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Summary Interspecific cytoplasm substitution lines of Oryza sativa and O. glaberrima, i.e. (sativa)-glaberrima and (glaberrima)-sativa, have been bred by means of successive backcrosses, using three japonica varieties of sativa and two glaberrima strains.In all the six substitution lines with the cytoplasm of the glaberrima strains, the fertility increased with succeeding backcrosses, and eventually completely fertile plants whith the characteristics of the parental japonica variety appeared. This indicates that the glaberrima cytoplasm exerted no effect on the genome manifestation of these japonica varieties. Of the five substitution lines with the cytoplasm of each of the japonica varieties, four lines produced male sterile (M.S.) plants only in the backcross generations. In the remaining substitution line with the cytoplasm of the japonica variety Akebono, there was simultaneous segregation for male sterile (M.S.) and pollen fertile plants bearing indehiscent anthers (ID.M.F.) in the backcross generations. In the compulsively selfed progeny of ID.M.F. plants, pollen fertile plants with dehiscent anthers (D.M.F.) occurred with M.S- and ID.M.F. plants. Morphologically, these three types were supposed to have the same genetic background as the glaberrima parent. It was established that D.M.F.-and ID.M.F. plants were homozygous and heterozygous for a dominant nuclear gene restoring pollen fertility, respectively, and the M.S. plants and the two glaberrima strains used in this study carried a recessive gene for pollen sterility in homozygous condition. The restorer gene was assumed to derive from the japonica variety Akebono. The expression of the restorer gene was of the sporophytic type. The pollen sterility of the substitution lines that possessed the cytoplasm of the japonica varieties was of cytoplasmon-genic nature.  相似文献   

Yoshio Sano 《Euphytica》1985,34(3):587-592
Summary To study differential nucleus-cytoplasm interactions between the two cultivated rice species, Oryza sativa and O. glaberrima, cytoplasmic substitution lines were made by using a glaberrima strain (G) and an Indica strain of sativa (S). The G cytoplasm had no adverse effect on pollen development when combined with the nucleus of S. On the other hand, when the S cytoplasm was combined with the G nucleus, the substitution line showed no seed set because of male sterility although the pollen grains were normally stained with I2-KI solution. A dominant gene derived from S strain seemed to cause anther indehiscence in the substitution line. Further, a restorer gene (Rf j)from Akebono of Japonica type was effective on pollen restoration in the male sterile line, suggesting that the S cytoplasm is the same as those of Japonica type in terms of a fertility-restoring system.This paper is Genetic studies of speciation in cultivated rice. 4.  相似文献   

Summary Several hybrids between Oryza sativa and O. glaberrima and their backcrosses with O. sativa were studied. Their seed sterility was very different; large differences were also observed in the level of pollen sterility and in the earliness of microspore failure. The proportion of aborted embryo sacs was much lower than the rate of sterile male gametophytes. The backcross populations were much more sterile than the corresponding F1 hybrids. On the base of our observations and according to the literature, we may conclude that genic unbalance is the main cause of sterility of these hybrids, but that physiological factors may also be involved. Thus a restoration of fertility is generally possible by selection. On the other hand, male-sterile lines could be bred from some of these hybrids.  相似文献   

Summary In common rice, Oryza sativa L. (n=12), the gene Am for non-glutinous is dominant over the gene am for glutinous. In African rice, O. glaberrima Steud. (n=12), no spontaneous glutinous strain has been found, but recently a glutinous strain of glaberrima was induced by EMS-treatment.The interspecific cytoplasm substitution line with sativa cytoplasm and glaberrima nucleus is male sterile. It has been confirmed that the complete restoration of pollen fertility in this male sterile line is attributed to a single dominant nuclear gene Rf j.Trial to transfer gene am from sativa to glaberrima was commenced with backcrosses of the F1 hybrid (glutinous sativa cv. Iwai-mochi × glaberrima ) to glaberrima type plants of the substitution line homozygous for Rf j,using the latter as the pollen parent. At the B1 step, highly fertile glaberrima type Am/am plants were obtained. Thereafter plants of this type were backcrossed to normal glaberrima as the recurrent pollen parent to complete the nuclear substitution. It was confirmed that the EMS-induced glutinous character of glaberrima was a monogenic recessive and that the same gene controls the expression of glutinous character in the different rice species, sativa and glaberrima.  相似文献   

