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本文初步研究了池塘养殖日本鳗鲡初孵仔鳗生长与卵黄消耗的关系。在水温(24±1)℃下,仔鳗发育至7~8日龄,口、肠道、肛门、胸鳍等器官形成。仔鳗全长与卵黄的关系为:(1)0~18 d仔鳗全长随日龄的增加而有不同程度的增长;其中0~7 d生长快,平均日增长0.57 mm/d,8~10 d,平均日增长0.13 mm/d,11~18 d,平均日增长0.09mm/d;(2)0~10 d,仔鳗以内源性营养方式吸收营养,仔鳗全长与卵黄消耗呈指数相关,可用公式Y=1.5879e1.4371L(R2=0.8979)表示,仔鳗卵黄消耗与日龄可用公式Y=0.0852e-0.5547L(R2=0.9702)表示;10 d后仔鳗卵黄消失。  相似文献   

Ontogeny of pancreatic enzymes in larval red drum Sciaenops ocellatus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The growth, survival and trypsin, lipase and amylase activities of red drum larvae were measured in two experiments. For the first trial, a group was fed live prey only (L) and another group was fed a combination of a microparticulate diet (MPD) and live food (L-MP). For the second growth trial a group fed the MPD only (MP) and a starvation group (ST) were examined in addition to the L and L-MP treatments. Enzyme activities of live prey were measured to estimate their possible contribution to larval digestion. No significant ( P  > 0.05) differences in final size and survival were observed between treatments L and L-MP. Larvae subjected to starvation or fed the MPD diet alone were smaller than treatments fed live prey and did not survive past days 5 and 14, respectively. Trypsin, lipase and amylase activities were detectable at hatching. No significant differences ( P  > 0.05) in total enzyme activities among treatments were observed before day 14. Specific activity of trypsin, lipase and amylase peaked on day 3 (prior to first feeding) and subsequently decreased. For trypsin, the percentage of enzyme activity potentially attributable to ingested prey increased with age to a maximum of 17%. For lipase and amylase this fraction was less than 5% throughout the study, except on day 8 (12% and 24%, respectively). The lack of significant differences observed in the activity of digestive enzymes among treatments suggests that dietary regime, availability of prey and possible effects of exogenous enzymes did not significantly influence enzyme activity. Therefore, the lower growth rate observed in the L-MP, MP and starved treatments cannot be attributed to low digestive enzyme production of the enzymes measured. It is more likely that the MPD failed to supply the required nutrients for adequate development.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature on vitellogenesis in Japanese eel Anguilla japonica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT:   Cultured immature female Japanese eels acclimated to sea water at either 10 or 20°C were treated weekly with salmon gonadotropin fraction (sGTH) in order to investigate the effects of water temperature on artificial induction of ovarian maturation. In eels maintained at 20°C, ovulation was induced in 11 of 18 fish during the experimental period of 13 weeks, whereas at 10°C all fish showed a low gonadosomatic index (GSI) at the end of the experiment. Plasma vitellogenin levels were higher in eels kept at 20°C than in eels at 10°C throughout the experiment. However, no significant differences were observed in the plasma testosterone and estradiol-17β levels between groups. Eels pretreated with sGTHs at 10°C for 13 weeks were separated to two different temperature (10 and 20°C) groups, and received the same weekly sGTH injections. In eels transferred to 20°C, plasma vitellogenin levels, GSI and oocyte diameter were increased, but these values were maintained at low levels in eels that remained at 10°C. These results clearly indicate that water temperature is an important factor regulating vitellogenesis in the Japanese eel.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Morphological changes in the oocytes of the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica , induced to undergo ovarian development by repeated injections of salmon pituitary homogenate, were examined using electron microscopy. Oil droplets were closely associated with organelles, especially mitochondria, and increased in number as oocyte growth proceeded. They fused at the migratory nucleus stage. During vitellogenesis, two types of cortical alveoli were distinguished, one having filamentous contents, the other having latticated contents. As oocytes reached maturity, the structure of the cortical alveoli was exclusively filamentous. Yolk globules were homogeneous and highly electrondense, but electrondensity decreased during hydration. The structure of the zona radiata of previtellogenic oocytes consisted of two layers, and an additional reticular network structure was formed on the inside of the zona radiata during the vitellogenic stage. The zona radiata lost the reticular network structure and assumed a layered structure of uniform electrondensity at the migratory nucleus stage. These structural changes during oocyte development were mostly comparable to those in other teleosts. Results of the present study should assist in developing improved methods for full control of artificial maturation in the Japanese eel.  相似文献   

