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Summary. 1,1-Bis(4-ethoxyphenyl)-2-nitropropane (GH74) was evaluated as an oviposition deterrent for the sheep blowlly Lucilia cuprina. In several test situations, flies laid only very few egg masses on fleece to which 0.5% GH74 had been applied, and which had been exposed in the field for up to 6 months. However, a significant number of egg masses were laid on the breech of severely scouring sheep when tested several weeks after application of GH74 at the same concentration. Procedures for evaluating oviposition deterrents against sheep blowfly are discussed.  相似文献   

The distribution of a parasite population within its natural host population can have a significant influence on the dynamics of both the host and parasite populations. The majority of parasite species are typically distributed in an aggregated manner within the host population, leaving most hosts lightly infected and a few hosts supporting very large parasite burdens. This paper presents a consideration of the effects of aggregation on the incidence of ovine cutaneous myiasis caused by the sheep blowfly, Lucilia sericata (Meigen). Using simulation analysis, the mechanisms causing larval aggregation are included in the model, allowing the consequences for control to be investigated. By explicitly incorporating host susceptibility, it becomes apparent that early in the season, strategies targeting the blowfly population may prove more effective in suppressing strike levels, whereas later in the season, treatment of the sheep population may be more beneficial. The analysis also shows that the greater the degree of aggregation, the fewer sheep that become struck and, hence, suggests that increasing the heterogeneity in susceptibility amongst a flock of sheep restricts strikes to relatively few sheep. Providing the highly-susceptible sheep could be identified, concentrating strikes on a low number of sheep would allow fewer sheep to be treated, leading to a more efficient means of controlling the blowfly population and suppressing strike.  相似文献   

A simple technique, which allows sheep to be rendered temporarily susceptible to fly attack, is described and used to examine oviposition rates of Lucilia cuprina under field conditions. Oviposition rates are shown to be related to both fly activity and fly density. The question of Hobson's 'live sheep factor' in attracting L. cuprina to sheep is re-considered.  相似文献   

The use of fly-traps for the control of sheep blowfly strike was examined on 12 commercial sheep farms in south west England in 2003. Two flocks acted as controls, with no prophylactic blowfly strike control. Four flocks of lambs and three flocks of ewes were protected only by blowfly traps, seven of the flocks of ewes and six flocks of lambs were protected by blowfly traps but also had proprietary insecticides applied to them at some stage. There was no difference in the abundance of L. sericata at the various sites. The highest incidence of strike was seen in the two control flocks where 10.9 and 5.8% of the ewes and 10.1 and 9.2% of the lambs were struck. Strike incidence in the flocks that used trapping only and flocks that used trapping plus a chemical preventive was on average five times lower than in the control flocks, but the percentages struck on the sites in the trapping only and trapping plus insecticide groups were not significantly different from each other. The results of this study show that traps can make an effective contribution to blowfly strike control on individual farms.  相似文献   

Five proprietary and one experimental dressing were compared with no treatment in their ability to aid healing of mulesing wounds in over 1900 young lambs. Healing was judged as the completeness of shrinkage of the mulesing cuts and the condition of scabs on the new skin surface. When assessed at 21 d it was found that treatment with Heriots Crown Wound Powder or Coopers Mulesing Powder offered a significant advantage over leaving the wounds untreated. Neither aqueous organophosphate washes, Defiance nor Defiance containing 0.08% chlorfenvinphos offered any healing advantage over controls. However, washing the wounds with an aqueous organophosphate solution aided healing more than the Defiance-based dressings. It was considered that the powders or the washes encouraged quick scab formation either by creating a dry covering (powders) or by washing away blood and allowing fast drying of the wound. The Defiance-type dressings slowed healing by keeping the wound moist for up to 10 d, but healing was not significantly different to the untreated group by 21 d.  相似文献   

Four groups of five Romney lambs were treated by plunge dipping with one of four registered organophosphorus flystrike preventatives. Untreated lambs acted as controls. The sheep were challenged at weekly intervals with larval implants of organophosphate-susceptible and -resistant strains of Lucilia cuprina. All four treatments provided 19-21 weeks protection against susceptible larvae but chlorfenvinphos provided the longest protection (16-17 weeks), followed by propetamphos (15-16 weeks), dichlofenthion (10-13 weeks) and diazinon (9-13 weeks), against the resistant strain.  相似文献   

