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Volatile compounds were isolated from strawberry guava fruit by simultaneous steam distillation-solvent extraction according to Likens-Nickerson. Compounds were identified by capillary GC-MS and sensorially characterized by sniffing GC. Two hundred and four compounds were identified in the aroma concentrate, of which ethanol, alpha-pinene, (Z)-3-hexenol, (E)-beta-caryophyllene, and hexadecanoic acid were found to be the major constituents. The presence of many aliphatic esters and terpenic compounds is thought to contribute to the unique flavor of the strawberry guava fruit.  相似文献   

Volatiles from crushed and intact guava leaves (Psidium guajava L.) were collected using static headspace SPME and determined using GC-PFPD, pulsed flame photometric detection, and GC-MS. Leaf volatiles from four common citrus culitvars were examined similarly to determine the potential component(s) responsible for guava's protective effect against the Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri Kuwayama), which is the insect vector of Huanglongbing (HLB) or citrus greening disease. Seven sulfur volatiles were detected: hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, methanethiol, dimethyl sulfide (DMS), dimethyl disulfide (DMDS), methional, and dimethyl trisulfide (DMTS). Identifications were based on matching linear retention index values on ZB-5, DB-Wax, and PLOT columns and MS spectra in the case of DMDS and DMS. DMDS is an insect toxic, defensive volatile produced only by wounded guava but not citrus leaves and, thus, may be the component responsible for the protective effect of guava against the HLB vector. DMDS is formed immediately after crushing, becoming the major headspace volatile within 10 min. Forty-seven additional leaf volatiles were identified from LRI and MS data in the crushed guava leaf headspace.  相似文献   

Volatile compounds were isolated from Psidium salutare fruits by simultaneous steam distillation-solvent extraction according to the Likens-Nickerson procedure. Compounds were identified by capillary GC and GC-MS. One hundred and fifty compounds were identified in the aroma concentrate, from which limonene, myrcene, and alpha-pinene were found to be the major constituents in the fruit.  相似文献   

Volatile compounds were isolated from four cultivars of bullock's heart fruit (Cenizo, Rojo, Verde, and De Ojo) by simultaneous steam distillation-solvent extraction. Compounds were identified by HRGC and capillary GC-MS. One hundred and eighty compounds were identified in the aroma extracts, of which alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, myrcene, limonene, terpinen-4-ol, and germacrene D were found to be the major constituents. Fruit from cv. De Ojo containing the highest concentration of total volatile and the highest major terpenoid content had the highest custard-like and overall fruity aroma intensity. The presence of many terpenic compounds is thought to contribute to the unique flavor of the bullock's heart fruit.  相似文献   

The volatiles present in fresh, pink-fleshed Colombian guavas ( Psidium guajava, L.), variety regional rojo, were carefully isolated by solvent extraction followed by solvent-assisted flavor evaporation, and the aroma-active areas in the gas chromatogram were screened by application of the aroma extract dilution analysis. The results of the identification experiments in combination with the FD factors revealed 4-methoxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2 H)-furanone, 4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2 H)-furanone, 3-sulfanylhexyl acetate, and 3-sulfanyl-1-hexanol followed by 3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethyl-2(5 H)-furanone, ( Z)-3-hexenal, trans-4,5-epoxy-( E)-2-decenal, cinnamyl alcohol, ethyl butanoate, hexanal, methional, and cinnamyl acetate as important aroma contributors. Enantioselective gas chromatography revealed an enantiomeric distribution close to the racemate in 3-sulfanylhexyl acetate as well as in 3-sulfanyl-1-hexanol. In addition, two fruity smelling diastereomeric methyl 2-hydroxy-3-methylpentanoates were identified as the ( R,S)- and the ( S,S)-isomers, whereas the ( S,R)- and ( R,R)-isomers were absent. Seven odorants were identified for the first time in guavas, among them 3-sulfanylhexyl acetate, 3-sulfanyl-1-hexanol, 3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethyl-2(5 H)-furanone, trans-4,5-epoxy-( E)-2-decenal, and methional were the most odor-active.  相似文献   