The activities of the main digestive enzymes (proteases, amylase, lipase) as well as those of acid and alkaline phosphatases were assessed during the larval development of the Senegal sole, Solea senegalensis. Important variations in specific activities of all the enzymes were observed during the period of study and were mostly related to the beginning or the end of metamorphosis. Both acid and alkaline protease activities were identified at early stages of development. Acid proteases accounted for only 10% of total protease activity in a 9 days-old larva, but exceeded 75% in a 33 days-old individual. Maximum lipase activity was related to the development of exocrine pancreas (days 6 to 10) and to metamorphosis. It is suggested this can be related to the metabolism of lipid reserves taking place during this morphological change. Activity of alkaline phosphatase decreased from day 5 to day 20 but therafter revealed a sharp increase, possibly linked to the development of enterocytes. The pattern of development of the main digestive enzymes found in S. senegalensis is similar to that described in other flatfish species.  相似文献   

The zonal velocity produced by a Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)‐based Pacific Ocean circulation model was validated against in situ measurements along the 137°E longitude. The Pacific model successfully reproduced the position and the shape of the North Equatorial Current (NEC) as well as the latitude of maximum surface velocity in the NEC region (8–17°N). The flow field produced by the Pacific model was then used to conduct numerical Lagrangian experiments, in which passive particles were released along a transect (142.5°E, 12.5–17°N) that traverses the known Japanese eel spawning area, and the effects of NEC strength and bifurcation latitude on the particle advection in the northwest Pacific were studied. Our results suggest that, in the 20‐yr period (1993–2012), the variability of the currents alone can cause interannual variability of one order of magnitude in the Kuroshio Entrance (KE), the percentage of particles entering the Kuroshio, the range of which varies from 43% in 1997 to 6% in 2012. The yearly‐averaged KE is not sensitive to the NEC bifurcation latitude. Instead, it is controlled by the average zonal velocity of a fixed domain (125–143°E, 13.5–17°N) and related to a recently‐developed climate index, the Philippines–Taiwan Oscillation (PTO). During the positive phase of the PTO, the zonal velocity in the domain, hence the yearly‐averaged KE, increases, and the opposite is true in the negative phase of the PTO. Considering only the trajectories, diel vertical migrations (DVM) in the top 400 m do not significantly affect Japanese eel larval transport, as incorporating DVM schemes does not increase the KE.  相似文献   

In an attempt to understand growth regulation in the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica, we cloned insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) cDNAs and examined their mRNA expression in several tissues. Two eel IGF-I (eIGF-I) cDNAs encoding preprohormones, eIGF-I-Ea1and eIGF-I-Ea2, were cloned from the liver by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The preproIGF-Is were identical in signal peptide and mature IGF-I, but different in the E domain—eIGF-I-Ea2 mRNA was 36 bp longer than eIGF-I-Ea1 mRNA. Eel IGF-I was 83–94% identical with that of teleosts, 71% identical with that of dogfish, 87% identical with that of bullfrog and chicken, and 83% identical with that of humans. In both males and females the highest eIGF-I-Ea1 mRNA levels were observed in the liver, with detectable levels also found in the gills, heart, stomach, spleen, kidney, intestine, swim-bladder, muscle, and gonads. eIGF-I-Ea1 mRNA levels in the liver were higher in females than in males whereas in the intestine they were lower than in males. eIGF-I-Ea2 mRNA was detected in all the tissues examined and at similar levels in males and females. In this experiment higher eIGF-I-Ea1 mRNA levels were observed in the liver of larger glass eels than in those of smaller fish. eIGF-I-Ea2 mRNA levels were also higher in larger eels, although they were lower than IGF-I-Ea1 mRNA levels. Both eIGF-I mRNA levels in liver were positively correlated with the body size of the␣glass eels. Intraperitoneal injection of recombinant eel GH (reGH), 0.25 μg g−1 body weight, into glass eels resulted in a significant increase in both eIGF-I mRNAs in the liver 1 day after injection compared with control fish, but no elevation was observed 2 days after injection. Incubation of liver slices with reGH at concentrations of 10, 100, and 1,000 ng mL−1 for 24 h resulted in a significant concentration-dependent increase in the levels of both eIGF-I mRNAs. Higher levels of eIGF-I-Ea1 and Ea2 mRNA were observed in the gills ofseawater-reared eels than in those of freshwater-reared fish, but no differenceswere observed in the whole kidney. These results suggest that IGF-I is involved in the regulation of somatic growth and also in adaptation of the Japanese eel to seawater.  相似文献   

