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FRY  G.; CHALK  L. 《Forestry》1957,30(1):29-45
  1. The specific gravity was determined for the individual ringsof twenty-three 13-year-old stems of Pinus patula grown in Kenyaand also separately on the early and late wood of six rings.
  2. Significant correlations were found between specific gravityand both ring width and age ofthe ring from the pith. The effectof ring width was slight with more than six rings to the inch.
  3. A comparison with Turnbull's data from South African treesofthe same species confirmed his results only in the firstninerings from the pith.
  4. The mean specific gravity of theearly wood in five rings was0.368 compared with 0.469 forthelate wood. This high valuefor the early wood and the smalldifference between early andlate wood was due to the thicknessof the walls in the early-woodtracheids. Similar thickwalledearly-wood tracheids were observedin Kenya species of Juniperusand Podocarpus.

The effects of the number of chromosome sets on chlorophyllcontent in diploid and tetraploid black wattle were assessedthrough chlorophyll absorbance. Seedlings of 8 months of age,1-year-old trees in polybags and 2-year-old field material wereselected for this investigation. Three families per ploidy levelcomprising of 10 half-sibs per family were used in the analysis.An analysis of variance revealed significant differences (P< 0.05) in chlorophyll absorbance between diploid and tetraploidmaterials ( = 0.375 and = 0.653, respectively). Significantdifferences (P < 0.05) between treatments (seedling, baggedmaterial and field material) within each ploidy level were recorded,where chlorophyll absorbance increased from diploid bagged trees( = 0.343) to seedlings ( = 0.375) to field trees ( = 0.408). Similar significant increases were recordedfor the tetraploid seedlings ( = 0.629) to bagged trees ( = 0.644) to field trees ( = 0.686). Significant differences (P < 0.05) were also recordedbetween genetic lines within both ploidy levels. However, whencomparing families within each ploidy level, with respect totreatment differences, in most cases, two of the three familiesshowed no significant differences (P > 0.05). Within eachfamily, significant differences (P < 0.05) were recordedbetween each of the three treatments tested, with the fieldmaterial consistently having significantly (P < 0.05) greateramounts of chlorophyll.  相似文献   

THOMAS  P. H. 《Forestry》1971,44(2):155-175
This paper shows that head fires spread in cribs and in controlledburns in gorse and heather (in the New Forest) at similar rates,R, given by where is the bulk density of the burnt fuel and U is the wind speed in m/s. Although the values of U were similar, the values of differed by more than an order of magnitude betweenthe two types of fire. The constant of proportionality is roughly0.07 kg/m3 for the wildland fuels and 0.05 kg/m3 for cribs.The similarity of the relationships is perhaps more significantthan the agreement between the coefficients, which appears closerthan it really is since the cribs were drier than the wildlandfuels. Assuming a wind speed of 10 mile/h the constant for theGreat Fire of London (1666) was also about 0.05 kg/m3. A comparison between the flames in the controlled burns anda partly theoretical correlation of flame lengths from burningcribs has been partly successful and the duration of flamingof a piece of fuel has been empirically correlated with moisturecontent, though the general effects of moisture on the rateof spread are not satisfactorily accounted for. The reason forthis and other anomalies is probably the relatively few datafor wildland head fires (ten in all) and the fact that theirfuel composition was not uniform. The author uses many of theresults of the work described in an earlier paper in Forestry(Thomas, 1967) to derive heat balances for head fires and todiscuss the theoretical aspects of the above expression.  相似文献   

Light Use Efficiency and Woody Biomass Production of Poplar and Willow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stands of clonal Salix viminalis (in 1985) and Populus trichocarpa(in 1986) were grown for one growing season from cuttings incontainers, at 0.3 m spacing, supplied with trickle irrigationand nutrients. Woody biomass production (Bw) in the first yearwas analysed as the product of the proportion of dry matterpartitioned to wood ({macron}), the seasonal mean efficiencywith which intercepted light was used to produce dry matter({macron}), the mean fraction of incident light interceptedby the canopies (f{macron}), and the amount of incoming solarradiation over the season (A). Thus, Bw = {macron}f{macron}{macron}A. For Salix, Bw=10 t ha–1y–1, while for Populus, Bw= 5 t ha–1y–1, mainly because of differences in{macron} and f{macron}. The Populus partitioned more dry matterto roots (and correspondingly less to stems) and interceptedless light over the growing season. The Salix and Populus cloneshad surprisingly similar ({macron}) values, namely 1. 58 and1. 50 g MJ–1, respectively (based on total dry matterand total solar radiation), which are very like the {macron}values measured on C3 agricultural crops in Britain. Also, theSalix and Populus clones produced canopies with similar lightextinction coefficients and hence similar relationships betweenfractional interception and leaf area index.  相似文献   

