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In a previous greenhouse experiment,we showed that there was an interaction between cu and Zn,which affected growth and metal uptake by young barley plants grown on soil to which Cd,Cu,Pb,and Zn had been added.We suggested that the underlying mechanism was the control of the amount of plant-available Zn by competitive adsorption between Cu and Zn,In order to test this hypothesis,the adsorption of Zn alone,and in the presence of added Cd,Cu and Pb,has been measured using the same soil.Following adsorption,the extractability of the Zn in CaCl2 solution was measured .The adsorption isotherms showed that of the added metals only Cu had a large effect on Zn adsorption.The effect of Cu was to reduce Zn adsoption and to increase the amount of CaCl2-extractable(i.e.plant-available) Zn,in agreement with the conclusions from the greenhouse experiment.The magnitude of the effect of Cu on plant-avalilable Zn was similar in both experiments.  相似文献   

土壤中的锌与植物的锌营养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
М.  ШЗ  张祖锡 《土壤学进展》1989,17(4):36-40

土壤干湿交替对玉米耗水特性及水分利用的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
旱地农业与灌溉农业中作物经常面临的土壤干旱与湿润交替变化是实际田间环境[1]。作物在生长发育的不同时期可能会遇上各不相同的土壤缺水胁迫,这些不同胁迫会对作物诱导出适应性的生理反应和伤害性影响[2,3],对此进行研究和认识,可以在节水灌溉中控制作物生长发育不同阶段土壤水分来调节作物生理过程,避免伤害性变化的发生,而促进适应性变化的产生,以改善作物发育后期籽粒形成阶段根系和叶片的功能来提高作物产量、品质和水分利用效率,达到高效、优质的目的。本文主要研究玉米在土壤干湿交替过程中的耗水特性和叶水分状况的关系,探讨提高水分利用效率的机制,为节水农业提供优化供水模式。  相似文献   

不同土壤水分供应与施锌对玉米水分代谢的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
采用盆栽试验研究不同土壤水分状况下及施锌对玉米植株水分状况、水分生理特征的影响。结果表明,干旱胁迫下,玉米叶片含水量和水势降低,植株体内自由水分的含量减少,而束缚水含量略有增加,离体叶片失水速率小;叶片气孔阻力增加,导度下降,蒸腾作用和光合速率受到抑制。施锌后玉米叶片的水势和鲜重含水量没有明显变化,但玉米叶片气孔阻力降低,气孔导度增加,叶片蒸腾速率和光合作用速率加大。干旱胁迫下,施锌对玉米植株体内水分生理代谢有一定的调节作用,但是在土壤水分供应充足时,施锌更能增强玉米水分生理代谢,提高水分利用效率。  相似文献   

土壤锌、铁、铜、锰形态的分布及其与植物有效性的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The distribution of various fractions of Zn,Fe,Cu and Mn in 15 types of soils in China and its relationship with plant availability were studied.Fractions of various elements were found to have some similar characterstic distribution regularities in various types of soils,but various soil types differed to varying degrees in the distribution of each fraction.Soil physico-chemical properties,such as pH,CEC and the contents of OM,CaCO3,free Fe,free Mn and P2O5,were significantly correlated with the distribution of elemental fractions,and a significant correlation also existed between the distribution and plant availability of elemental fractions.Various fractions of each element were divided into two groups based on their plant availability.The correlation between the distribution of combination fractions and plat availability indicated a significantly or an extremely significantly positive correlation for Group I but a significantly or an extremely significantly negative correlation for Group II.Therefore,the fractions in Goup I were primary pools of available nutrients,while those in Group II could hardly provide available nutrients for plants.Decreasing the transformation of corresponding elements into fractions of Group II and increasing the storage capacity of various fractions of Group I were an important direction for regulation and controlling of soil nutrients.However,some Particular soils with too high contents of Zn,Fe,Cu and Mn should be regulated and controlled adversely.  相似文献   

范晓晖  施卫明  刘芷宇 《土壤》1993,25(5):239-241
石灰性土壤上作物缺Zn是一个比较普遍的问题。  相似文献   

间作条件下水分在作物间的分配与利用研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
了解作物在地上和地下与水分的相互作用对于研究间作系统的性能是很重要的。该文对近年来国内外对间作系统内水分在作物间的分配与利用的研究成果作了简单的综述,包括水分在间作作物间的分配、间作条件下作物需水量的估算模型和间作条件下的根系吸水模型。指出了此项研究存在的问题,进而对其今后研究方向和发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

