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Genetic diversity among 26 cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. var. sativus) accessions from five African countries [Algeria (1), Egypt (21), Ethiopia (2), Kenya (1), and Libya (1)] present in the U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS) were examined by assessing variation at 71 polymorphic random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) loci. Genetic distances (GD; simple matching coefficient) were estimated among these African accessions and a reference array (RA) of 21 accessions representative of the genetic variation in cucumber. GD among African accessions ranged between 0.41 and 0.97. GD among accessions in the reference array ranged between 0.36 and 0.88. Multivariate analysis identified three distinct groupings (1–3) of African accessions; Group 1 contained 21 accessions (Egypt, Ethiopia and Libya), Group 2 consisted of two accessions (Kenya, Algeria), and Group 3 possessed three accessions (Egypt). These groupings were distinct from each other (P > 0.001). Accessions in Group 1 differed genetically from all other accessions examined (P > 0.01), and accessions in Groups 2 and 3 were uniquely associated with several RA accessions. While GD among accessions in Group 1 ranged between 0.52 and 0.90, distances among Group 2 accessions varied between 0.93 and 0.97. The GD between the two accessions in Group 3 was 0.65. An accession from Syria (PI 181874) and from one Turkey (PI 199383) were genetically more similar to accessions in Group 1 than to other accessions in the RA. Likewise, accessions in Group 2 were genetically similar to two RA accessions from China and a European glasshouse cucumber line, and Group 3 accessions showed genetic affinities with the U.S. market class cultivar Dasher II. Data suggest that some Egyptian accessions (Group 1) possess unique genetic variation, that this germplasm has potential for broadening the genetic base of commerical cucumber, and that further collection of African germplasm is likely to enhance genetic diversity of cucumber in NPGS.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity among 67 melon (C. melo L.) cultivars from five Japanese seed companies was assessed using 25 10-mer RAPD primers (56 bands) and nine SSR (36 alleles) markers. These cultivars belong to three horticultural varieties (synom. Groups) spanning eight melon market classes: Group Cantalupensis (market classes Earl’s, House, Galia, Charentais, and Ogen), Group Inodorus [Honeydew and Casaba melons (market classes Amarillo, Piel de Sapo, Rochet, Negro, Crenshaw, and Tendral)], and Group Conomon (market class Oriental). Genetic variation among these cultivars was compared to variation in a reference array (RA) consisting of 34 selected melon accessions from previous studies. Cluster analysis resulted in 11 of 15 Japanese Oriental accessions forming a group with South African RA accessions. The remaining Group Conomon Japanese accessions grouped either with Casaba or with Honeydew cultivars. Japanese Group Conomon accessions and South African RA accessions formed a genetic group that was distinct from all other accessions studied, and suggests either an Asiatic origin for the South African melon germplasm examined or an independent domestication involving similar ancestors. The majority of Japanese House and Earl market class accessions shared genetic affinities, and were genetically different from the Japanese Group Inodorus accessions examined. These Japanese accessions were most similar to Casaba RA accessions. Japanese Galia accessions were similar to either House and Earl’s market classes or to Galia, Ogen, Casaba, and Honeydew RA accessions. Genetic differences exist between melon types that were domesticated from wild, ‘free-living’ subspecies agrestis and from melo. Mention of trade name, proprietary products, or specific equipment does not costitute a guarantee or warranty by the USDHA and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may be suitable.  相似文献   

The morphological variation and the systematical status of 28 traditional melon including two ancient varieties collected from different geographical and bioclimatic areas of Tunisia were assessed based on 34 qualitative and quantitative traits. Yellow Canary was used as a reference variety. Significant differences among accessions within and among sites of collection were revealed for the majority of traits. The accessions from the Sahel were more polymorphic than those from Tozeur’s oasis. However, the classification of the local accessions according to Munger and Robinson’s varietal groups did not allow clear segregation of several of them because of their high heterogeneity. The principal component analysis (PCA) performed on all measured traits, allowed a distinction among the introduced varieties clustered according to their varietal group, and the local accessions grouped separately according to their geographical origin and bioclimatic zone. Mahalanobis distances among PCA’s groups were significant. The correlation found between Mahalanobis distance matrix and geographical distance matrix among origins corroborated isolation per distance. Conservation strategies should be made appropriately according to origins. Accessions from the Sahel showing the highest polymorphism within and among sites of collection should be firstly preserved.  相似文献   

