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养殖鱼类体色改良研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要概括了影响鱼类体色的因素、养殖鱼类体色改良的方法,希望给养殖鱼类体色改良研究提供参考。  相似文献   

沈志刚 《齐鲁渔业》2009,(10):55-57
鱼类在不同的生态及生理条件下会呈现不同的颜色,并且在自然界中都会呈现自己特定的体色。鱼体真皮层中含有4种色素细胞:黑色素细胞、黄色素细胞、红色素细胞及鸟粪素细胞。前3种色素细胞内的色素颗粒在神经及体液调节下,产生位移或数量的增减,及色素细胞数量的变化,加上鸟粪素细胞的特殊反光作用,使鱼体呈现不同的颜色。  相似文献   

综述了海水养殖鱼类消化酶活性研究的以下三方面:(1)消化酶活性的研究,内容包括消化酶的活性分布,温度、pH、外界环境及季节变化对消化酶活性的影响;(2)不同生长阶段消化酶活性的变化,内容包括与仔鱼生长发育相对应的消化酶形成的时间,稚鱼、幼鱼在生长进程中,消化酶的变化规律;(3)鱼类的食物组成对消化酶活性的影响,内容包括饲料的种类和性质,以及饲料不同成分对鱼类消化酶的分泌、活性的影响,进而对饲料利用率的影响。本本对海水养殖鱼类消化酶的活性进行了较为系统的综述,为海水养殖鱼类饲料的开发提供参考数据。  相似文献   

以动物福利和人类福利的关联性为出发点,探讨我国水产养殖产业的潜在升级驱动力,目标是探索从终端品质倒推我国水产养殖产业从量到质升级的切实可行性。本文以养殖鱼类为焦点,从动物福利视角探索我国水产品形象与品质的提升空间,从以下几个方面进行了系统回顾。第一,基于对陆生脊椎动物福利的五项自由原则和三大范畴的系统回顾,对比动物福利在家畜家禽业的研究发展历程,对鱼类福利的发展历程与现状进行了脉络梳理;第二,针对鱼类福利的量化评估问题,从生理应激、行为应激以及心理应激三大应激响应机制,对与鱼类福利评价体系相关的研究进展进行了回顾,重点针对评价指标及评价方法进行了归纳总结;第三,针对养殖鱼类产业,重点对养殖过程、离水捕捞以及致死处置三个主要环节的鱼类福利特点及研究利用现状进行了分析讨论。最后,分析指出我国渔后动物福利存在盲区,提出了品质易逝期动物福利方案的思路。提出基于品质易逝期动物福利原则以实现锁鲜调控的展望:①为最大限度保持原料天然属性,突破“活而不鲜”的困局;②为改变初级水产品销售现状,减少渔后损失实行渔后的产业化;③为降低水产品供应链碳排放;④为实现水产动物福利等,提供一揽子解决方案的研究与实践范式。总之,科学解读渔后动物福利对于终端品质升级提供具有靶向性指导,同时通过优质产品形象为我国渔业产业赋予人文内涵。  相似文献   

主要养殖鱼类种质资源研究进展   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
李思发 《水产学报》1993,17(4):344-358
一、研究和保护鱼类种质资源的意义和迫切性 (一)从保护生物多样性谈起 为什么我国西北一些地区原来“风吹草低见牛羊”的大草原如今变成了土地贫瘠、经济落后的黄土高原?为什么原来郁郁葱葱、生意盎然的北非大森林如今变成了偶尔只闻驼铃声的撒哈拉大沙漠?为什么历史上盛产脍炙人口的大白鱼(翘嘴红鲌)的太湖如今变成了肉少刺多的毛鲚鱼的天下?这些都同生物多样性的破坏有关。  相似文献   

综合国内外研究动态,在重点分析养殖鱼类应激类型与发生机理的基础上,探讨防止应激发生和控制应激的措施,如:保持良好水质、使用抗应激和抗菌药物、开发抗氧化应激饲料、选育抗应激品种等。  相似文献   

施流章 《淡水渔业》1984,(3):43-44,F003
<正> 世界各国在积极发展淡水养殖业中,非常重视从国外引进适于本国养殖的新的养殖鱼类,驯化本国野生鱼类,深入进行杂交选育等遗传改良工作,以发展养殖生产。当前淡水养殖种类有两大类型:一是养殖浮游生物食性、植物食性和杂食性的鱼类。通常采用混养方式,以充分利用水中的天然饵料,养殖成本低,发展中国家普遍养  相似文献   

工厂化养殖鱼类疾病的发生严重影响了产业的发展,令人关注。本文论述了鱼病发生的根源,养殖环境与病原体的关系,营养与鱼类抗病力的关系以及应用免疫技术预防疾病的发生,在提高养殖技术水平的基础上,采用生态方式预防,力求达到养鱼不生病或少生病的目的。  相似文献   

