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Cultivars of sweet (Rio, M81E and Della) and forage sorghums (Tato and Thor) were planted in Northeast Mexico in order to estimate optimum harvesting time, sugar production, biomass composition and ethanol yields. The juices were characterized in terms of sugar composition, free amino nitrogen (FAN) and phenolics and then yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)-fermented into ethanol. The cultivars yielded different volumes of sweet juice and total sugars. They also had different optimum harvesting times. Glucose was the most abundant sugar in raw juices, followed by fructose and sucrose. FAN concentration ranged from 19 to 36 mg L−1 therefore, nitrogen supplementation was required for adequate fermentation. After 18 h fermentation, there were no differences in efficiencies among cultivars but the sweet sorghums yielded more ethanol Ha−1 compared to the two forage sorghums (approximately 1000 L Ha−1 versus 770 L Ha−1). Della was the cultivar with the highest productivity with 1051 L Ha−1 ethanol produced after the first cut.  相似文献   

Sorghum is one of the most drought-tolerant grain crops and is used in biofuel production. Since sorghum is often exposed to drought and high temperature (heat) stress, this study investigated the effect of stress applied at different phenological stages of crop development on the glucose levels in grain and subsequent ethanol production. Short season sorghum hybrid DK-28E grown under controlled environment was exposed to drought and heat stress at five different stages of growth, namely: (1) pre-flowering (boot leaf emergence) to flowering, (2) flower to seed-set, (3) seed-set to early seed-fill, (4) early seed-fill to mid seed-fill, and (5) mid seed-fill to late seed-fill stage. Drought stress at any of the growth stages did not statistically affect either the glucose content or the ethanol production compared to the control (337 mg/g), although the ethanol yield increased up to 4.5% (352 mg/g) in flowering to seed-set stage. Heat stress, on the other hand, significantly reduced the glucose release and ethanol yield compared to the control (322 mg/g). Marginal ethanol yield reduction by 9% (293 mg/g) and 8.3% (295 mg/g) was seen in plants stressed during early seed-fill to mid seed-fill and mid seed-fill to late seed-fill stages, respectively. The results suggest that the phenological stage when sorghum is exposed to stress affects the ethanol yield. Overall, from the point of ethanol yield, it appears that grain sorghum cultivated in semi-arid regions where heat and drought stress are prevalent can be used for biofuel production. However, economic viability of ethanol production, especially of grain sorghum from high temperature stress needs to be investigated.  相似文献   

In the framework of the E.U. project Fair CT 96-1913 “Environmental studies on sweet and fibre sorghum, sustainable crops for biomass and energy”, a research has been carried out with the aim to study the water and nitrogen balance and determine the critical N dilution curve of sweet sorghum cv. Keller. A field experiment was performed, where three irrigation treatments (I0 = dry control, I50 = 50% ETm restoration, I100 = 100% ETm restoration) and four nitrogen fertilization levels (N0 = no nitrogen control, N60 = 60 kg ha−1, N120 = 120 kg ha−1; N180 = 180 kg ha−1) were studied. The final yield was significantly affected by the amount of water distributed but not by the nitrogen level. The treatments watered up to crop establishment (I0) produced, in the average, 7.5 t ha−1 of dry matter, against 21.1 and 27.1 t ha−1 of I50 and I100, respectively. The crop determined a great reduction in nitrate concentration of soil water, irrespective of nitrogen supplied. The variation between N output and input (Δ) was negative in N0, N60 and N120 and positive in N180. The critical value of nitrogen uptake change in relation to the water availability. The amount of nitrogen supplied did not determine significant differences upon WUE. The crop seems to have a great potentiality in Mediterranean environment in terms of yield production.  相似文献   

