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潍坊地区一次强冰雹天气成因分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为了避免冰雹灾害给社会造成不必要的损失,达到防灾减灾的目的,更好地做好冰雹天气预报,笔者利用常规观测资料、雷达和FY-2E卫星TBB资料,对2012年6月初潍坊市出现的一次典型冰雹天气过程进行了成因分析。结果表明:此次冰雹天气过程发生在东北冷涡和前倾槽的环流背景下,强烈的上升运动为此次天气提供了动力条件,地面中小尺度辐合线是此次冰雹天气的触发机制。适宜的0℃层和-20℃层高度及大的环境风垂直切变有利于雹粒的增长。另外,此次天气发生在对流云团发展最旺盛的时段,位置位于大于232 K的冷云盖移动方向的前端到等温线梯度大值区附近,这对冰雹天气落区的预报有较好的指示意义。  相似文献   

摘要:实验材料系2007年3月大连海洋大学农业部海洋水产增养殖学重点开放实验室培育的虾夷扇贝“象牙白”家系和普通褐色虾夷扇贝家系,并与大连獐子岛海区养成的F2代9月龄个体各60枚。用22个具较高多态性的虾夷扇贝(Patinopecten yessoensis)微卫星引物对其进行SSR扩增并分析。结果显示,普通褐、白贝在不同多态位点的期望杂合度(He)分别为0.3326-0.7927和0.3608-0.7534;等位基因数(Na)分别为1-6和2-6;有效等位基因数(Ne)分别为1.4922-4.6753和1-3.9539,PIC平均值分别为0.5729和0.5596,上述指标表明普通褐、白贝的遗传多样性水平较高且没有显著差异。实验中发现座位8在普通褐贝大部分个体中能获得特异条带A,但在白贝所有个体中均未见,推断特异条带A为白贝特异阴性条带。对22个微卫星标记与虾夷扇贝生长性状相关性进行了方差分析和多重比较,结果表明,座位HLJX 109、HLJX 178和HLJX 139与体重呈显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)相关,座位8、HLJX 191和HLJX 139与壳长和壳高呈显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)相关。本文分析了微卫星分子标记与虾夷扇贝壳色和生长性状的相关性,为虾夷扇贝的相关性状进一步QTL定位提供参考数据,并为虾夷扇贝的养殖和选育提供理论指导。  相似文献   

[目的]为掌握沙区一年生植物个体形态和构件特征,[方法]通过样地调查、室内测定和统计分析,对民勤沙区自然分布的典型一年生植物沙米个体形态特征及构件特征进行了观测研究,并分析了构件生物量与植株高度的关系。[结果]结果表明,沙米个体形态指标值变异系数大,尤其根长和侧根数变异系数大于50 %,反映出沙米对生长环境的良好适应性和调节能力;沙米个体生物量干重介于24.55 g~138.09 g之间,各构件生物量干重分配值的大小顺序是果穗(36.51±26.07 g)>枝条(31.00±20.26 g)>叶(24.09±12.97 g)>根(6.63±3.75 g),沙米生长中将生物量尽可能多地分配到繁殖构件中;沙米单株的含水率70.89±1.61 %,构件的含水率在64.91 %~74.97 %之间,且不同构件的含水率存在差异;沙米各构件生物量分配随植株高度的增加以幂函数关系增加,是沙米个体生长发育能力调节策略的表现。[结论]沙米对生长环境的适应性选择差异造成个体形态特征的差异,生长中将尽可能多地把生物量分配到繁殖构件中以确保种的延续,可以用株高通过模拟模型来衡量出各构件的生物量分配值,为荒漠生态系统中一年生植物的研究提供支撑依据。  相似文献   

本文从天气学角度分析了哈密地区春季一次大风天气的形成机制.以为今后提高此类天气预报的准确率提供参考依据。  相似文献   

1引言2011年3月16日到17日,受西西伯利亚东移南下的较强冷空气影响,托克逊县出现10级西北风,阵风12级,并伴随出现了扬沙天气;三十里风区,百里风区最大风力13级(瞬间最大风速39.8m/s),此次大风天气过程起风突然、风力强、持续时间长,受灾严重。1.1地理位置  相似文献   

利用常规地面资料、天气图、探空资料、FY2F卫星云图资料、多普勒雷达资料以及天文动力特征分析的单站定量分析和全球范围的定性分析等资料和分析方法,分析了2011年6月22日发生在新疆奎屯河流域强冰雹天气过程。结果表明,此次冰雹天气过程是由于乌拉尔山脊受西北方冷空气侵袭东南跨,促使西西伯利亚低涡中心分裂短波不断东南下,与槽前的西南暖湿气流汇合,地面偏东风和高层偏西气流辐合抬升,触发不稳定能量释放产生了强对流天气。在天文动力场的垂直力分量场中,由上升力区转变成下沉力区有利于引导北方冷空气成规模南下进入北疆盆地,在天山大地形的强迫抬升作用下,有效地破坏干冷盖,成为奎屯地区形成夏季冰雹的有力触发动力因素。同时,此次冰雹天气发生发展过程中正不稳定能量面积区域扩大,高度升高,卫星云图和多普勒雷达回波的演变较好的监测了冰雹发生的强度和落区。  相似文献   

