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During March 2001, 117 working mules, randomly chosen from four markets in Morocco, were weighed and a series of body measurements recorded; their age and body condition score were also recorded. Linear regression techniques were used to derive a 'best fit' equation for predicting liveweight from the other variables. For the working mules weighing between 131 and 391 kg the best prediction equation using two variables was: liveweight (kg) = -33 + 2.8 x heart girth (cm)+1.36 x length (cm). Other prediction equations available for estimating the liveweight of equidae were tested on the data, but in all cases they significantly overestimated the weights of the Moroccan mules.  相似文献   

Data of 13 body measurements have been analysed from 166 Arabian horses, 123 mares and 43 stallions, ranging from 49 to 298 months of age, belonging to Alzahraa stud, Cairo, Egypt. General linear model was used to study age and gender effects on these measures. Gender was a significant source of variation for most studied traits, but not for neck girth, cannon bone circumference of fore and hind legs, and pastern girth of fore and hind legs. Age significantly affected pastern girths of fore and hind legs and cannon bone circumference of fore legs, while there was no significant effect on the other measurements. Pearson correlations, adjusted for age effect, between measurements were estimated and ranged from 0.02 to 0.84 for mares and from ?0.05 to 0.90 for stallions. Factor analysis with promax rotation for each gender was carried out to derive fewer independent common factors. Three factors were extracted which accounted for 66% and 67% of the total variance in mares and stallions respectively. The first, second and third factors in mares tended to describe body thickness, leg thickness and general size respectively; whereas in stallions they tended to differentiate among general size, leg thickness and body thickness respectively. The three extracted factors for each gender determine the main sources of shared variability that control body conformation in Arabian horses. These factors could be considered in selection programmes to acquire highly coordinated bodies in pure Arabian horses with fewer measurements.  相似文献   

Our aim was to ascertain inbreeding depression in the Spanish Purebred horses for eight body measurements. A total of 16,472 individuals were measured for height at withers, height at chest, leg length, body length, width of chest, heart girth circumference, knee perimeter and cannon bone circumference. Three different multivariate animal models including, respectively, no measure of inbreeding, individual inbreeding coefficients (Fi) or individual increase in inbreeding coefficients (ΔFi) as linear covariates were used. Significant inbreeding depression was assessed. Even though the models including measures of inbreeding fitted better with data, no effect on estimates of genetic parameters was assessed. However, the inclusion of inbreeding measures affected the ranking order according to the Expected Breeding Values (EBV). Due to the better fit with data and nice properties (the adjustment of individual inbreeding coefficients with the pedigree depth and linear behaviour) the use of ΔFi in the evaluation models can be recommended for morphological traits in horses.  相似文献   

In order to predict the body weight of grass cutters from linear body measurements, the weights and measurements of 50 intensively managed female grass cutters aged 5 months were fitted into linear, quadratic and cubic regression models. Highly significant (p?<?0.01) R 2 values ranging from 74 to 98 % were obtained indicating that all body measurements were good predictors of body weight. Although quadratic and cubic models gave slightly higher R 2 values than linear models, it is recommended that farmers should use a simple linear equation based on tail length or heart girth to predict the body weight of their grass cutters. The recommended equations are (weight in kg)?=?0.47?+?0.08 (tail length in cm) and (weight in kg)?=?0.32?+?0.07 (heart girth in cm).  相似文献   

The objective of this case report is to describe the diagnostic and surgical techniques for removal of a metallic foreign body in the tongue of three adult horses. The three horses were presented for evaluation and treatment of dysphagia and marked hypersalivation of 3–5 days duration. Radiographs of the head revealed the presence of a metallic foreign body in the tongue of each horse. The foreign bodies could be precisely localised under general anaesthesia using palpation and lingual ultrasonography and/or lingual radiography in combination with a forceps as a marker. The foreign bodies were successfully removed using laparoscopic instruments creating minimal soft tissue trauma. The use of long (43 cm) small laparoscopic (5 mm) instruments enabled good visualisation of the surgical field, providing optimal conditions for successful minimally invasive surgical treatment of horses with foreign bodies in the tongue. The three horses made uneventful recoveries and 12 months after surgery were eating normally and could be ridden with a bit as per usual routine. It was concluded that using long laparoscopic instruments in combination with palpation, ultrasonography and/or radiography allowed removal of the foreign body creating minimal soft tissue trauma and allowing optimal conditions for a fast recovery.  相似文献   

Lateromedial radiographic projections were made from the feet of 25 normal horses and 3 angles and 3 distances were measured. From these, normal ranges of calculated variables were obtained. The width and length of each foot and the height of the horse at the withers was also measured. In view of its possible importance in clinical laminitis, particular attention was paid to 'founder' distance (D). This is the vertical distance between the proximal limit of the dorsal hoof wall and the proximal limit of the extensor process of the distal phalanx. There were significant differences between breeds in D (P<0.05) and in wall thickness (P<0.01). Further studies investigated the effects of time, differing radiographic projections and different operators on D. D did not alter significantly (P>0.05) over a 6 week study period. It was concluded that errors due to radiographic beam obliquity were not of practical importance. Errors in measuring D between operators can be minimised by use of a standard radiographic technique. Although there was some variation in the value of D measured over time and with different operators, which could make the interpretation of early or subtle changes difficult, measurement variation was not considered to interfere with the assessment of large changes associated with severe laminitis.  相似文献   

