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An unusual presentation of skin disease was identified in two related neonatal Pedigree Limousin calves presented to University Veterinary Hospital, University College Dublin, following detailed post mortem examination a diagnosis of dermatosparaxis was made. Dermatosparaxis in animals or Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, which is the analogous condition seen in humans, is a connective tissue disorder characterised by extreme skin fragility. To the authors’ knowledge this is the first report of such a diagnosis in the Limousin breed and the features of this lethal phenotype were severe in comparison to previous reports of the condition.

Case presentation

Two calves, which were full siblings, a pedigree Limousin bull (Calf A) and pedigree Limousin heifer (Calf B) were examined clinically after presenting collapsed since birth, both had grossly abnormal skin with multiple skin fissures visible and both calves were subsequently euthanised. Both calves underwent gross post mortem examination, after which histological samples were reviewed and electron microscopical examination of selected skin samples was carried out. Histological features of dysplastic dermal collagen were identified. The diagnosis of dermatosparaxis in the Limousin breed was confirmed. Genetic testing was conducted to determine if the current cases had the same mutation as has previously been described in Belgian Blue cattle. Some common parentage was traced but genetic testing did not show a similar mutation to that previously described in cattle. The specific genetic cause in this case is unknown.


This is the first report of dermatosparaxis in the Limousin and the presentation of the dermatosparaxis phenotype has some noteworthy features thus further genetic testing is required to pinpoint the causative mutation or other genetic defect. Given the popularity of the breed and the lethal nature of the phenotype in this case it is important to raise awareness of the condition.

The occurrence of ichthyosis in two Italian Chianina calves is described for the first time. Both animals, affected by ichthyosis fetalis and ichthyosis congenita, respectively, showed diffuse cutaneous thickening which had been present since birth. The first patient was a three-month-old female calf; inelastic leather cuirass-like skin associated with generalized hypotrichosis and local alopecia, delay of the physiologic change of coat colour, stiff movement and growth retardation were the most prominent clinical characteristics. The patient was kept under observation for almost one year. The second case occurred in a 18-day-old female calf which was referred to our clinic after it had already died; the presence of irregular hyperkeratotic plates separated by deep fissures over the entire cutaneous surface and the slight eversion of the mucocutaneous junction (eclabium and ectropion) were the most characteristic alterations. In both cases, the major histopathological feature was a diffuse lamellar orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis. An underlying genetic defect was strongly suspected on the basis of a common ancestor for the two sires of the affected calves and of the current scientific knowledge.  相似文献   

Two calves with unusual malformations of the skull and brain are described. Both calves showed doming of the posterior skull due to enlargement of the posterior fossa and cyst-like dilatation of the fourth ventricle. The cystic dilatation of the fourth ventricle formed a meningocoele in one calf. Aplasia of the cerebellar vermis was present in both calves. One calf showed agenesis of the corpus callosum. These features are consistent with the Dandy-Walker malformation of man.  相似文献   

Ectrodactyly in two beef calves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Brachyspina syndrome, a rare lethal skeletal malformation, is described in two Italian Holstein calves. Both calves were stillborn and had shortened trunks with long legs. Radiography demonstrated several abnormalities of the cervical and thoracolumbar vertebral column. Visceral malformations involving the heart, kidney, genital tract and gastrointestinal system were also found. Both calves were traced back to the same sire and an inherited basis was strongly suspected.  相似文献   

Two 2-week-old calves with pyrexia, diarrhea, and subsequent dehydration were treated symptomatically for 1 week, but without favorable response. At necropsy, foci of necrosis were found in the abomasum and rumen of each calf. The small and large intestineswere dilated by grayish, turbid fluid. Numerous large amphophilic, intranuclear inclusions in endothelial cells of blood vessels in the abomasum and rumen, in endothelial cellsof the adrenal cortical sinusoids and renal glomeruli, and in intestinal epithelial cells were identified as adenovirus particles.  相似文献   

Doxycycline toxicity caused by a large overdose (10 times the therapeutic dosage) in two feedlots is described. The clinical symptoms occurred after 2-3 days and mortality 5 days after the onset of the medication which was added to the milk replacement. Mortality reached 25% (five calves) and 27% (seven calves) in herds A and B, respectively. Pathological and histological findings revealed pulmonary oedema, myocardial degeneration and necrosis. These findings confirm the cardiovascular toxicity, caused apparently by doxycycline administration to the calves, and indicate the potential side-effects of this drug in cattle.  相似文献   

Two 4‐ and 8‐month‐old prim'Holstein calves were presented for chronic epiphora. Examination of the affected eyes revealed an abnormal duct opening inferonasal to the medial canthus. A diagnosis of congenital lacrimal fistula was made based on conventional and computed tomographic‐dacryocystography findings. These revealed an ectopic channel connecting the nasolacrimal duct to the skin opening near the medial canthus. Both of the calves were surgically treated with resection and closure of the ectopic duct and placement of a nasolacrimal stent.  相似文献   

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