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Spermatophore development times were studied in three species of penaeid shrimp, Penueus setifcrus, P. vannumei , and P. stylirosrris . In the terminal ampoule, the progression of spermatophore formation occurred in 4 stages (I-IV). The duration of each stage varied with species and ablation state. In unablated males, with spermatophores manually or electrically removed, structnrally complete spermatophores containing high numbers of morphologically normal sperm were formed in 2–4 days for P. vannamei , 4–6 days for P. stylirostris and 5–7 days for P. setiferus . Unilateral eyestalk ablation of P. setiferus accelerated spermatophore production time by approximately 2 days, and significantly increased spermatophore weight and sperm count without affecting sperm quality.
Spermatophore removal techniques had little effect on development time in P. vannamei . However, in P. setiferus , new spermatophores were produced faster in males mating naturally than in those males whose spermatophores were removed electrically.  相似文献   

Polyculture of fish has been shown to be an effective means of increasing production beyond that achieved in monoculture, but little research has been conducted to evaluate the effect of polyculture on production of shrimp species. This research was designed to investigate performance of Penaeus vannamei (v) and P. stylirostris (s) in monoculture (treatments 100v and 100s) as well as in polyculture at various species ratios (75v:25s, 50v:50s, and 25v:75s) at a constant density of 1.8 × 105 /ha. Shrimp were stocked into fifteen 0.1-ha ponds at the Texas A&M University Mariculture Facility for 123–134 days. Results indicate a higher mean survival rate (73 vs 22%) but lower mean growth rate (0.09 vs 0.14 g/day) of P. vannamei than P. stylirostris. Survival rates of neither species differed significantly among treatments. Final weight of each species significantly decreased with increasing density of the same species but significantly increased with increasing density of the other species. Best growth of both species occurred in the 75v:25s treatment. Observed differences in distribution and diel activity of the two species within ponds may partly explain the compatability of these two species in polyculture. Production rates (range, 690 to 2,180 kg/ha) and value (range, US$2,720 to US$5,740/ha) among treatments generally increased with increasing composition of P. vannamei; however, no significant difference in mean value was detected between the 100v and 75v:25s treatments. As a secondary objective of this study, performance of shrimp (25v: 75s treatment) in a single-phase pond system was compared to that in a three-phase (nursery, intermediate, and grow-out) system. Survival, growth, production, and value were found to be similar between systems.  相似文献   

A variety of natural foods have been reported to induce ovarian maturation of penaeid shrimp. In this study, conducted from 19 June to 11 September 1980, four single-food diets (clams, shrimp, squid, and worms) and one composite diet consisting of all four foods were fed to Penaeus vannamei in 3.7-m diameter indoor circular tanks. The shrimp, averaging 28 g, were stocked at a rate of 6.9 m-2 with a 1:1 male to female ratio. Unilateral eyestalk ablation was performed on half of the females in each tank. Tanks received one turnover of water volume daily and the water temperature and salinity averaged 27.0°C and 28.6 ppt, respectively. Daily photoperiod was maintained at 13 hours of light. Ovarian maturation, spawning, molting rate, and survival were monitored daily and growth and gonad size were measured at termination. The composite diet was the best overall diet, while squid was the best single-food diet, followed by shrimp, worms, and clams. No maturation of unablated females was observed with the exception of one female that developed to stage 3. Although the size of the shrimp was considered marginal for spawning, 5 mated females were observed, but only one (squid treatment) produced viable nauplii. After termination of this study, all shrimp were fed the composite diet for 41 days. During this period, ovarian maturation and spawning occurred in the previously unproductive treatment receiving only clams, and growth rate of shrimp in all previously single-food treatments increased 4 to 7 fold. The composite diet was also fed to two tanks of P. stylirostris (mean initial weight = 45.4 g) for a period of 118 days. During that time, 50 spawns were obtained with up to 3 spawns per female. A total of 4.3 × 105 P. stylirostris nauplii were produced.  相似文献   

Abstract. Full-sib families of Penaeus stylirostris Stimpson and Penaeus vannamei Boone were grown under controlled conditions in five experiments. Total length of shrimp larvae was measured at the following substages: protozoea one, mysis one and postlarva one. Analysis of variance showed that families differed significantly in size in all experiments at all substages tested. The average size possessed by a group of larvae early in development was significantly correlated with the size obtained in the later stages in P. siylirosiris , but not in P. vannamei . The component of variance in size due to family differences was determined and used to estimate heritabilities of size at the three larval substages in both species. Estimated heritabilities were higher for P. stylirostris than P. vannamei . In P. vannamei . the hcritability of size is greater for the protozoea and postlarval stages than the mysis stage.  相似文献   