Three different operators with varying levels of experience made repeated echocardiographic measurements of the aortic root diameter, interventricular septal thickness, left ventricular internal diameter, and left ventricular free wall thickness of 25 horses using a 3.5 MHz transducer. Each operator followed specific guidelines in order to determine the reproducibility (inter-operator variation) and repeatability (intra-operator variation) of their measurements. Variations due to horse differences, operator differences, and horse by operator interactions were determined. The largest variation was due to differences between horses. Inter-operator-based variability was only significant with respect to interventricular septal and aortic root measurements. All other measurements were reproducible and repeatable when obtained by well-trained operators. The experience of operators affects reproducibility and repeatability, however. It was concluded that different operators could apply equine M-mode echocardiography to obtain measurements of ventricular chamber and free wall dimensions that can be legitimately compared to measurements obtained by others if operators are adequately trained and landmarks are clearly standardized.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the repeatability of commonly employed transthoracic echocardiographic measurements in standing horses. DESIGN: Thirteen healthy 3- to 4-year-old fit Standardbred geldings with a mean weight of 411 (SEM +/- 10) kg were studied. The horses' environment, feeding and management regimens were standardised. All measurements were performed by the same investigator at the same time every day for three consecutive days. PROCEDURES: Standard transthoracic measurements were made on all horses. Each measurement was performed over three consecutive cardiac cycles on 1 day and all measurements were performed over 3 consecutive days. Summary statistics of each day were then compared using an analysis of variance with times as a repeated measures factor. Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05. RESULTS: Many of the standard echocardiographic measurements used to derive quantitative and functional information about the equine heart have a low intra-observer variability.  相似文献   

In most species, large variations in body size necessitate dose adjustments based on an allometric function of body weight. Despite the substantial disparity in body size between miniature horses and light‐breed horses, there are no studies investigating appropriate dosing of any veterinary drug in miniature horses. The purpose of this study was to determine whether miniature horses should receive a different dosage of flunixin meglumine than that used typically in light‐breed horses. A standard dose of flunixin meglumine was administered intravenously to eight horses of each breed, and three‐compartmental analysis was used to compare pharmacokinetic parameters between breed groups. The total body clearance of flunixin was 0.97 ± 0.30 mL/min/kg in miniature horses and 1.04 ± 0.27 mL/min/kg in quarter horses. There were no significant differences between miniature horses and quarter horses in total body clearance, the terminal elimination rate, area under the plasma concentration versus time curve, apparent volume of distribution at steady‐state or the volume of the central compartment for flunixin (> 0.05). Therefore, flunixin meglumine may be administered to miniature horses at the same dosage as is used in light‐breed horses.  相似文献   

The relationship between weight and body measurements of 227 Alpine ibex Capra ibex (162 males and 65 females, age range: 2-16 years) were analysed by linear and multiple regression. The animals were live-captured across all seasons of the year, in the Western Italian Alps, 1986-1994. The relationship between weight and body measurements changed with sex and season. In male ibex, the best annual estimation of the body weight was obtained using as predictor variables the squared value of the chest girth and age. In females, the best predictive variables were age, total body length and withers height. Age was always selected as a predictor variable, when considered in the prediction models. The use of chest girth and the squared value of the chest girth as predictive variables in the regression equation, being the most highly correlated linear measurements with total weight, did not result in an accurate prediction of ibex body weight. The best prediction was obtained using age and different linear measurements in stepwise multiple regression, nevertheless the standard error of the estimate and the magnitude of the 95% prediction interval were great. The use of linear measurements cannot be considered accurate nor precise predictors of body weight in Alpine ibex.  相似文献   

130 vitreous samples, systematically collected in 1998 from 117 horses during vitrectomy, were cultured for the presence of leptospires. All horses suffered from equine recurrent uveitis (ERU), also known as periodic ophthalmia or moon blindness, and were treated surgically to combat painful attacks, and to preserve vision. In 35 out of 130 vitreous samples (35/130 = 26.9%), leptospires could be isolated. These isolates belong to the grippotyphosa serogroup (n = 31) and to the australis serogroup (n = 4). So, for the first time, leptospires were recovered from eyes in vivo in a large number of horses with ERU. Vitreous samples and one serum sample from each horse were also tested for leptospiral antibodies using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT). In 92 vitreous samples (92/130 = 70.7%) and 96 serum samples (96/117 = 82.0%) leptospiral antibodies were detected at a dilution of > 1:100. The presence of intact leptospires and specific antibodies in eyes affected with ERU demonstrates a local antibody production to leptospiral antigen. These results indicate an important etiological role of leptospires in equine recurrent uveitis.  相似文献   

Six horses, which had a foreign body obstruction of the small colon showed abdominal pain of progressing severity and intestinal tympany. On rectal examination the caecum and large colon were distended with ingesta and gas but the obstructing mass could be palpated in only 3 cases. All horses had elevated indirect blood pressure and in 3 there was also fluid distension of the stomach. Only one horse had known access to foreign material in the diet, but a further 3 were related to an exceptionally dry climate period. Five of the 6 horses recovered following surgery.  相似文献   

Circulatory and respiratory function was monitored in nonmedicated, spontaneously breathing horses (n = 7) immediately before, during, and 1 hour after 85 +/- 4.1 (X +/- SEM) minutes of constant 1.57% isoflurane in O2 anesthesia. Comparison of values during anesthesia with those obtained while horses were awake revealed a significant (P less than 0.05) decrease in arterial blood pressure that was related to a slight, but insignificant, decrease in cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance. Although isoflurane anesthesia and recumbency resulted in a significant (P less than 0.05) decrease in stroke volume, cardiac output did not decrease significantly because heart rate tended to increase. Isoflurane and recumbency also significantly (P less than 0.05) increased PaCO2, peak expiratory gas flow, total expiratory time, and PCV and significantly decreased PaO2, minute expired ventilation, and the ratio of peak inspired to expired gas flow. Differences imposed by isoflurane anesthesia were reversed by 1.5 hour after anesthesia.  相似文献   

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