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Forty crossbred barrows (initial average BW of 20 kg) were fitted with T-cannulas in the distal ileum to determine the effects of extrusion of soybean meal on the apparent ileal and fecal digestibilities of lysine, N, and GE. A basal corn-soybean meal diet was formulated to contain .525% lysine. Nonextruded soybean meal (SM), extruded soybean meal (ESM), and L-lysine.HCl (LLH) replaced cornstarch in the basal diet to make diets containing .60, .675, and .75% total dietary lysine for each lysine source. Treatments were arranged as a 3 x 3 factorial with the basal diet as an additional treatment. Ileal and fecal digestibilities of lysine were not affected (P greater than .05) by source of lysine. However, linear increases (P less than .05) occurred in ileal lysine digestibilities with increasing concentrations of dietary lysine provided as LLH, but not when lysine was provided as SM or ESM. Apparent ileal and fecal retention of N as percentages of N absorbed or consumed were greater (P less than .05) for diets containing LLH than for diets containing SM, and diets containing ESM were intermediate. Linear increases (P less than .05) occurred in ileal and fecal N retained as percentages of N absorbed or consumed with increasing concentration of dietary lysine provided as LLH or ESM, but not when provided as SM. Fecal DE and ME (kilocalories per gram of diet) for diets containing LLH and ESM were similar and greater (P less than .05) than the values obtained for diets containing SM.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the effect of fumaric acid supplementation and buffering capacity of the diet on ileal and fecal digestibilities of CP, GE, and amino acids in early-weaned pigs. In two experiments, 12 pigs each were weaned at 14 d of age and fitted with a simple T-cannula at the distal ileum between 15 and 17 d of age. In both experiments, the pigs were fed four diets, based on wheat and soybean meal without (control) or with 1, 2, or 3% fumaric acid according to a balanced two-period change-over design. In Exp. 2, the buffering capacity of the diets was increased by supplementation of 3% sodium bicarbonate. The pigs were fed three times daily: equal amounts at 8-h intervals. The diets were supplied at a rate of 5% (wt/wt) of body weight. The inclusion of fumaric acid to the diet with a low buffering capacity increased (P < .05) the ileal digestibilities of CP, GE, and the majority of amino acids. The highest responses were found at an inclusion level of 2% fumaric acid. The improvements in apparent ileal amino acid digestibilities ranged from 4.9 to 12.8 percentage units. Supplementation of fumaric acid to a diet with a high buffering capacity led only to numerical increases in ileal digestibilities of CP, GE, and amino acids. In both studies, fumaric acid supplementation had no effect (P > .05) on the fecal digestibilities of CP, GE, and amino acids, except histidine. A high buffering capacity of the diet decreased the ileal amino acid digestibilities by 1 to 10 percentage units compared with diets with the low buffering capacities. In both experiments, ileal and fecal digestibilities were higher (P < .05) in Period 2 (on d 24 after weaning) than in Period 1 (on d 11 after weaning). A positive correlation (P < .05) between ileal digestibilities and fumaric acid supplementation to the diets with the low buffering capacities was observed in Period 1 (on d 11 after weaning), but not in Period 2 (on d 24 after weaning). No relationship (P > .05) between ileal digestibilities and fumaric acid supplementation to the diets with a high buffering capacity could be established. In conclusion, supplementation of fumaric acid to starter diets during the first 3 to 4 wk after weaning increases the ileal digestibilities of GE, CP, and amino acids.  相似文献   

