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In an attempt to validate the use of urinary creatinine concentration as an index of urinary flow rate, a series of timed quantitative urine collections were done on several groups of weanling and yearling ponies and Thoroughbreds. A total of 411 urine samples were generated by 19 ponies and 12 Thoroughbreds. Urinary flow rates and urinary creatinine concentrations were measured. When all the data were examined, urinary flow rates were independent of creatinine concentrations. However, for any given animal, daily urinary creatinine excretion was constant over several days, and urinary creatinine concentrations were related to urinary flow rates in a negative curvilinear fashion. Urinary flow rates in young horses can be estimated from urinary creatinine concentrations, but separate curves relating the 2 variables must first be derived for each animal.  相似文献   

Leptospirosis and embryo recovery rate in mares   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Xylazine given IV at doses of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 mg/kg to mares caused a significant (P less than 0.05) dose-related increase in serum glucose concentration and urine volume. Serum glucose concentrations as much as 150 mg/dl were recorded in mares after they were given the largest xylazine dose. The greatest urine volume, similar to changes in peak glucose concentration, always occurred during the first hour after dosing with xylazine and averaged 1.82, 3.93, and 5.68 ml/kg/hour after the 0.5-, 1.0-, and 1.5-mg/kg doses, respectively, were given. Urine osmolality and specific gravity were significantly (P less than 0.05) inversely related to urine volume. Although serum glucose concentrations were significantly increased above those measured after IV injection of saline solution, significant glucosuria was not detected.  相似文献   

The urethral fold of 30 mares was split transversely into dorsal and ventral shelves, and the ventral shelf was used to help create a urethral extension. The dorsal shelf was stretched caudally and sutured to the roof of the extension so that it covered at least the cranial half of the extension. For 20 mares, a relaxing, vaginal incision was created cranial to the external urethral orifice to enable the dorsal shelf to be retracted further caudally. Ten of the 30 mares (33.3 per cent) developed a defect, but none developed a defect in that portion covered by the dorsal shelf of the urethral fold. Two of the 30 mares (6.7 per cent) developed a defect so small that the defect could be detected only by inserting a dye, under pressure, into the tunnel. The total number of mares that developed only a grossly visible and palpable defect was eight of 30 (26.6 per cent). Four of the 10 mares that did not receive the relief incision and six of 20 mares that did receive the relief incision developed a defect in the extension. Modifying the McKinnon technique by transversely splitting the urethral fold and retracting the dorsal half helps prevent a defect from forming in the cranial portion of the extension. The dorsal shelf can be retracted further caudally by creating a relief incision on the floor of the vagina.  相似文献   

The effects of pre-ovulatory and post ovulatory insemination on pregnancy rate and embryonic-loss rate were studied in 268 mares in two experiments. Within each experiment mares were randomised within replicates as follows: to be inseminated on the day the pre-ovulatory follicle reached 35 mm (pre-ovulatory group), to be inseminated on the day of ovulation (Day 0 group), and to be inseminated on the day after ovulation (Day 1 group). Ultrasonic pregnancy diagnoses were performed on Days 11, 12, 13 and 14 (Experiment 1) and Days 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20 and 40 (Experiment 2). Combined for the two experiments, pregnancy rates were different (P less than 0.01) among the three groups. For Experiment 2, pregnancy rate within the pre-ovulatory group was lower (P less than 0.05) for insemination 4 days or more before ovulation than for up to 3 days before ovulation. Pregnancy rate was lower (P less than 0.05) for the Day 0 group than for the pre-ovulatory group inseminated up to 3 days before ovulation. In Experiment 2, ovulation was detected by examinations every 6 h; pregnancy rate was greater (P less than 0.05) for mares inseminated 0 to 6 h after ovulation than for mares inseminated at 18 to 24 h. No pregnancies occurred when mares were inseminated 30 h or more after ovulation. The mean day of first detection of the embryonic vesicle was different (P less than 0.0001) among the three groups. Diameter of embryonic vesicle averaged over Days 11 to 15 also differed (P less than 0.0001) among groups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A surgical technique involving reconstruction of the caudal vaginal vault was used to correct vesicovaginal reflux in 32 of 34 mares. After surgery, 22 of 24 mares became pregnant, and embryos were harvested for transfer from 6 of the other 10 mares. It was concluded that the procedure was safe and efficacious.  相似文献   

Serum and urinary phenylbutazone (PBZ) concentrations were measured for eight Thoroughbred mares following four daily oral doses and one IV dose of PBZ per mare. Urine flow was estimated from urinary creatinine concentration. The serum PBZ concentration significantly correlated with the urinary concentration, but only about half of the variation in serum PBZ concentrations was explained by the linear relationship with urinary PBZ concentration (R2=0.48). Correlation of serum PBZ concentration with urinary PBZ excretion, which was estimated using urinary creatinine concentration, over half of the variation in serum PBZ concentrations: (R2=0.60).  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were 1) to compare pregnancy rates resulting from 2 methods of insemination using low sperm numbers and 2) to compare pregnancy rates resulting from hysteroscopic insemination of 5 x 106 nonsorted and 5 x 106 spermatozoa sorted for X- and Y-chromosome-bearing populations (flow sorted). Semen was collected with an artificial vagina from 2 stallions of known acceptable fertility. Oestrus was synchronised (June to July) in 40 mares, age 3-10 years, by administering 10 ml altrenogest orally for 10 consecutive days, followed by 250 microg cloprostenol i.m. on Day 11. All mares were given 3000 iu hCG i.v. at the time of insemination to induce ovulation. Mares were assigned randomly to 1 of 3 treatment groups: mares in Treatment 1 (n = 10) were inseminated with 5 x 10(6) spermatozoa deposited deep into the uterine horn with the aid of ultrasonography. Mares in Treatment 2 (n = 10) were inseminated with 5 x 10(6) spermatozoa deposited onto the uterotubal junction papilla via hysteroscopic insemination. Mares in Treatment 3 (n = 20) were inseminated using the hysteroscopic technique with 5 x 10(6) flow sorted spermatozoa. Spermatozoa were stained with Hoechst 33342 and sorted into X- and Y-chromosome-bearing populations based on DNA content using an SX MoFlo sperm sorter. Pregnancy was determined ultrasonographically at 16 days postovulation. Hysteroscopic insemination resulted in more pregnancies (5/10 = 50%) than did the ultrasound-guided technique (0/10 = 0%; P<0.05) when nonsorted sperm were inseminated. Pregnancy rates were not significantly lower (P>0.05) when hysteroscopic insemination was used for sorted (5/20 = 25%) and nonsorted spermatozoa (5/10 = 50%). Therefore, hysteroscopic insemination of low numbers of flow sorted stallion spermatozoa resulted in reasonable pregnancy rates.  相似文献   

This report describes two mares with hydrallantois. One mare spontaneously entered labor, while the other had labor induced. Uterine inertia necessitated that delivery be assisted in both mares. After delivery, each mare went into hypovolemic shock. One mare survived and the other had to be euthanatized due to rupture of the ventral abdominal musculature with inguinal herniation. The occurrence, diagnosis, treatment and outcome of hydrallantois in the mare are discussed.  相似文献   

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