南美蓝对虾和南美白对虾混养试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
南美蓝对虾 ( Penaeus stylirostris)原产于拉丁美洲太平洋沿岸水域 ,它具有生长速度快、适应盐度范围广、人工繁殖较南美白对虾容易、抗病毒能力较强 ,易于集约化饲养等优点。 2 0 0 1年 4~ 5月 ,福建省漳州市出现了大规模的南美白对虾流行性虾病 ,其中海水养殖的南美白对虾发病率达60 %以上 ,兑淡养殖的南美白对虾发病率也在30 %以上 ,严重制约对虾养殖业的发展。为了探索南美蓝对虾的兑淡养殖技术 ,我场于今年 6月 5日开始进行南美蓝对虾和南美白对虾混养试验 ,并取得较好的经济效益 ,平均单产为 2 34kg/1 0 0 0 m2。一、池塘条件利用…  相似文献   

Brackishwater ponds on the Pacific coast of Panama were stocked at 5/m2 with wild-caught postlarval shrimp (0.05 g). Species composition at stocking was 56% Panaeus vannamei, 33% P. stylirostris and 11% P. occidentalis. Experimental treatments were: chicken manure (4500 kg/ha dry weight), cow manure (4500 kg/ha), 25% protein pelleted feed (790 kg/ha) and control (which received no nutrient input). Water was exchanged 5–10% daily throughout the 120-day production period during the 1982 rainy season. Average shrimp yields at harvest, by treatment, were: chicken manure, 262 kg/ha; cow manure, 218 kg/ha; feed, 386 kg/ha; and the control, 160 kg/ha. Average survival for each treatment was 50%, 76%, 58% and 77%, respectively. All P. occidentalis died during the production period. Survival was not significantly different among treatments (P > 0.05). Average weights or shrimp at harvest were 8.72g, 7.32 g, 12.07 g, and 5.98 g, respectively, for the treatments. Manures and feed significantly increased yield over the control (P < 0.002). Feed significantly increased yield over that of the manures (P < 0.0001), while yield for manures did not differ (P > 0.05). A partial budget analysis indicated that a net income for the feed treatment was higher than for chicken manure or cow manure treatments.  相似文献   

This 97-day study, conducted during midwinter using a recirculating water system, was designed to evaluate the effect of light intensity and male and female eyestalk ablation on reproduction of P. vannamei and P. stylirostris. Four light intensities were established using various levels of fluorescent lighting (bright, 14.7 μEm-2s-1; moderate, 4.4 μEm-2s-1; dim, 0.6 μEm-2s-1; and dark, 0.0 μEm-2s-1) and the fifth consisted of artificial lighting supplemented with natural light through a translucent skylight (skylight, 4.7–9.3 μEm-2s-1). Unilateral eyestalk ablation was performed on all male P. vannamei in one of each pair of tanks within a treatment. In addition, half of the females in each tank were unilaterally ablated. Ovarian maturation, spawning, molting rate, and survival were monitored daily within each tank. Growth and gonad development were measured at termination. The optimum light intensity for P. stylirostris appeared to be lower than that for P. vannamei. P. stylirostris matured and spawned more frequently in the skylight and dim treatments than in the moderate, dark, and bright treatments. P. vannamei matured and spawned more frequently in the skylight, bright, and moderate treatments than in the dim and dark treatments. Natural light supplementation beneficially affected reproduction of both species. Male eyestalk ablation increased gonad size and doubled mating frequency of P. vannamei in comparison to unablated controls. This is the first documentation of increased penaeid shrimp reproduction by unilateral eyestalk ablation of males. Even more significant may be recognition that male gonadal development is a limiting factor in reproduction of shrimp in captivity.  相似文献   