为进一步探究浙江强对流天气的成因,提升气象为农服务能力,利用常规观测资料、NCEP再分析资料及多普勒天气雷达资料等分析了2017 年8 月17 日浙江发生的一次大范围大风及冰雹天气过程,结果表明:(1)此次强对流天气过程产生于弱对流条件下,高空槽东移、西南气流增强改善了动力条件、热力条件和水汽条件,加强了不稳定层结;局地热对流、低层切变和地面辐合线为触发条件。(2)雷达垂直积分含水量密度是产生冰雹的一个重要指标,浙江本地VIL/ET≥3.9 时产生冰雹概率极大。(3)雷暴回波质心快速下降标志着大风天气的产生。雷暴后侧较干入流急流利于系统的发展加强,形成飑线。雷暴单体减弱后的大片层状降水回波长时间维持是强降水的主要成因。(4)大风天气爆发主要有2 个阶段,一是由飑线东移造成,二是飑线减弱后的单体风暴入海增强造成。飑线内部的弱中气旋是造成杭州湾沿岸大风的主要成因之一。飑线减弱后入海增强可能为海陆热力性质差异导致。  相似文献   

为加强防灾减灾能力,克服强对流过程预报失误问题,本研究综合利用多源气象观测资料,对2018.6.29浙江省中南部一次混合强对流过程进行分析。结果表明:前倾槽、地面辐合线及地形抬升,导致新生对流的发展、维持;前期不稳定能量累积明显,高Cape、θse能量大值区和925 hPa比湿都对此次强对流强度有较好的指示意义,但逆温层及干侵入导致K指数参考意义差;降雹风暴中气旋出现了9个体扫并伴有强风切变,同时VIL跃增相对降雹时刻有18 min提前量,为短临预报争取了预警时间;本次过程ρVIL表现出高敏感性,将估测冰雹直径≥5和ρVIL≥4结合会对冰雹有更好的指示意义;VIL指数结合VILmax和ρVILmax可推断出风暴性质;风暴承载层抵消作用导致此次雹云风暴移动发展受限。  相似文献   

通过对奎屯垦区1981—2010年共30年的大风天气进行环流形势、各物理量场及地形地貌的分析,从而得出奎屯垦区大风天气的成因以及预报方法,为今后提高奎屯垦区大风天气的预报准确率,减少因大风引起的损失提供理论依据.  相似文献   

兵团第七师车排子垦区由于受特殊地理环境的影响,是奎屯河流域易生成雹暴天气的重点区域,特别是离散性、局部性雹暴天气出现较为频繁.本文利用2011年6月22日发生在车排子垦区一次受低涡分裂短波扰动影响的雹暴天气雷达回波资料,对此次雹暴的发生、发展及演变特征进行了研究分析.  相似文献   

The analysis of China wind power industry   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The development course of China wind power industry is reviewed by six stages. National policies on wind power industry are elaborated from the aspects of laws & regulations, planning, finance & taxation and electrovalence policy. And these policies have played an important supporting and regulating role in the development of wind power industry. The development status of China wind power industry is analyzed based on wind turbine installed capacity, wind power output and their growth rate. It is explained that national wind turbine manufacturers have kept developing and become strong by the data of new global installed capacity share of mainland wind turbine manufacturers in 2013 and the new global market share of 8 domestic enterprises among the world top 15 wind turbine manufacturers. But there are still 5 key problems which influence the development of national wind turbine need to be solved, including lack of top-level design, abandon and restriction wind power seriously, lack of R&D abilities, some of the key parts relying on imports and wind turbine facing a quality guarantee dilemma. Taking Sinovel Wind Group Co. Ltd. and Xinjiang Goldwind Sci & Tech Co. Ltd., the two leading companies as an example, their performance is analyzed and it’s pointed out that the wind industry must keep vigilant after the overspeed development. The enterprises should try to avoid neglecting cultivating their inner core competitive ability, including technology advancements and products reliability. Occupying the market with low price competition and expanding blindly is also not desirable. At last, the development prospects of our country’s wind power industry are analyzed and three proposals are put forward.  相似文献   

