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文章从地理条件、土地资源、产业基础、市场需求、预期成效等5个方面分析了洗溪镇发展中药材黄柏的优势。针对缺少管理、缺少标准化技术规程和技术人才、缺少品牌、缺少深加工企业等现实情况,提出了发展黄柏产业的对策和建议,为加快发展洗溪黄柏产业,促进当地精准脱贫提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对甘肃省榛子(Corylus heterophlla Fisch)生产现状、发展优势及存在问题的分析,提出加快甘肃省产业发展的对策,包括提高认识,加宣传、提高认识,加快良种繁育,建立标准化示范园等,从而促进榛子产业的持续、健康发展,增加农民经济收入。  相似文献   

禹州市位于河南省中部,地处暖温带,地带性植被为落叶阔叶林,其中优势科为乔本科、蔷薇科、榆科、杨柳科、豆科、木犀科等。禹州素有"药都"之称,在历史上就是全国中药材集散地,现在占地300亩的禹州中华药城是全国十七家药材专业市场之一,也是河南省唯一的国家级中药材专业市场。近年来,禹州市委、市政府把中药材的生产作为发展区域经济和富民强市的重要措施,确立了中药业的主导产业地位。目前,全市中药材种植面积已达32.5万亩,  相似文献   

依据国家有关部门制定与发布的中药材生产质量管理规范(GAP)为指导原则,结合课题组试验研究成果和当地实践,参考有关科技成果和资料,经过近几年试验研究,初步总结出连翘GAP规范化栽培技术。从保证中药材连翘质量出发,规范了连翘各生产环节和生产全过程,为促进连翘种植标准化、规范化、现代化提供有益的资料。  相似文献   

泽州县早在上世纪八九十年代就成为全国山楂生产基地。山楂不仅是经济林树种,还是一种常用中药材,经济价值较高。介绍了泽州县发展山楂的历史、目前存在问题以及加快发展的措施。  相似文献   

截至2019年6月止,淳安县现有中药材种植面积8 360 hm~2,发展势头足,主要有黄精、覆盆子、山茱萸、前胡、栀子、重楼、三叶青等,其药效佳、品质好,现阶段中药材产业链已初步形成。淳安县林下中药材发展具有政府扶持力度大、自然环境优越、中药材交易市场成熟等优势,主要存在的问题有品牌效应不强、科技创新不够等。本文提出了以坚持绿色发展理念为根本、加快林下中药材领域创新、加快培育"淳"字号中药材品牌等对策来促进淳安县林下中药材产业的发展。  相似文献   

云南德宏、临沧天然橡胶产业现状与发展意见   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对云南德宏、临沧地区天然橡胶产业的深入调研,分析了民营橡胶快速发展和国营农场体制改革、"属地"管理后天然橡胶产业发展中管理和技术层面存在的问题,提出了加快建立农民橡胶专业生产合作社和建立、完善区域天然橡胶产业技术支撑体系的发展意见。  相似文献   

柴达木枸杞标准化生产经营模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕嘉 《防护林科技》2012,(2):106-108,110
文章探讨了柴达木地区发展枸杞专业合作社的意义,分析枸杞生产经营管理上存在的问题,提出以枸杞专业合作社为纽带的标准化生产经营模式、建设思路及其对策建议。  相似文献   

德阳市由于特殊的地理位置和气候因素决定了德阳是中药材生长的宝地,德阳市自古以来就有将野生中药材引种、驯化的历史和习惯,近年来,德阳市中药材规模化种植规模越来越大,截止2015年底止,德阳市中药材栽植面积19 262 hm~2,其中:黄柏、杜仲、厚朴"三木药材"4 882 hm~2、丹参3 238 hm~2、其他中药材3 436 hm~2,产量81 180 t,产值10.52亿元(含中药材初加工收入),平均产值8.1万元·hm~(-2),全市农民人均在中药材种植上收入297元,由此可见,中药材种植为德阳市的经济社会发展做出了一定贡献,对广大农民群众脱贫致富具有十分显著的作用。但是,德阳市中药材发展还很不平衡,还存在诸多问题亟待解决。本文深入调查分析,提出了科学制定发展规划、建立资金投入机制、加强服务体系建设、加快经营主体培育、加强技术人员培训的对策建议,以期对政府制定德阳市中药材种植产业可持续发展有所启迪。  相似文献   