The African rice Oryza glaberrima, traditionally cultivated since more than 3.500 years, is of poor agronomic performance but resistant/tolerant to various stresses and diseases. The introduction of these characters into O. sativa cultivars is difficult since crossing barriers cause spikelet sterility in F1. Backcrossing can restore fertility and recently facilitated the development of fertile O. glaberrima × O. sativa ssp. japonica hybrid progenies for rain fed systems. With the objective to gain access to African rice germplasm for improvement of irrigated rice, crosses were performed with eighteen O. glaberrima and twenty O. sativa ssp. indica accessions. In total about one hundred F1-hybrid grains were obtained. The F1 plants were all completely sterile and backcrossing (BC) to O. sativa was performed in order to restore spikelet fertility. Monitoring of Tog5681 × IR64 hybrid progenies under field conditions revealed a broad genetic diversity within the BC1 and BC2 populations. Some BC1 and BC2 progeny plants outperformed the O. sativa parent, indicating that the heterozygocity level and complementary gene action after two backcrosses are still sufficient to positively influence plant vigor. Spikelet fertility of progenies was highly variable, but almost complete fertility was already observed within the BC1F2 population. High spikelet fertility was preserved in one out of two analyzed BC1F3 families and inmost of the BC2F3 families. The ability to restore spikelet fertility within few generations and the potential of the genetic diversity present in interspecific progenies facilitates the development of plant types specifically designed for the African irrigated and lowland environment. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Recurrent backcrossing has been carried out with a view to transfer a gene for non-glutinous endosperm from two strains of O. glaberrima (Wx g /Wx g ) to glutinous japonica and indica varieties (wx/wx) of Oryza sativa. In the course of backcrosses Wx g /wx segregants were crossed with each of the two glutinous varieties of sativa as the respective recurrent male parent. The wx/wx and Wx g /wx segregants in the successive generations were consistently fully fertile and semi-sterile, respectively. The semi-sterility of Wx g /wx plants was attributable to abortion of most of the pollen grains carrying the gene wx. The nucleus but not cytoplasm was related to the semi-sterility. The Wx g /Wx plants having the gene for non-glutinous endosperm of a glaberrima strain and a japonica variety of sativa were also semi-sterile. Both wx- and Wx-megaspores in the plants heterozygous for the gene Wx g were deleteriously affected. The results could be explained by assuming that a factor tightly linked with the gene Wx g of glaberrima sterilizes gametes not carrying it in the heterozygotes and that the gametocidal action is exerted when combined with the sativa nucleus by the recurrent backcross method.  相似文献   

Summary In order to promote cytogenetical studies on Oryza glaberrima (2n=2x=24), I produced primary trisomics in the progeny of the autotriploid. When the autotriploid was pollinated with the diploid, 136F1 seeds (5.8% of the number of spikelets pollinated) were obtained. The numbers of chromosomes of 31 surviving progeny varied from 24 to 28, with plants having 2n=25 occurring at the highest frequency (34.4%). The primary trisomics differed from one another as well as from the normal disomics in many aspects. The differences were attributed to a single extra chromosome in each trisomic type. Nine primary trisomics were classified into 8 types on the basis of morphological and reproductive features. Seeds were obtained from all primary trisomics except for Type D by self pollination, open pollination or pollination with the disomics. I was able to maintain 7 types of primary trisomics by seed propagation. The primary trisomics which are capable of expressing subtle genetic dissimilarities should be useful for studying the relationship between the two cultivated species of rice at the level of individual chromosomes.  相似文献   

J. R. Rout  N. P. Sarma 《Euphytica》1991,54(2):155-159
Summary Callus induction and green plant regeneration at high frequencies from an interspefic hybrid, Oryza sativa L. x O. rufipogon Griff. has been achieved by simply coordinating the growth regulators in the induction medium. The study was conducted with two different basal media (Potato-2 and N6) and seven different combinations of growth regulators 2,4-D, NAA and kinetin. Synergistic effects of the two auxins in enhanced anther response to callus induction and subsequent green plant regeneration were observed in both media. The highest frequency of callus induction was obtained on Potato-2 medium supplemented with 1 mg/12,4-D, 2 mg/l NAA and 1 mg/l kinetin. The same combination of growth regulators which yielded higher frequencies of callus induction also induced higher mean number of calli per anther. Although the calli formed on N6 medium showed high regenerability, there was a concomitant increase in the number of albinos among the regenerants. The auxins in the induction media had considerable influence on the regeneration capacity of the calli. The regeneration frequencies were higher from calli formed in the presence of both auxins in the induction media. The levels of growth regulator combinations seem to influence the green plant regeneration especially for calli induced on Potato-2 medium. Among the pollen grain derived plants the majority were either haploids or double haploids and very few were chromosomal variants.  相似文献   