Chrimes  Dillon; Nilson  Kristina 《Forestry》2005,78(4):433-442
The study aimed specifically at investigating if canopy opennesswas a better predictor of the height growth of Norway spruce(Picea abies (L.) Karst.) advance regeneration than overstoreybasal area or overstorey standing volume. In 1990, a field experimentwith 3 x 2 factorial design and two replications (blocks) wasestablished in an uneven-aged Norway spruce forest. Plots hada net plot area of 30 x 30 m, each with a 10-m-wide treatedbuffer zone. Three overstorey density levels retained approximately15, 40 and 70 per cent of the pre-harvest overstorey standingvolume and were allotted to the plots. Two types of thinningthat harvested smaller trees or harvested larger trees wererandomly allocated to each pair of overstorey density plots.In mid-June 2000, canopy openness was estimated from hemisphericalphotographs taken at five marked points in the centre of eachof the plots at 0.9 m from ground to the top of the ‘fish-eye’camera lens. Regression results showed that canopy opennesswas a better predictor of height increments of spruce seedlings(0.1< height < 0.5 m), saplings (0.5 height < 2.0m), and small trees (height 2.0 m, diameter at 1.3 m height< 5 cm) than with overstorey basal area (m2 ha–1) oroverstorey standing volume (m3 ha–1). The height incrementof the spruce advance regeneration was not significantly correlatedto stand basal area or to standing volume. Overstorey basalarea in the net plots was significantly negative (P 0.05) withmean canopy openness estimates, and the r2 value was 0.40. Resultsindicated that basal area was not linearly related to canopyopenness as it increased, which might explain the lack of predictivepower of retained basal area on spruce regeneration height indense stands in boreal Sweden.  相似文献   

Armillaria ostoyae is an important disease of Pinus pinasterin north-west Spain, which kills trees following a heterogeneousspatial structure. In a progeny trial of P. pinaster seedlings,spatial heterogeneity and autocorrelation of neighbour mortalitycaused by A. ostoyae impeded proper analysis of the diseaseincidence. We used variography and kriging methods to describethe spatial distribution of the infection probability and thegenetic variation of the resistance to A. ostoyae among families.The spatial structure of disease incidence was modelled, andthe probability of survival was corrected by kriging at eachtree location. Cumulative mortality 3 years after planting was65.1 per cent. Significant differences among P. pinaster familiesin terms of mortality to A. ostoyae were found, with low individual(h = 0.08) and moderate family (h = 0.35) heritability estimates. According to a theoretical semivariogram, the patch size ofthe disease incidence was 63 m wide. This is the first timevariography and kriging are used to select P. pinaster resistantto Armillaria root rot. It is concluded that geostatistics providesforest pathologists with a powerful tool for screening resistanttrees in field conditions.  相似文献   

BRAZIER  J. D. 《Forestry》1970,43(2):135-150
A study of the effect of vigour on the within-ring componentsof young, plantation-grown Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.)Carr.) has been made as a contribution to a more effective selectionof timber having superior timber yields and to appraise thelikely effect of forest management practices which, by influencingvigour of growth, affect wood quality. It was found that as ring width in Sitka spruce increases:
  1. Thereis an increase in early wood width without a correspondingincreasein late wood and so a greater proportion of early wood.
  2. Thereis a reduction in the average density of the early woodcomponentof the rings.
  3. Because of the combined effects of 1 and 2,there is a reductionin wood density as vigour of growth increases.
  4. There is a lower minimum early wood density.
The significance of these observations on the growth and technicalperformance of Sitka spruce timber is considered. The possibility of appraising adult wood characteristics onthe basis of juvenile wood performance is examined and the scopefor assessing fibre length and density of adult wood from anexamination of wood laid down at about six years from the pithis demonstrated.  相似文献   