指出了古登乡以调整林业产业结构、转变发展方式为主线,以促进农民增收、改善林农生活为目标,大力发展特色林下中药材产业,大力推进专业合作组织和市场流通体系建设,加强科技服务、政策扶持和监督管理,促进林业经济向集约化、规模化、标准化和产业化发展,确保了经济建设与生态建设同步推进、经济效益与生态效益同步提高、产业竞争力与生态竞争力同步提升。  相似文献   

湘南丘陵区林下间种作物生产量与泥沙流失量的关系研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对湘南丘陵区林下间种农作物和泥沙量的定位测定研究,分别对林下间种的花生、油菜的覆盖度与输沙率和花生、油菜各组成部分的生产量与泥沙量的关系进行了探讨,并建立了林下间种花生、油菜覆盖度的动态变化与输沙率的关系式和花生,油菜各种组成部分生产量对泥沙流失量影响的关系式。  相似文献   

花卉栽培与采后技术研究的进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综述了近年来世界花卉栽培管理技术、采后生理和采后技术研究方面的最新进展。为降低劳动力消耗和提高生产管理效率,人们发明了大量的自动化生产机械,并在深入研究花卉生长发育机制的基础上,开发出一些自动化和智能化的生产管理系统,这已经成为花卉生产研究的一个热点。随着花卉业的发展和人们环保意识的增强,花卉垃圾的处理也成为花卉生产者的一项重要工作。  相似文献   

The polyphagous predator Dicyphus tamaninii is widely used in IPM programs on horticultural crops in the Mediterranean basin, where it is commonly found in natural populations. The development of a mass-rearing protocol is necessary to ensure the permanent availability of this predator for potential introductions into crops. Introductions occur mainly in those periods of the year when the predator is not present in enough quantities to spontaneously colonize the crops, as well as to guarantee its presence in IPM horticultural crops. The effects of two different adult ages and three densities (number of individuals/cage) on mortality and production of D. tamaninii were evaluated in order to develop a mass-rearing protocol. The adult age had an effect on mortality but did not affect the final production (number of adults + nymphs/female/day). On the contrary, the increased number of adults in the cages had a strong increasing effect on mortality while reducing final production. These results are of highly important for the development of a mass-rearing protocol for this natural enemy.  相似文献   

The agroforestry garden system in Maninjau in West Sumatra is characterized by an intensive integration of forest species and commercial crops, forming a forest-like system. The intimate association of different species provides both subsistence and commercial products which supplement rice production. This complex agroforest is managed by the combination between cultural practices and respect of natural processes of vegetation production and reproduction. It represents a profitable production system and constitutes an efficient buffer between villages and protected forest. It is a good model of association between integration of forest resources and cultivation of cash crops in the form of a sustainable and flexible system.  相似文献   

Gum arabic production in Sudan has developed over the years in a well-established traditional bush-fallow system in which the gum tree (Acacia senegal) is rotated with annual crops. Following the Sahel drought, the gum area has suffered from deforestation and gum production has declined. Several programs have been developed to stimulate gum production; however, many original adopters have disadopted gum production and the bush-fallow system. In this paper we apply a logit model to study the decision-making behavior of farmers in west Sudan and to identify the socio-economic factors influencing disadoption of gum production and gum agroforestry system. Variables that measure farmer’s wealth were found significant in explaining the disadoption behavior. Off-farm work was also found to positively influence the disadoption decision. Results show that a higher level of income from annual crops decreases the probability of disadoption, which suggests that annual crops and gum production do not compete but rather complement each other within the farm household economy. Therefore, policy measures aiming to boost the production of annual crops in the region might reduce seasonal labor migration and accordingly stimulate gum production.
Afaf H. RahimEmail:

