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张彪 《玉米科学》2001,9(4):084-088
目前,四川玉米育种和种子生产遇到一些比较突出的问题,主要表现为适应南方生态和生产条件的突破性杂交种少,玉米育种缺乏管理、研究秩序混乱,种子生产经营管理不力、市场混乱,重品种、轻投入、忽视因种栽培,部分区试点条件和人员素质差,新品种知识产权难保护.要解决这些问题,只有通过建立健全相关法律法规和机构,做到政企分开,加强对育种和生产经营的管理,加快国有育种科研和种业体制改革,组建大型种子企业集团,彻底实现育、繁、销一体化。  相似文献   

大豆种子抗老化鉴定的方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选用遗传差异相对较大的皖豆24、皖豆25(杂交品种)及合豆3号的种子,在温度为40℃、湿度为85%的条件下老化处理4、8和12 d,研究加速老化过程中不同基因型大豆种子成苗率、发芽率、电导率及单株幼苗干重的变化规律。结果表明:随着加速老化时间的延长种子活力下降;加速老化处理8 d,3个品种的各项鉴定指标均发生改变:品种的成苗率、发芽率及单株幼苗干重显著降低,电导率明显升高,且品种间有显著差异;发芽率和成苗率的变化在品种间具有一致性,电导率、单株幼苗干重的变化和成苗率品种间一致性较差;成苗率和发芽率的相关性最高(r=0.972**)。利用国家大豆微核心种质中的91份资源对老化鉴定方法进行验证,结果在温度为40℃,湿度为85%条件下老化8 d的种子发芽率及老化指数与在自然条件下老化15个月的发芽率及老化指数极显著相关(r=0.943**,0.716**)。综合分析认为,温度为40℃,湿度为85%条件下老化处理8 d,以种子发芽率为活力鉴定指标可作为大豆种子抗老化性的鉴定方法。  相似文献   

甘蓝型双低杂交油菜新品种苏优3号的选育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
苏优3号为甘蓝型油菜细胞质雄性不育(CMS)杂交新品种,不育系为宁A3(MI CMS),恢复系为3075R。苏优3号综合性状好,抗(耐)病性强,成熟期早,品质优良,在1996-1998年度江苏省油菜新品种区域试验中,平均产量2553.30kg/hm^2,比对照秦油2号增产16.81%,在1999-2001年度国家油菜品种区域试验中,平均产量2686.80kg/hm^2,比对照中油821增产11.6%,苏优3号芥酸含量0.42%,硫甙含量25.87umol/g,种子含油率43.46%。  相似文献   

利用国外向日葵(Helianthus annuus L.)杂交种及我国自交系作为基本育种材料,通过回交与自交的方法,选育出含油率高、自花结实性好、产量高的油葵新品种陕葵杂l号,陕西省油葵品种区域试验平均产量2400kg/hm^2,生产试验平均产量3450kg/hm^2,含油量47%,出仁率75%。  相似文献   

Breeding to improve perennial grasses for forage usage aims to increase the whole-plant aerial biomass. However, the ability to increase the whole-plant yield by breeding may be questionable in grasses which are expected to reach an optimal leaf area index during grass stand growth rather rapidly. We carried out a field experiment aiming to compare herbage yield and other performances of seven natural populations and 21 cultivars of diploid perennial ryegrass registered on European National lists in the last 40 years. Cultivars were sampled in the spike emergence earliness range used for pasture usage, i.e. in the semi-late and late earliness range according to the French classification into spike emergence earliness groups. Forage performances of populations and cultivars were tested in four locations in monthly cut dense sward plots. Morphological and phenological traits were recorded in two spaced-plant experiments, and seed yield was assessed in two locations in standard seed production conditions. Trait regression on cultivar registration year pointed out that total dry-matter yield of cultivars increased by +3.2% per decade. However, dry-matter yield was not improved in the most favourable period for grass growth, i.e. in spring. On the other hand, it was improved in summer (+2.8% per decade) and autumn (+7.4% per decade) when the aerial biomass production is on average rather small. Breeders succeeded in significantly reducing aftermath heading. Reduction in aftermath heading is likely to have contributed to the noted increase in summer and autumn dry-matter yields, and to a moderate improvement in herbage feeding value. Breeding was also efficient in improving rust resistance and in bringing forward the start of spring growth. For monthly cut swards, we evidenced a clear association of leaf and lamina lengths with spring and summer dry-matter yields. Breeding for long leaves, or for high leaf elongation rate, should contribute to improve the cumulated intercepted radiation during re-growths, and consequently could be a way of improving the spring dry-matter yield. Seed yield did not improve with breeding for forage performances. However, we did not notice any negative association between the seed yield and traits related with forage usage. Direct selection pressures on seed yield criteria applied at the core of the breeding process should enable to improve the seed yield without any negative impact on forage performances.  相似文献   