Specimens made of clear wood from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) were compressed semi-isostatically at 25°C in a Quintus press. Pressure ranged from 0 to 140MPa and the maximum decrease in the crosscut area was about 60%. Quarter-sawn and plain-sawn specimens were densified with the inside face (pith side) up or down. A laser-made dot grid on the crosscut area of the uncompressed specimen was used to calculate plastic strains by image analysis of the displacement of dots after compression. Multivariate models were developed to determine the causes of deformation. The lower face was restrained by the press table and remained flat whereas sides attached to the rubber diaphragm became more irregularly shaped when compressed. Most of the total compression occurred below 50MPa and was determined exclusively by pressure. Above 50MPa, wood density was more important and compression was lower in the interior of specimens and in heartwood. Plastic compressive strain occurred predominately in the radial direction and toward the rigid press table. Strains were dependent on the sawing pattern and orientation. The growth rings of quarter-sawn specimens oriented with the outer face (bark side) down tended to buckle.  相似文献   

This study was designed to test the hypothesis that large-scalepre-commercial thinning (PCT) to various stand densities, atages 12–14 years, combined with repeated fertilization,would, over a 10-year treatment period, enhance productivityof lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. var. latifoliaEngelm.) crop trees. Study areas were located near Summerland,Kelowna and Williams Lake in south-central British Columbia,Canada. Each study area had nine treatments: four pairs of standsthinned to densities of 250 (very low), 500 (low), 1000 (medium)and 2000 (high) stems ha–1, with one stand of each pairfertilized five times at 2-year intervals, and an unthinnedstand. The very low, low- and medium-density stands were alsopruned to a 3-m lift 5 years after thinning. At the tree level,fertilization treatments significantly increased diameter atbreast height (DBH), basal area (BA) and volume growth and heavyPCT significantly increased DBH and BA growth. Pruning may mitigatesome of the negative stem form and wood quality attributes associatedwith fast-growing trees without adversely affecting stem growth.At the stand level, PCT to very low and low densities significantlydecreased the volume growth compared with high-density stands.The potential beneficial impacts that PCT and repeated fertilizationtreatments have for mitigating timber supply shortfalls, aswell as potentially minimizing crop tree losses due to mountainpine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopk.), are also discussed.  相似文献   

David WHITEHEAD 1978 Forestry 51, 137–149. Equation (3)on page 144 should read:   相似文献   


Key message

In Europe, P. nigra wood presents a density pattern of longitudinal variation with an increase from east to west. However, no latitudinal tendencies were detected. Compared to other Portuguese resinous species, P. nigra revealed higher density, identical radial growth and intra-ring heterogeneity, which presents advantages for industry purposes. The environmental factors (Sites effect) manifest more strongly in the latewood components while the Trees/Sites effect is more strongly expressed in the earlywood components.


Although P. nigra Arnold is one of the most important conifers in Europe, little is known about the wood’s characteristics in the southwest European region.


Our aims are to outline a first approach to study the growth and wood quality in P. nigra in Portugal comparing to other European natural stands and other resinous species.


Inter- and intra-wood density variation of P. nigra from six Portuguese sites was studied using microdensitometry. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed in three subsets: 50 common rings, core (juvenile wood) and peripheral analysis (mature wood).


The average ring density was 0.588 g cm?3, with maximum values in the north and low altitudes. Regarding growth traits, no latitudinal and altitudinal tendencies were detected. Compared to the main timber species in Portugal (P. pinaster Aiton), P. nigra showed similar radial growth, higher density but lower intra-ring density homogeneity. The Sites effect mainly influenced latewood density components, while the Trees/Sites effect primarily influenced earlywood components. The Rings effect was found to be relatively low, with a density decrease in the tree’s first years followed by an increase in the periphery. Growth traits showed a reduction from pith to bark.


Considering the quality (density) and growth features of the Black pine, this species could be useful for the reforestation of mountainous Southern Europe areas that are not favourable for other species.

Summary The structure of coniferous wood is characterized by pronounced differences in density between earlywood and latewood. This could result in disadvantages in wood strength especially against bending. A summary of the observations in this paper leads to the following hypothesis: Coniferous trees meet this danger by forming numerous stiffenings especially in broad annual rings with a high percentage of earlywood. Such stiffenings may be produced by more or less slight fluctuations of density or chemistry within annual rings in radial as well as in tangential directions. The question remains open which anatomical or chemical reasons, upon sandblasting, locally cause radial or radially branched ribs and craters in cross sections, waviness in radial sections and cloudy structures in tangential sections.Paper presented to the IUFRO-Division 5. Conference in Madison, Wisc. 1983.  相似文献   