Among micronutrient deficiencies, Fe deficiency is the most difficult nutritional disorder to prevent in the fruits of trees growing on calcareous soils. In this study, a pot experiment was carried out to evaluate the potential of co-situs application of controlled release fertilizers (CRF) in alleviating Fe deficiency and improving the growth of fruit trees growing on calcareous soil (pH 9.3). Guava (Psidium guajava L.) seedlings were used as test plants because of their sensitivity to Fe deficiency. Treatments consisted of the following: (1) broadcast application of readily soluble Fe, Zn, Cu, B and Mn fertilizers (Control) or (2) co-situs application of CRF containing N, P, K, Mg, Fe, Zn, B, Cu and Mn (Co-situs). For the Control treatment, CRF containing only N, P and K was used. Both treatments received the same amount of all nutrients. Plants were more chlorotic in young leaves under the Control treatment and the Fe content of young leaves was significantly (least significant difference [LSD0.05]) higher under the Co-situs treatment. Dry matter production of shoots under the Co-situs treatment was 5.2-fold higher than under the Control treatment, and the total accumulations of macro and micronutrients were much higher under the Co-situs treatment than the Control treatment. Total accumulations of N, P, K, Ca and Mg were 5.0, 4.1, 9.6, 3.2 and 2.2-fold higher, respectively, under the Co-situs treatment compared with the Control treatment, and Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn accumulations were 3.2, 4.1, 6.0 and 3.7-fold higher, respectively. Iron deficiency in guava seedlings was successfully alleviated by the co-situs application of controlled fertilizer, proving the high potential of this method in alleviating Fe deficiency in fruit trees growing on calcareous soils.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of 35 Psidium guajava L. accessions and three related species (P. guineense Sw., P. sartorianum (O. Berg) Nied. and P. friedrichsthalianum (O. Berg) Nied.) maintained at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Plants Germplasm System, Hilo, HI, was characterized using 20 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Diversity analysis detected a total of 178 alleles ranging from 4 to 16 alleles per locus. The observed mean heterozygosity (0.2) and inbreeding coefficient (0.8) indicated a high level of inbreeding among the accessions tested. Multi-locus DNA fingerprints based on the 20 SSR loci unambiguously differentiated all accessions and revealed the absence of duplicated samples. Ordination and cluster analyses suggested that the genetic relationships between majorities of the accessions could be explained by geographic origin, mainly including tropical America, Southeast Asia and Hawaii. A Bayesian cluster analysis partitioned the accessions into two groups and the partition was largely compatible with the result of ordination analyses. Distance-based cluster analyses further indicated that accessions from same geographical region or breeding programs grouped together in spite of the inter-regional exchange of germplasm. Accessions from Southeast Asia were dominantly white fleshed, whereas accessions from tropical America and Hawaii exhibited diverse flesh colors. The results also indicated that accessions from the same region were likely derived from a small number of common ancestors or progenitors. All 20 SSRs were transferable to P. guineense, P. sartorianum and P. friedrichsthalianum, indicating a close relationship between the cultigens and wild relatives. Application of SSR markers in the USDA/Agricultural Research Service germplasm collection provides new insight into the diversity of the guava germplasm, which will be valuable in future breeding endeavors and the conservation of guava genetic resources.  相似文献   

Characterization of the aromatic profile in commercial guava essence and fresh fruit puree by GC-MS yielded a total of 51 components quantified. Commercial essence was characterized to present a volatile profile rich in components with low molecular weight, especially alcohols, esters, and aldehydes, whereas in the fresh fruit puree terpenic hydrocarbons and 3-hydroxy-2-butanone were the most abundant components. In the olfactometric analyses totals of 43 and 48 aroma active components were detected by the panelists in commercial essence and fruit puree, respectively. New components were described for the first time as active aromatic constituents in pink guava fruit (3-penten-2-ol and 2-butenyl acetate). Principal differences between the aroma of the commercial guava essence and the fresh fruit puree could be related to acetic acid, 3-hydroxy-2-butanone, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 2,3-butanediol, 3-methylbutanoic acid, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, limonene, octanol, ethyl octanoate, 3-phenylpropanol, cinnamyl alcohol, alpha-copaene, and an unknown component. (E)-2-Hexenal seems to be more significant to the aroma of the commercial essence than of the fresh fruit puree.  相似文献   

The volatile compounds of guava wine were isolated by continuous solvent extraction and analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS. A total of 124 volatile constituents were detected, and 102 of them were positively identified. The composition of guava wine included 52 esters, 24 alcohols, 11 ketones, 7 acids, 6 aldehydes, 6 terpenes, 4 phenols and derivatives, 4 lactones, 4 sulfur-compounds, and 5 miscellaneous compounds. The aroma-active areas in the gas chromatogram were screened by application of the aroma extract dilution analysis and by odor activity values. Twelve odorants were considered as odor-active volatiles: (E)-β-damascenone, ethyl octanoate, ethyl 3-phenylpropanoate, ethyl hexanoate, 3-methylbutyl acetate, 2-methyltetrahydrothiophen-3-one, 2,5-dimethyl-4-methoxy-3(2H)-furanone, ethyl (E)-cinnamate, ethyl butanoate, (E)-cinnamyl acetate, 3-phenylpropyl acetate, and ethyl 2-methylpropanoate.  相似文献   