Fourteen ileally cannulated pigs (BW = 35 +/- 2 kg) were randomly allotted to a replicated 7 x 7 Latin square design experiment to evaluate the influence of the soybean oligosaccharides (OS), raffinose and stachyose, on ileal nutrient digestibility and fecal consistency. Semipurified diets containing soy protein concentrate (SPC) or soybean meal (SBM) as the sole protein sources were fed. Soy solubles (SS), a by-product of SBM processing containing 3.5% raffinose and 11.5% stachyose, were used to increase dietary raffinose and stachyose concentrations. The seven dietary treatments were SPC, SPC + 9% SS, SBM, SBM + 9% SS, SBM + 18% SS, SBM + 24,000 U alpha-galactosidase enzyme preparation/kg diet, and a low-protein casein (LPC) diet used to calculate true digestibility. Diets, with the exception of the LPC diet, were formulated to contain 17% CP. All diets contained 0.5% chromic oxide as a marker for ileal digestibility determination. The experimental periods were divided into a 5-d diet adaptation followed by 2-d of ileal digesta collection. Diets and digesta were analyzed for DM, N, Cr, amino acids (AA), raffinose, and stachyose. Fecal consistency was determined on d 6 and 7 of each experimental period. The apparent and true ileal AA digestibilities were not different (P < 0.05) for the SPC and SBM control diets. When SS was added to the SPC diet, apparent and true N and AA digestibilities were depressed (P < 0.05) with the exception of Trp and Pro. The apparent and true ileal N and AA digestibilities were not different (P > 0.05) between the SBM control and SBM + 9% SS diets with the exception of Glu. There was a linear decrease (P < 0.05) in apparent and true DM, Val, Gly, and Tyr digestibilities when increasing levels of SS were added to the SBM diet. The addition of alpha-galactosidase did not improve apparent or true ileal N or AA digestibilities except for apparent and true Val and Tyr. Ileal raffinose digestibility was improved (P < 0.05) by addition of a-galactosidase, but was not affected by any other dietary treatment. Ileal stachyose digestibility was not affected (P > 0.58) by treatment. Fecal consistency likewise was not affected (P > 0.36) by dietary treatment. In conclusion, soy OS reduced nutrient digestibilities, but the reductions were small, ranging from approximately 1.1 to 7.4 percentage units. This suggests that other factors may be negatively impacting SBM digestibility.  相似文献   

An experiment evaluated the ileal apparent and standardized AA and apparent energy digestibilities in grower-finisher pigs of 5 sources of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) from corn. The 5 DDGS sources were analyzed for AA, GE, NDF, ADF, and color score. Diets were formulated to contain 15% CP from the test DDGS sources (approximately 60% of the diet). A low-protein (5% casein) diet was used to estimate basal endogenous AA losses. The experiment was conducted in 2 replicates of a 6 x 6 Latin Square design, with 6 treatments and six 1-wk periods. The experiment used 12 crossbred barrows [(Yorkshire x Landrace) x Duroc], averaging 28 kg of BW and 60 d of age, and surgically fitted with a T-cannula in the distal ileum. After a 10-d recovery period, treatment diets were fed in meal form, initially at 0.09 kg . BW(0.75). Feed intake was equalized between pigs within each period and increased for each subsequent period. Periods included 5 d of diet acclimation followed by two 12-h ileal digesta collections, one on d 6 and one on d 7. Apparent and standardized digestibility of AA was calculated using chromic oxide (0.4%) as an indigestible marker. The results demonstrated that apparent and standardized lysine digestibilities ranged from 24.6 to 52.3% and 38.2 to 61.5%, respectively. Average apparent essential AA digestibility was lower (P < 0.05) in sources 1 and 5, the 2 sources that were darkest in color. Apparent and standardized digestibility of the averaged nonessential AA were lower (P < 0.05) in source 5 than in all other sources. Source 5, the darkest colored DDGS, had a 10% lower (P < 0.05) average apparent and standardized essential AA digestibility and was more than 15% lower (P < 0.05) in lysine digestibility than the 3 lightest colored sources. Apparent ileal energy digestibility did not differ among the 5 sources. Lysine content and digestibility seemed to be reduced to a greater extent by the darker colored DDGS than the other essential AA, suggesting that the Maillard reaction reduced total lysine content and lowered its digestibility. These results, therefore, imply that darker colored DDGS sources may have lower (P < 0.05) analyzed lysine contents, as well as lower (P < 0.05) lysine and essential AA digestibilities, than lighter colored DDGS sources.  相似文献   

Based on current recommendations of the CVB (1996) in the Netherlands and the GfE (2002, 2005) in Germany, a standardization of methods for the determination of ileal amino acid digestibilities in growing pigs is proposed. Differences and similarities between these protocols in terms of (i) animals, housing and feeding conditions (ii), methods for digesta collection and handling, and (iii) approaches to determine ileal amino acid digestibilities are described.  相似文献   