Fusarium spp. is among the largest and most important pathogen groups that attack major grain crops including sorghum. The objectives of this study were to compare the virulence of Fusarium spp. associated with sorghum and examine the mode of resistance of genotypes to the disease. Eight Fusarium species – F. verticillioides, F. thapsinum, F. andiyazi, F. proliferatum, F. nyagamai, F. pseudoanthophilum, F. brevicatenulatum, and F. pseudonygamai – were studied using three sorghum genotypes under greenhouse condition. Three of these pathogens (F. verticillioides, F. thapsinum, and F. andiyazi) were selected for genetic analysis of resistance under field conditions. Sorghum genotypes with contrasting stalk rot reactions were selected for use in both the greenhouse and field experiments. Two weeks after flowering, plants were inoculated with liquid inoculum culture (5 × 104 conidia ml−1) of the different pathogens. Plants were harvested 4 weeks after inoculation and rated for disease severity on the basis of lesion length and number of nodes crossed by the lesion. Among the pathogens, F. thapsinum resulted in consistently higher disease scores in all genotypes under all environments. Likewise, genotype SC599 showed the greatest and most stable resistance as inbred as well as in hybrid combinations as shown by consistently high GCA for resistance to all pathogen species. We recommend that future screening exercises for Fusarium stalk rot resistance utilize F. thapsinum as the causal organism and include the resistant genotype SC599 as a control.  相似文献   

The antioxidant capacity as oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) and in vitro chemopreventive effect of phytochemicals extracted, partitioned and isolated from the decorticated bran of black Shawaya sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) was studied. The chemopreventive effect was evaluated as the induction effect of quinone reductase (QR) using murine hepatoma cells Hepa 1c1c7. The crude methanol extract with an antioxidant capacity of 3.7 μmol Trolox equivalent (TE)/mg was partitioned into 120 fractions with fast centrifugal partition chromatography (FCPC). Fractions with partition coefficients between 0.1 and 0.26 exerted more than 50% of the antioxidant activity of the original crude extract and contained the highest concentration of anthocyanins. No correlation was found for ferulic acid content and ORAC or chemoprevention. A derivative of 7-methoxyapigeninidin at a concentration of 1 μg/ml increased by 31% the QR activity while the original extract reached a maximum of 27% at 40 μg/ml.  相似文献   

The bioconversion into ethanol of insect (Sitophilus zeamais), mold (Aspergillus flavus) and sprout-damaged maize and sorghum was investigated. Kernel test weight losses due to insect damage in maize were almost twice compared to sorghum (18.6 vs. 10.7%). All damaged kernels lost some of the starch and increased soluble sugars, ash and crude fiber. The mold-damaged sorghum contained approximately five times more FAN compared to the control. The sprout-damaged kernels contained the highest amounts of reducing sugars prior (11 g/L) to and at the end (146.5 g/L) of liquefaction with α-amylase. Ethanol yields based on the already damaged grain indicated that sprout-damaged kernels yielded similar amounts compared to sound kernels (381.1 vs. 382.6 L/ton and 376.6 vs. 374.8 L/ton of sorghum or maize respectively). The insect-damaged maize and sorghum have reduced ethanol yields compared with the controls (29 and 23% respectively), and this negative result was mainly due to dry matter losses during the inadequate storage. Despite differences in ethanol yield, all treatments have similar conversion efficiencies (76.1–89.9%) indicating the robustness of yeast facing biotic-damaged feedstocks. This research demonstrates that the use of already damaged insect, mold or sprouted kernels is feasible and a good alternative for biorefineries.  相似文献   

Sorghum shoot fly (Atherigona soccata) is a serious pest that destabilizes the performance of sorghum cultivars and ultimately reduces sorghum production in many parts of the world. Identifying sorghum genotypes with stable resistance to shoot fly is important as it helps to reduce the cost of cultivation and stabilizes yields. In the present study, our objective was to identify stable shoot fly resistant genotypes among 385 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of a cross between a susceptible parent and a resistant parent. We evaluated this set of RILs in eight environments over three years (2006-2008) for shoot fly resistance and component traits. Non-significant genotype-environment (G × E) linear component and significant pooled deviation for deadheart percentage indicated that the performance of genotypes was unpredictable over the environments. However, five lines had deadheart percentages much less than the population mean with regression coefficient (bi) values close to unity, and non-significant deviation from regression, indicating that they have stable shoot fly resistance and are well adapted to all the environments. Additive main effect and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) analysis partitioned main effects into genotype, environment and G × E interacts with all the components showing highly significant effects (p < 0.001). Environment had the greatest effect (69.2%) followed by G × E interactions (24.6%) and genotype (6.2%). Low heritability and high environmental influence for deadheart percentage suggested that shoot fly resistance is a highly complex character, emphasizing the need for marker assisted selection. We observed transgressive variation in the RIL population for all the traits indicating the contribution of alleles for resistance from both resistant and susceptible parents. Since the alleles for shoot fly resistance are contributed by both resistant and susceptible parents, efforts should be made to capture favourable alleles from resistant and susceptible genotypes.  相似文献   