Isozyme and restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) have been applied to studies of genetic relationships and germplasm management in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). However, isozymes identify relatively few polymorphisms, and RFLPs are technically complex, expensive, and not compatible for the high through-put required for rigorous assessment of this narrow-based germplasm. Since random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers do not manifest such shortcomings, a study was conducted in cucumber to examine genetic relationships in diverse germplasm, assess the usefulness of RAPD markers in distinguishing elite accessions, and compare the relative effectiveness of RAPD markers to that of isozyme and RFLP markers. One hundred and eighteen C. sativus accessions were analyzed using variation at 71 RAPD loci (44 mapped and 27 unmapped). Genetic distances among accessions were estimated using the simple matching coefficient complement, and analyzed using multi-dimensional scaling. Each accession had a unique marker profile, indicating that RAPD analysis was useful in genotypic differentiation. Germplasm grouping patterns were consistent with individual accession origins, theoretical dispersal routes and discriminating morphological characters (i.e., sex expression and fruit length to diameter ratio). Although elite accessions were discriminated by RAPD profiling, their genetic distances were relatively small (between 0.01 and 0.58), indicating limited genetic diversity in this germplasm array. Assessment of a subset of the germplasm array using RAPDs resulted in genetic distance measurements more similar to published genetic distance estimates by RFLP markers (Spearman rank correlation, rs = 0.7–0.8) than estimates by isozyme markers (rs = 0.4). Data indicate that RAPD markers have utility for analysis of genetic diversity and germplasm management in cucumber.  相似文献   

A large collection of melon (Cucumis melo L.) germplasm has been established at the Section of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Bari University (Italy). In the present work, data regarding the variation of 20 bio-agronomical traits recorded on entries and landraces collected in Albania and Apulia region (Southern Italy) are reported. The main objective of the study was to assess and describe, by means of univariate and multivariate analyses, the genetic diversity in the collection composed by genotypes classified in the Inodorus and Cantalupensis groups. The results obtained showed a large variation for all the traits examined. Furthermore, it was possible to identify valuable genotypes for future breeding programmes aimed at improving melon traits, particularly for the Inodorus group, which is an important crop in many Southern Italian sites. Genotypes of interest were especially selected for earliness and lateness, fruit shape, soluble solids content, storage time and fruit firmness.  相似文献   