土壤—植物系统中氮锌交互作用研究进展   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
对几十年来有关土壤-植物系统氮锌交互作用研究现状及未来趋势进行了综述。论述了氮锌交互作用与植物生长、氮锌及其它元素的吸收、转运、积累的相互关系,以及对微生物生长及豆科作物固氮的影响;讨论了氮锌交互作用的生理生化基础及细胞亚细胞学机理;指出了氮锌交互作用的若干薄弱环节;展望了氮锌交互作用未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

研究了在锅、锌单一污染及镉、锌复合污染的紫色土中,酸雨对镉、锌的形态及植物有效性的影响.结果表明,酸雨胁迫下复合镉、锌对作物的危害明显加重.酸雨胁迫不但改变了紫色土中可交换态镉、锌含量,而且使紫色土中镉、锌各形态(可交换态、碳酸盐结合态和氧化锰结合态)发生相互转化.采用通径分析也表明,酸雨使各形态对植株镉、锌累积量的贡献系数发生改变,直接影响其植物有效性.镉、锌复合处理与镉单一处理相比较,低浓度锌可促进莴笋对镉的吸收,提高了镉的植物有效性,而高浓度锌时则相反.  相似文献   

负压控水下不同株型玉米水分利用效率和产量的盆栽试验   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
干旱胁迫研究中的难点之一在于减少土壤水分波动对试验结果的影响。该研究采用负压供水盆栽装置,通过调节供水负压值精确控制土壤含水率,模拟土壤干旱胁迫,研究比较3种胁迫程度(无胁迫CK、轻度和重度胁迫)、2个胁迫时期(苗期、吐丝期)对不同株型玉米(小株型CF1002和大株型CF3330)的水分利用效率、生物量和产量的影响,旨在分析2种株型夏玉米对不同时期、程度干旱胁迫的响应差异。结果表明:随着苗期胁迫程度加重,CF1002的水分利用效率(water use efficiency,WUE)从3.24增至3.43,而CF3330的WUE从3.70降至3.25。吐丝期轻度干旱胁迫后CF1002和CF3330的WUE较CK分别降低2.7%和24.4%,吐丝期重度胁迫后,CF1002和CF3330的WUE较CK分别降低17.4%和57.1%。与CK相比,吐丝期轻度和重度干旱胁迫使小株型和大株型玉米胁迫期耗水量下降61.3%和62.5%,灌浆中期光合速率下降22.9%和54.3%,成熟期地上部干物质质量减少24.8%和38.0%,最终减产47.9%和71.5%,以上指标大株型玉米的降幅大于小株型玉米。在生育中后期,大株型玉米光合生产和蒸腾作用更易受干旱胁迫抑制,使物质生产和积累减少,水分消耗大幅下降。针对不同株型玉米在生育后期采用不同的水分管理策略有助于降低干旱造成的损失。  相似文献   

分层供水和表层施锌对玉米植株生长和锌吸收的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行分层水分隔离盆栽试验,模拟田间不同层次土壤中水分含量分布不均条件,研究表层土壤施锌情况下,玉米植株生长和锌吸收以及根系在表层和底层土壤中的分配。结果表明,施锌明显促进了玉米地上部生长。在土壤表层水分充足时,施锌对植株增长效果较明显,有利于玉米利用土壤水分。缺锌条件下,改善土壤水分并未显著提高玉米生物量。表层土壤干旱时,上下层土壤中根系干物重之比减小,底层土壤中根系分布相对增加,当表层土壤水分增加时,根系在表层土壤中干物重显著增加,分布相对增多。施锌并没有影响根系在不同层次土壤中的分配。表层土壤水分对苗期玉米植株锌吸收总量有显著影响,干旱条件下,玉米植株锌吸收总量下降;底层土壤水分供应状况对玉米锌浓度影响不大,但植株中锌向地上部运转增加。尽管施锌没有提高生长早期玉米根系生长和对底层土壤水分的利用,但本研究表明缺锌旱地土壤上如通过灌溉等措施增加了耕层土壤水分,应该注意施用锌肥,否则严重影响玉米生物量和玉米对土壤水分的利用效率。  相似文献   