The cropping systems model APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator) was applied to assess the response of sorghum grain yield to inorganic fertilizers applications and residue retention in diverse farmers’ management systems (homestead fields and bush farms). The model was parameterized using data collected from experiments under optimum growth conditions (limited water or nutrient stress). Independent data from field experiments with three levels of P and four levels of N fertilizers conducted at two different locations and soils were used to evaluate the model. Soil water and fertility parameters measured were used for simulations while same starting conditions were assumed for unmeasured parameters for all trials. APSIM predicted the grain yield response of sorghum to both N and P applications with an overall modified internal coefficient of efficiency of 0.64. Following model parameterization, a long-term simulation study was conducted using a stochastic weather data derived from historical weather data to assess the effects of crop residue management on grain production. A gradual decline in sorghum grain yield was simulated over the 30-year simulation period in both the homestead fields and the bush farms, with yields being much lower in the latter under farmers’ management practices. Half the amount of mineral N fertilizer used in the bush farms was needed in the homestead fields to produce the average grain yields produced on the bush farm with full fertilization, if crop residues were returned to the fields in the homestead. Year-to-year variability in grain yield was consistently higher with the removal of crop residues, irrespective of management systems. APSIM was responsive to both organic and inorganic fertilizer applications in the study area and also highlighted the essential role of crop residues and inorganic fertilizer in influencing the temporal sorghum grain production and hence the impact of farmers’ management practices on food security. This was evident in the rapid decline in soil organic carbon (SOC) accompanied by a decline in grain yield over the 30 years of cropping. The use of inorganic fertilizer and retention of crop residues (SOC) are critical for attaining food security in the study area.  相似文献   

Finger millet and sorghum flours were used as vehicles for double fortification with ferrous fumarate, zinc stearate and EDTA. The iron and zinc salts were added at levels that provided 60 mg iron and 50 mg zinc per kg of flour. EDTA was added at levels equimolar to the added iron. The double-fortified finger millet and sorghum flours contained bioaccessible zinc contents of 0.83 and 1.63 mg/100 g, respectively, while the respective bioaccessible iron contents were 2.39 and 2.63 mg/100 g. The exogenous iron and zinc did not mutually interfere with their bioaccessibility. The shelf-life of the fortified flours was also satisfactory up to a period of 60 days, as indicated by the moisture and free fatty acid contents in the fortified flours. Double fortification of the millet flours did not negatively alter the sensory quality of the products prepared from them. The RDA for iron and zinc of Indian children, women and men can be sufficiently met with approximately 4 dumplings or 9 rotis. The use of such qualitatively and quantitatively rich flours can be promoted through welfare programs to reduce and subsequently eradicate iron and zinc deficiency.  相似文献   

The effect of addition of three commonly used emulsifiers namely GMS (glycerol monostearate), SSL (sodium stearoyl lactylate) and DATEM (diacetyl tartaric acid esters of monoglycerides) on complexation, thermal, pasting and textural properties of OWSS (oxidized white sorghum starch) was studied. The study is of interest as both oxidized starches and emulsifiers are present as co-ingredients in different food products and thus their complexation could affect the textural characteristics of foods. The complexation index (CI) reduced on oxidation of sorghum starch. The CI for native white sorghum starch (NWSS) was in the order GMS > SSL > DATEM whereas for OWSS, CI was in the order GMS > SSL > DATEM. Presence of emulsifiers significantly reduced gelatinization enthalpies of starches. Types I and II amylose–lipid complexes were observed in NWSS and OWSS on addition of GMS. Pasting temperature of NWSS increased while peak viscosity reduced on addition of SSL and GMS. Cold paste and setback viscosities of OWSS increased significantly (p ≤ 0.05) on addition of emulsifiers. Emulsifiers reduced firmness and rupture strength of NWSS and OWSS gels. Increase in firmness of gels on storage increased in NWSS and decreased in OWSS on addition of emulsifiers. Elasticity of OWSS on cold storage was higher in the presence of SSL and GMS.  相似文献   

