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Summary A number of varieties were grown on two contrasting types of soil, one a mineral soil derived from limestone, the other a fen peat. The resulting potatoes were compared in the boiled condition by means of organoleptic tests. Specific gravity was also determined. Differences between varieties within one soil type were significant, but between soil types differences were negligible. Varietal differences were not, however, consistent between one year and another. Tuber size was somewhat reduced on the peat soil.
Zusammenfassung Die Verarbeitungsbetriebe müssen sich die Kartoffeln notwendigerweise von vielen Herkünften unterschiedlicher Bodenart beschaffen. Die Forschungsergebnisse über den Einfluss der Bodenart auf die Qualit?t der Kartoffeln widersprechen sich. Es wurden mehrere Versuche durchgeführt, wobei eine bestimmte Anzahl von Sorten auf zwei benachbarten Feldern, von denen das eine einen Torf-, das andere einen durch Kalksteinverwitterung entstandenen Braunerde-Mineralboden aufwies, angebaut wurde. Die klimatischen und topographischen Verh?ltnisse waren gleich. Der Gehalt an organischer Substanz des Torfbodens schwankte von 7 bis 18% im Jahre 1961 und von 30 bis 72% in den andern Jahren. Der Mineralboden enthielt 2,6–4,8% organische Substanz und 16% Ton. Der Kürze halber wird hier nur auf die interessantesten Tabellen hingewiesen. Die Ertr?ge auf Mineralboden waren im allgemeinen h?her als jene auf Torfboden (Tabelle 1). In bezug auf Aussehen nach dem Kochen, Textur, spezifisches Gewicht und Geschmack waren die sortenbedingten Unterschiede viel bedeutender als jene, die durch die unterschiedlichen Bodenarten hervorgerufen wurden (Tabelle 2–7). Einige Unterschiede in der chemischen Zusammensetzung der Knollen waren auf die Bodenarten zurückzuführen (Tabelle 6). Im Torfboden waren die Knollen durchschnittlich kleiner (Tabelle 8). Der Korrelationskoeffizient zwischen Ertrag und spezifischem Gewicht war 1963 signifikant (r.-−0,293). Die Korrelationen zwischen Bodeneigenschaften und Speiseeigenschaften waren mit wenigen Ausnahmen nicht signifikant. Die Ergebnisse lassen sich wahrscheinlich dadurch erkl?ren, dass die Kartoffeln nur in gekochtem Zustand verglichen und dass keine Unterschiede im Kaligehalt der Knollen aus beiden Bodenarten gefunden wurden (Tabelle 6).

Résumé Les industries de la pomme de terre doivent nécessairement recevoir leurs approvisionnements de plusieurs types différents de sol. Il y a des contradictions dans les résultats au sujet de l’influence du type de sol sur la qualité des pommes de terre. Une série d’expériences fut réalisée dans lesquelles un certain nombre de variétés furent cultivées dans deux aires contigues, l’une sur tourbe, l’aut e sur sol minéral calcareux. Les sites avaient les mêmes altitude et climat. La teneur en matière organique du sol tourbeux variait de 7 à 18% en 1961 et de 30 à 72% les autres années. Le sol minéral contenait de 2,6–4,8% de matière organique et 16% d’argile. Dans un but de concision, seuls les tableaux les plus intéressants sont reproduits. Les rendements sur sol minéral sont généralement plus élevés que ceux sur tourbe (Tableau 1). Les différences d’aspect après cuisson, de texture, de saveur et de poids spécifique sont beaucoup plus importants entre variétés qu’entre les types de sol (Tableau 2–7). Certaines différences apparaissent dans la composition chimique des tubercules suivant les types de sol (Tableau 6). Le volume moyen des tubercules est moindre dans le sol tourbeux (Tableau 8). Le coefficient de corrélation entre rendement et poids spécifique est significatif en 1963 (r=−0.293). Les corrélations entre les propriétés des sols et les caractéristiques culinaires ne sont pas significatives, à part quelques exceptions mineures. Les résultats peuvent expliquer sur le base que les pommes de terre sont comparées seulement en condition “cuites à l’eau” et qu’il n’apparait aucune différence dans la teneur en potassium entre tubercules provenant des deux sols (Tableau 6).