试验在温室栽培条件下研究不同的水氮用量对番茄产量、品质和水肥利用的影响,以期为温室番茄的生产提供科学的水氮管理依据。结果表明:有机无机配施模式下灌水与施氮量存在一定的交互作用,对于番茄产量、氮素总含量以及水氮利用效率具有较好的拮抗作用;充足的水分供应和适宜的施氮量是保证番茄产量、提高水氮利用率的前提。在相同灌溉量不同施氮量情况下,随着施氮量的升高,番茄品质中可溶性糖、可溶性酸和Vc含量与产量先升高后降低;在相同施氮量不同灌水量情况下,节水灌溉处理的氮肥与水分利用效率明显高于传统灌溉,且比传统灌溉处理增产3. 07%和5. 40%,节水灌溉处理的农学利用效率和肥料偏生产力比传统灌溉分别提高了23. 61%~29. 58%和3. 07%~5. 49%,与传统灌溉相比,节水灌溉处理的水分利用率提高了54. 60%和58. 64%,且节水灌溉下施氮量为675 kg/hm~2的处理产量以及水氮利用率最高。在本试验中,节水灌溉条件下施氮量为675 kg/hm~2的处理W2N675为较适宜番茄生长发育的处理措施。  相似文献   

黄土丘陵沟壑区不同水保措施条件下土壤水分状况   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5  
黄土高原土壤水资源对植物的生长发育意义重大。水土保持措施会影响土壤水分的静态分布和动态过程。该文通过定位监测并引入土壤水分亏缺补偿度指标,旨在明确黄土丘陵沟壑区不同水土保持措施下土壤水分动态特征和雨季前后土壤水分的亏缺与补偿情况。结果表明:不同水土保持措施雨季前后土壤储水均处于亏缺状态,7月份土壤储水亏缺得到缓解;8月份表层土壤储水亏缺加剧;雨季后的10月份土壤储水均得到恢复。降雨对退耕坡地和梯田土壤水分均有正补偿作用。水平阶90 cm处和160 cm以下出现负补偿现象。鱼鳞坑在30 cm处出现负补偿。在0~200 cm土壤剖面上,土壤储水亏缺补偿度依次为退耕坡地>梯田>鱼鳞坑>水平阶。由此可见,不同水土保持措施对土壤水分季节变化和垂直变化,以及降雨对土壤水分的补偿作用均产生不同影响。  相似文献   

【目的】明确旱地条件下高产小麦品种籽粒锌含量差异与氮磷钾吸收利用的关系,为品种选育和科学施肥提供依据。【方法】于2013—2016年连续三年在黄土高原旱地进行田间试验,试验采用裂区设计,主处理为不施肥(CK)和施肥(NP),副处理为来自我国主要麦区的123个品种。施肥处理为N 150 kg/hm^2 (尿素,含N46%)、P_2O_5 100 kg/hm^2 (过磷酸钙,含P_2O_5 16%)。成熟期在每个品种中间2行随机抽取30穗小麦,连根拔起后,从根茎结合处剪断弃去根系,分为茎、叶、颖壳(含穗轴)和籽粒,称风干重。分析了样品中氮、磷、钾、锌含量,计算了养分的吸收量及转移量。【结果】施肥条件下高产小麦品种籽粒锌含量存在显著差异,高锌品种比低锌品种显著高54%。高锌品种的籽粒氮、磷含量分别比低锌品种显著高9%、7%,钾含量无显著差异,施肥使两组品种的氮含量显著提高,磷钾含量降低。高产高锌品种具有更高的籽粒和地上部氮、磷吸收能力,钾吸收能力与低锌品种相比无显著差异,施肥可使高锌品种的氮磷钾吸收量增幅高于低锌品种;两组品种间的氮、磷转移能力无显著差异,而高锌品种的钾转移能力较低,且两组品种的氮磷钾转移能力因施肥降低幅度一致。【结论】旱地条件下土壤养分供应充足时,高产高锌小麦品种的氮磷吸收能力强,钾转移能力弱,籽粒氮磷含量高,与低锌品种相比钾含量无显著差异。通过品种选育可同时提高旱地高产小麦籽粒锌和蛋白质含量,并提高磷含量。考虑到磷含量高时会降低籽粒锌的生物有效性,生产中通过施肥措施,适当调控磷肥,增加氮肥,在提高小麦籽粒氮锌含量的同时提高籽粒锌的生物有效性。  相似文献   