Grain mould causes qualitative and quantitative loss to grain in sorghum. Grain mould resistance is a complex problem as grain mould is caused by complex of fungi and the resistance is governed by many traits. Breeding efforts during the last 3 decades to develop grain mould resistance in high yielding genotypes have not paid many dividends. We developed a strategy to breed for grain mould resistance in high yielding back ground. Twenty five crosses between elite lines and grain mould resistant genetic stocks (susceptible × resistant/moderately resistant and moderately resistant × resistant crosses) were evaluated in F1, and derivatives performing superiorly for grain mould resistance in F2-F4 at physiological maturity were advanced. The early generation material F2s (10) and F3s (125) in 6 locations (representing rainy-season-sorghum growing 6 states of India where grain mould is one of the major biotic stresses), and later generations F4s and F5s in 3 locations (one location, Parbhani is a hot spot for grain moulds and 2 locations, Hyderabad and Coimbatore in epiphytotic conditions) were evaluated. Only 25 selections out of 384 derivatives in F4 were superior over locations for grain mould resistance at physiological maturity and harvest maturity (Our simultaneous studies in RILs for grain mould resistance across years and locations have shown that the variation obtained for grain mould resistance at physiological maturity is genetically governed and the grain mould score further gets compounded at harvest maturity depending on rainfall received after physiological maturity). These superior lines were advanced and further evaluated in F5 and F6 for grain mould resistance and grain yield. During 2007, out of 25 F5 derivatives, 12 were on par (scored 3.1-4.4) with resistant check, B 58586 (3.2 score) where as susceptible check, 296 B registered a score of 7.5. GMN nos. 41, 52, 59, and 63 performed on par with resistant check, B 58586 for grain mould resistance over 9 environments. Since we selected for grain mould resistance in early generations at physiological maturity in multi-locations, we could identify superior lines for grain mould resistance. Most of these lines are high yielding and on par with elite check, C43 for grain yield. These lines are distinct for DUS testing traits from grain mould resistant check, B 58586.  相似文献   

Reduced lignin concentration in brown mid-rib mutants in both maize and sorghum have resulted in improved dry matter digestibility, increased milk yield and higher energy in lactating cows. However, the mutations were not widely deployed due to concern that reduced lignin concentration might increase vulnerability to lodging and stalk rot incidence. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of the mutations on stalk strength and stalk rot resistance in both sorghum and maize. Six brown midrib (bmr) sorghum, four brown midrib (bm) maize, and their normal isolines were evaluated for stalk strength and stalk rot disease reaction at two locations in four replications. Three randomly selected plants in each plot were inoculated with Macrophomina phaseolina at 14 d after flowering by using the toothpick inoculation technique. On 28 d after inoculation, the plants were rated for disease severity by measuring the length of necrotic lesions in the stalks. Stalk strength was determined from another three random plants in each plot by using a rind penetrometer. The mutations had no effect on stalk rot disease severity in either sorghum or maize though stalks strength was markedly affected by the mutations in both species. While maize bm entries broke easily in response to mild mechanical stress, bmr sorghums did not exhibit sign of stalk collapse in all backgrounds. The result suggests that the bmr genes in both maize and sorghum can be deployed without incurring losses to stalk rot disease.  相似文献   

Although a principal source of energy and protein for millions of the world's poorest people, the nutritional value of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is diminished because of low digestibility of grain protein and starch. To address this problem, we analyzed the properties of two sorghum lines that have a common pedigree but differ in digestibility. Consistent with results based on a ruminal fluid assay, the protein and starch of one line (KS48) was more thoroughly digested than that of the other (KS51) using in vitro assays based on pepsin and α-amylase. The indigestibility of KS51 relative to KS48 was shown to be due to (i) a greater abundance of disulfide-bonded proteins; (ii) presence in KS51 of non-waxy starch and the accompanying granule-bound starch synthase; and (iii) the differing nature of the protein matrix and its interaction with starch. The current findings suggest that each of these factors should be considered in efforts to enhance the nutritional value of sorghum grain.  相似文献   