The reported occurrence of blowfly strike in 57 sheep flocks in Queensland, Australia, was investigated for time-space clustering in an exploratory study using Knox's method. Flystrike occurrence peaked in late spring and early summer, with an additional late-autumn peak in southern-Queensland flocks. A total of 1596 case-pairs was examined. Significant clustering (P = 0.07) was only detected for case-pairs occurring within 3 months and 150 km of each other; 164 case-pairs were declared close compared to an expectation of 151. We suggest that factors common to a district (such as rainfall and temperature) are responsible for clustering of flystrike in Queensland.  相似文献   

Cellular immune responses were observed in the skin of sheep after primary and secondary infection with sheep blowfly (Lucilia cuprina) larvae. Both primary and secondary infections resulted in a massive cellular infiltration within 48 h of wound initiation, with the majority of cells having the CD45 phenotype. Neutrophils comprised the major cell type at the skin surface. In the dermis, the number of CD4+ T helper, gamma delta-TCR+ cells and T19+ (CD4-, CD8-) T cells also increased significantly in skin during both primary and secondary infections compared with control sites. However, there was no significant difference in the numbers of these cells between primary and secondary infections. An increase in the expression of the CD1 antigen on Langerhans/dendritic cells was observed, along with an apparent increase in the number of these cells in secondary lesions, with the majority of the cells being concentrated in the upper dermis and epidermis. While there was no increase in mast cells, eosinophils increased significantly during infection compared with control sites. The cellular infiltration observed following primary and secondary infections suggests polyclonal activation of T cells and their selective recruitment to the lesion site.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess a ready-to-use formulation of dicyclanil to prevent blowfly strike on coarse and fine woolled sheep under New Zealand conditions. DESIGN: Randomized clinical field trials. PROCEDURE: In a first field trial, coarse wooled sheep treated with a ready-to-use, 5% dicyclanil formulation were compared with untreated control sheep for up to 21 weeks. In a second field trial, fine woolled sheep, treated with the same dicyclanil formulation, were compared with untreated sheep for up to 19 weeks. Efficacy was assessed by calculating the aggregated cumulative strike rate. RESULTS: For trial 1 (coarse woolled sheep) the aggregated cumulative strike rate at the end of the trial at week 21 after treatment reached 3.9% and 19.1% for treated and untreated sheep, respectively. For the treated animals the aggregated cumulative strike rate reached the 1% and 2% benchmarks between weeks 11 and 12. For trial 2 (fine woolled sheep) the aggregated cumulative strike rate at the end of the trial at week 19 reached 0.6% and 7.5% for treated and untreated sheep, respectively. Wool length at the time of application did not substantially influence the efficacy of dicyclanil. CONCLUSION: Under New Zealand field conditions, a ready-to-use 5% spray-on formulation of dicyclanil protected coarse woolled sheep for at least 12 weeks and fine woolled sheep for at least 19 weeks.  相似文献   

Sheep which have been bred for resistance (R) or susceptibility (S) to fleece rot and blowfly strike, were tested for intradermal inflammatory responses to excretory and secretory products of Lucilia cuprina larvae. R rams and lambs gave significantly larger skin weals than S animals. In addition, R and S rams were infected with L cuprina first instar larvae and wound exudates were collected. In the first 12 hours of infection R rams released significantly more exudate protein at the wound site than S rams. Correlations suggested that exudate production was stimulated by both larval burden and inflammatory responses, however, in the R group the inflammatory correlation was positive while in the S group it was negative. The results imply that inflammatory responses may play a role in innate resistance to L cuprina. The difference in inflammatory responses suggests genetic differences between the flocks and therefore could show some potential as a trait for indirect selection for resistance to fleece rot and body strike.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Seventeen trials involving 5737 sheep were conducted to test the efficacy of ivermectin jetting fluid (30 ppm in water) for the control of blowfly strike when applied to sheep either by standard hand jetting or through an automatic jetting race. Sheep were observed for up to 14 weeks after treatment and all strikes recorded. The level of fly challenge varied between trials, resulting in strike rates in untreated sheep ranging between 0 and 94%. At 12 weeks after treatment there were 93% fewer strikes in hand jetted sheep and 84% fewer strikes in machine jetted sheep when compared with untreated sheep. At this time point there was a 90%, 86% and 93% reduction in poll, body and breech strikes, respectively, when hand jetting was used, whereas machine jetting reduced poll, body, breech and pizzle strikes by 84%, 81%, 79% and 100%, respectively.  相似文献   