To further understand the nature of hybrid sterility between Oryza sativa and Oryza glaberrima, quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling hybrid sterility between the two cultivated rice species were detected in BC1F1 and advanced backcross populations. A genetic map was constructed using the BC1F1 population derived from a cross between WAB450-16, an O. sativa cultivar, and CG14, an O. glaberrima cultivar. Seven main-effect QTLs for pollen and spikelet sterility were detected in the BC1F1. Forty-four sterility NILs (BC6F1) were developed via successive backcrosses using pollen sterility plants as female and WAB450-16 as the recurrent parent. Seven NILs, in which the target QTL regions were heterozygous while the other QTL regions as well as most of the reminder of the genome were homozygous for the WAB450-16 allele, were selected as the QTL identification materials. BC7F1 for the seven NILs showed a continuous variation in pollen and spikelet fertility. The four identified pollen sterility QTLs were located one each on chromosomes 1, 3, 7 and 7. Pollen sterility loci qSS-3 and qSS-7a were on chromosomes 3 and 7, respectively, which coincides with the previously identified S19, and S20, while loci qSS-1 and qSS-7b on chromosomes 1 and 7L appear distinct from all previously reported loci. An epistatic interaction controlling the hybrid sterility was detected between qSS-1 and qSS-7a.  相似文献   

细胞质雄性不育及其恢复系统在杂交水稻生产中必不可少,而从野生稻中鉴定、发掘细胞质雄性不育恢复源对促进杂交水稻的发展产生深远的影响。为了发掘东乡野生稻的育性恢复基因,应用协青早A/(协青早B//协青早B/东乡野生稻BC1F10)和中9A/(协青早B//协青早B/东乡野生稻BC1F10)两套测交群体,开展东乡野生稻细胞质雄性不育育性恢复经典遗传学研究。结果表明:东乡野生稻对矮败型(CMS-DA)和印尼水田谷败型(CMS-IA)的育性恢复表现为质量-数量性状,东乡野生稻对矮败型(CMS-DA)和印尼水田谷败型(CMS-IA)的育性恢复的控制存在主效恢复基因,同时还受到微效基因的影响。此外,还就东野恢复基因发掘及其在杂交水稻育种的生产应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The wild relatives of rice (Oryza sativa L.) are useful sources of alleles that have evolved to adapt in diverse environments around the world. Oryza rufipogon, the known progenitor of the cultivated rice, harbors genes that have been lost in cultivated varieties through domestication or evolution. This makes O. rufipogon an ideal source of value-added traits that can be utilized to improve the existing rice cultivars. To explore the potential of the rice progenitor as a genetic resource for improving O. sativa, 33 chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) of O. rufipogon (W0106) in the background of the elite japonica cultivar Koshihikari were developed and evaluated for several agronomic traits. Over 90% of the entire genome was introgressed from the donor parent into the CSSLs. A total of 99 putative QTLs were detected, of which 15 were identified as major effective QTLs that have significantly large effects on the traits examined. Among the 15 major effective QTLs, a QTL on chromosome 10 showed a remarkable positive effect on the number of grains per panicle. Comparison of the putative QTLs identified in this study and previous studies indicated a wide genetic diversity between O. rufipogon accessions.  相似文献   

Summary The main constraint of using Ogura male-sterile cytoplasm in Brassica is the induction of leaf yellowing at low temperature and the low seed set. But whether or not the cytoplasm can disturb the general commerical performance of the plants is not well-known. Therefore, this work was carried out with the purpose of evaluating Ogura cytoplasmic male-sterile cabbage hybrids and compare them to genomic similar male-fertile ones and to the most popular cabbage hybrid cultivated in Brazil. Harvest data showed an effect of the cytoplasm on reducing plant and head weight, core length and head length and width, although not altering heading index, shape and core indexes, nor head compactness. On the other hand, it was observed also that a careful selection of the parental lineages can produce male-sterile hybrids as good as their male-fertile analogues. All the evaluated hybrids were similar or better than the check for the characteristics under study.Abbreviations dat - days after transplanting - CNPH - National Center for Vegetable Crops Research  相似文献   

