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汽车运用行业标准化和应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
技术标准化是生产、教学、科研的规范.近年来,为强化车辆的技术管理,国家对车辆技术管理标准化工作不断加强,技术标准修订和更新的步伐也随之加快.阐述了新发布的关于汽车运用工程国家和行业新标准——汽车运用基础类3项、汽车使用与维修类10项、汽车运行材料类7项以及汽车排放类标准.所提供的这些新信息,对生产、教学、科研均有现实指导意义. 相似文献
李武成 《林业机械与木工设备》2005,33(12):42-43
根据我国加入WTO时的承诺,从2003年1月1日起,我国将允许外国企业在中国独资经营汽车维修企业,中国汽车维修市场已成为众多国外维修企业扩大市场的目标.国外维修企业加盟中国维修市场,对我国汽车维修企业无疑是一个挑战,面临日益激烈的国际化竞争,我国汽车维修企业应不断加强自身的建设,提高其竞争能力,使之在激烈的国际化竞争中能占有一席之地.笔者就汽车维修企业如何提高竞争力谈几点粗浅的认识,供同行参考. 相似文献
计算机辅助工程(CAE)作为一项跨学科的数值模拟分析技术,越来越受到科技界和工程界的重视,在汽车工业研究中的应用也越来越广泛。本文介绍了CAE技术中有限元法解决问题的一般模式;CAE技术在汽车工业中的作用;CAE技术在汽车车身结构分析、发动机零部件的分析、变速器分析、NVH分析以及汽车碰撞过程的模拟等各个方面的应用和发展趋势。 相似文献
林区运用CA141汽车应注意的几个问题周秀利(吉林省湾沟林业局)解放CA141汽车在林区运材生产中运用得越来越多,将逐渐成为林区木材运输的主要设备,但以前有些机职人员由于对该机的结构特点、技术性能还不能完全掌握,使用、维护、保养不当,致使车辆故障频繁... 相似文献
Michael J. De Lasaux Raffaele Spinelli Bruce R. Hartsough Natascia Magagnotti 《Small-Scale Forestry》2009,8(3):367-379
The Authors tested a mobile small-log sawmill system that could produce cants and boards of variable size, according to the
needs and specifications of each property owner. The unit was deployed as part of a comprehensive mechanical fuel reduction
operation, aimed at thinning small properties around homesteads. Working on conifer small logs, the mill proved very efficient,
with a processing productivity between 0.3 and 2.8 m3 of lumber per working hour and a recovery rate of 50% for boards, and 67% for cants. The mill could be set up and dismantled
in a few hours and was easy to move around. However, the exceedingly small amount of logs available at each site entailed
a low utilization of the mill (about 25% of the time) and a consequently high processing cost. Under the conditions of the
study, milling cost can be contained below 150 US dollars per m3 of lumber only if the single site offers at least 50 m3 of logs, already sorted during harvesting. Hence the suggestion of pooling the wood obtained from small parcel fuel reduction
treatments in satellite yards and milling it only when a large enough amount has been accumulated. In turn, satellite yards
could be organized into an integrated network complementary—rather than alternative—to stationary mills. 相似文献
运用实生选种方法从欧洲花楸(Sorbus aucuparia)天然杂交播种苗中选育出晚花、黄皮、大果、小果等6个新品种,分别是红宝石欧洲花楸(Sorbus aucuparia ‘HongBaoShi’)、黄宝石欧洲花楸(S . aucuparia‘Huang-BaoShi’)、红玛瑙欧洲花楸(S .aucuparia‘HongMaNao’)、黄玛瑙欧洲花楸(S .aucuparia‘HuangMaNao’)、晚花欧洲花楸(S .aucuparia‘WanHua’)和黄皮欧洲花楸(S .aucuparia‘HuangPi’)。通过嫁接方法保持了新品种的特异性、稳定性和一致性,并建立了繁育体系。 相似文献
曹芳 《内蒙古林业调查设计》2012,(6):127-129
文章通过青杨派的种间杂交,在半干旱地区的杨树新品种选育中,在4龄树时初选出金科5号优良无性系。金科5号在耐干旱、耐盐碱、速生等方面表现优良。 相似文献
In the context of growing concerns about environmental aspects of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (acronym REDD+), we conducted a comparative analysis of three sets of globally-applicable standards and one instrument of REDD+ initiatives for safeguarding biodiversity and ecosystem services: (1) social and environmental principles and criteria, (2) REDD+ social and environmental standards, (3) climate, community, and biodiversity project design standards, and (4) strategic environmental and social assessment. We found that their projected proximal outcomes for biodiversity and ecosystem service treatments, and approaches to achieve them, are not uniform (e.g., differences in spatial coverage for expecting positive impacts, prioritized REDD+ activities, and expected level of rigor in biodiversity and ecosystem service monitoring). We also found that all four include identification of the priority areas for biodiversity and ecosystem services, plus monitoring and mitigation of the negative impacts of REDD+ activities. These all require substantial time and resources to fully address what the three standards and the instrument actually stipulate. We thus propose options for harmonizing their use to facilitate scaling-up of efforts to strengthen safeguards, from the project level to the national level, while respecting individual national contexts and taking advantage of each standard’s characteristics. 相似文献