鱼类生长内分泌学和鱼类养殖   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈松林 《水产学报》1992,16(1):91-100
生长率和饵料转换效率是水产养殖中两个重要的经济指标。鱼类养殖研究的主要目的之一就是用尽可能低的成本获得尽可能多的鱼产品。通过促进鱼类生长(缩短养殖周期)和提高饵料转换效率(降低饵料成本)的途径可以达此目的。而在这两个方面,内分泌学起着重要的作用。现代研究表明,鱼类的生长发育是受体内各种内分泌激素调节控制,鱼类生长的快慢与体内激素水平的高低密切相关。生长  相似文献   

Due to rapid depletion of wild stocks, the necessity to cultivate fish is eminent. Current fish farming practices seek to improve flesh quality. The notion that white muscles are the main target of the fishing industry is emphasized. A novel approach is suggested based on the development of white muscles in wild fish from eggs to adults. A compilation of facts about white muscle structure, function and ontogeny is followed by an account of the changes in swimming behaviour and performance related to the use of white muscle during growth from larva to adult. Ecological data narrate early swimming performance with white muscle development and growth, unveiling some of the important natural selection factors eliminating weak swimmers and poor growers from the breeding stock. A comparison between fish culture practise and natural conditions reveals fundamental differences. New approaches following wild breeding processes promise several important advantages regarding the quality of white muscle.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of prehandling stress on the flesh quality of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). In order to stress the animal, water was reduced in the tank before a total of 30 fish were caught five at a time using a dipnet and held for 3 min, causing stress by hypoxia. This fish was compared with a control group (n=30) of fish exposed to anaesthetics directly in the tank. All fish were killed by a percussive blow to the head and exsanguinated and stored on ice before flesh quality was measured. Immediately after death and after ice storage for 3 and 8 days, 10 fish per group were measured for muscle pH, texture, fillet gaping, colour, drip loss and cathepsin D. Handling stress resulted in an initial increased fillet lightness, drip loss and decreased fillet shear force, although these differences did level off during ice storage. Stress caused by handling resulted in earlier onset of rigour mortis as compared with the control group, which reached maximum rigour tensions within 26 and 36 h postmortem respectively. We conclude that handling before harvest results in reduced time before entering rigour. After 8 days of ice storage, no effect of handling stress was seen on the muscle pH, flesh colour, fillet shear force, gaping score, drip loss or cathepsin D activity.  相似文献   

鱼类肉品品质与肌肉组织学特性有显著的相关性,相关因素包括肌纤维直径、数量、密度等(即肌肉细胞多孔性参数)。本文综述了鱼类肉的品质与肌纤维数量、密度、胶原蛋白及肉pH等之间的一些研究状况。肌肉细胞多孔性受品种、营养状况、运动状况等多种因素影响,因此了解可能影响肌肉细胞多孔性的因素可以为实践中通过合理控制这些因素来改善鱼肉品质提供有益参考。  相似文献   

In order to test seasonal, rearing, maturing and anaerobic muscle activity effect on the flesh quality of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) a total of 80 farmed turbot from three different strains from reared under natural or continuous light were killed by a percussive blow to the head in November (winter, Icelandic strain), March (spring, Portuguese strain) and June (summer, domesticated strain (France turbot)). To test the effect of anaerobic muscle activity, 10 fish were on each occasion pre rigor filleted, where one fillet was used as a control, while the other fillet was electrically stimulated using a squared 5 Hz, 10 V pulsed DC for 3 min. All pre rigor fillets were measured for pH, weighed, wrapped in aluminum foil and stored in polystyrene boxes with ice. After 7 days of storage the fillets were measured instrumentally for pH, drip loss, colour (CIE L* a* b*) and texture properties such as hardness and shear force, while fillet shrinkage and colour (RBG) were evaluated with computer imaging on photographs from a standard lightbox. Results showed that softness of the flesh was mainly influenced by factors associated with growth, such as season, photoperiod and maturation. Anaerobic muscle activity simulated with electrical stimulation caused an increase in drip loss (<1%) and loss of shear force (<4%), but had no effect on hardness or fillet shrinkage. Computer imaging revealed that muscle contractions related to the electrical stimulus forced out blood from the fillet causing less reddishness for the entire storage period. We conclude that a pH drop upon slaughter associated with anaerobic muscle activity has a minor effect on the flesh quality in the short run, while seasonal/alternatively genetic effects are predominant.  相似文献   