Accessions of Asian wild rice, Oryza rufipogonGriff., vary in phenology, growth habit, reproductivesystem, panicle architecture and rachis branchnumbers, and in habitat preferences. In this paper 86accessions of annual, perennial and intermediategrowth habit variants have been examined for variationin the numbers of rachis branches in the panicle andvascular bundles in their subtending peduncles.Accessions of annual habit, which regenerate from seedand are adapted to shallow and temporary swamps,developed fewer rachis branches (mean = 6.0) thanthose of perennial habit (mean = 7.2) which largelyregenerate vegetatively and are adapted to stable deepwater habits. In both cases variation within growthhabit groupings was narrow. Variation in vascularbundle numbers, which has not been previouslyreported, was similar (10.1 to 10.3), but morevariable within annuals. As a result the V/R ratio (ofvascular bundles: rachis branches) was higher inannuals (mean = 1.71) than among perennials (mean =1.46). Accessions of annual habit, and adaptedto a wide range of habitats, varied considerably inboth rachis branch (mean = 9.5) and vascular bundlenumbers (mean = 14.0), with V/R ratios similar tothose of perennial growth habit (mean = 1.49).Corresponding measures for both indica and japonica of cultivated rice (O. sativa) variednarrowly and were substantially greater for bothrachis branches (mean = 11.6 and 13.8, respectively)and vascular bundles (mean = 19.1 and 14.8,respectively), with V/R ratios of 1.67 for indica and similar to accessions of O.rufipogon of annual habit, and 1.07 for japonica and lower than accessions of O.rufipogon of both perennial and intermediate habit.Accessions of O. rufipogon from the India andIndochina regions were significantly lower in rachisbranch, but not vascular bundle numbers thanaccessions from China; with the V/R ratio higher amongaccessions from India than found in other geographicregions of origin. The possible role of O.rufipogon accessions of intermediate growth habit inthe evolution of cultivated rice is discussed,although it is speculated that accessions ofintermediate habit with high numbers of rachisbranches and vascular bundles may have resulted frominterspecific hybridization with O. sativacultivars.  相似文献   

Summary To determine the origin of Ogura male sterile cytoplasm in radish (Raphanus sativus L.), wild and cultivated radishes were crossed. Three types of progeny resulted from the F1 hybrids between the wild radish from Kushikino with Ogura-type mtDNA and the cultivars (Uchiki-Gensuke or Comet). The segregation patterns of the male sterility were compared with those of Ogura cytoplasm. The male sterility induced in the F1 hybrid was maintained by crossing with Uchiki-Gensuke, that maintains Ogura male sterility. In the two types of progeny, in which Comet (a restorer of Ogura cytoplasm) was used as one of the parents, both fertile and sterile plants segregated at the predicted ratio on the assumption that a single dominant fertility restoring gene exists in the restorer. From these results, we concluded that the Ogura cytoplasm is identical to that of the wild radish, and the former originated in a population of Japanese wild radish.  相似文献   

Summary Most of the commercial hybrids of indica rice are based on wild abortive (WA) source of cytoplasmic-genetic male sterility (CMS). Such cytoplasmic uniformity may lead to genetic vulnerability to disease and insect pests. To overcome this problem, diversification of CMS sources is essential. Crosses of 46 accessions of O. perennis and two accessions of O. rufipogon as female parents were made with two restorers (IR54, IR64) of WA cytosterility. Sterile hybrids were backcrossed with the respective recurrent parents. Of all the backcross derivatives, one line having the cytoplasm of O. perennis Acc 104823 and the nuclear background of IR64 was found to be stable for male sterility. The newly developed CMS line has been designated as IR66707A. This line is completely sterile (0% seed set) under selfed conditions. Crosses of IR66707A with 10 restorers of WA cytoplasm showed almost complete (93–100%) pollen sterility, indicating that the male sterility source of IR66707A is different from WA sterility. Southern hybridization of IR66707A, O. perennis (cytoplasmic donor), IR66707B (maintainer) and V20A (WA cytoplasm) using mitochondrial DNA specific probes (5 endonucleases × 8 probes) showed identical banding patterns between IR66707A and O. perennis. However, in more than half of the combinations, different banding patterns were observed between IR66707A and IR66707B and between IR66707A and V20A. The results suggest that IR66707A has the same cytoplasm as the donor (O. perennis), and CMS may not be caused by any major rearrangement or modification of mtDNA. The new CMS source identified will be useful in cytoplasmic diversification in hybrid rice breeding.  相似文献   