农田防护林对农作物增产的试验与简析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对试验地农田防护林网内玉米的产量和质量进行了全方位的测定和分析,比较了防护效益的大小,找出了最佳防护区域及农作物产量、品质的变化规律。  相似文献   

山区土地资源优化配置的主体核心是确定各种农作物、林果、牧草资源的占地比例及规模。装水镇土地资源优化配置利用方向,在于建设发展以板栗、苹果为主的林果生产基地,畜牧养殖业在于发展以消耗饲草为主的大牲畜(主要是牛)和山羊,另外,种植在5级地上的粮食作物,应以旱作为主。  相似文献   

Farmers in the highlands of Ethiopia often plant Eucalyptus on their farmlands. However, growing Eucalyptus, especially on farm- lands suitable for crop production has become a great concern due to its alleged long-term site effects. Our study was conducted at Koga water- shed, Mecha District, northwestern Ethiopia to investigate whether crop- lands afforested with Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. can be restored for annual crop production after tree harvest. We compared growth and yield of two agricultural crops, barley (Hordeum vulgate L.) and finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.), grown in clear-felled stands of E. camaldulensis and continuously cultivated croplands at twelve paired farmlands under a conventional farming system. Plant height and dry matter production were evaluated as indices of crop growth, while grain weight was evaluated as an index of crop yield. Crop growth and yield measurements averaged over all farmlands differed between land-use types. For both crops, plants grown on clear-felled stands were taller than on croplands. Dry matter production and yield were also significantly greater in crops cultivated on clear-felled stands. Cropland aboveground and belowground dry matter productions were lower by 31.8 and 25.4% for barley and 32.8% and 37% for finger millet, respectively. Clear-felled stands gave an average yield of 2.91 t.ha-1 for barley and 3.27 t.ha-1 for finger millet while cropland gave a yield of 1.97 and 2.31 t.ha-1 for barley and finger millet, respectively. Farmers also responded that farm plots on former eucalypt plantations showed greater crop growth and yield thandid continuously cultivated croplands. Farmers perceived that Eucalyptus plantations improved soil fertility and they preferred clear-felled stands for crop production and wished to plant Eucalyptus on their farmlands. Our results suggest that conversion of agricultural lands to Eucalyptus plantations can increase post-felling yields of cereal crops.  相似文献   

Land use was examined in three settlements – Pedro Peixoto in Acre and Theobroma in Rondonia, Brazil, and Pucallpa, in Peru. Research aimed at characterizing the differences in land use after initial slash-and-burn, and presenting hypotheses to assess the feasibility of improved land uses. Settlers in the Amazon practice slash-and-burn agriculture in forest lands to produce annual crops. After cropping, lands are converted to pasture, or planted with perennial crops, or fallowed in anticipation of future annual crop production. Land use after slash-and-burn cultivation in forest lands differed among the colonies examined. Whereas colonists in Pedro Peixoto converted lands to pasture for cattle production, settlers in Theobroma adopted a strategy encompassing both dual-purpose (milk and meat) cattle and perennial crop production. The more heterogeneous settlers in Pucallpa, who included small-scale cattle ranchers and riverine and forest slash-and-burn farmers, gave more importance to perennial crops. Hypotheses are suggested regarding the described land use differences, and implications for the adoption of agroforestry are discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

As demand for energy increases in the United States, alternative energy sources are being sought both domestically and abroad. Biofuels have been promoted as a major source of alternative energy, but sustainable supply of biomass still remains a major challenge. Agroforestry offers a potential way to integrate perennial woody bioenergy crops with traditional agricultural crops to satisfy energy demands without sacrificing food production in the North Central Region of the United States. We suggest shelterbelts, alley cropping and working riparian buffer strips as ideal candidates for biomass production in agroforestry settings in this region. In addition to satisfying domestic energy demands, these systems could also potentially increase water quality, sequester carbon, improve aesthetics, and provide critical wildlife habitat. However, obstacles to implementing agroforestry systems for biomass production, such as a competitive price structure and stable markets, must be overcome before large-scale adoption by landowners.  相似文献   

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