甜瓜株型性状的遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确了甜瓜(Cucumis melo L.)主要株型性状的遗传模型与基因的作用方式,并估测了主基因遗传效应与遗传力,本研究以网纹甜瓜RE-19(Cucumis melo var.cantalupensis Naudin)和哈密瓜AM-5(Cucumis melo var.ameri Pangalo)为亲本,构建4世代群体(P1、P2、F1和F2),对甜瓜4个株型性状采用植物数量性状主基因+多基因混合遗传模型分析法进行了遗传分析。结果表明,节间长和侧枝长遗传符合E-2模型,即两对加性-显性主基因+加性-显性多基因模型,主茎直径遗传符合E-1模型,即两对加性-显性-上位性主基因+加性-显性多基因遗传模型,叶面积遗传符合C-0模型,即加性-显性-上位性多基因遗传模型。节间长、侧枝长和主茎直径的主基因遗传率分别为75.03%、54.86%和42.83%。节间长、侧枝长、主茎直径和叶面积的多基因遗传率分别为2.68%、6.41%、2.1%和55.47%。4个性状遗传变异平均值分别占其表型变异的77.68%、61.06%、50.25%和55.47%,表明甜瓜株型相关的4个性状主要受遗传因子控制,且甜瓜节间长与侧枝长主基因遗传力较高,主茎直径主基因遗传力较低,而叶面积受多基因控制,无主效基因。因此,在甜瓜株型育种中,在早期世代进行节间长与侧枝长的选择是有效的,而对主茎直径和叶面积的选择,宜在高代进行选择。本研究为甜瓜的株型改良育种提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is a traditional oil crop cultivated throughout South East Asia. To estimate the genetic diversity of this crop in parts at the region, 22 sesame accessions collected in Vietnam and Cambodia were analyzed using 10 RAPD markers. The 10 primers generated 107 amplification products of which 88 were polymorphic fragments (83%). Genetic diversity of all populations was Ht = 0.34 when estimated by Nei’s genetic diversity and species diversity was H′sp = 0.513 when estimated by Shannon diversity index. Genetic distance ranged from 0.03 to 0.43, with a mean genetic distance of 0.23. The unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA) cluster analysis for the 22 accessions divided the material in four groups. The dendrogram revealed a clear division among the sesame accessions based on their geographical region. Interestingly, some geographically distant accessions clustered in the same group, which might indicate the human factor involved in the spreading of sesame varieties. The high level of polymorphism shown suggests that RAPD techniques can also be useful for the selection of parents in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) breeding program and for cultivar differentiation.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. var. sativus) accessions from China was assessed by examining variation at 21 polymorphic isozyme loci. One hundred and forty-six Chinese accessions acquired by the U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS) before 1994 were compared to 67 recently collected Chinese accessions. Of the 67, 39 were collected during a 1994 U.S.–China expedition and 28 were donated in 1996. Isozymic profiles of all of these Chinese accessions were also compared with 853 previously examined NPGS cucumber accessions. Principal component analysis of allele frequencies identified two distinct groups of Chinese accessions: one containing accessions collected in 1994 (Group 1) and the other containing accessions received by NPGS in 1996 (Group 2) (P<0.01). Variation at Gpi, Gr, Mdh-2, Mpi-2, Pep-gl and Pep-la was important in the detection of this difference. Isozymic variation in U.S. NPGS accessions of Chinese origin acquired before 1994 differed significantly (P<0.01) from those collected during 1994 and those received in 1996. Eleven loci (Fdp-1, Gpi, Gr, Idh, Mpi-2, Pep-gl, Pep-la, Pep-pap, Per, Pgm and Pgd-1), were important in the detection of this difference. When Chinese accessions taken collectively (i.e., those acquired before 1994, and those during 1994 and 1996) were compared with an array of 853 C. s. var. sativus accessions examined previously, relationships between accessions grouped by country or subcontinent differed from those found in the previous work. Accessions from China and India were distinct from each other and from all other groupings and the C. s. var. hardwickii (feral form of C. s. var. sativus) accessions examined. Thus, Chinese and Indian accessions represent the most diverse genetic variation present in the NPGS cucumber collection. Further collection in India and China would be strategically important for increasing genetic diversity of the U.S. NPGS cucumber collection.  相似文献   

为了探索中国大蒜种质个体的SSR位点的分布情况,为品种鉴定、保存及遗传改良提供分子生物学依据,利用6对SSR引物对40个大蒜(Allium sativumL.)品种进行聚类分析、主成分分析及遗传多样性评价。共检测到21个多态性位点,平均每对引物可扩增出约3.5条多态性片段,多态性百分率为56.76%;SSR引物组合平均有效等位基因数、Nei基因多样度和Shannon信息指数分别为1.5551、0.3414和0.5188。聚类分析显示,6对SSR引物可把40份大蒜种质资源从0.59相似系数水平上3个类群。第一类群包含28份种质,在相似系数为0.73的水平上进一步又被分成了3个亚类;第二亚类仅包含2份种质;第三亚类包含10份种质,在0.68的相似系数水平上分成了2个亚类。主成分分析和UPGMA的结果基本一致。不同地理来源的大蒜种质的Shannon-Weaver多样性指数的变幅为0.0576~0.4179,说明大蒜种质遗传多样性丰富。本研究利用SSR分子标记技术较准确地解析大蒜不同材料间的亲缘关系及遗传多样性,为中国大蒜SSR分子标记提供基础资料。  相似文献   

Mulberries are members of the genus Morus L., a taxonomic group showing a great genetic variability and adaptability to different environmental conditions. This study deals with the use of AFLP-based fingerprints as a tool for estimating genetic variability within as well as among three different mulberry species (i.e., M. alba L., M. latifolia Poir. and M. bombycis Koidz.). A high level of polymorphism (72.2) was found over all the 48 accessions analyzed. Genetic similarity (GS) within single Morus species ranged from 0.845 (M. bombycis) to 0.884 (M. alba) being intermediate in M. latifolia (0.869). The between-species mean genetic similarity estimates based on pair-wise AFLP marker fingerprint comparison were very similar ranging from 0.861 to 0.874. The partition of the genetic variation over the three Morus species was unexpected a proportion of the among-species genetic diversity as low as GST= 0.084 pointed out that about 92% of the total genetic diversity found among Morus accessions is due to DNA polymorphisms within a species, while only 8% of the total variation was highlighted among species. Our data indicate that some of the introduced accessions showing distinctive phenotypes, clearly differentiated from those revealed in the original habitat where they have been selected and adapted, hide an identical genotype.  相似文献   