根据荷兰CVB(1996)和德国GfE(2002、2005)的最新规定,提出了生长猪回肠氨基酸消化率测定的一个标准化方法。本文从①试验动物、猪舍环境和饲喂条件,②消化糜的收集及处理,③回肠氨基酸消化率测定方法三个方面比较了这些规定之间的差异和相似性。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of CP level in corn- and soybean meal-based diets on apparent (AID) and standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of AA. Six pigs (initial BW, 47.1 ± 1.0 kg) fitted with T-cannula at the distal ileum were fed 6 diets for 6 periods in a 6 × 6 Latin square design. The 6 diets consisted of a nitrogen-free diet and 5 corn- and soybean meal-based diets that contained CP of 68, 105, 141, 177, and 214 g/kg. Each period consisted of a 5-d adjustment period and 2 d of ileal digesta collection for 10 h on each of d 6 and 7. The ratio of corn:soybean meal was fixed at 3 to 2 by weight and cornstarch was added to dilute the CP concentration. Chromic oxide was added at 5 g/kg as an indigestible marker. The results showed basal endogenous loss ranged from 65 mg/kg of DMI for Met to 3,104 mg/kg of DMI for Pro. Proline and Gly (1,053 mg/kg of DMI) were the 2 most abundant AA in endogenous flow and together accounted for approximately 43% of the total endogenous AA flow. Of the basal ileal endogenous CP, total AA accounted for 82%. The AID were 80.9 to 84.7%, 85.1 to 87.4%, 72.9 to 79.5%, and 86.5 to 87.9% for Lys, Met, Thr, and Trp, respectively, with corresponding SID being 86.6 to 89.0%, 87.5 to 90.5%, 82.7 to 88.2%, and 90.2 to 94.6%, respectively, as dietary CP increased from 68 to 214 g/kg. There were linear increases in AID of N, Arg, Gly, Ile, Lys, Ser, Thr, Tyr, and Val (P ≤ 0.05) as CP increased and linear decreases in SID of N and all AA measured in this study except Lys, Met, and Pro (P ≤ 0.05). Both linear and quadratic effects were observed in AID for Pro (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the protein content of corn-soybean meal diets evaluated in the current study affected SID of most indispensable and dispensable AA, excluding Lys, Met, and Pro.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted with weanling pigs fitted with a simple T-cannula at the distal ileum, to determine the effect of phytase supplementation to four diets on the apparent ileal digestibilities (AID) of CP and AA, and the apparent total-tract digestibilities (ATTD) of CP and DE. Phytase (Natuphos, DSM Food Specialties, Delft, The Netherlands) was supplemented at rates of 0, 500 or 1,000 FTU/kg to the four diets. A 20% CP (as-fed basis) corn-soybean meal diet was used in Exp. 1; a 20% CP wheat-soybean meal diet in Exp. 2; a 20% CP wheat-soybean meal-canola meal diet in Exp. 3; and a 19% CP barley-peas-canola meal diet in Exp. 4. In each experiment, six barrows, fitted with a simple T-cannula at the distal ileum, were fed the basal plus phytase-supplemented diets according to a repeated 3 x 3 Latin square design. Each experimental period comprised 14 d. The piglets were at fed 0800 and 2000 daily, equal amounts for each meal, at a daily rate of at least 2.4 times the maintenance requirement for ME. Feces were collected from 0800 on d 8 until 0800 on d 12 of each experimental period. Ileal digesta were collected from 0800 to 2000 on d 12, 13, and 14. Chromic oxide was used as the digestibility marker. The average initial and final BW (average of all experiments) were 7.9 and 16.5 kg, respectively. Phytase supplementation did not improve the AID of CP and AA in Exp. 1, 2, and 4; however, there were improvements (P < 0.05) or tendencies (P < 0.10) toward improvements in the AID of CP and AA or the ATTD of CP and the content of DE with phytase supplementation in Exp. 3. These results suggest that the AA response factor to microbial phytase supplementation depends on diet composition.  相似文献   