山东一次大范围暴雨过程的多尺度诊断分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用区域自动站资料、探空资料、NCEP再分析资料及雷达、卫星等多种观测资料,对2013年7月12—13日山东强降水进行了多尺度分析。结果表明:暴雨是在副高势力强、位置稳定的有利大尺度环流背景下产生的。暴雨发生在深厚的暖湿气流与强上升运动区内,暴雨落区及其移动方向与强的上升运动中心的相关性比较好。地面东南风与偏北风、东南风与偏东风形成的多个中小尺度辐合线与地形存在一定的对应关系,辐合线的位置与山脉的走向相一致,地形对降水强度有增幅作用。TBB上对应多个中尺度的对流云团,呈东西带状分布,最强云顶亮温低于-45℃。雷达上,层状云回波的南侧不断有新的中小尺度对流单体的发展,并排列成窄带状,造成很强的对流性降水。  相似文献   

Dynamic analysis of wind turbine gearbox   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By inputting reduced matrix of stiffness and mass, a dynamic model including flexible housing, ring gear and carrier for a 3 MW wind turbine gearbox is established based on MASTA. And analysis results show that the kinetic percentage of housing is maximum near the gear mesh frequency and response is maximum at the 1st mesh frequency of HSS gear. The analysis results show certain agreement with vibration test results. This paper can provide reference for avoiding vibration in gearbox design.  相似文献   

To improve the accuracy of wind measurement, computational fluid dynamics is adopted to simalate the impact of wind turbine blades with and without T-spoilers on the outflow field distribuation and the wind speed and direction measurement on the top of macelle. The simulation is arried out on a 5 MW wind turbines when the rated wind speed is 10.5 m/s and the rated speed of blades is 11.34 r/min. The calculation results show that the blades with T-spoilers have greater impact on the accuracy of anemometer and wind vane on the top of nacelle. Therefore,it’s recommended to move forward the wind measurement equipment 0.3 m and elevate them 1 m relative to the original position so that the measurement accuracy meets the design requirements.  相似文献   

Since the wind turbines are installed on the flexible support tower, the drive train of the wind turbines runs under severe work conditions with varying wind directions and loads. So its failure rate is high and it is the bottle neck of the wind power development. This work presents a study which takes the coupling effect of oscillating of tower barrel and the twisting vibration of driven train into account. Using the lumped parameter method, a coupled dynamic model for the megawatt wind turbine drive train is built by considering the flexible tower barrel support effects. Then, the dynamic characteristics of the megawatt wind turbine drive train are analyzed. The Campbell chart is used in this research to analyze the potential resonance points. And the potential resonance frequencies between the cutting in and cutting out rotational speed of the drive train are obtained. Finally, Simpack is used to analyze the dynamic characteristics of drive train and verify the correctness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Based on coordinate transformation and mechanical analysis, load transformation between blade root and rotor coordinate system for wind turbine is derived.And an analysis model closer to actual working condition is established.Taking a 5 MW wind turbine as analysis object, analyzing results of the new model, traditional simplified model and GH Bladed model are compared, and results are good enough to validate this new model has higher reliability and accuracy.In addition, based on analyzing to load component, through access to instance data of each factor in process of coordinate transformation, the impact of each factor can be accurately analyzed, which is of great significance to control and reduce load.  相似文献   

In order to study the vibration characteristics and radiation noise of wind power speed-increase gearbox, a torsional vibration model of wind power speed-increase gearbox is established based on the analysis of supporting stiffness of bearing and contact stiffness of gear pairs. By solving the vibration differential equation with the help of Matlab, the frequency and corresponding vibration mode are obtained. With taking stiffness excitation, error exaction and meshing impact exaction into account, the dynamic finite element model of speed-increase gearbox is set up, and the dynamic response simulation is carried out. Regarding vibration displacement of the nodes on gearbox surface as boundary condition, an acoustic boundary element model of speed-increase gearbox is built. The surface acoustic pressure of gearbox and the radiation noise of field points are solved by the direct boundary element method. The results show that there is a great difference between torsion frequency and excitation frequency of wind power speed-increase gearbox, and so the resonance doesn't occur. The maximum structural noise and radiation noise mainly appear near the double octave of the gears meshing frequency of high-speed grade.  相似文献   

Asymmetrical grid faults occur more frequently and have more adverse effects on the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) than symmetrical grid faults in the transmission system. The transient response of DFIG under asymmetrical grid faults is analyzed firstly. Meanwhile, operation behaviors of several low voltage ride-through (LVRT) techniques under severe asymmetrical grid faults are given by simulation with the Matlab/Simulink software. Then the characteristics of these LVRT techniques are further researched and analyzed based on the simulation results. Finally, the economies of these LVRT techniques are discussed. The conclusion lays a certain foundation for engineering development of these LVRT techniques.  相似文献   

Using large finite element software MSC.Marc/Mentat, the contact analysis of bolted joints parts between the hub and the bearing of wind turbine is conducted for the contact stress suffering from the practical work load. The maximum stress acted on the bolt is obtained, and a detail contact analysis for this bolted joints parts is given. The accurate stress of bolts, bearing and hub is calculated. The FEA contact results are consistent with the theoretical calculation results, and the strength of materials meets the requirements, which means the structure is safe.  相似文献   

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