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以往,鱼糜制品多以狭鳕等白色肉鱼为原料。近年来,由于狭鳕鱼产量减少,价格上涨,且营养价值偏低,青皮红色肉鱼类如青花鱼、竹笑鱼,秋刀鱼,沙丁鱼(以下简称一般鱼)等受到了人们的重视。但由于这些鱼类具有特有的腥臭味。特别在制作鱼肉火腿、鱼肉香肠等鱼糜制品时,装入薄膜中密封后加热  相似文献   

鱼糜制品(鱼糕、烤鱼卷、鱼肉香肠等)是日本人民的传统水产食品。2007年日本水产加工品总产量为192.9万t,其中鱼糜制品产量为60.5万t(占31.4%),表明鱼糜制品在日本的重要位置。在上世纪60年代之前,日本鱼糜制品的主要原料鱼是日本拖网船捕自东、黄海的小黄鱼、白姑鱼、黑姑鱼、海鳗、蛇鲻鱼等。60年代中期以后由于上述鱼类资源的衰退便转向使用日本拖网船捕自北太平洋的狭鳕作为鱼糜加工用原料鱼,然而,  相似文献   

日本1991年的鱼糜制品产量为873313t,较上年减产了41461 t,即下降5%。除去鱼火腿、鱼香肠之外,竹轮(串在竹签上烤的鱼肉)、鱼糕类的产量为794982t,较上年减少了34139t(下降4.2%)。  相似文献   

我国鱼糜制品现状及发展态势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>鱼糜制品在食品工业中应用广泛,既可以作为食品制造业的原料辅料,也可以作为餐饮业直接加工的食品原料。近年来,随着我国渔业和加工技术的发展,我国的鱼糜制品行业取得了长足进展,由过去生产鱿鱼丸、虾丸等单一品种,发展到机械化生产一系列新型高档次的鱼糜制品和冷冻调理食品,如鱼香肠、鱼肉香肠、模拟蟹肉、模拟虾肉、模拟贝柱、鱼糕、竹轮等鱼糜制品。由于中国鱼糜制品  相似文献   

鱼糜制品是日本的传统食品,据统计日本1980年生产冷冻鱼糜36万吨,其中有95%是以狭鳕为原料,而以冷冻鱼糜作为原料加工制造成的各种鱼糜制品,1980年产量达91万吨,成为日本水产品加工中数量最多的产品。在我国虽然已经开始生产鱼糜制品,但是其原料主要是低值小杂鱼,而且是把采取的鱼肉直接用做鱼糜制品的原料,没有进行水洗处理,更没有采用以冷冻鱼糜为原料。  相似文献   

江苏省淡水水产研究所在生产各类采肉机、擂溃机、精滤机、鱼丸成型机等鱼糜制品设备的基础上,又研制了成套冷冻鱼廉生产设备。该设备由连续式洗鱼机、采肉机、漂洗机、鱼肉输送泵、回转筛、分级机(也称精过滤机)、压榨脱水机、混合机、充填机等12种22台组成,总功率35kw,总耗水量50吨/班。生产能力达3吨/班。应用先精制过滤再压榨脱水的先进工艺,鱼肉精制时因含水量高。而温升小,过滤效果好,使冷冻鱼糜产品具有色泽白、杂质含量少、凝胶强度高等特点,可用作生产模拟蟹肉、鱼糕、鱼香肠、鱼火腿等高中档鱼糜制品的原料…  相似文献   

近年来,鱼糜制品(鱼丸、鱼糕、鱼肉香肠、鱼卷、鱼饼等)已成为家庭和宾馆饭店的餐桌上人们最喜爱的水产食品之一。目前,日本在鱼糜制品的生产和消费上都处于世界领先地位。在我国,鱼糜制品的生产也随着鱼糜制品消费市场的不断扩大,逐渐由家庭作坊式走向工厂化生产。  相似文献   

<正> 鱼糜制品,顾名思义,是以鱼糜为原料做成的各种水产食品.在我国民间,早已懂得把鱼肉剁碎,再加上各种调料,通过蒸、煮、油汆等方法,加工成各种美味可口的食品.其中福建的鱼圆、鱼面,山东等地的鱼肉饺子,早已久负盛名.从水产品加工的角度出发,这大概也可算得上我国的鱼糜制品了.日本可以称得上是食鱼的民族.当然,日本人民也早已懂得以鱼为原料加工成各种美味可口的食品.据有关资料报道,在16世纪左右,日本已有鱼糜制品加工方法的记载.最初的鱼糜制品,以鲶鱼为原料.将鱼肉做成肉糊,卷在竹杆上炙烤.  相似文献   

秦如江 《水产科技》1980,(16):10-12
近年来,世界各国的鱼糜制品得到了很大的发展,特别是日本,鱼糜制品的产量逐年上升,1961---1966年每年增加9.4%,1966--1971年每年增加4.7%,1972年产量巳达到115.6万吨,耗用的原料鱼占总渔获量的25%,比1971年又增加2.6%.目前其产量仍保持在100万吨上下.分析日本鱼糜制品迅速增长的原因,主要有以下几点.  相似文献   