The study was carried out to estimate basal ileal endogenous crude protein and amino acid losses (IAALB) and standardized ileal digestibilities (SID) of crude protein (CP) and amino acids (AA) originating from casein in newly weaned pigs from linear relationships between ileal recoveries and dietary intakes of graded levels of CP and AA. A total of 14 (12 + 2 for replacement) 3‐week‐old barrows weighing 5.7 kg was fitted with simple T cannulas at the distal ileum. At 28 days of age, the pigs were randomly allocated to the six experimental diets with two pigs per diet in four weekly repeated measurements. Corn starch‐based diets, containing six graded levels of CP from casein (90, 155, 220, 285, 350, 415 g/kg CP as‐fed basis respectively), were formulated. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) was included as a digestibility marker. Each experimental period consisted of 7 days. Ileal digesta were collected for a total of 24 h during day 6 and 8. Splitting the total range of 90 to 415 g/kg CP into smaller ranges, i.e. from 90 to 220, 220 to 350 or 285 to 415 g/kg CP, provides estimates for CP and AA recoveries which are not significantly different from zero. As a result, dietary CP and AA originating from casein are completely digested and absorbed until the end of the small intestine. In addition, the use of large ranges of dietary CP levels showed that IAALB were affected (p < 0.050) by the dietary CP content. Accepting that ileal recoveries of CP and AA are exclusively of endogenous origin when purified corn starch casein‐based diets are fed, IAALB were estimated as a function of the dietary CP level. There were linear increases (p < 0.050) in IAALB when the dietary CP content was increased from 90 to 415 g/kg. Average IAALB expressed in g/kg dry matter intake (DMI) were 16.3, 0.7, 0.2, 0.9 and 0.2 for CP, lysine, methionine, threonine and tryptophan respectively. These values are in close agreement with IAALB obtained in grower‐finisher pigs.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to estimate the lysine requirement of the weanling pig and the effects of excess arginine and threonine on that estimate. Feeding 1.15% dietary lysine in Exp. 1 and 1.20% in Exp. 2 maximized feed efficiency and resulted in the lowest plasma urea N values. Adding .15% threonine to the diets in Exp. 2 did not affect (P greater than .10) performance of the pigs, but increased (P less than .01) plasma urea N and decreased (P less than .01) plasma lysine concentrations. Supplemental arginine (.22%) did not affect performance of the growing pigs in Exp. 3, but it increased (P less than .01) plasma urea N. Pigs fed a corn-soybean meal diet utilized feed more efficiently (P less than .05) than those fed a corn-fish meal-dried whey diet. The most likely cause for this response was that the corn-soybean diet contained more lysine (.82%) than expected, whereas the corn-fish meal-dried whey diet had close to the expected content of lysine (.72%). From these results, it was concluded that the lysine requirement of the weanling pig fed practical diets is at least 1.15 or 1.20% of the diet. Also, added arginine or threonine did not adversely affect the performance of pigs.  相似文献   

Background:This study aimed to determine the effect of the inclusion of com gluten feed(CGF) on the apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of protein and amino acids and the apparent ileal and total tract digestibility of energy in growing pigs.The study was performed using 16 barrows(weight,45.3 ± 4.5 kg) that were fitted with a T cannula at the terminal ileum.There were four treatments:a corn-soybean diet without CGF and three corn-soybean diets containing increasing levels of CGF(65,130,and 195 g/kg).Data were analyzed according to a randomized complete block design,four blocks with four pigs each(one pig per treatment).The trend of the response(linear or quadratic) was determined using orthogonal contrasts,and when a linear effect was determined,a linear equation was obtained.Results:The results showed that the inclusion up to 195 g/kg of CGF in the corn-soybean diet did not diminish the ileal digestibility(apparent and standardized) of protein and amino acids(P 0.05),except that of phenylalanine,cystine,and proline.A linear decrease(P 0.05) per gram of CGF added to the diet in the apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of phenylalanine(0.011 and 0.015 percentage units,respectively),cystine(0.048 and 0.043 percentage units,respectively),and proline(0.045 and 0.047 percentage units,respectively) was noted.Similarly,ileal digestibility of dry matter and energy were adversely affected(reduced by 0.028 and 0.025 percentage units,respectively,per gram of CGF increment in the diet).A significant(P 0.05) linear reduction in total tract digestibility with increase in CGF amount in the diet was observed for energy(0.027 percentage units),dry matter(0.027 percentage units),crude protein(0.020 percentage units),and neutral detergent fiber(0.041 percentage units) per gram of CGF added to the diet.Conclusion:CGF did not affect the ileal digestibility of protein and most amino acids but reduced the ileal and total tract digestibility of energy.  相似文献   