Two species in genus Oryza, O. glaberrima and O. glumaepatula, are valuable and potential sources of useful genes of interest for rice improvement. However, the hybrid sterility between O. sativa and these two species is a main reproduction barrier when transferring the favorable traits/genes to mbox{O. sativa.} To overcome it, the nature of hybrid sterility should be understood further. The objective in the report is to map a new hybrid sterility gene as a Mendelian factor from O. glaberrima and analyze the co-linear of hybrid sterility S loci mbox{between} mbox{O. glaberrima} and mbox{O. glumaepatula} via comparative mapping approach. A BC2F2 population, derived from a single semi-sterility plant of BC2F1 of WAB56-104/ WAB450-11-1-2-P41-HB (WAB450-6) //WAB56-104///WAB56-104 was employed to map this pollen killer in O. glaberrima since WAB450-6 is a progeny of interspecific hybrid between O. sativa and O. glaberrima. A new pollen killer locus, S29(t) in O. glaberrima, was identified and mapped to interval between SSR marker RM7033 (1.1 cM) and RM7562 (1.3 cM) on rice chromosome 2. Comparative mapping indicated that S29(t) closely corresponded to S22 which is also a pollen killer gene in O. glumaepatula and is tightly linked with RFLP marker S910 on the short arm of rice chromosome 2. The good co-linear between S29(t) and S22 implied that there might exist common (orthologous) hybrid sterility loci controlled the reproduction barrier among AA genome species of genus Oryza, which will contribute significantly to our understanding of speciation and operation of hybrid sterility between O. sativa and its AA genome relatives.  相似文献   

Summary Nuclear and cytoplasmic factors affect tissue culture response in wheat (Triticum aestivum), and cytoplasmic male sterility may enhance callus initiation in anther culture. Three wheat nuclear genotypes, each in normal and two alien cytoplasms conferring cytoplasmic male sterility, were evaluated for callus initiation frequency in anther culture. Nuclear genotype had the greatest effect on callus initiation, but cytoplasm and nucleus X cytoplasm interaction also produced significant effects. The nuclear genotype of Chris outperformed Butte and Coteau in all cytoplasms. Ordinary wheat and Triticum timopheevi cytoplasms outperformed Aegilops speltoides cytoplasm. Cytoplasmic male sterility did not increase callus initiation. This suggests manipulating the nuclear genotype is the best strategy for improving the capacity of wheat to initiate callus in anther culture.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we developed male sterile lines of Japanese bunching onion (Allium fistulosum L.) possessing the cytoplasm of a wild species, A. galanthum Kar. et Kir., by backcrossing. To evaluate seed productivity of the male sterile lines in practise, they were crossed with the male fertile line, cultivar 'Kujyo', using honeybees as pollinators under field conditions. The number of florets and seeds per inflorescence, seed set and seed germination of the material were investigated. Although variation was observed among the male sterile lines, there were several lines having seed productivity equal to cultivar 'Kujyo'. Our data demonstrate that the male sterile lines of A. fistulosum possessing the cytoplasm of A. galanthum are useful as seed parents for the commercial F seed production of A. fistulosum.  相似文献   

H. Ahokas 《Euphytica》1979,28(2):409-419
Summary 58 varieties, strains or mutants of barley were tested in the msml cytoplasm in Finland, location ca. 61 N. Three (5%) were found to be partial restorers, the rest being maintainers of sterility. 31 Israeli strains of wild barley (ssp. spontaneum) were tested. About one third were maintainers of sterility, the majority partial restorers, and two strains were full restorers. There is probably polymorphism of the restorer gene in Israeli wild barley. Partial restoration displays an environmental response. The physiology of partial restoration is discussed.  相似文献   

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