Practical Molt Staging of Penaeus setiferus and Penaeus stylirostris   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Molt staging has many applications in penaeid aquaculture as a routine procedure. Using criteria developed for various crustaceans, a method of rapid molt staging was applied to Penaeus stylirostris and Penaeus setiferus adults. The most useful characters were the degree of epidermal retraction from the setal bases and epidermal retraction from the cuticle coupled with the development of new setae. The duration of the molt cycle of P. stylirostris was 11.5 ± 1.0 days ( N = 5) at 27–29 C. The early postmolt, late postmolt, intermolt, early premolt and late premolt stages were readily determined. For P. stylirostris , the duration of postmolt was 27% of the cycle; intermolt, 17%; and premolt, 56%. The length of the molt cycle of P. setiferus at 27–29 C was 13.6 ± 1.0 days ( N = 21) with postmolt occupying 22% of the cycle; intermolt, 19%; and premolt, 59%. Unilaterally eyestalk enucleated P. setiferus had a significantly shorter molt cycle than intact P. setiferus (11.7 ± 1.21 days vs. 13.6 ± 1.02 days, P < 0.05). There were no differences in molt cycle duration between the sexes, whether enucleated or intact ( P > 0.05). A series of illustrations identifies the key characteristics for determining stage of molt in these penaeids.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to gather quantitative data on the moult cycle and stages in laboratory-raised shrimp, kept at a constant temperature of 27°C. The stages of the moult cycle were differentiated and characterised by microscopic analysis of cuticle, epidermis and moulting processes in the uropods of P. vannamei and P. monodon. Five major moult stages were defined: early- and late post-moult (A and B), inter-moult (C) and early- and late pre-moult (D1 and D2). Total moult cycle duration was around 5 and 6.5 days for 2-g P. vannamei and P. monodon and 11 and 12 days for 15-g P. vannamei and P. monodon, respectively. Overall, the relative duration of the moult stages within the cycle was 5–10% for A, 9–16% for B, 12–20% for C, 28–36% for D1 and 30–38% for D2 stage. It was concluded from this study that the pre-moult stages comprised the dominant phase of the cycle and that P. monodon moulted at a significantly slower rate than P. vannamei, under the given conditions. Without the use of invasive techniques, the moult process was charted in laboratory-raised shrimp in Europe, providing a tool for taking into account this important physiological factor in further experiments.  相似文献   

Abstract The histopathology of red disease was studied in samples of Penaeus monodon from a commercial prawn farm in the Philippines and in a single pond–reared adult P. stylirostris from Hawaii. The principal lesion type observed in prawns from both locations was a marked atrophy and necrosis of the hepatopancreas that was accompanied by an intense cellular inflammatory response. Less commonly, melanized cellular inflammatory lesions were observed in the antennal gland, mandibular organ, gonads, midgut and gills. The aetiology of red disease is unknown, but because of the similarity of hepatopancreatic lesions in red disease to those observed in aflatoxicosis, mycotoxins (or other microbial toxins) present in rancid or spoiled feeds or in the detritus of organically rich ponds are suggested as its cause.  相似文献   

Abstract. Yellow head baculo-like virus infection and disease were demonstrated experimentally in the two main species of penaeid shrimp cultured in Hawaii and the Western hemisphere. Viral infection was induced by intramuscular inoculation of a 10% suspension of cephalothorax tissue filtrate prepared from two tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon Fabricius, infected with yellow head disease, into sub-adult (3–10g) P. stylirostris (Stimpson) and P. vannamei (Boone). Signs of disease appeared as early as 2 days post infection (p.i.), and in most cases mortality reached 100% within 5–7 days p.i. Histopathological examination of the infected animals revealed extensive cellular necrosis in ectodermal and some mesenchymal tissues. Electron microscopical examination of thin sections of the gill and hepatopancreas from the infected shrimp revealed non-occluded rod-shaped baculo-like virus particles measuring 130–197 & 45–58 nm which were primarily localized within the cytoplasm of infected cells. The virus particles were contained within cytoplasmic vacuoles, and occurred singly or in small groups of two or more particles.  相似文献   

Reproductive Response of Penaeus stylirostris to Temperature Manipulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of temperature manipulation on the reproduction of Penaeus stylirostris was investigated as a possible method for increasing larval production. Six 3.66 m diameter black tanks were stocked with unilaterally eyestalk enucleated females and intact males. Temperature was designed to vary between 20 and 28 C at a rate of 2 C per day in the "Fast" treatment and 2 C per week in the "Slow" treatment; upper and lower temperatures were maintained for 10 days before another cycle was initiated. In the "Ambient" treatment, temperature averaged 27.8 ± 0.9 C.
During the 105 day study maturation, mating and larval production were highest in the Ambient tanks. Temperature manipulation as tested in the Fast and Slow treatments did not produce any burst of mating and spawning activity at the upper ends of the cycles to compensate for the steady production in the Ambient group. Thus, the temperature regimes examined did not afford any practical advantage.
The effect of temperature on mating was marked. In the Slow treatment which most closely mimicked natural seasonal temperature change, mating began initially when the temperature increased to 25 C. Throughout the study mating occurred more frequently at the higher temperatures, and these results suggest that the optimal temperature range was 27–29 C for reproduction. However, the shrimp did mate at all temperatures encountered. It is notable that this tropical species can successfully reproduce at temperatures as Iow as 20 C.  相似文献   

