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Veterinarians and private animal welfare workers both work for the importance of animal welfare in our society. Although both work for a common cause, co-operation and communication between the veterinary administration and animal welfare members is often difficult. This paper will demonstrate the cause of problems between the two bodies and the benefits of co-operation will be assessed. Strategies to optimise the co-operation between the veterinary administration and animal rights organisations will be described using the local district Kleve as an example. Experiences with the animal welfare societies in this region will be illustrated with the aim to show the important supporting possibilities of the animal rights organisations to back the official authorities activities. Also the need to encourage the partly disappointing co-operation between these two bodies with the exchange of information would be beneficial for both bodies.  相似文献   

A potential BSE risk for milk and milk products has to be evaluated by means of risk analysis, especially risk assessment. The 3rd element of risk assessment--hazard exposition--is of decisive significance. In 1997, the Scientific Steering Committee of the European Commission has categorized risk materials in 4 classes. Colostrum, milk and tissues of the mammary gland have been classified in category 4, i.e. "infectivity not detected". A secondary contamination of the milk can be excluded (living animals). However, the term "not detected" refers also to the low sensitivity of the mouse test, which has to be taken into consideration. Therefore, in 2000 investigations started in Great Britain to test milk fractions, especially the fraction of somatic cells, for the possible occurrence of prions, using newly developed and highly sensitive methods. Results can not be expected before 2003 at the earliest. In case prions would be detected, their biological activity has to be demonstrated in order to develop an appropriate risk assessment for the consumer. Investigations in Great Britain in the early nineties of the last century with suckling cows under practical conditions have shown no indications of a BSE transfer via the milk to the calves. Therefore, the statement of national and international organizations is still valid, that milk can be regarded safe according to the present state of scientific knowledge.  相似文献   

Based on conference reports, publications, and personal experiences in the field of veterinary environmental hygiene in Germany and abroad, the question is discussed whether the subjects environmental and animal hygiene have to be considered as indispensable subjects for the curricula in veterinary education or only play a secondary role as a fringe area of veterinary medicine. The analysis and evaluation of the relevant literature have shown that this subject has gained an extraordinary significance for science and practice during the last 4-5 decades. Due to its close interconnections with related fields of science like agriculture, human medicine, biology, ecology, engineering sciences and economics the veterinary environmental and animal hygiene has reached such a high standing that it is now an indispensable component of veterinary education in Germany.  相似文献   

Livestock provide a wide variety of goods and services that generate income and support the livelihoods of millions of poor people in the developing world. Natural and human selections have shaped existing livestock genotypes throughout the estimated 12,000 year history since the first animal domestication. The result, in many production systems in the developing world, is a livestock genotype adapted to its environment and capable of meeting the needs of smallholder farmers. However, this adaptation is unlikely to be optimal and the rapid changes currently affecting the livestock sector, including policy and market changes, movements of germplasm frequently involving the importation of exotic breeds, and the increasing impacts of climate change are affecting the livestock genotype-environment optimum. This is challenging livestock production systems of smallholder farmers. Current challenges include: high rates of loss of the diversity in livestock populations, rapid transformation in smallholder production systems requiring significant changes in genotypes and their management; increased demand for quality and safe foods; increased market competition in a globalizing economy; increased need for complex partnership arrangements in the ever-changing livestock commodity chain; and lack of adaptive capacity to respond to the rapid system changes. Underlying all these is the general lack of strategies for genetic improvement of livestock in smallholder systems and poor livestock infrastructure in developing countries. Opportunities include increased demand for livestock products — and hence potential market opportunities, and new technologies with potential to leap-frog breeding progress in developing countries. This paper analyses options for pro-poor livestock improvement in developing countries, with particular emphasis on the potential role that science – both old and new – will have, from understanding the social underpinnings to innovative technical solutions. It concludes that one of the highest priority interventions for the smallholder systems is the development of innovative approaches for the strategic use of appropriate genotypes from the available range of global breed resources. The analysis strongly suggests that the highest priority ‘breeding intervention’ should be the provision of appropriate genotypes in a sustainable manner, underpinned by a good understanding of what breed resources exist that have demonstrated potential, where else they could be used, and how they would be delivered to smallholders. Efforts to improve/refine breeding skills of smallholders should proceed in parallel. Institutional arrangements and enabling policies are critical for the success in identifying and applying appropriate genetic technologies, improving access to input services and facilitating access to markets in order to translate productivity gains into incomes.  相似文献   

Animal welfare is of increasing importance in livestock production and consumption debates. However, discordance exists between citizens' and farmers' perception of animal welfare. Since the search for, and the realization of improvements towards farm animal welfare is strongly driven by citizen expectations, it is of utmost importance to better understand this perceptual discordance. A quantitative study was done in Flanders, Belgium during 2006, including citizens as well as farmers, to obtain a detailed insight in the way the multi-dimensional concept of farm animal welfare is valued. This allowed to discriminate between issues of agreement and disagreement. In general, a similar interpretation of farm animal welfare in terms of animal welfare related aspect's ranking was found. Differences were mainly related to aspects dealing with the ability to engage in natural behaviour on the one hand and with production process-related aspects on the other hand. Citizens evaluate the current state of animal welfare as rather problematic, while farmers report a more satisfactory evaluation of the present condition of farm animal welfare. Especially differing opinions regarding the ability to engage in natural behaviour, together with aspects related to pain, stress and the availability of space seem to contribute to the discordance between farmers and citizens in terms of evaluative beliefs.  相似文献   

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