采用室内生物测定方法,研究了不同质量浓度的大豆根系浸提液(10,20,40,80 g·L~(-1))对3个茎瘤芥品种(永安小叶、涪杂2号和涪杂5号)种子萌发和幼苗生长的化感作用。结果表明:大豆根系浸提液对茎瘤芥具有明显的化感效应,包括促进、抑制和"低促高抑"3种化感作用类型,并具有品种效应和浓度效应。不同浓度的大豆根系浸提液对永安小叶和涪杂2号种子萌发的影响表现为促进作用,而对涪杂5号种子萌发则表现为"低促高抑"的规律;对涪杂2号幼苗根长为抑制作用,但对永安小叶和涪杂5号幼苗根长则呈"低促高抑"的规律;对3个茎瘤芥品种的幼苗苗高和生物量具有促进作用,且随着浸提液浓度的升高而增强。从综合化感效应来看,大豆根系浸提液对3个茎瘤芥品种总体上为促进作用,且对永安小叶的促进作用最大。因此,永安小叶是大豆最佳的接茬品种。  相似文献   

油菜抗菌核病材料宁RS-1的选育与利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宁RS-1由甘蓝型油菜军农1号、3-67、Midas、Wesroona及花椰菜和白菜型油菜灌县花叶等亲本复合杂交育成。田间抗性鉴定结果表明,宁RS-1对油菜菌核病的相对抗病效果RRA和RRB分别为57.4%和55.7%,达到中抗水平;人工接种鉴定为低抗。利用宁RS-1为亲本,育成了多个双低油菜新品系以及宁杂花叶等双低抗病杂交油菜新组合,在各级产量鉴定试验中均表现良好。宁RS-1还被用于油菜菌核病抗性遗传与抗病基因分子标记研究。  相似文献   

以小麦品种绵阳26为材料,研究了烯效唑干拌种对小麦种子萌发后内源激素含量和物质代谢的影响,旨在为利用烯效唑培育壮苗提供理论依据。结果表明,处理种子萌发后胚乳中赤霉素(GA)、脱落酸(ABA)含量为前期降低后期升高,生长素(IAA)、玉米素(ZT)含量与对照差异不大;胚芽中GA、IAA含量降低,ABA、ZT含量升高;胚根中GA、IAA、ZT含量降低,ABA含量为前期低于对照而后期高于对照。烯效唑处理后,α-淀粉酶活性受到抑制,使淀粉类贮藏物质降解缓慢,延长了淀粉的降解时间,有利于小麦由异养向自养过渡;蛋白酶活性得到提高,加快种子氮化物的水解,使可溶性蛋白质积累加快,有利于细胞结构的建成。  相似文献   


The effects of relative light intensity (RLI) on the growth, yield and curcumin content of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) were examined in Okinawa, Japan. The plants were shaded with white nets with different mesh sizes for maintaining respective RLI. Five RLI, 100 (without shading), 82, 79, 73 and 59% in 2004?2005 and four RLI, 100, 68, 52 and 48% in 2005?2006 were evaluated. In the first experiment, plant height increased markedly, but the number of leaves and tillers, and SPAD value increased slightly in the plants grown at 59?82% RLI compared with control (without shading). Turmeric shoot biomass and yield increased significantly at 59?82% RLI and they were highest at 73% RLI in the first experiment. Curcumin content of turmeric increased markedly at 59?73% RLI as compared with the control in the first experiment. Similar results in plant growth, shoot biomass, yield and curcumin content were obtained in the second experiment, but the effects of RLIs were smaller than in the first experiment because of late planting. This study indicates that turmeric is a partial shade-tolerant plant that could be cultivated at around 59?73% RLI for higher yield and curcumin content in Okinawa. However, the degree of RLI required for better turmeric cultivation may vary with the place, year and irradiance level.  相似文献   