Research and development of an innovative production system for hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) fibre for textile use requires the integration of multidisciplinary knowledge from cultivation technique to realization of end products. Research was carried out to study the effect of the agronomic factors cultivation year (2003–2004), genotype (Futura 75 and Tiborszallasi), plant population (120, 240 and 360 plants m−2) and harvesting time (beginning and full flowering) on fibre yield and quality in the whole hemp stem, and in the basal and apical stem portions separately. The study of separate stem portions was done to determine the effect on fibre quality of an innovative harvesting and processing system in which hemp stems are cut in two portions of approximately 1 m at harvest to enable processing on modern flax scutching lines.  相似文献   

In a four-year study, we investigated the relationship between the damage to root nodules of organically produced pea (Pisum sativum L.) by the larvae of the pea leaf weevil (Sitona lineatus L.) and the abundance of adult weevils. In addition to studying natural infestations, we established artificial infestations within cages to assess the impact of different weevil densities on yield parameters and determinants of the nitrogen balance. Densities of 0.2 adult S. lineatus per plant (20 individuals per m2) reduced the number of seeds and pods per plant by 18% and 15%, respectively; seeds per pod and thousand-seed weight remained unaffected. A three-fold or five-fold increase in weevil abundance (13–40 or 20 to 100 individuals per m2) did not result in an additional reduction in yield. Moreover, the higher weevil abundance did not adversely affect the N-harvest index or soil nitrogen content. We suspect that the impact of adult S. lineatus on yield and nitrogen parameters is limited by the density-dependent mortality of the larvae. Survival of larvae in turn depends on the nodulation of the plants, which is largely regulated by the supply of water. The assumption that organic cropping systems are at specific risk from the pea leaf weevil was confirmed by increasing population densities during the study period. However, yield losses were independent of adult attack within a wide range of weevil abundance, which indicates the complexity of assessing larval damage based on adult infestation level. An enhanced intraspecific competition among larvae may account for the absence of linear relationships, considering that especially young instars failed to establish in root nodules at higher densities. We found that adult densities of 0.2 individuals per plant and subsequent larval densities of 7 individuals per plant resulted in destruction of 37% of the root nodules on primary roots, which was much below destruction values reported in other studies. In conclusion, we recommend an early monitoring of weevils and early initiation of control strategies because yield losses were caused by even low weevil densities. Finally, the tolerance of P. sativum to S. lineatus was influenced by the yield level, i.e., tolerance to S. lineatus decreased as yield increased.  相似文献   

Field experiments under low-input farming conditions were conducted in South West Germany (lhinger Hof) and North Switzerland (Wil) in 2004 and 2005 aimed at optimizing nitrogen rate and seed density for the production of the newly introduced safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). The experiments were laid out in a four-replicated-split plot design with three nitrogen fertilizer rates (0, 40, 80 kg/ha) as main plots and cultivars (Sabina, Saffire, BS-62915) and seed densities (50, 100, 150 seeds/rn2) randomized in split plots. It was shown that many traits responded differentially across environments to rate of nitrogen and seed density. Application of 40 and 80 kg N/ha did not significantly affect most of the investigated traits. At Ihinger Hof, the total nitrogen fertilizer needed to maximize safflower yield was estimated to be 86 kg N/ha. At Wil, residual soil nitrogen alone resulted in satisfactory seed yield when safflower followed a crop fertilized at a commercial rate. The nitrogen rate × seed density interaction was only significant for seed yield and Alternaria leaf spot disease. Nitrogen rates provided significant increases in seed yield at high seed density compared to low seed density. Seed density did not reveal any significant variation in seed yield, oil content, and oil yield. On average, the low seed density produced substantially higher numbers of heads/plant and seeds/plant compared to medium and high densities. These results demonstrate the ability of safflower to use residual soil nitrogen efficiently and to compensate for low plant density.  相似文献   

Previous clarification of the relationships between insect populations and damage by cereal pests has enabled the effect of combined pest infestation on the yield of winter wheat to be analysed more thoroughly. The cereal aphids Macrosiphum avenae (Fabr.) (Sitobion avenae) and Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), each in combination with the cereal leaf beetle Oulema melanopus (L.), were investigated in pot trials which enabled interactions between the combined pest populations to be studied also. Although intraspecific competition was observed for each pest population, there was no interspecific adverse effect of density on population increase. With increasing population densities of the pests in combination, the relative contribution of each species to the combined yield losses decreased. Consequently, there was no summation of individual losses, but a reduction of up to 24·3%. The ability of the cereal plant to compensate for losses may be responsible for this ‘buffering effect’, which apparently is attributable to increased dry-matter production in the presence of large combined pest populations. These results suggest that the existing economic thresholds relating to the effects of cereal aphids and cereal leaf beetle on yields of winter wheat require modification.  相似文献   