A summary and analysis have been carried out on data from over 6000 instances of flystrike in sheep in NZ, over a 16-year period, using a self-referral system where farmers submitted larvae and related information. The study covered a period of establishment and subsequent countrywide spread of the exotic blowfly, Lucilia cuprina. Comparisons are drawn between flystrike as it was perceived by surveys carried out before the 1940s, and the current situation with L. cuprina as an added major impediment. Briefly, the main differences are an increase in the prevalence of flystrike, changes in the representation and relative influence of individual primary blowfly species, an extension of the flystrike 'season', and an apparent increase in the importance of footrot as a factor predisposing to flystrike. Otherwise, flystrike is still primarily a disease of ewe lambs that are struck predominantly around the tail and perineum, mainly because of faecal staining.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a synthetic lure system (Lucitrap) to reduce blowfly strike incidence was assessed in a field trial conducted on two properties located in southern Queensland, Australia. Nine hundred and fifty sheep were randomised to treatment (one or more Lucitrap per 100 sheep) and control paddocks. Sheep were physically inspected for flystrike each month between August 1999 and May 2000. On one property, the risk of flystrike in the control group was 1.86 times (95% confidence interval, 1.19-2.90) greater than that in the treatment group. On the other property, two cases of flystrike were detected in the control group, but no cases were detected in the treatment group. These preliminary observations suggest that the use of Lucitrap can reduce the incidence of blowfly strike by up to about one-half. Blowfly traps have a role in controlling flystrike in circumstances in which sheep are susceptible to flystrike and the likelihood of flystrike occurring is at least moderate. The use of fly traps could assist the Australian wool industry to meet targets of reduced pesticide use.  相似文献   

In three multicentered field trials run during 1995 to 1997, involving a total of 12,928 lambs, the preventive effects on blowfly strike of a ready-to-use 5 per cent dicyclanil pour-on formulation and of a ready-to-use 6 per cent cyromazine pour-on formulation were compared with untreated controls for periods of up to 22 weeks. Their efficacy was assessed by calculating the consolidated cumulative strike rate for each treatment group and the consolidated percentage reduction of flystrike achieved by the two formulations. The consolidated cumulative strike rate for all three years together reached 29.2 per cent for the untreated control lambs at week 22, 2.8 per cent for the dicyclanil-treated lambs at week 22, and 6.9 per cent for the cyromazine-treated lambs at week 20. The consolidated cumulative percentage reduction of blowfly strike remained above 89 per cent for the dicyclanil-treated lambs. For the cyromazine-treated lambs the consolidated cumulative percentage reduction of blowfly strike reached 90 per cent during weeks 9 to 10, and 80 per cent during weeks 11 to 12.  相似文献   

The insecticidal effects of the phenylpyrazole, fipronil, and a pyrethroid, beta-cyfluthrin, on larvae of the blowfly Lucilia sericata were determined in laboratory assays. When first stage larvae of L. sericata were reared on homogenized pig liver which had been treated with known amounts of test compounds, both fipronil and beta-cyfluthrin induced significant levels of mortality compared to acetone and water controls. However, fipronil was approximately 10 times more toxic than beta-cyfluthrin to L. sericata larvae following ingestion. Beta-cyfluthrin had little effect on mortality until concentrations of approximately 0.5 ppm were reached. In contrast, fipronil effected L. sericata mortality at a concentration of 0.05 ppm and 100% mortality was reached by 0.5 ppm. The lethal concentration (LC50) value for beta-cyfluthrin was 1.56 ppm as compared to 0.14 ppm for fipronil. Following contact of first and third stage larvae with cloth impregnated with known amounts of test compound, the mortality profiles of fipronil and beta-cyfluthrin were similar. At short contact times, the LC50 values for fipronil were lower than those for beta-cyfluthrin. However, at the highest contact time evaluated for the first stage larvae, 300 s, there was a reversal in this trend. The results suggest that the phenylpyrazole fipronil may represent a new potential insecticide for development against blowfly strike of sheep.  相似文献   

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