玉米种子休眠性数量遗传体系的判别   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用植物数量性状主基因 多基因混合遗传模型的方法对普通玉米自交系R08与A318杂交组合的P1、P2、F1和F2∶34个世代群体的种子休眠性进行了分析。结果表明:R08×A318组合种子休眠性的遗传符合一对加性-显性主基因 加性-显性-上位性多基因模型(D-0模型)。在F2∶3家系世代,主基因方差为0.9455,多基因方差为0.1196。主基因遗传率在F2∶3家系群体中为72.49%,多基因遗传率为9.17%。  相似文献   

[目的]研究苯甲酸对萝卜种子萌发和抗氧化酶活性的影响。[方法]以萝卜品种枇杷缨全红为试材,研究不同浓度的苯甲酸对萝卜种子发芽、幼苗生长及抗氧化酶活性的影响。[结果]苯甲酸浓度为10-3mol/L时,萝卜种子萌发率、幼苗的根长和苗长分别较对照显著降低5.0%、39.5%和40.9%;苯甲酸浓度为10-7~10-5mol/L时,种子萌发率、幼苗根长和苗长与对照差异不显著;萝卜种子的抗氧化酶活性(SOD和POD)分别在苯甲酸浓度为10-5mol/L和10-4mol/L时受到显著抑制。[结论]苯甲酸对萝卜种子萌发、幼苗生长及抗氧化酶活性均有明显的抑制作用,表现为高浓度时抑制,低浓度时抑制作用减弱。  相似文献   

【目的】研究辣子草对蔬菜的化感作用。【方法】以白菜为对象,研究不同浓度、不同部位的辣子草水浸液对其种子发芽率及幼苗根长和苗长的影响。[结果]随着浓度的增加,辣子草的水浸液对白菜不同部位生长的抑制作用逐渐增强;而在同一浓度下,不同部位辣子草的水浸液对白菜的影响为叶〉茎〉根。【结论】辣子草对白菜具有化感作用,且该化感物质可能主要存在于辣子草的地上部分。  相似文献   

通过室内生物测定的方法就异型莎草、扁穗莎草和褐穗莎草3种莎草属伴生杂草提取物对水稻种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响进行研究。结果表明,与对照相比,250~4 000μg/mL的3种伴生杂草提取物对水稻种子萌发率基本不产生显著影响,但2 000~4 000μg/mL的异型莎草提取物对水稻种子发芽势产生显著抑制作用。异型莎草250~4 000μg/mL的水提物对水稻幼苗根长,1 000~4 000μg/mL的水提物对水稻幼苗苗高和鲜重以及2 000~4 000μg/mL的醇提物对水稻幼苗鲜重均产生显著抑制作用,相对应的最高抑制率分别为78.64%、39.28%、36.65%、22.65%。扁穗莎草250~4 000μg/mL的醇提物和500~4 000μg/mL的水提物对水稻幼苗根长,250~2 000μg/mL的水提物对水稻幼苗苗高以及1 000~2 000μg/mL的水提物对水稻幼苗鲜重均产生显著促进作用,相对应的最大促进率分别为83.76%、76.85%、21.14%、10.57%。褐穗莎草250~4 000μg/mL的醇提物和2 000~4 000μg/mL的水提物对水稻幼苗根长,1 000~4 000μg/mL的水提物对水稻幼苗苗高以及2 000μg/mL的水提物对水稻幼苗鲜重均产生显著促进作用,相对应的最大促进率分别为85.18%、78.22%、18.53%、14.77%。  相似文献   

黑小麦品种选育与营养加工研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑小麦是普通小麦中的一种特殊类型,是一种天然的功能食品原料,不仅含有丰富的营养成分,还具有一定的保健功能,在食品加工中具有广阔的应用前景。本文主要介绍了黑小麦的遗传基础与品种选育、营养特性、加工品质及其在食品加工中的应用,分析了黑小麦品种选育和在加工应用中存在的问题,提出了黑小麦开发利用的途径和发展前景。  相似文献   

我国苎麻育种方法研究进展及面临的问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国苎麻育种工作者采用地方良种鉴定、引种、系统选择、杂交育种、辐射育种等各种育种手段,先后培育出了中苎系列、湘苎系列、鄂苎系列、华苎系列、赣苎系列和川苎系列等高产优质苎麻新品种。综述了我国苎麻现阶段所采用的育种方法及面临的问题,为今后苎麻育种提供参考。  相似文献   