The life cycle of the penaeid shrimp, Penaeus stylirostris, was completed in captivity with the production of F2 generation nauplii. Over one million F2 generation nauplii were harvested from the F1 generation represented by laboratory-reared adult shrimp. The studies were completed in a laboratory simulated, tropical environment for maturation and spawning, and in pond systems located in a temperate environment for growout of the F1 generation.  相似文献   

Indigenous pond biota contribute to the nutrition of shrimp grown in semi-intensive and extensive earthen ponds. Penaeus vannomei ingesta was used to assess the nutritional contribution of pond biota and applied feed in model 225 m2 nominally managed earthen ponds. Biochemical analyses were also performed on representative pond biota and pond environment samples. Average dry matter shrimp ingesta composition ( N = 64) was: available carbohydrate, 4.2%± 1.8%; lipid, 4.8%± 2.3%; available protein, 9.6%± l.0%; carbon, 9.6%± 1.0%; nitrogen, 5.9%± 2.9%. Ingesta carbon decreased from 27.0%± 3.9% on week 2 to 16.3%± 3.3% on week 8, and nitrogen content decreased from 9.5%± 4.3% to 3.6%± 0.8% during the same interval. The decrease of ingesta C:N ratio from weeks 2 to 8 may indicate changing nutritional requirements of the shrimp. Ingesta essential amino acids varied by less than 10% from short-neck clam protein. Except for several samples which were low in arginine, pond biota and environment samples contained amino acid profiles which were close to short-neck clam. Essential fatty acid composition of shrimp ingesta was highly variable. Ingesta 22:6 fatty acid was present in populations of shrimp from ponds experiencing the highest weekly growth rates. Ingesta 22:6 fatty acid was not present in measurable amounts in shrimp experiencing the lowest growth. The unsaturated fatty acids 20:5 and 22:6 were absent from some pond biota and environment samples and abundant in others. The applied diet contained no measurable 20:5 or 22:6. The management implications of shrimp ingesta biochemical analyses are that diets may be fed which nutritionally complement pond biota consumed by the shrimp.  相似文献   


Due to the low nauplii production of cultivated broodstock, and to reduce the dependence on the wild stock, an experiment was carried out with 400 adult blue shrimp, Penaeus stylirostris, from wild and cultivated (F6) populations. Four treatments, each in duplicate, were applied: (1) wild females and males (W-W); (2) wild females and cultivated males (W-C); (3) cultivated females and wild males (C-W); and (4) cultivated females and males (C-C). More than 300 individual spawns were monitored to evaluate the egg and nauplii production per female. Mixed model ANOVA for factorial arrangements (4 × 3 × 23 and 3 × 23) were conducted. The factors considered besides the treatments were: rematuration (number of successive spawnings for a female), ovarian maturity, integrity of the spermatophore attached (complete spermatophore, “wings,” or “remnant”) and condition of spawning (partial or complete). The introduction of both wild females and males was a successful measure to improve the overall egg and nauplii production. Both mixed populations outperformed the cultivated broodstock, but were inferior to the wild stock (average production of eggs and nauplii: W-W-l 12,713 and 34,682, respectively; W-C-l 13,215 and 22,038, respectively; C-W-82,702 and 11,715, respectively; C-C-66,948 and 7,653, respectively). Populations with wild females produce a larger number of eggs, and wild males contribute to higher hatching rates. Other observations indicate the need to select for spawning only those females showing an advanced degree of ovarian maturity, having a complete spermatophore attached to the thelycum, and spawning completely.  相似文献   

生态养殖模式是保持对虾养殖可持续发展的重要途径,为了推动南美白对虾(Penaeus vannamei)健康、高产养殖,现就生态养殖技术介绍如下,以供国内同行参考.  相似文献   

泥蚶、河豚与南美白对虾混养技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于至今未找到有效解决对虾暴发性病毒病的方法,虾池的潜力得不到充分发挥,为此,近年来我们在虾池的综合利用方面进行大量研究,先后进行了蚶虾、虾蛤、虾蟹、鱼虾等多品种、多方式的混养,其效果较单一对虾养殖要好。在实践中,发现利用虾池进行泥蚶、河豚与南美白对虾混养是现有虾池养殖模式中较好的一种,其优势表现在:一是通过贝、鱼、虾混养,可使水质得到改良,使贝、鱼生长速度快,使虾不得病或晚得病;二是充分利用有效水体,饵料利用率高,经济效益明显高于单一养殖。利用虾池进行三个品种的混养,可达到增产增效的目的,为虾池的多品种养殖创出一条新路。具体技术操作如下:  相似文献   

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