Melon (Cucumis melo L.) landraces of the Madrid provenance, Spain, have received national distinction for their high fruit quality and sensorial attributes. More specifically, a unique array of Group Inodorus landraces have been continuously cultivated and conserved by farmers in the municipality of Villaconejos since the 19th century. Their genetic relationships to other Group Inodorus and Flexuous melon market classes is not known, and, thus, a study was designed to determine their genetic relationships using 52 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, and then make genetic comparisons between these accessions and a previously published “Standard Reference Germplasm Array” (RA) containing Group Inodorus (14 Spanish and one USA), Flexuosus (1 Spanish), and Cantalupensis ( 2 USA) melon accessions. This subset consisted of 15 Spanish Group Inodorus landraces that circumscribed the genetic variation of major Spanish melon market classes (Groups Inodorus and Flexuosus), and USA commercial varieties (Groups Cantalupensis and Inodorus). Based on genetic distances, Villaconejos (Madrid) genotypes differed substantially from RA subset accessions, thus defining their genetic uniqueness. Principal component analysis (PCA) partitioned the accessions examined into four distinct groups revealing that Villaconejos black epidermis melons (landraces ‘Largo’, ‘Largo Negro Escrito’ and ‘Puchero’) were distinctly different from all other accessions examined, as cluster analysis separated Rochet market type Villaconejos’ accessions (landraces ‘Mochuelo’, ‘Mochuelo Tradicional’ and ‘Melón de Villaconejos’) from RA of the same market type. Genetic assessment of principal Spanish market classes revealed comparatively low intra-market heterogeneity in Piel de Sapo type accessions and high heterogeneity in Black and Yellow market type accessions. While a relatively high level of genetic introgression was detected between Yellow and Green market types, black epidermis market types were genetically unique. Given the uniqueness and high genetic diversity resident in Villaconejos landraces, this germplasm pool should be considered as a genetic source for broadening the comparatively narrow genetic base of Group Cantalupensis and Inodorus melon market types, especially standard commercial Spanish Group Inodorus market types (e.g., Piel de Sapo, Rochet, and Canari).  相似文献   