GUILLEBAUD  W. H. 《Forestry》1951,24(2):121-126
The paper discusses the results obtained to date from a uniqueseries of Norway spruce spacing plots established in 1910 inBavaria. There is a series often plots covering initial spacingsranging between 3 ft. 7 in. and 6 ft. 7 in. and an eleventhplot, spaced at just over 13 ft., and interplanted 6 years laterat 3 ft x 3 ft. The plots have only been twice thinned and havesuffered no windfall in spite of their rapid growth. The results of the latest assessment by Prof. Vanselow, in 1949,have been summarized in a recent German forestry journal, andin the present paper extracts from Vanselow's data have beenconverted into English units. Although spacing has had no apparent effect on height growth,other factors such as B.H. girth, form of stem, branching, andaverage volume per tree show the expected response to increasedspacing. There is some indication of a reduction in total yieldto date with increasing spacing in the main series of plots.The plot spaced at 13 feet has many features of special interest,inter alia the death by suppression of 97 per cent, of the plantsused to fill up. Vanselow concludes that the optimum initial spacing for spruceon similar sites lies within the narrow range of 4 ft. 6 in.and 5 ft. 3 in. This accords closely with current Forestry Commissionpractice. Received 1 April 1951.  相似文献   

Summary The overall aim of this study and series of papers is to address the key variables for timber quality and to optimize the utilization of Norway spruce timber with respect to construction purposes. It is the end-user's degree of overall satisfaction that determines the quality of a product. Therefore, the performance of structural timber cannot solely be defined by mechanical properties. Geometric performance (warp) must be improved if timber is to continue as an important building material.An experimental study of the spatial variation in warp and bending properties of fast-grown Norway spruce is introduced. In this paper, the growth characteristics are presented as a function of stand and location in the tree. The knot area ratio (KAR) was considerably higher in the core (0.31) compared with timber closer to bark (0.21). The top log studs had higher KAR (0.38) than the corresponding butt log studs (0.31). The average grain angle was 3.5% ( 2°) and appeared not to vary radially. The presence of compression wood was much more common in the top log timber (75%) than in the butt log (44%). However, no consistent radial variation in compression wood was found.The authors gratefully acknowledge the support from EEC Forest programme, Contract No. MA2B-0024 and from Södra Timber AG from NUTEK project No. 9100554  相似文献   

Results from a literature review on pinewood ecology, silviculture,genetics, aspects of history and forest resources of Scots pine(Pinus sylvestris L.) in western Norway are presented. The pinewoodscover 40 per cent of the forested land, 0.31 million ha. Duringthe last 75 years, the area has increased by 17 per cent andthe growing stock has risen from 10 to 34 million m3. The impactof man in previous times was very marked, and has had a significantinfluence on the present forest conditions. The pronounced climaticgradients mixed with the topographic variation – fromthe coastal plains via the fjord systems to the high mountains– is reflected in rather steep gradients in the pine forestvegetation. Various floristic elements can be distinguished,from oceanic via the suboceanic in the outer islands to thethermophytic, boreonemoral and boreal elements in the innerfjord districts and valleys. The introduction of spruce (Piceaspp.) plantations on 10–15 per cent of former native pineforests has not negatively affected the bird fauna at the landscapescale. Although not particular species rich, the pine forestsharbour species usually not found in other forest types. Sofar, most work in the field of silviculture and forest ecologyin the pinewoods of West Norway has been in the form of casestudies. Implications of the results for forestry in the regionare briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Binderless boards were prepared from finely ground powders of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) core under varying manufacturing conditions. This research was designed to investigate their mechanical properties and evaluate the various manufacturing conditions: pressing temperature and time, pressing pressure, board density, board thickness, grain size of raw materials, and addition of furfural. The mechanical properties (i.e., modulus of rupture and elasticity, internal bonding strength) of boards increased with increasing board density and met the requirement for 15 type medium-density fiberboard (MDF) by JIS A 5905-1994. Thickness swelling and water absorption of boards exceeded the maximum permitted levels for 15 type MDF and S20 grade hardboard by JIS A 5905-1994, which indicates the low water-resistant property of binderless boards. In contrast to that in usual wood-based materials, internal bonding strength showed significant correlations with other board properties: modulus of rupture and elasticity, thickness swelling, and water absorption. We confirmed experimentally that the best manufacturing conditions proved to be as follows: pressing temperature 180°C, time 10min; pressing pressure 5.3MPa; board thickness 5mm; board density 1.0g/cm3; average grain size 53µm; and powder with no furfural content.Part of this paper was presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Gifu, April 2002  相似文献   