This study aimed to determine the effect of the inclusion of corn gluten feed (CGF) on the apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of protein and amino acids and the apparent ileal and total tract digestibility of energy in growing pigs. The study was performed using 16 barrows (weight, 45.3 ± 4.5 kg) that were fitted with a T cannula at the terminal ileum. There were four treatments: a corn-soybean diet without CGF and three corn-soybean diets containing increasing levels of CGF (65, 130, and 195 g/kg). Data were analyzed according to a randomized complete block design, four blocks with four pigs each (one pig per treatment). The trend of the response (linear or quadratic) was determined using orthogonal contrasts, and when a linear effect was determined, a linear equation was obtained.


The results showed that the inclusion up to 195 g/kg of CGF in the corn-soybean diet did not diminish the ileal digestibility (apparent and standardized) of protein and amino acids (P > 0.05), except that of phenylalanine, cystine, and proline. A linear decrease (P < 0.05) per gram of CGF added to the diet in the apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of phenylalanine (0.011 and 0.015 percentage units, respectively), cystine (0.048 and 0.043 percentage units, respectively), and proline (0.045 and 0.047 percentage units, respectively) was noted. Similarly, ileal digestibility of dry matter and energy were adversely affected (reduced by 0.028 and 0.025 percentage units, respectively, per gram of CGF increment in the diet). A significant (P < 0.05) linear reduction in total tract digestibility with increase in CGF amount in the diet was observed for energy (0.027 percentage units), dry matter (0.027 percentage units), crude protein (0.020 percentage units), and neutral detergent fiber (0.041 percentage units) per gram of CGF added to the diet.


CGF did not affect the ileal digestibility of protein and most amino acids but reduced the ileal and total tract digestibility of energy.  相似文献   

通过对4个安装了简易T型瘘管的断奶仔猪研究表明,添加植酸酶并没有提高玉米-豆粕型日粮(试验组1)、小麦-豆粕型日粮(试验组2)和大麦-豌豆-菜籽粕型日粮(试验组4)粗蛋白和氨基酸的回肠表观消化率(AID),而使小麦-豆粕-菜粕型日粮的粗蛋白和氨基酸回肠表观消化率或粗蛋白和消化能的总消化道表观消化率(ATTD)得到了显著的提高(P<0.05)或呈提高的势态(P<0.10)。这些结果表明,氨基酸对细菌性植酸酶的反应因子取决于日粮的组成。  相似文献   