American Journal of Potato Research - Specific gravity measurments were obtained for samples of potatoes from 37 fertilizer experiments in the Red River Valley of Minnesota and on sandy soils near...  相似文献   

A large percentage of winter and spring potatoes (Solanum tuberosum, L.) grown in the USA is produced in northeast Florida (NEF) on sandy soils with low cation exchange capacity. Maintaining adequate K nutrition is a major concern. A study was conducted on an Elzey fine sand (sandy, siliceous, hyperthermic Typic Humaquept) in NEF to relate yield and leaf K to soil and fertilizer K levels. In 1981, Mehlich-I soil K in the 0–15 cm depth averaged 73 mg/kg. Yields of 35 t/ha were obtained without any K fertilization and no response to K sidedressed at rates up to 70 kg/ha was obtained. In the following three years, soil K prior to fertilization was < 40 mg/kg. In 1982 and 1983, significant differences in yield were obtained as a result of K fertilization at planting at rates up to 186 kg/ha. In 1984, no yield differences were obtained with K fertilizer rates ranging from 94 to 280 kg/ha. Differences in maximum tuber yields from year to year were related to the number of growing-degree days accumulated between planting and harvest. Yield-leaf K relationships for leaf samples taken late in the season showed that the critical leaf K concentration for 35 t/ha yields was no more than about 20 g/kg; that for yields approaching 40 t/ha was no more than about 45 g/kg. The results of this study indicated that current K fertilizer recommendations are higher than necessary for the yields being obtained by most NEF potato growers.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effect of different soil temperatures on the development of brown center in potatoes,Solanum tuberosum L. cv Russet Burbank. Plants were grown in 19 liter (5-gal) nursery pots under warm conditions, previously shown to be non-inductive to brown center development, until shortly after tuber formation. They were then moved to a cool growth room and grown in 4 soil temperature regimes until harvest. Soil temperatures of 10°C (50°F) and 15°C (60°F) produced greater development of brown center than either 4°C (40°F) or 21°C (70°F).  相似文献   

Summary The content of reducing sugars decreases rapidly in the last part of the growing season. It is shown that one week's storage (7 C) at this stage of the tubers' development induces a remarkable increase in the reducing sugar content. Storage experiments during the period December–March show first-order interactions, viz. variety storage temperature, and time of sampling during the storage period, storage temperature. Six weeks' conditioning of the above mentioned potato material eliminated the earlier differences in the content of reducing sugars. After only 4 weeks conditioning, however, highly significant differences between potatoes from previously differing storage temperatures were obtained. The treatment comprising previous storage at 7.3 C dusted with sprout inhibitor, gave about the same amount of reducing sugars after 4 weeks as the other treatments after 6 weeks conditioning.  相似文献   

Baked potatoes of five varieties grown at the same location in Maine were evaluated for quality shortly after harvest and after six months’ storage by sensory panels of 16 and 18 members. The Ontario variety was rated significantly poorer (P = 0.05) in flavor than Russet Burbank, Katahdin, and Superior, but did not differ from Kennebec when tested in November. Following storage, however, these differences were not significant. At the 1% level of detection, Ontario tubers were judged significantly less mealy than those of the Russet Burbank, Katahdin, Superior, and Kennebec varieties (Nov. Kennebec excepted) and were grayer (Mar. Superior excepted). Due to the low mealiness ratings and grayness of flesh, tubers of the Ontario variety were considered less desirable for table stock than potatoes of other principal varieties grown in Maine.  相似文献   

The cultivars Atlantic, Belchip, Denali, Monona, Norchip and Russet Burbank were harvested at weekly intervals from early August to early October in 1980–81 and analyzed for the following attributes: 1) sucrose rating (SR) (mg sucrose/g fresh tuber) 2) specific gravity (Sp.G.); 3) total yield and 4) chip color. At the final harvest, samples of each cultivar were stored and analyzed for color to determine chipping ability after storage. All varieties achieved a SR below 1.0 by 145 days of growth. Higher nitrogen levels reduced the total yield for early harvests but had no significant effect for later harvests. Changes in sucrose levels as tubers matured were helpful in evaluating the chemical maturity of more recently developed cultivars in relation to established chipping varieties.  相似文献   

Phosphite is a general term used to describe the salts of phosphorous acid H3PO3. It is effective in suppressing a number of plant diseases caused by oomycetes and has been shown to reduce populations of several insect species. We investigated the effects of phosphite on the Colorado potato beetles in the field and laboratory. Beetle numbers and defoliation on phosphite-treated plots were lower compared to the control plots during one out of two years of the study. No phosphite effects were detected in the field during the second year of the study. However, larval mortality was significantly higher the second year in the laboratory when larvae were fed on potato foliage excised from the potato plants treated with phosphite in the field. Laboratory tests with excised leaves dipped in a solution of phosphite revealed lower beetle survivorship and prolonged development on the treated foliage. Because of its dual properties as a fungicide and an insecticide, as well as its low toxicity to vertebrates, phosphite is a potentially good fit for integrated pest management programs.  相似文献   

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