模拟食品是1975年左右,由日本首先开发的一种新型鱼糜制品。近十年来,其产量急剧增加,美国和南朝鲜也已开始生产模拟食品,仅日本1984年产量已超过7万吨。最近模拟食品的品种,大致有模拟蟹肉,模拟干贝、模拟虾肉及模拟海珍品(甲壳类,软体动物等),近年日本模拟食品的出口量大幅度增长,1984年达到3.2万吨。  相似文献   

Mince produced from Pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) was divided into 4 batches. A different commercial phosphate-treated gel-forming ingredient was added to each of three batches and the fourth batch was left untreated as a control. The mince batches were adjusted to a pH of 6.8 prior to freezing. The additive treatments were at 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 percent of the final product weight. Samples were stored at -40°C for a period of 4 months and then measured for gel-strength by punch test, torsion test, texture profile analysis (TPA), and water binding ability (WBA). The textural properties of the mince were significantly improved by the addition of gel-forming additives. A difference in textural properties was detected among the standard methods of measurements, with torsion testing yielding the most sensitive measurements.  相似文献   

防止白鲢鱼糜蛋白质冷冻变性的研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
用正交试验L9(3^3)法研究了白链鱼糜蛋白经漂洗后,添加食品磷酸盐和蔗糖作为抗冻剂对防止冷冻变性的影响。结果显示:漂洗液的盐分浓度越低,鱼糜中蔗糖含量越高,蛋白质冷冻变性程度越小。添加食品磷酸盐对漂洗和未漂洗鱼糜的影响有所不同。此外,在无抗冻剂条件下冷冻,漂洗鱼糜蛋白质的变性程度大于未漂洗鱼糜,而抗冻剂在提高漂洗鱼糜蛋白质抗冷冻变性的效果比未漂洗鱼糜要明显。  相似文献   

TG酶制剂对鱼糜凝胶强度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了TG-K、TG-B、TG-AK三种酶制剂在不同的添加量、凝胶化时间下对冷冻蛇鲻鱼糜凝胶强度的影响。结果表明:三种酶制剂都有增强冷冻蛇鲻鱼糜凝胶强度的作用,以 0.15%的 TG-AK酶制剂,30℃时凝胶化 30分钟凝胶强度增强效果最好,此方案应用于鱼丸的生产,产品的凝胶强度弹性明显增强。  相似文献   

绿鳍马面鲀资源评析与合理利用   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文依据1984年1—4月对1255尾绿鳍马面鲀的年龄观察资料,得到各年龄的平均体长和相应的平均体重,求得生长参数,并根据最高年龄求得其自然死亡系数,还根据该种群的生长参数和自然死亡系数,用Ricker模式进行评析,估算出绿鳍马面鲀渔业的最佳捕捞水平和最佳开捕年龄。同时,根据1977—1985年的渔业统计资料,以机轮拖网投网次数为标准捕捞努力量单位,运用Schaefer模式,对绿鳍马面鲀渔业进行评析,求得其最大持续产量MSY和其相应的捕捞努力量水平ASY。据此估测,作者认为目前绿鳍马面鲀的利用已达较充分的程度,近两年有捕捞过度的趋势。为此,作者提出应降低目前的捕捞水平和推迟开捕年龄等具体建议。  相似文献   

1.东海绿鳍马面鲀产卵群体自从开发利用以来,体长、年龄和体重组成出现了两次增大两次变小的过程。即1974—1976年和1981—1983年的个体较大,1977—1980年和1984年的个体较小,而1985年的个体最小。但性腺成熟系数却在提高,表明资源的密度在降低。 2.绿鳍马面鲀不同生活阶段的性比不一样,产卵期雄鱼的比例最高,越冬期居次,索饵期雌雄比例基本相等。 3.从产卵个体、仔稚鱼和产卵盛期渔获量的分布判断东海绿鳍马面鲀的产卵场在25°30′—30°00′N、122°00′—126°30′E海区,范围较广,主要产卵场在25°45′—27°00′N、122°00′—123°30′E,水深100—120米的海区。 4.东海绿鳍马面鲀的产卵期在3月底至5月下旬,4月中下旬为产卵盛期。 5.从雌鱼性腺V_A、V_B期比例的周日变化判断绿鳍马面鲀产卵的主要时间在23时至翌日11时。 6.从绿鳍马面鲀人工授精卵附着实验的结果和产卵场环境条件的对照,说明海洋里的贝砾类、海藻、海绵体和珊瑚等物体是马面鲀卵的良好附着基。  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the development and bioactive compounds of biofloc promoted by adding molasses and wheat bran to zero‐water exchange culture tanks and their effects on physiological parameters and growth performance of juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei (initial weight: 6.8 ± 0.4 g). Different combinations of molasses and wheat bran were added as carbon sources: T1, 100% molasses; T2, 50% molasses + 50% wheat bran; T3, 25% molasses + 75% wheat bran. Clear water tanks with water exchange served as the control group (control). After the 30‐d experiment, the development of biofloc in terms of total suspended solids (TSS) and biofloc volume (BFV) showed significant differences in the three biofloc treatments, especially the highest levels of TSS and BFV observed in T3. The levels of poly‐beta‐hydroxybutyrate or polysaccharide in the biofloc of T1 and T2 were significantly higher than those in T3. Meanwhile, compared with the control group, most of the immune and antioxidant parameters and growth performance of shrimp were significantly enhanced in biofloc treatments, especially in T1 or T2. In conclusion, different carbon sources could effectively affect the development and bioactive compounds of biofloc, which could improve physiological health status and growth performance of shrimp in zero‐water exchange systems.  相似文献   