A guava based intercropping systems comprising of nine intercrops such as mango ginger, turmeric, tomato, cowpea, frenchbean, ragi, niger, upland paddy and control (without intercrop) was conducted to study the influence of various intercropping systems on plant and soil health of guava orchard. The results revealed that guava + cowpea system showed significant improvement in bulk density, electrical conductivity, water holding capacity, organic carbon content and pH of orchard soil. The guava + cowpea system also recorded significantly maximum available nitrogen and potassium content in the soil, whereas the maximum available phosphorus content were obtained in guava + mango ginger system. The nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (N, P and K) content of guava leaf were found to be maximum under the guava + cowpea system. The fruit yield of guava was recorded highest in guava +cowpea intercropping system. However, the total soluble solids (TSS) and acidity of fruits were not affected by the intercropping systems.  相似文献   

The volatile terpenoid fraction from needles in 13 cultivars of Tsuga canadensis L. (Carriere) was analyzed by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results of this study are considered along with previously reported results for foliar terpenoid levels of the Asian (T. sieboldii, T. chinensis, T. diversifolia), western North American (T. mertensiana, T. heterophylla), and eastern North American species (T. canadensis, T. caroliniana) of hemlock to draw conclusions about the potential of cultivar host resistance to the hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae Annand). It is suggested that hemlocks in eastern North America have adapted their terpenoid chemistry for protection against endemic defoliators and that this has made them vulnerable to non-native, sucking pests such as adelgids and scales. Some cultivars of T. canadensis have a terpenoid profile that resembles that of the resistant noneastern North American species and are candidates for biological screening for resistance. Among the cultivars, the variation in terpenoid chemistry did not absolutely correspond with the considerable differences in morphological characters observed, indicating that the terpenoid chemistry is not definitively coupled with hemlock morphology.  相似文献   

The volatile fraction of wort components was studied during boiling. Not less than 118 volatile compounds were identified when unhopped pilsner wort was boiled and samples of wort and condensed vapors were analyzed with headspace SPME-GC/MS, of which 54 were confirmed with reference compounds. The wort samples contained 61 identifiable compounds, while the vapor condensate yielded 108 different compounds. Almost 30 known compounds were found that have not been described before in unhopped pilsner wort. One previously unknown aldol reaction product was tentatively identified as 2-phenyl-2-octenal. The detection of branched 2-alkenals underlines the importance of the aldol condensation in Maillard-type reactions, while the tentative identification of alkyloxazoles and alkylthiazoles could once more accentuate the central role of alpha-dicarbonyl compounds, aldehydes, and amino acids in flavor generation. The condensation of wort vapors joined with the SPME-GC/MS technique has proven to be a useful tool in volatile analysis.  相似文献   

Studies of the effect of organic fertilization of perennial crops are scarce due to the time necessary for the plants to present the first results. The objective of this study was to assess the leaf nitrogen (N) content, the direct and indirect measures of chlorophyll content, fruit yield and their correlations in an orchard of adult guava trees of the Paluma cultivar, through five consecutive harvests, in function of application of a byproduct of guava processing. The following doses of the byproduct were applied: 0, 9, 18, 27 and 36 t ha?1. The material was applied on the surface, without incorporation, once a year between 2006 and 2010. The byproduct doses influenced the nitrogen concentrations, SPAD index, chlorophyll b level and fruit production.  相似文献   