Ten 56-d-old, 15-kg barrows were surgically fitted with a postvalvular T-cecum cannula at the ileo-cecal junction to evaluate the effect of microbial phytase on apparent and true ileal AA digestibility and N utilization. A semipurified cornstarch- and soybean meal-based diet was formulated to contain 3.4 Mcal of DE/kg, 17.0% CP, 0.8% Ca, and 0.6% P but had a low phytate-P concentration (0.13%; all on an as-fed basis). Chromic oxide and dysprosium chloride were used as indigestible markers. The basal diet was supplemented with 0 or 1,000 phytase units/kg of microbial phytase. Postprandial plasma urea N and alpha-amino N concentrations, excretion of Ca, P, and N in feces and urine, and ileal AA digestibilities were determined 3 times at 4-wk intervals beginning at 70 d of age. The homoarginine (HA) method was used to determine endogenous AA flow by replacing 50% of the basal protein with guanidinated protein. Microbial phytase had no effect on apparent ileal digestibility (AID) or on true ileal digestibilities of N and most AA but did increase AID for arginine (P = 0.006) and methionine (P = 0.037). However, in HA diets, phytase increased the AID of CP (P = 0.01) and several AA. Addition of microbial phytase had no effect on the postprandial alpha-amino N concentrations in plasma but increased overall plasma urea N concentrations (P = 0.035). Barrows fed phytase-supplemented diets had decreased P in feces (P = 0.003) and greater P in urine (P = 0.001) but comparable total P excretion compared with barrows fed no phytase-supplemented diets. In conclusion, the addition of phytase to a semi-purified soybean meal-based diet did not affect the AID of several AA. In addition, differences between the basal and HA diets in N digestibilities indicated that that guanidination may limit the use of the HA method in determining endogenous protein losses.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the optimal apparent ileal digestible lysine:ME (Lys:ME) ratio and the effects of lysine and ME levels on N balance (Exp. 1) and growth performance (Exp. 2) in growing pigs. Diets were designed to contain Lys:ME ratios of 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, and 0.9 g/MJ at 13.5 and 14.5 MJ of ME/kg of diet in a 4 x 2 factorial arrangement. In Exp. 1, conventional N balances were determined on 48 crossbred barrows (synthetic line 990, initial BW = 13.1 +/- 0.7 kg) at approximately 15, 20, and 25 kg of BW with six pigs per diet. At 15 kg of BW, an energy density x Lys:ME ratio interaction on daily N retention was observed (P < 0.05). At each BW, N retention improved with an increase in N intake associated with increasing ME concentration. In 15-kg BW pigs, increasing the Lys:ME ratio increased daily N retention at the 13.5 (linear, P < 0.001) and 14.5 MJ of ME level (linear, P < 0.01; quadratic, P < 0.05). In 20-kg BW pigs, N retention (g/d) increased (linear, P < 0.001; quadratic, P < 0.01) and N retention (percentage) increased (linear, P < 0.001) as the Lys:ME ratio increased. At 25 kg of BW, N retention (g/d) increased quadratically (P < 0.05) with an increase in Lys:ME ratio. The Lys:ME ratios that maximized daily N retention at 15 kg of BW were 0.88 and 0.85 g/MJ at the 13.5 and 14.5 MJ of ME levels, respectively and 0.81 and 0.77 g/MJ (for both ME levels) at 20 and 25 kg of BW, respectively. Over the 28-d trial, an energy density x Lys:ME ratio interaction on ADG was observed (P < 0.05). Increasing energy density increased growth performance, whereas increasing the Lys:ME ratio in high-energy diets increased ADG (linear, P < 0.05; quadratic, P < 0.01) and gain:feed ratio (G/F) quadratically (P < 0.01). Average daily gain and G/F ratio were greatest in pigs fed the 14.5 MJ of ME diet and the Lys:ME ratio of 0.82 g/MJ. In Exp. 2, 128 individually housed crossbred barrows and gilts (initial BW = 12.8 +/- 1.6 kg) were used to determine the effect of diets used in Exp. 1 on growth performance in a 4 x 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. The ME level increased ADG and G/F from d 0 to 14 and from d 0 to 28. Increasing the Lys:ME ratio increased ADG from d 0 to 14, whereas growth performance was maximized in pigs fed Lys:ME ratio of 0.82 g/MJ. These results suggest that pigs from 13 to 20 and from 20 to 30 kg of BW fed diets containing 14.5 MJ of ME/kg had maximum N retention and ADG at 0.85 and 0.77 g of apparent ileal digestible lysine/MJ of ME, respectively.  相似文献   

