, but lift date effects were small. Warm storage for 31 days reduced height and diameter growth, stem quality, total biomass, root growth, and reduced stem quality in the field, but 15 days storage had a smaller effect. Warm storage delayed bud break and shoot growth cessation but survival was unaffected. The depletion of food reserves during storage and low moisture availability might have caused shoot dieback leading to the development of poor quality stems. There was evidence that dry weight fraction of both the shoot tip and the taproot provided good information on the quality of the stock before planting. RGP was also a good indicator of quality. Electrolyte leakage readings from fine and taproots were not reliable indicators of plant quality.  相似文献   

Water stress responses of seedlings of four Mediterranean oak species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Effects of water stress on phenology, growth, stomatal activity and water status were assessed from April to November 1996 in 2-year-old seedlings of Quercus frainetto Ten. (Quercus conferta Kit.), Quercus pubescens Willd., Quercus macrolepis Kotschy (Quercus aegilops auct.) and Quercus ilex L. growing in containers in northern Greece. All four species developed more than 50% of their total leaf area before the beginning of June--an adaptation to arid climates. Well-irrigated plants tended to develop greater individual leaf area, number of leaves per plant, total plant leaf area, height and root:shoot ratios than water-stressed plants, but the difference between treatments was not significant for any parameter in any species. Quercus macrolepis appeared to be the most drought-tolerant of the four species. It maintained the highest number of leaves of the smallest size and increased the proportion of fine roots during drought. In all species, drought caused significant decreases in stomatal conductance and predawn and midday water potentials from mid-July until the end of August, when the lowest soil water content and highest mean daily air temperatures and midday leaf temperatures occurred; however, the responses were species-specific. Among the four species, Quercus macrolepis sustained the highest stomatal conductance despite very low water potentials, thus overcoming drought by means of desiccation tolerance. Quercus ilex decreased stomatal conductance even before severe water stress occurred, thereby avoiding desication during drought. Quercus pubescens had the highest water potential despite a high stomatal conductance, indicating that its leaf water status was independent of stomatal activity. Quercus frainetto was the least drought-resistant of the four species. During drought it developed very low water potentials despite markedly reduced stomatal aperture.  相似文献   

In 1996, plant and carabid beetle communities were examined in a semi-natural oak woodland (Derryclare Wood) and compared with communities of a nearby mature conifer plantation and a plantation clearfelled in 1994. At each site, 10 quadrats (2 m×2 m) and 10 pitfall traps were used to sample the ground vegetation and carabid beetle communities, respectively. Forty-one plant species were recorded in the oak woodland while 38 species were found in the clearfelled site and 19 species in the conifer plantation. The median plant-species richness per quadrat was significantly greater (p<0.01) in the oak woodland (16.5) than in the other two sites and the clearfelled site (11) was significantly more species-rich (p<0.02) than the conifer plantation (6.5). A total of 21 carabid species (895 individuals) were captured, with 74.5, 13.9 and 11.6% of individuals being caught at the oak woodland, clearfelled site and conifer plantation, respectively. The median number of carabid species per pitfall trap was significantly greater (p<0.01) in the oak woodland (6) than in the clearfelled site (3.5) and conifer plantation (2). In addition, median species richness per pitfall trap was significantly higher in the clearfelled site than in the conifer plantation at p<0.02. Median diversity per pitfall trap was also significantly less in the conifer plantation (1.19) than in the oak woodland (2.43, p<0.01) and clearfelled site (1.55, p<0.05). While the Sorenson similarity index for both vegetation and carabids shows that the conifer plantation and the clearfelled site were most similar in species composition; nevertheless, the clearfelled site has demonstrated signs of increasing species richness only 2 years after clearfelling. It is concluded that while semi-natural woodlands support a greater range of species than conifer plantations, clearfelled areas which are not replanted can enhance species richness within commercial conifer plantations.  相似文献   