The volatile components of Hyuganatsu (Citrus tamurana Hort. ex Tanaka) peel oil, isolated by cold-pressing, were investigated by chemical and sensory analyses. According to chemical analysis by GC and GC-MS, limonene (84.0%) was the most abundant compound, followed by gamma-terpinene (6.9%), myrcene (2.2%), alpha-pinene (1.2%), and linalool (1.0%). Monoterpene hydrocarbons were predominant in Hyuganatsu peel oil. The odor-active volatiles in Hyuganatsu flavor were studied by GC-olfactometry and omission tests. The characteristic flavor was present in the oxygenated fraction. Flavor dilution (FD) factors of the volatile flavor components of the Hyuganatsu cold-pressed oil were determined by aroma extraction dilution analysis (AEDA). Furthermore, relative flavor activity was investigated by means of FD factor and weight percent. Ten kinds of odor compounds having Hyuganatsu-like aroma were detected by AEDA: limonene, linalool, octanol, neral, neryl acetate, tridecanal, trans-carveol, cis-nerolidol, trans,trans-farnesyl acetate, and trans,trans-farnesol. Linalool and octanol were regarded as the most odor-active or key compounds of Hyuganatsu aroma. Diluted solutions of linalool and octanol of approximately 2 ppm gave a fresh and fruity aroma note similar to Hyuganatsu flavor.  相似文献   

A HS-SPME method coupled to GC-MS was developed and applied for the qualitative and semiquantitative characterization of distilled gin volatile fraction. Sampling, chromatographic conditions, and method performances were evaluated, and the developed method was applied as a comparative study of some of the most popular commercial London Dry Gins and other gins with geographic denominations. During this study, 70 components of the gins' volatile fraction were isolated, tentatively identified or identified by reference compounds. They were mainly represented by mono- and sesquiterpenic compounds, which were quantitatively determined. The comparative study of London Dry Gins and gins with geographical indication permitted clear differentiation between the gins with geographical indication and one of the London Dry Gins tested.  相似文献   

Sixteen commercially available oak chips, differing in origin (French or American) and toasting level, were extracted by an accelerated solvent extraction method and characterized by their volatile composition. About 80 compounds were identified and quantified, a great part of them from the thermodegradation of lignin and cellulose. One furanone (solerone) and two C-13 norisoprenoids (3-oxo-alpha-ionol and a 3-oxoretro-alpha-ionol isomer) were also tentatively identified and reported for the first time in toasted wood. Quantitative data demonstrated the oak chips to be not so different from the composition of light- or medium-toasted wood barrels, which was reported by other authors. The same data suggest that toasting level had the strongest influence on the volatile composition of chip samples. Phenyl ketones, volatile phenols, and some furanic compounds were the most influenced. On the other hand, the influence of wood origin was found to be weaker.  相似文献   

Depth distributions of metals in soil profiles are indicative of weathering and soil genesis and anthropogenic pollution. We studied the depth distribution of total Al, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, and Zn concentrations in 8 Oxisols, 5 Andisols, 2 Mollisols, and 2 Alfisols of coffee plantation areas in Costa Rica. The concentrations of the mainly geo‐/pedogenic Al (means of 76 g kg—1 in the A horizons and of 106 g kg—1 in the lowermost sampled B horizons) and Fe (A: 56 g kg—1, B: 66 g kg—1) generally increased with profile depth. In spite of the regular application of Cu‐containing fungicides, Cu (A: 135 mg kg—1, B: 158 mg kg—1) showed accumulations in the A horizons of only three profiles. Higher Cd (A: 0.14 mg kg—1, B: 0.09 mg kg—1) and Pb concentrations (A: 7.3 mg kg—1, B: 5.5 mg kg—1) in most topsoils compared to the subsoils indicated anthropogenic inputs. The mean Mn (A: 1190 mg kg—1, B: 1150 mg kg—1) and Zn (A: 59 mg kg—1, B: 66 mg kg—1) concentrations varied little with depth. In general, the metal depth distribution in the studied tropical soils was similar to that of temperate soils although the weathering regime is quite different.  相似文献   

Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is a tropical fruit, widely consumed fresh and also processed (beverages, syrup, ice cream, and jams). Pulp and peel fractions were tested, and both showed high content of dietary fiber (48.55-49.42%) and extractable polyphenols (2.62-7.79%). The antioxidant activity of polyphenol compounds was studied, using three complementary methods: (i) free radical DPPH* scavenging, (ii) ferric reducing antioxidant power assay (FRAP), and (iii) inhibition of copper-catalyzed in vitro human low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation. All fractions tested showed a remarkable antioxidant capacity, and this activity was correlated with the corresponding total phenolic content. A 1-g (dry matter) portion of peel contained DPPH* activity, FRAP activity, and inhibition of copper-induced in vitro LDL oxidation, equivalent to 43 mg, 116 mg, and 176 mg of Trolox, respectively. These results indicate that guava could be a suitable source of natural antioxidants. Peel and pulp could also be used to obtain antioxidant dietary fiber (AODF), a new item which combines in a single natural product the properties of dietary fiber and antioxidant compounds.  相似文献   

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