Abstract— Isozyme genotypes of 400 glass eels recruiting to 4 localities along the east Asian coast, stretching from Taiwan to the Yalu River of northeastern China, were studied using starch gel electrophoresis. Geographic cline was found to exist in two loci: NADP-isocitrate dehygenase-1 and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase. Frequencies of the most common allele of these two loci increased from south to north. In the latitudinal range of 25°N to 40°N, the magnitude of difference of IDH100 and PGD100 was 13% and 9% respectively. However, deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were found to be insignificant in both loci at three of the four localities. The cline was, therefore, unlikely to have resulted from selection. Migration time-lag from different parts of the continent to the spawning ground in the western Pacific was suggested to be a possible reason for the formation of the cline.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The fine structure of the alimentary canal in preleptocephali produced by artificially matured Japanese eel was examined. At 1 day posthatch (dph), the alimentary canal was found only above the dorsal side of the yolk mass, and the epithelium was composed of a single layer of epithelial cells. By 5 dph, the alimentary canal was divided into three segments based on the structure of the epithelial cells: foregut, midgut and hindgut, corresponding to the future esophagus, intestine and rectum, respectively. After 7 dph, the epithelium in the foregut was surrounded by a circular muscle layer, suggesting a role in the transportation of food materials. The epithelial cells of the midgut exhibited well-developed membranous structures, which are deduced to be invaginations of the cytoplasmic membrane. Pinocytotic invaginations and vacuoles were observed in the epithelial cells of the hindgut; this observation suggests that this region is involved in the uptake of food. Significant changes in morphological features of the epithelial cells in each segment were observed until 7 dph; however, these were not evident between 7 dph and 13 dph. Consequently, the differentiation of the alimentary canal was completed by 7 dph, and preleptocephalus had developed the ability to absorb food by 7 dph.  相似文献   

鳗鲡繁殖生物学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鳗鲡是优质养殖鱼类,但鳗鲡苗种完全依靠天然捕捞。近年来鳗鲡苗种的短缺限制了鳗鲡养殖业的进一步发展,开展鳗鲡人工繁殖技术研究势在必行。文章从鳗鲡的催熟与催产、产后鳗鲡的某些繁殖生物学以及鳗鲡胚胎和仔鱼发育等方面简要回顾了鳗鲡繁殖生物学的研究概况,并着重介绍了日本的最新研究进展,日本已将人工苗培育至20多厘米的成鱼,实现了实验室内鳗鲡由卵到成鱼的全人工养殖。文章最后指出人工育苗中存在的问题,并提出今后应从内因和外因两方面研究,才能真正实现鳗鲡苗种规模化生产。  相似文献   

The cardioventilatory performance of the Japanese eel,Anguilla japonica, was evaluated during acute exposure to hypoxia. The eel became an oxygen conformer as ambient PO2 fell below the critical value of 110 mmHg. Although arterial and venous PO2 also fell progressively, the arterial O2 content remained constant down to an ambient PO2 of about 60 mmHg. Arterial blood O2 saturation was maintained at 85% even at 40 mmHg. The increase in the supply of O2 to the animal during hypoxia was due to a combination of adaptive adjustments: (1) an increase in ventilation: perfusion ratio brought about mainly be bradycardia; (2) an increase in respiratory exchange surface area which was manifested as an increase in branchial blood transit time and quantified as a rise in transfer factor, water-blood overlap coefficient and utilization (%); (3) an increase in blood O2 affinity and capacitance coefficient as a result of respiratory alkalosis and Bohr-Root shift and a decrease in haemoglobin allosteric modulator (GTP, ATP) concentrations in the RBC. These factors together helped to increase the efficiency of O2 transfer across the gills.  相似文献   

日本鳗鲡早期幼苗趋光性及视觉发育特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了出膜后第1~9 d的日本鳗鲡(Anguilla japonica)早期幼苗,在不同光强度下趋光性分布及视觉发育组织学特征。结果显示:在8900 lux的强光条件下,日本鳗鲡早期幼苗随着发育,表现出明显的负趋光性。到9 d时,占存活幼苗52.2%的幼苗都集中在最暗的110 lux区域;而在2300 lux的弱光条件下,表现出趋弱光性。到9 d时,占存活幼苗44.6%的幼苗都集中在25 lux区域。视网膜发育的组织学观察发现,日本鳗鲡幼苗的视网膜发育首先出现的是外界膜和内界膜,最后出现的是外丛层。幼苗的整个视网膜结构到9 d时,发育为9亚层结构。视网膜中最发达的是外核层,由3种细胞构成。发育最快的是内核层,由2种细胞构成。结果表明,与日本鳗鲡早期幼苗趋光性有关的因素包括视网膜分层、视网膜厚度、内核层细胞数等多种因素。另外,本研究还探讨了日本鳗鲡幼苗在自然界可能生存的水深和光环境。  相似文献   

SUMMARY: To examine the population structure of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica , mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis was made for various samples of glass eels that might reflect genetic characteristics of spawning aggregates. The mitochondrial DNA from a total of 51 glass eels collected at Tanegashima Island, Kanagawa and Ibaraki in different periods within an inshore migrating season was sequenced for a 615 base-pair fragment from the tRNAThr gene to the central part of the control region. The DNA region was so variable that no individual was found to possess the same sequence, although average sequence differences within samples (1.07–1.63) were not large. Average sequence differences between samples (1.22–1.57) were comparable to those within samples, suggesting no genetic heterogeneity among samples. Tree analysis of the sequences showed neither a geographical nor temporal structure of population. Furthermore, although all DNA sequences from the present study were different from one another, two sequences were found to be the same with those reported from individuals collected in different localities in different years. Altogether, the present mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis of glass eels did not provide any evidence for genetic subdivision of the Japanese eel population.  相似文献   

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