The physiological responses of 2-year-old seedlings of Nuttall's oak (Quercus nuttallii) and Southern red oak (Q.falcata) with two treatments i.e., deep-drowning and shallow-drowning, were studied. Taxodium distichum was selected as a control. The survival rates of seedlings were calculated, the photosynthetic indices were detected by Licor-6400 photosynthetic system instrument, and the root activities of seedlings were tested by the method of triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC). Results showed that: 1) By experiencing flooding for 76 d and recovering for 60 d after water was drained off, all seedlings survived under the shallow-drowning treatment. None of Q. falcata seedlings died in the deep-drowning treatment until the 49th day. The survival rate of Q. falcata in the deep-drowning treatment was 30%. 2) Within 61 d of waterlogging treatments, the net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (gs) and transpiration rate (Tr) showed a tendency of declining, but intercellular concentration of CO2 (Ci) increased. With the prolongation of flooding stress, the extents of variation for all indices under deep-drowning treatment were larger than those under the shallow-drowning treatment. The variation of Q. falcata in flooding stress was larger than that of Q. nuttallii. 3) The root vigor and alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activities were detected at the 61st day in flooding stress. Waterlogging obviously inhibited root activities. Shallow-drowning made root vigor of Q. nuttallii decreased by 11.7%, and for Q. falcata, by 51.88%. Shallow-drowning treatment had no remarkable effects on ADH activities of seedlings, but deep-drowning increased those of Q. nuttallii seedlings by 227.24%, and decreased those of Q. falcata seedlings by 59.22% in the meantime. We conclude that Q. nuttallii had a stronger waterlogging resistance than Q. falcata, but weaker than T. distichum.  相似文献   

In Greece, deciduous oak forests usually provide both, wood production and grazing of understory vegetation. Grazing as a management tool was assayed in a deciduous oak coppice forest of 2000 ha under conversion during the management period of 1991–2005 in Central Macedonia, Greece. In this forest, 1340 cows and 3880 goats were grazing from May to October along the years. The impact of grazing pressure on forest growth was related to the difference of the overall wood stock in two sampling times conducted during the management period of 1991 and 2005. Three grazing pressures were distinguished in the forest: heavy, moderate and light. The moderate grazing improved tree growth and provided significant wood production during the management period. It has also resulted in a sustainable production of herbage and browse in the understory, supporting the maintenance of the livestock. It seems that the conversion of a deciduous oak coppice forest to a high forest along with livestock grazing in the understory is a very efficient management scheme for sustainable production in such a forest.  相似文献   

Although decline of cork (Quercus suber) and holm oak trees (Quercus rotundifolia) has been described in Portugal in the late years of the 19th century, its development has become a motive of high concern during the last two decades. The presence of Phytophthora cinnamomi in cork and holm oak stands was surveyed in four different regions of the country (Trás‐os‐Montes, Alentejo, Ribatejo and Algarve) during 1995–98. Tree decline severity, sudden death and site characteristics were assessed in 56 sites representing varied conditions. The pathogen was isolated from oak roots and rhizosphere samples in 27 of those places. Other plant species from natural vegetation were sampled in three active disease centres. This survey showed that 56% of the surveyed species of shrub flora were infected with P. cinnamomi, which was detected mainly on species belonging to the families Ericaceae, Cistaceae and Leguminosae. Recovery of P. cinnamomi was more frequent in shallow soils (Leptosols and complex Leptosols and Luvisols). These soils are more common in the south (Algarve), where decline has a high impact. Soils with low fertility and low mineral nutrient levels, particularly phosphorus, seemed to favour infection. Site aspect and topographic tree situation were also evaluated. Sites facing south showed higher occurrence of P. cinnamomi, which was also more frequent in slopes and valleys than on hilltops. In Algarve, a relationship could be established between the crown status and the presence of P. cinnamomi in roots and rhizosphere. Different morphotypes of P. cinnamomi could be distinguished in vitro, and their occurrence in the field was correlated with particular site characteristics. Further research needs and management strategies to limit the extension of the disease are discussed.  相似文献   