Response surface methodology (RSM) was employed to maximize the removal of phospholipids (PLs) and other chemical hazards in tilapia protein isolates made from tilapia frame (TF). CaCl2 and the ratio of water to minced tilapia frame (W:TF) were the significant variables affecting PLs reduction. The optimum condition for maximal PLs reduction (90.0%) was: 10.25 mM CaCl2 and a W:TF of 7.8:1, while other variables were fixed at 5 mM citric acid, 60 min incubation, pH 11, and centrifugal speed of 8,000 × g. At these conditions, the great reduction of lipids (93.9%), Hg (97.6%), and As (95.5%), as well as 86.1% of protein recovery, were obtained. Protein isolates with significantly reduced chemical hazards and lipids were successfully prepared from tilapia frames using the alkaline extraction assisted with CaCl2 and citric acid.  相似文献   

The technological effect of antioxidant dietary fiber (AODF) from Fucus vesiculosus added to minced horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) during frozen storage was tested. Fish mince (FM) samples supplemented with 1 and 2% AODF were compared to AODF-free control. Dietary analysis, antioxidant capacity, total polyphenols content, ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP assay), and free radical scavenging activity (by ABTS assay), water binding capacity, water holding ability, cooking yield, and sensory analyses were carried out just after freezing and during frozen storage. Samples with 1 and 2% of AODF added had lower lipid oxidation than those without AODF, and the total drip (thaw + cooking) was reduced after 3 months of frozen storage. Fish samples supplemented with 1% AODF did not have a different flavor from the control. Samples supplemented with 2% AODF had a different flavor from the control, but this did not impair palatability.  相似文献   

A 65-day study was undertaken to evaluate the utilization of lysine-supplemented wheat gluten meal as a protein source for rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). The performance of the trout fed wheat gluten was compared to that of trout where protein was principally supplied using fish meal and full-fat soyabean meal. Six isonitrogenous diets (approximately 45% crude protein) were formulated. Thus, the reference diet (FS) was based on fish meal and full-fat soya bean meal while a further five diets were formulated with a mixture of wheat gluten and wheat middlings used to isonitrogenously replace approximately 75% and 57% of the full-fat soya and fish meal respectively. Crystalline l -lysine representing 0.00%, 0.29%, 0.58%, 0.87% and 1.16% of the complete diet was then added to the wheat-gluten-based diets. Optimal performance in terms of weight gain and apparent net protein utilization was achieved by the fish fed a wheat-gluten-based diet supplemented with lysine (0.58%) yielding a digestible lysine level of 1.9% of the complete feed. Within the range of supplements provided, lysine digestibility was high. However, at the highest levels of supplemental lysine the relationship between uptake and supplement level was not linear. Additionally, arginine digestibility was not affected by the level of lysine supplementation. However, amongst the wheat-gluten-based diets, optimal performance was associated with a lysine: arginine ratio of 1.1: 1. Despite a lysine: arginine ratio of approximately 1.1: 1, the overall performance of the fish fed the fish-meal-soya-based reference diet was poorer than expected. The results are discussed with respect to optimal patterns of gross and digestible amino acids, lysine-arginine antagonism and the possible relationship between antinutritional factors and the poor performance of the fish fed the fish-meal-soya-based reference diet.  相似文献   

红藻糖苷的提取及其对草鱼鱼糜抗冻性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨红藻糖苷的醇提工艺以及红藻糖苷对冷冻草鱼鱼糜蛋白变性作用的影响,首先采用响应面分析法对乙醇浓度、提取温度、时间和液料比4个因素进行优化,随后以冷冻鱼糜的盐溶性蛋白含量、巯基含量及肌原纤维蛋白Ca~(2+)-ATP酶活性等参数为指标,探测冷冻草鱼鱼糜在冷藏过程中添加红藻糖苷对蛋白质变性作用的影响。结果显示,红藻糖苷的最佳醇提条件为乙醇72.3%、提取温度60°C、时间4 h、液料比14∶1(m L/g),在此条件下的提取率为3.46%;抗冻性能结果显示,随红藻糖苷浓度升高,抗冻效果增强;以10%红藻糖苷处理冷冻鱼糜4周后,盐溶性蛋白含量和巯基含量分别比空白组高30.62%、32.80%,肌原纤维蛋白的Ca2+-ATP酶活性的下降率比空白组低37.51%,解冻失水率的增长率比空白组低133.07%。研究表明,红藻糖苷能有效延缓草鱼鱼糜肌原纤维蛋白的冷冻变性。  相似文献   

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