不同养殖模式下红鳍东方鲀的品质比较   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
比较分析了3个地区分别代表3种不同养殖模式下的红鳍东方鲍成鱼的肌肉营养成分、风味物质含量和肌肉物理特性.结果显示:3种养殖模式下红鳍东方鲍的粗成分含量(水分、粗蛋白和粗脂肪)之间不存在显著差异(P>0.05);肌肉中检测到18种常见氨基酸,氨基酸总量平均达肌肉湿样的( 15.65%±0.95%)或肌肉干样的79.13%~83.19%;必需氨基酸总量和非必需氨基酸总量分别为32.77%~33.68%、39.06%~41.72%,3种养殖模式间均没有显著差异;鲜味氨基酸(谷氨酸、甘氨酸、丙氨酸、天冬氨酸)总量,以丹东红鳍东方鲍(DD)最高,达32.09%,显著高于大连红鳍东方鲀(DL)的29.94%和河北唐山红鳍东方鲍(HB)的29.90% (P<0.05),其中谷氨酸是所有氨基酸中含量最高的,达肌肉干重的12%以上.∑EAA/∑AA比值为40.49%~41.79%,∑EAA/∑NEAA为80.74%~85.89%,均高于FAO/WHO指出的理想模式标准;不同养殖模式对红鳍东方鲀肌肉的脂肪酸组成有显著差异,如C16:0、C20:1ω9、C22:6ω3、∑SFA;肌肉浸提液中肌苷酸(IMP)的含量是其他核苷酸降解产物的10 ~100倍,达220.75~265.03 mg/L.HB肌肉浸提液的K值显著低于DL和DD,表明HB有更长的货架时间.肌肉结构分析结果表明,HB和DD肌肉的硬度显著高于DL.红鳍东方鲍肌肉非常鲜美,营养价值很高,是很好的养殖对象;而养殖模式会影响其营养成分、风味物质的组成和含量以及肌肉的物理特性,其中池塘养殖至幼鱼后移至海上网箱养殖是相对好的一种养殖模式.  相似文献   

The study was designed to investigate the effect of four cycles of 5 weeks starvation followed by 10‐week refeeding compared with daily feeding under either natural photoperiod or continuous light (LL) regime on body composition and flesh quality in Atlantic cod in sea cages, northern Norway. The fish were sampled for body composition and flesh quality parameters at the start of the trial, twice at the end of a 10‐week feeding period and twice at the end of a 5‐week starvation period. There was effect of both feeding and light regime on growth, the two starving groups losing weight during starvation and regaining weight during refeeding, and the group under LL being heavier. But, the mean overall growth did not vary between groups. Starvation/refeeding regime resulted in higher slaughter yield, but no overall effect was seen on hepatosomatic index, water content, water holding capacity (WHC), muscle pH, hardness or flesh colour compared with control groups. Continuous light increased gutted weight and slaughter yield, lowered WHC and depressed maturation compared with fish under natural light regime. Increased growth rate resulted in softer fillets and lower muscle pH.  相似文献   

以新疆阿克苏地区的三种食用鱼黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)、鲶(Silurus spp)、黑鱼(Channa argus)为材料,对它们成体鱼肉质特性,包括pH值、滴水损失、熟肉率、肌纤维直径、肌纤维密度、肌纤维面积和肌内肌纤维与结缔组织体积比进行了测定。结果表明,黄颡鱼除滴水损失逊于鲶和黑鱼外,其它肉质特性指标均优于鲶和黑鱼,说明其肉质细嫩,食用品质相对较好。  相似文献   

杜楠  张婷婷  赵峰  张涛  庄平 《中国水产科学》2021,28(12):1621-1631
河口水域是鱼类重要的栖息生境,在渔业资源的可持续发展中占据重要地位.开展河口水域生境质量的评价研究,对了解河口水域的生境功能现状以及提供科学管理依据具有重要意义.本文对河口水域鱼类生境质量评价的研究方法及应用进展进行综述,主要集中在3个方面:(1)基于鱼类数量分布特征:通过鱼类的数量分布特征与环境因子之间的相关关系,探...  相似文献   

Growth performance and white muscle cellularity were investigated in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) (500–600 g) to determine if texture and thereby quality is affected by exercise. Three exercise regimes [low flow, 0.5 body lengths per second (BL s?1) and 1.0 BLs?1] were applied, and the experiment was run for 9 months, at which point the fish had reached around 2 kg body weight. There were no significant differences in fork length or condition factors between groups that could be attributed to the exercise treatment, but the 0.5 BL s?1 group had significantly lower body weight performance than the control group. The average specific growth rate ranged from 0.37% to 0.42% per day. Muscle fibre diameter was positively correlated with fish weight. However, there was no difference in the distribution of muscle fibre diameters between treatment groups. A texture analyser, model TA‐XT2, equipped with a Warner–Bratzler shear blade was used to measure the texture of the fillet. No correlation was found between the shear force required to cut through the sample and the muscle fibre diameter, but the shear force decreased with increasing growth rate. A tristimulus colorimeter was used to measure the colour composition of the fillet instrumentally. Red/green chromaticity (a*) was positively correlated with the shear force. It was concluded that the exercise regimes tested were insufficient to influence either growth performance or muscle growth patterns. Individual variations in fibre diameter did not influence the colour or texture of the fillet.  相似文献   

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