Planting bare-rooted seedlings is a rather expensive method to regenerate oak (Quercus robur) and beech (Fagus sylvatica). Direct seeding could reduce artificial regeneration costs substantially, but the method currently suffers from a number of problems, one of which is seed consumption by rodents. In the present study clear-cut areas in southern Sweden were prepared using one of four different mechanical site preparation methods – disc trenching, patch scarification, topsoil removal or mounding – then manually sown with acorns and beech nuts. Acorns were sown in May and July 2006, and both acorns and beech nuts were sown in May 2007. Three years following sowing, best seedling establishment from viable acorns, 60–70%, was achieved after sowing in mounds in May, and the subsequent survival reached 90–100%. After the first growing season for beech, both seedling establishment and subsequent survival was lower than for oak, which coincides with a higher number of lost beech nuts at the excavation to investigate the fate of seeds. Granivorous rodents (Apodemus flavicollis, A. sylvaticus, Mus musculus, and Myodes glareolus) were live-trapped more frequently in the vicinity of slash piles compared to other micro-site features, such as uprooted stumps, snags and stones. In 2006, no connection was found between number of rodents captured and proportion of lost seeds, while in 2007 the two were in good accordance. No clear relationship was found between number of captured rodents, vegetation cover class and mechanical site preparation method. More rodents were captured in 2007 than in 2006, and there was an increase in captures from spring until late summer/autumn for both years, which was mirrored in the seedling establishment result from the three different times of sowing. Based on experiences from the present study the recommendation for successful direct seeding of oak on clear-cuts is a combination of mounding site preparation, removal of slash and sowing in May rather than July. However, the results indicate that successful direct seeding of beech is more difficult to achieve.  相似文献   

Oaks (Quercus spp.) are experiencing recurring regeneration failures associated with pervasive mid- and under-story strata of shade tolerant species in intact, undisturbed forests. Where oak regeneration occurs, inadequate vertical height and depleted root carbohydrate stores impede the ability of regenerating oaks to respond when light does become available. A variety of silvicultural techniques have been developed to increase the penetration of diffuse light, enhancing the light environment on the forest floor, and thereby increasing the likelihood of regenerating oaks to successfully respond to increased light transmittance. We measured shoot and root characteristics, and root soluble non-structural carbohydrate concentrations of white oak (Q. alba L.) advance regeneration exposed to enhanced light intensities associated with a mid-story removal and a clearcut, and compared white oak regeneration vigor to untreated controls.

Root diameter and soluble non-structural carbohydrates increased with increasing light availability. Our data suggest that white oak responds to increases in light transmittance by building below-ground biomass and carbohydrates in the root system prior to an above-ground response. Our study shows that white oak regeneration vigor increases with only modest increases in light. In the absence of other pressures, enhancing the light environment to the forest floor should contribute to successful regeneration of this species.  相似文献   

This study focuses on two rarely studied aspects of oak decline: relations with site characteristics and effects on tree growth. The study was carried out in a 5.5 ha stand in Hungary which is strongly affected by oak decline. The nearly pure sessile oak (Quercus petraea) stand of mostly coppice origin was 90 years old at the beginning of the study. Within-stand site heterogeneity was described by the herbaceous vegetation. Four ecological site types were distinguished by the species composition of herbs, and characterized by the ecological indicator values of the species. Tree growth between 1987 and 1993 was measured, and tree vigour was estimated from visual characteristics five times between 1987 and 1993. Potential volume increment of declining trees was estimated with the growth rates of healthy trees of the same size. Volume increment loss caused by oak decline was also assessed. Significant positive relationships were found between tree vigour and tree size and between tree vigour and tree growth. The growth of seriously declining trees dropped to almost one-half of that of healthy ones. Growth reduction of living trees at the stand level amounted to 5.4%, whereas growth reduction of all trees, including those that died during the observation period, amounted to 19.9% of the potential growth. Tree size and growth were greater on better sites. A strong relationship was also found between tree vigour and site type, but sessile oak was more susceptible to decline at better sites.  相似文献   

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