Genetic variation within the U.S. cucumber collection (Cucumis sativus var. sativus L. and var. hardwickii (Royle) Alef.) was assessed by examing the variation at 21 polymorphic isozyme loci and comparing the results of this investigation with a similar previous analysis of 14 loci. About 29% (15 of 51) of the enzyme systems examined in an initial survey were polymorphic. Seven loci (Ak-2, Ak-3, Fdp-1, Fdp-2, Mpi-1, Pep-gl and Skdh) which were not previously used to estimate genetic diversity, were assessed. On average, 1.4 loci were polymorphic per enzyme system and 2.2 alleles were present per polymorphic locus. The frequency of polymorphisms was relatively low for Fdp-1(2) (0.01), Mpi-1(1) (0.03), and Skdh(1) (0.02). Principal component and cluster analyses of allelic variation at polymorphic loci separated a diverse array of 757 cucumber accessions from the U.S. National Plant Germplasm Systesm's (NPGS) collection into distinct groups by country (45 nations examined). All accessions of C. s. var. sativus were isozymically distinct from C. s. var. hardwickii, which were themselves dissimilar from each other. Data suggest that C. s. var. hardwickii is not a feral derivative of extant C. s. var. sativus populations. The allelic profile of C. s. var. sativus accessions originating from Burma, Thailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Zimbabwe and Ethiopia were distinct from the other accessions examined. Allelic fixation has occurred at Pgd-2 in accessions from Burma, and at Ak-2 in accessions from Zimbabwe and Ethiopia. Some of the countries examined that were in close geographic proximity (e.g., Thailand, Indonesia and Hong Kong) contained accessions with similar isozyme profiles. Accessions are fixed for certain alleles [e.g., Gr(1) (100%), Fdp-1(1) (100%) and Mpi-2(2) (50%) for accessions from Thailand, Indonesia and Hong Kong]. Grouping countries by continent or sub-continent (i.e., North and South American, China, Eastern Europe, Western Europe) and by numbers of accessions examined (i.e., India/Burma, Iran, Japan, Turkey, and remaining accessions) was used to identify accessions with unique allozymic profiles [PIs 209064 (USA), 257486 (China), 188749 (Egypt), 285607 (Poland), 369717 (Yugoslavia), 357844 (Poland), 255936 (Netherlands), 183127 (India), 200818 (Burma), 200815 (Burma), 137836 (Iran), 227013 (Iran), 227235 (Iran), 451976 (Japan), 181752 (Syria), 181874 (Syria), 169383 (Turkey), 171613 (Turkey)].  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of 18 Tunisian fig cultivars was investigated at the DNA level using the Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) associated with the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Using a set of primers, the most informative ones were selected that were characterized by an important Resolving power value of 29.6. A total of 47 discernible fragments were scored from samples, with a mean of 11.7 fragments per primer. The 90.4% of sample that were polymorphic were scored as molecular markers to examine the Tunisian fig germplasm polymorphism at DNA level. A large genetic diversity as related to ISSR patterns was found within the local Tunisian fig germplasm. An UPGMA dendrogram exhibits the unstructured variability in this crop. Moreover, the principal component analysis shows that the observed diversity was typically continuous. Our data provide a large number of ISSR markers that are useful in the fingerprinting of Ficus carica L. cultivars, and in the understanding of the genetic relationships among these accessions.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity in the Lima bean (P. lunatus L.) was assessed bymeans of two chloroplast DNA probes. Based on data obtained from 152accessions including wild forms and landraces, the two separateMesoamerican and Andean groups were confirmed and a transition poolof genetic diversity was observed in the two botanical formsconsistent with their distribution range. Three primary centres ofgenetic diversity and one secondary diversification spot are proposedfor the wild Lima bean whereas only two domestication sites areunderlined for the landraces. The importance of human intervention inwidening the distribution range and the genetic diversity inlandraces is discussed.  相似文献   

SSR标记的彩色马铃薯遗传多样性分析及指纹图谱构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彩色马铃薯(指块茎的皮或肉为红、蓝、紫、橙色等)近年来日益为育种工作者所关注,很多彩色马铃薯品种(系)从形态学上难以鉴定是否为同一基因型,给育种工作带来诸多不便。本研究利用SSR标记对50份彩色马铃薯(Solanum tuberosumL.)材料进行了遗传多样性分析及指纹图谱构建。研究筛选出56对马铃薯SSR引物,对50份材料的基因组DNA进行PCR扩增,共检测出236个等位位点,其中多态性位点230个,多态性比率达97.46%。分析显示,基因型间遗传相似性系数在0.50~1.00之间。UPGMA聚类分析表明,在相似系数0.63处可将全部材料分为3大类。利用5对核心引物构建了50份供试材料的指纹图谱,并证明其属于44个基因型的,为彩色马铃薯资源鉴定和利用提供了依据。  相似文献   