Little is known about the effects of gelling agents in canned dog food on nutrient digestibilities and fecal characteristics. Dogs were fed canned diets with either no gelling agent (control) or one of three gelling agents, wheat starch, a guar gum/carrageenan mixture (50:50), and a locust bean meal (LBM)/carrageenan mixture (50:50) incorporated at two levels (0.2 and 0.5% of the diet on a wet weight basis). Six dogs were fed each diet in a 6 x 7 Youden square design. Dogs fed diets containing gelling agents had higher ileal digestibilities of OM (P = 0.05), fat (P < 0.01), GE (P = 0.02), and total amino acids (P = 0.04) and lower (P < 0.01) total tract DM digestibilities when compared to dogs fed the control diet. Fecal output by dogs fed the control diet, expressed on both an as-is (73.4 g/d) and DM (45.6 g/d) basis, was lower (P < 0.01) than for dogs fed gelling agent-containing diets (mean 102.3 g/d as-is and 57.6 g/d DM). Dogs fed the control diet also had lower (P < 0.01) fecal DM percentages and higher (P = 0.02) fecal scores than dogs fed gelling agent-containing diets.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to verify the feeding value of NutriDense (ND) and Nutri-Dense Low-Phytate (NDLP) corn (Exseed Genetics LLC, BASF Plant Science, Research Triangle Park, NC) relative to that of yellow dent (YD) corn in swine diets. NutriDense corn is a high-protein, high-oil variety, and NDLP is a high-protein, high-oil, low-phytate variety. In Exp. 1, 315 nursery pigs that initially weighed 15.2 kg were used in a 21-d growth assay. Dietary treatments were arranged in a 3 x 3 factorial; main effects were corn source (YD, ND, and NDLP) and added fat (0, 3, or 6%, as-fed basis). Diets were formulated to contain 3.83 g of lysine/Mcal using calculated nutrient values. There were no corn source x fat interactions observed. Pigs fed YD, ND, and NDLP had ADG of 750, 734, and 738 g/d and G:F of 0.64, 0.66, and 0.65, respectively. No differences (P > 0.10) in ADG were observed among the three corn sources; however, pigs fed diets containing either ND or NDLP corn had decreased ADFI (P < 0.02) and improved G:F (P < 0.05) compared with pigs fed diets containing YD corn. Increasing dietary fat increased ADG (727, 746, and 748 g/d; linear, P < 0.04) and G:F (0.62, 0.66, and 0.68; linear, P < 0.01) and decreased ADFI (linear, P < 0.01). Using the NRC (1998) value for ME in YD corn, we calculated the energy value for ND and NDLP based on G:F differences compared with pigs fed YD corn. These data indicated the ME values for ND and NDLP corn are 4.5 and 2.5% greater (3,575 and 3,505 Kcal/kg), respectively, than for YD corn (3,420 Kcal/kg). In Exp. 2, 1,144 gilts (initial BW = 50.1 kg) were used in a commercial research facility to evaluate the effects of corn source (ND and YD) and added fat (0, 3, or 6%, as-fed basis) in a 2 x 3 factorial on pig performance and carcass traits. There was a corn source x fat interaction for ADFI and G:F. Increasing added fat resulted in greater changes in ADFI and G:F in pigs fed YD corn diets compared with those fed ND corn. Feeding ND corn increased ADG (main effect, P < 0.04), and greater percentages of added fat increased ADG (main effect; linear, P < 0.01). Results of Exp. 2 suggest that ND corn has 5.3% more ME than YD corn. The additional energy provided by ND corn improves G:F in both nursery and grow-finish pigs, and ND corn offers a means of formulating diets more concentrated in energy than YD corn.  相似文献   

The mobile nylon bag technique (MNBT) may offer a simple, rapid means for assessing ileal AA digestibility of pig feed ingredients. In the present study, the effects of washing bags recovered from digesta, the amount and fineness of feeds, and feed trypsin inhibitor activity on apparent ileal digestibilities (AID) of CP and AA were determined with the MNBT. Twenty-four ileorectal anastomosed pigs (Yorkshire x Chinese Black barrows, 30 kg initial BW), of which 12 were fitted with duodenal T-cannulas, were used. Not washing the bags recovered from ileal digesta resulted in a reduction (P < 0.05) in apparent ileal digestibilities of CP and AA determined by MNBT. Washing the bags for more than 4 min overestimated (P < 0.05) the apparent ileal digestibilities of CP and AA compared with those determined with the anastomosed pigs. Sample size and fineness of grinding also affected (P < 0.05) apparent ileal digestibilities of CP determined by MNBT. The apparent ileal digestibilities of CP determined by MNBT were reduced (P < 0.05) when sample size exceeded 0.75 g and when feed was ground through screens with a mesh size of more than 1.0 mm. The closest agreement between results obtained by MNBT and a conventional ileal digestibility assay occurred when 0.75 g of feed ground through a 1.0-mm mesh screen was used per bag and bags were washed for 2 min after retrieval from digesta. Further studies are warranted to investigate the use of the mobile nylon bag technique for predicting the ileal digestibilty of AA for feeds containing antinutritional factors.  相似文献   

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