One of the options for achieving an adequate food supply in tropical Africa is by bringing more land into production. This often requires clearing and developing new vegetation areas for agricultural production. In sub-Saharan Africa, large areas of forest are being cleared for cultivation without adequate knowledge as to the consequences of the clearing method employed. This study was therefore initiated to, among other objectives, assess the effects of some forest clearing methods on soil compaction, texture, and micronutrients. Treatments were the following five clearing methods: (1) mechanical (MC), (2) semi-mechanical (SMC), (3) slash and burn (manual) (SB), (4) mechanical – no planting (MCNP), and (5) slash and burn – no planting (SBNP). After clearing, we planted maize and cowpea in every other row during the first year, and planted maize and cassava during the second year in the plots of treatments 1–3. Changes in soil texture, bulk density, and exchangeable Fe, Zn, Mn, and Cu were determined. Soil bulk density increased (with depth) in all treatments from the intitial (0–15cm) level of 1.1gcm–3 to between 1.27 and 1.39gcm–3 2 years after clearing, with the highest levels occurring in the MC plots. This indicated that clearing was accompanied by soil compaction. Some changes were noted in soil textural composition, but these were not of practical significance. Exchangeable Mn, Fe, and Cu (0–15cm) decreased markedly after clearing, especially under MC in the first year. Zinc levels changed little during the study period. The decline in micronutrient levels was paralleled by a decline in soil organic carbon.  相似文献   

Binderless particleboards were successfully developed from kenaf core using the steam-injection press. The effects of board density, steam pressure, and treatment time on the properties of the board were evaluated. The target board densities were relatively low, ranging from 0.40 to 0.70g/cm3. The properties [i.e., moduli of rupture (MOR) and elasticity (MOE) in both dry and wet conditions, internal bonding strength (IB), and water absorption (WA)] of the boards increased linearly with increasing board density. Steam pressure and treatment time also affected the board properties. The bending strength and IB were improved with increased steam pressure. A long steam treatment time contributed to low thickness swelling (TS) values and thus better dimensional stability. The appropriate steam pressure was 1.0MPa, and the treatment time was 10–15min. The properties for 0.55g/cm3 density boards under optimum conditions were MOR 12.6MPa, MOE 2.5GPa, IB 0.49MPa, TS 7.5%, and wet MOR 2.4MPa. Compared with the requirement of JIS 5908, 1994 for particleboard, kenaf binderless boards showed excellent IB strength but relatively poor durability.Part of this report was presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Technological Association, Tokyo, October 2001  相似文献   

Summary Forty lobiolly pine trees were studied for the purpose of finding a possible reason for the growth rate-specific gravity controversy. In addition, properties such as specific gravity of earlywood and latewood, latewood percentage, and their relations with growth rate and specific gravity of wood were investigated.The results show that, in general, significant relationship do exist between specific gravity and number of rings per inch for growth rates ranging from approximately 3...8 rings per inch. Specific gravity was generally unrelated with slower growth rates, i.e., more than 8 rings per inch.Specific gravity of specimens having the same number of rings per inch varied according to height-decreasing with increasing height. Latewood percentage was related to number of rings per inch in a similar manner as specific gravity. Within a tree, latewood percentage of wood having the same number of rings per inch decreased with increasing height.Negative relationships between earlywood specific gravity and number of rings per inch were found to be significant for the 30 percent height and for all heights when combined. However, there was no significant relationship between latewood specific gravity and number of rings per inch. Average laterwood specific gravity decreased with height. Earlywood specific gravity only decreased from 5.3...30 percent height levels and then showed an increase. In general, wood properties such as specific gravity and latewood percentage of wood, specific gravity of earlywood and latewood, varied more from breast height to approximately the 30 percent height, than between equal distances above the 30 percent height level.  相似文献   

DINWOODIE  J. M. 《Forestry》1962,33(1):22-26
Variations in ring-width pattern of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensisCarr.) through most of its life in its natural habitat are demonstratedfrom photographs of ten crosssections. It is suggested thatin addition to the annual fluctuations in ring-width due toclimatic variation, the tree in the natural forest is subjectto periodic suppression and release and that it has considerablepowers of recovery; in plantations, therefore, Sitka spruceshould respond to thinnings made even late in the rotation.  相似文献   

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