Chia, Salvia hispanica L., was a staple crop in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. Despite the great potential of the species as an oilseed crop, little research related to domesticated and wild varieties exists. A study was undertaken to assess genetic diversity among 38 wild and domesticated accessions of S. hispanica collected throughout Mesoamerica by using RAPD markers. Genetic diversity was higher among wild varieties (H G= 0.15) than all domesticated varieties (H G= 0.10) and modern commercial domesticated varieties (H G= 0.02), suggesting a slight loss of diversity accompanying domestication and a near lack of diversity in modern commercial varieties. In addition, the preliminary results indicate that the center of genetic diversity is in the highlands of western Mexico.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. var. sativus) accessions from India was assessed by examining variation at 21 polymorphic isozyme loci. Forty-six accessions acquired by the U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS) before 1972 were compared with 146 accessions collected during a 1992 U.S.–India expedition to the states of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, India. Isozymic profiles of these Indian accessions were also compared with 707 previously examined U.S. NPGS cucumber accessions. Two distinct groups (Group 1 and Group 2) were identified within accessions collected in 1992 (0.025 > P > 0.01). Variation at Ak-2, Fdp-2, Gr, Mdh-2, Mpi-1, Per, Pgm and Skdh was important in the detection of this difference. A previously unreported Pgm allele [Pgm (3) – 105] was detected in accessions collected in a market in Pali, Rajasthan. Group 1 contained 37 (27 Madhya Pradesh + 10 Uttar Pradesh) accessions and Group 2 contains 102 (84 Rajasthan + 18 Madhya Pradesh) accessions. Seven accessions (5 Madhya Pradesh + 2 Rajasthan) were not associated with either group. The accessions 20664 (Tonk, Rahjasthan), 20666 (Jaipur, Rahjasthan), 20872 (Sehore, Madhya Pradesh), 20881 (Ashtok, Sehore, Madhya Pradesh) and 21026 (Bhatta, Dehra Dun, Uttar Pradesh) were heterozygous for at least nine loci and represent the genetic diversity within this collection. Isozymic variation in U.S. NPGS accessions acquired before 1972 differed significantly (P > 0.005) from those collected during 1992. All loci were important in the detection of this difference, except Ak-2, Pep-pap, and Pgd-2. When Indian accessions taken collectively (i.e., those acquired before 1972 and during 1992) were compared with an array of 707 C. sativus accessions examined previously, relationships between accessions grouped by country or subcontinent differed from those found in previous work.  相似文献   

太湖地区有丰富的粳稻(Oryza satiua ssp.japonica)种植资源,随着品种大面积推广应用,育种材料的遗传基础趋窄,相似性增高,使粳稻育种突破困难。本研究利用分布于水稻(Oryza satiua L.)12条染色体上的24对简单重复序列(simple sequence repeat,SSR)引物对太湖地区的42份粳稻品种进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明,有23对SSR引物在42份粳稻材料间表现出多态性;23对引物共检测到105个等位基因,每对SSR引物检测到等位基因为2~8个,平均为4.57个,有效等位基因共有56.43个,平均每个位点为2.45个。每个多态位点的多态信息含量(polymorphism information content,PIC)变幅为0.083 0~0.8079,平均为0.496 6;每个粳稻材料多态性位点数的变幅为6~19,等位基因总数的变幅为27~55;42份粳稻品种间的遗传相似系数变幅为0.391~0.990,平均为0.610,遗传相似系数在0.50~0.80之间的材料占全部的74.45%,供试材料相似度高;非加权配对算术平均法(unweighed pair group method with arithmetic mean;UPGMA)聚类结果显示,遗传相似系数为0.50,42份粳稻材料可以分为两个类群,一个类群包含19份常规粳稻,另一个类群包括其他23份杂交粳稻。结果显示,太湖地区的粳稻品种总体上遗传背景相似度高,遗传多样性不够丰富,育种工作有待进一步加强新的基因资源引进和利用,创新水稻育种材料。本研究结果为新品种选育提供技术支持和理论根据。  相似文献   

Analysis of the extent and distribution of genetic diversity incrop plants is essential for optimizing sampling and breedingstrategies. We used random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)markers to assess genetic diversity and relationships in 22 Canadiancultivars, 29 selected world cultivars and 10 landraces of flax(Linum usitatissimum L.). RAPDvariation was generally low and more variation was detected among,than within, the investigated flax accessions. Based on 53 variableRAPD loci observed for the 61 accessions, the landraces had a lowerproportion of fixed recessive RAPD loci (0.427) (i.e.,more genetic variation) than all of the flax cultivars examined(0.492). The linseed cultivars had a lower proportion ofrecessive loci (0.469) than the fiber flax cultivars(0.529). Canadian linseed cultivars had a lower proportionof recessive loci (0.465) than the selected world flaxcultivars (0.512). A trend was also observed that the rateof loss in genetic variation in Canadian flax breeding programs overthe last fifty years was approximately two variable loci per 100 lociper 10 years. Clustering analyses based on similarity estimatesshowed that the fiber cultivars were more related (or similar toeach other) and were classified as a homogeneous group. All ofthe linseed cultivars were clustered in diverse groups with the ninelandrace accessions. Implications of these findings for flax breedingand germplasm management are discussed.  相似文献   

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