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Competition among construction companies becomes drastic while market economy is gradually established in China.It is a problem of concern that how to rationally evaluate the competitive ability of construction companies in order to plan the competitive strategy for companies.The multi index system and comprehensive index are proposed in this paper and Analytic Hierarch Process(AHP) is applied to calculate the weights of multi index.The evaluation model of competitive performance of construction companies is presented based on AHP.An example for the evaluation model is given.The results demonstrate that the model can be used to efficiently evaluate the competitive performance of construction companies.The competitive strategy can be suggested through analyzing some factors influencing the competitive performance of construction companies.  相似文献   

The environmental quality problems of construction engineering are endangering the existence and sustainable development of human beings, so their treatment is becoming common understanding of all levels of governments and the public. In this paper, the forming course and affecting factors of environmental quality and main symptoms of its problems are analyzed from the definition of environmental quality in construction engineering. Then, the essence of the problem is revealed, that is comprehensive abilities for quality activities and their results can't meet the regulated requirements. Finally, it expounds five basic characteristics of the problems to enhance people's understanding.  相似文献   

Through construction market survey, the paper proposes the way of the control system of construction quality of building engineering and establishes objective system of its on becoming core of quality control spot. It puts forward many grade control and evaluation net and expounds the method to produce quality evaluation form, control system of quality ordinary question and quality analysis. It determines technology way and movement foundation on system development. The paper introduces the model and its function on the control system of construction quality of building engineering. This system is a opening system, it may be filled and complemented with new content at any time. It has better adaptable to change of construction code.  相似文献   

The main structure in construction engineering is the organic part of the load - carrying system of construction engineering. Its quality is the core for realizing the value of construction engineering quality. The essence of its quality problems is that the quality behavior, intermediate output or final product of the construction body cant meet the requirements of national laws, regulations and obligatory criteria during construction work. Its quality problems have the following eight traits such as complexity, frequent occurrence, potentiality, chain effect, heavy damages, multiple responsibilities, difficulties of treatment and high expenditure for treatment.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the tenet of quality control of steel structure engineering in main construction work and investigates the course and way of quality control.  相似文献   

Although the commercial real estate in our country has made a great progress in these years,the vacancy rate is very high.It is not only a loss to the developer,but also a waste to the social resources.As keen competition between the commercial real estate developers is on coming,the market orientation will be decisive.The Analytic Hierarchy Process(or AHP) is a qualitative and quantitative analysis method,the application of which to the business orientation can make our item more easily to succeed.In this paper,the AHP is applied to the market orientation of an item in Shenzhen.It is hoped that this will contribute to raising the decision accuracy,by formatting pair wise comparative matrixes according to the rate of contribution the variant factors applied to the target.  相似文献   

食品工程原理是粮食工程、食品工程等专业的一门重要的专业基础课。作为一门工程基础课,工程素质的培养和强化是教学的首要目的。概述了该课程的特点,结合教学实践及河南工业大学食品工程原理课程教学的现状,提出了进行该课程教学改革的几点思考。  相似文献   

采用AHP法和灰色关联法对11个福建辣椒地方品种的果实外观品质进行综合评价与分析,构建了涵盖3个层次(目标层、标准层和指标层),8个指标(单果重、果肉厚、心室数、果色、果形、果长、果宽、果柄长)的辣椒果实外观品质的综合评价指标体系。结果表明:黄皮尖椒、绿皮牛尖椒和牛角椒王,果实外观品质较优,其中品种黄皮尖椒果实的外观品质的灰色关联度值最大;中牛角、牛角椒、牛角尖、永安黄椒和绿皮牛角,果实的外观品质较好;武平小米椒,永安朝天椒和淡绿羊角椒,果实的外观品质一般。证明了基于AHP法的灰色关联法对于辣椒果实外观品质性状进行综合评价与分析是一种实用、快捷、有效的多层次的综合评价与分析方法。  相似文献   