Agronomic practices affect soil phosphorus(P) availability, P uptake by plants, and subsequently the efficiency of P use. A field experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of various agronomic practices(straw incorporation, paddy water management, nitrogen(N) fertilizer dose, manure application,and biochar addition) on soil P availability(e.g., soil total P(STP), soil available P(SAP), soil microbial biomass P(SMBP), and rice P uptake as well as P use efficiency(PUE)) over four cropping seasons in a rice-rice cropping system, in subtropical central China. Compared to the non-straw treatment(control,using full dose of chemical N fertilizer), straw incorporation increased SAP and SMBP by 9.3%–18.5% and 15.5%–35.4%, respectively;substituting half the chemical N fertilizer dose with pig manure and the biochar application increased STP, SAP, and SMBP by 10.5%–48.3%, 30.2%–236.0%, and 19.8%–72.4%,respectively, mainly owing to increased soil P and organic carbon inputs;adding a half dose of N and no N input(reduced N treatments) increased STP and SAP by 2.6%–7.5% and 19.8%–33.7%, respectively, due to decreased soil P outputs. Thus, soil P availability was greatly affected by soil P input and use. The continuous flooding water regime without straw addition significantly decreased SMBP by 11.4% compared to corresponding treatments under a mid-season drainage water regime. Total P uptake by rice grains and straws at the harvest stage increased under straw incorporation and under pig manure application, but decreased under the reduced N treatments and under biochar application at a rate of 48 t ha-1, compared to the control. Rice P uptake was significantly positively correlated with rice biomass, and both were positively correlated with N fertilizer application rates, SAP, SMBP, and STP. Phosphorus use efficiency generally increased under straw incorporation but decreased under the reduced N treatments and under the manure application(with excessive P input), compared to the control. These results showed that straw incorporation can be used to increase soil P availability and PUE while decreasing the use of chemical P fertilizers. When substituting chemical fertilizers with pig manure, excess P inputs should be avoided in order to reduce P accumulation in the soil as well as the environmental risks from non-point source pollution.  相似文献   

Drought is an important limiting factor which can cause major loss in barley productivity. A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of irrigation regimes on assimilate remobilization and photosynthetic characteristics of five barley cultivars in 2012 and 2013. There were four levels of irrigation including well-watered [soil moisture content in root depth kept at 100% field capacity (FC)], mild drought (75% FC), severe drought (50% FC), and very severe drought (25% FC). Results showed that Karoon and Valfajr cultivars had the maximum net photosynthetic rate (Pn) ranged from 16.3 to 19.3 µmol CO2 m?2 s?1 under very severe drought. Stomatal conductance (gs) was affected by drought so that Karoon and Valfajr had the lowest gs under severe and very severe drought. By improving the drought, remobilization efficiency in Karoon and Valfajr increased from 18.3% in well-watered to 54.1% under severe drought. In both years under severe and very severe drought, maximum 1000-grain weight and grain yield was obtained in Valfajr and Karoon. Overall, in arid areas, applying suitable irrigation regimes such as mild or severe drought can control soil drying, so that suitable cultivars such as Karoon and Valfajr can rehydrate overnight, and yield might not be inhibited severely.  相似文献   

Apparent utilization of zinc (Zn) and potassium (K) fertilizers was examined in rice (Oryza sativa L.)-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using combinations of no K; soil applied K levels and no Zn; soil and foliar applied Zn. Application of 33.2 kg K ha?1 in rice and 24.9 kg K ha?1 in wheat along with foliar spray of 2 kg Zn ha?1 at 30 and 60 days gave the highest mean grain yields. Foliar application of zinc increased Zn concentration in flag leaves, grain, and straw of rice and wheat and K concentration in flag leaves of rice and straw of wheat significantly. Potassium application increased Zn concentration in rice grain and straw and K concentration in wheat straw significantly. Zinc and K increased the uptake of each other in grain; straw and total uptake by both crops significantly. Zinc fertilizer enhanced the utilization of soil K. Potassium fertilizer enhanced the utilization of applied Zn.  相似文献   

The concentrations of the trace elements copper and zinc were determined in field‐collected samples of three ericaceous dwarf shrubs of the genus Vaccinium. The average elemental concentrations were rather regular in the three species. The actual minor element levels of the individual samples showed, however, highly significant interspecific differences in the elemental compositions.

The calculation of the discriminant factor values (i.e. the comparative element ratios for the plant samples and for their substrata) resulted in clear species‐specific patterns in the element utilization. Thus, obvious selectivity was recognized in the uptake of copper and zinc by the three Vaccinium species. Of the species studied, V. myrtillus appeared to be an accumulator of copper in relation to zinc, whereas V. uliginosum showed the most efficient uptake of Zn in relation to Cu, and V. vitis‐idaea showed an intermediate pattern in the minor element utilization.  相似文献   

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