One of the major problems of confection sunflowers is low seed set. We studied the relationship between seed set and the origin of pollen, either self or cross, and the effects of stigmatic sprays of calcium nitrate, boric acid and polyphenols on seed set. In a screen-house experiment, seed set was analyzed for three predetermined regions in the sunflower capitulum: distal, median and proximal. Cross-pollination combined with calcium nitrate or boric acid spray significantly improved seed set in the distal region compared with cross-pollination alone or with cross-pollination combined with self-pollination. Neither spray had a significant effect on seed set in the median or proximal regions. Cross-pollination of the proximal region only, with either fresh pollen or 24-h-old pollen, did not improve seed set compared with cross-pollination of the whole capitulum. We found no direct link between pollen germination on the stigma and seed set. However, each region of the capitulum responded differently to self- or cross-pollination. In two open-field experiments, stigmatic applications of calcium nitrate significantly increased seed set by approximately 9% compared with open pollination alone, while stigmatic applications of polyphenols significantly increased seed set by approximately 9% only once, suggesting that commercial yields may be increased by using similar applications.  相似文献   

玉米子粒灌浆及种子萌发特性的粒位效应研究   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
李玉玲  台国琴 《玉米科学》2005,13(1):060-063
对粒重不同的2个纯合稳定普通玉米自交系及其正反交当代果穗上、中、下不同部位子粒的灌浆进程及成熟种子的电导率和萌发特性研究结果表明:①不同部位子粒百粒重均表现为下部>中部>上部,杂交当代的百粒重高于母本自交系;子粒灌浆速率的高低和有效灌浆期的长短是导致不同材料及不同部位子粒百粒重差异的主要原因。②中部子粒的电导率小于上、下部子粒,种子发芽率、发芽指数、发芽生长指数、贮藏物质消耗率和运转率大于上、下部子粒。种子萌发及幼苗特性的一致性也与粒位效应有关。  相似文献   

探究橄榄种子休眠生理与层积对种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响效应,为橄榄及其他核果类果树种子休眠生理研究和种苗繁育提供参考.以未层积种子(层积0 d)为对照,对橄榄种子进行不同时间(每10 d一处理,共10个处理)的层积处理,研究橄榄种子在层积过程中营养物质、激素水平等生理生化变化,以及不同层积时间种子的萌发和幼苗生长情况.结...  相似文献   

Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. is a perennial grass with high productivity and forage value; however, poor stand establishment, often due to seed dormancy, limits its widespread use for forage production. To investigate the mechanism of seed dormancy and to develop effective methods of improving germination, the contribution of each part of the caryopsis to dormancy was investigated, and a number of single or combined dormancy‐breaking pre‐treatments were conducted using three seed lots. The palea, lemma, pericarp/testa, and endosperm all contributed to seed dormancy. The contribution of each part to dormancy was 23·4%, lemma; 6·2%, palea; 28·4%, pericarp/testa; and 42·0%, endosperm. Hull (palea and lemma) removal, pericarp/testa piercing, and soaking in distilled water or 30% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) significantly decreased the percentage of dormant seeds (i.e. increased germination). Treating hull‐removed and pericarp/testa‐pierced seeds with gibberellic acid (GA3) also significantly decreased the percentage of dormant seeds. Compared with each of the single pre‐treatments, the combined pre‐treatment of pre‐soaking in water for 1 d, then 30% NaOH for 60 min and treating with 300 μm GA3 resulted in the highest germination (89%); and seed viability was 91%.  相似文献   

为了挖掘野生二粒小麦的优异基因资源,选择以普通小麦品种Bethlehem(BLH)和中国春(Chinese Spring,CS)为背景的两套野生二粒小麦染色体臂置换系(chromosome arm substitution lines,CASLs)为材料,开展种子萌发与幼苗生长特性的研究。结果表明,无论在BLH还是在CS背景下,不同CASL之间发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数等种子萌发性状以及主根长、根数、苗高、平均根长等幼苗生长特性均存在一定的差异。两个遗传背景中,5BS和7BS置换系的种子发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数均显著高于亲本,而5AS和6AS置换系却显著低于亲本,推测在这些置换系相应染色体臂上至少各带有一个调控小麦发芽特性的QTL。4BL和6BL置换系的苗高、主根长和平均根长均大于亲本;2BS和3AL置换系的主根长和根数都大于亲本;5BS、6AL、2AS和1AS置换系的主根长和平均根长均大于亲本。1BS置换系的苗高、主根长和平均根长均比亲本小;4AL置换系的平均根长和根数小于亲本。由此推测,在1AS、2AS、3AL、6AL、2BS和5BS染色体上可能存在控制小麦幼苗叶片和根系生长的相关基因。  相似文献   

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