On the basis of quaility accident cases in engineering, this paper presents the necessity of establishing the mechanism of regulation standards on engineering quaility for whole construction work. This paper compares the technology standards with regulation standards on engineering quaility, puts forward the idea of regulation standards on engineering quaility for whole construction, analyses and studies the procedure norm, accounting system, management mechanism,auditing supervision and risk forecasting technique on engineering quaility in entity related with whole construction, under consideration with the reality of interaction relationship on engineering quaility and engineering financing in our county, finally ,explores and illustrates the positive appoarch which is used for establishing the mechanism of regulation standards on construction engineering quaility.  相似文献   

Dividing the bidding document into technical bidding and commercial bidding and scoring them respectively, then evaluating and awarding the bidding according to some principles and the fixed procedures and it may be the promising solution to problems existing in the bidding.  相似文献   

研究河西东部枸杞品质评定指标,可为区域产业发展、品种优选以及品牌营销提供理论支撑。笔者以2016年试验数据为基础,将生长量指标与理化指标作为评价依据,采用熵权法和主成分分析对16个批次红枸杞进行各个评价指标的权重赋值,并借助动态赋值对两种评价权重进行综合赋值,然后利用评价模型有效实现了枸杞的品质评定,结果显示丰乐基地品质最为突出,评定结果与实际相符。本研究为河西东部红枸杞质量评定提供了基本方法。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the kinds of risk factors in engineering variation of construction project. Consists of tecthhon risk, economy risk, policy and low risk, contract candition risk and character risk. It puts forward the risk assessment index system and sets up the risk comprehensive assessment model by using the theory of fuzzy mathematics.  相似文献   

Based on the fundamental principles of science of complexity, the complexity of clusters of engineering projects is analyzed in the light of integrity, dynamics, gradation, openness and autonomy. It is believed that the quality supervision of clusters of engineering projects is a typical complex composed of several essential factors, between which there exists a complicated nonlinear relationship. The behaviors and manners of quality supervision are proposed including management evaluation, tree - shape quality supervision, model leading system, independent third - party assessment with a view to strengthen and enhance the quality supervision of clusters of engineering projects.  相似文献   

食品工程原理理论课教学方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食品工程原理是食品科学与工程专业的一门重要专业基础课,是学好其他专业课程的基础。为了提高教学质量,结合该课程的特点,根据笔者的教学经验,在提高学生学习兴趣,培养工程思维能力,采用多样化教学方法与手段方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

For most evaluating methods of engineering rock mass, the integrality index is an important assessment factor. However, sometimes the value of integrality index would be more than 1.0 because of unloading effect of rock samples and differentia of frequency between the measurements of rock samples and rock mass. In order to solve this problem, unloading index and frequency correcting coefficient were put forward to revise the integrality index. Moreover, the BQ evaluating method proposed in the national standard (GB 50218-94) was improved with the revised method. With the case study of the project of water sealed underground oil tank in Huangdao, it was found that the quality of rock mass in the site was grade I or II.  相似文献   

This paper presents a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method on engineering quality of steel structural installation.Comparing with existent method,this method can express objectively real quality.It is of benefit to quantity assessment of engineering quality and realizing computer management for inspection and evaluation.  相似文献   

基因工程改良作物种子蛋白营养品质的策略及其研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作物种子蛋白是人类和牲畜日常蛋白质的主要来源;与肉类相比,植物蛋白质的营养品质往往不够完全,主要表现在禾谷类作物种子蛋白质中的赖氨酸和色氨酸含量低,而豆类和蔬菜类蛋白质缺乏蛋氨酸和半胱氨基酸等含硫氨基酸.采用传统育种技术提高作物蛋白质营养品质方面的成效不大,现代分子生物技术的进展为改良植物种子蛋白质营养品质提供了有效的技术路线,目前已发展了几种在分子水平上改良作物蛋白质营养价值的方法,包括内源蛋白质序列的修饰、同源优质蛋白基因的过量表达、异源优质蛋白基因的转移和表达、人工合成新蛋白基因、以及增加游离的必需氨基酸的含量等.本文重点从上述5个方面综述近年来采用基因工程技术提高作物蛋白质营养品质的进展,并就其中可能存在的问题作了讨论.  相似文献   

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