Five bacterial strains (TR1 to TR5) isolated from root nodules of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) were tested for their plant growth promotory traits and biocontrol potential against Fusarium oxysporum. On the basis of morphological, physiological, biochemical and molecular characteristics, strains TR1 and TR3 - TR5 were identified as Ensifer meliloti, and TR2 as Rhizobium leguminosarum. All bacterial isolates utilized phosphate in vitro. Except TR5, all isolates produced IAA and none of them showed volatile cyanogens production. Except TR3, all isolates produced in vitro siderophore. Isolate TR1 and TR4 showed chitinase production while only TR2 showed β-1,3-glucanase activity. Isolates TR1, TR2 and TR5 exhibited ACC deaminase activity. Isolates TR1, TR2 and TR4 inhibited the growth of F. oxysporum, causing loss of structural integrity of the mycelium, hyphal perforation, lysis, fragmentation and degradation. The potential for nodulation and nitrogen fixation of the strains were confirmed by amplification of 500 bp nodC and 781 bp nifH fragments. The application of the TR1 + TR2 combination resulted in increased grain yield by 35% and 36% of fenugreek in two consecutive field trials, respectively as compared to control. Maximum increments in vigour index, nodule number and root and shoot biomass were recorded with seed inoculated with consortium (TR1 + TR2) followed by single inoculation as compared to control. The antibiotic resistant marker strain of E. meliloti TR1strep+ and R. leguminosarum TR2tet+ confirmed the efficient colonization of fenugreek roots. This study showed that these rhizobial isolates have properties of biocontrol agents and may be applied to promote the growth of fenugreek.  相似文献   

The commercial production of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) depends on the genetic structure and ecological conditions affecting yield and oil composition. To determine yield and quality characters of two peppermint clones (Clone-3 and Clone-8), field experiments were carried out at four different locations (Ayd?n, Bursa, Izmir and Tokat) in Turkey during 2007 and 2008. Locations with warmer climate gave higher fresh herbage yield (Ayd?n and Izmir 37.0 t/ha and 36.8 t/ha, respectively). Although vigor canopy caused maximum fresh herbage yield, it decreased dried leaf yield due to the defoliation of leaves near to the ground. The main components menthol and menthone showed significant variation with different ecologies. Menthol contents were higher in temperate locations (Bursa and Tokat), while menthone contents were lower. The differences in oil composition of Clone-3 were lower than that of Clone-8 according to different climates, thus Clone-3 can be grown widely in various ecological conditions for oil productions as compared to the Clone-8. It was also concluded that temperate location was more suitable for peppermint oil production with high menthol contents.  相似文献   

We cloned the first nudix hydrolase of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (TaNUDT1) and expressed it using Escherichia coli as expression host. Properties of the purified His6-tagged protein were studied. The sequence codes for a nudix hydrolase with a molecular mass of around 43x103 and a predicted pI of 5.68. The characteristic residues of the nudix box were highly conserved in the wheat enzyme sequence, and TaNUDT1 is most probably targeted to the peroxisomes. In the presence of dithiothreitol and MnCl2, the enzyme hydrolyses the nicotinamide coenzymes NAD(P)(H) as could be predicted by the presence of a conserved amino acid array C-terminal to the nudix box, and the enzyme has higher affinity towards the reduced forms of the coenzymes. In light of previous reports of nudix enzymes and the physiological concentration of their substrates, we found its Km values towards some of the coenzymes to be relatively high. As NAD(P)(H) and FAD play crucial roles in cell metabolism, extensive hydrolysis could be detrimental to cell functioning. We speculate that a decreased enzyme affinity may point to a built-in restriction on coenzyme hydrolysis in vivo. Furthermore, by hydrolysing the cofactors of several redox enzymes, this enzyme may well affect several wheat based processes.  相似文献   

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