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Despite management practices to achieve sustainability, commercial landings for Florida spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) have experienced a drastic decline (57%) since 2000. This is cause for concern not only for economic reasons, but for issues of sustainability. An annual index of P. argus post‐larval (puerulus) abundance, estimated with a generalized linear model with significant mean sea‐level effects, shows a 36% decrease in annual puerulus supply since 1988. In addition, local Florida spawning stock biomass estimated from an age‐structured sequential population analysis decreased 57% since 1988. Puerulus abundance follows a highly correlated (R = 0.76) trend with a 12‐month delayed spawning stock abundance, which supports the contention that the Florida spawning population is a significant contributing factor to post‐larval recruitment in Florida. Residuals about the puerulus on spawning stock abundance function follow closely an interannual North Atlantic Oscillation Index signal. This residual effect is thought of as a secondary regional population effect on Florida puerulus recruitment. The Florida spiny lobster stock is exploited with no fishing mortality controls due to the Pan Caribbean recruitment concept adopted in Florida spiny lobster management. Therefore, the potential of recruitment overfishing exists if fishing mortality controls to protect local spawning stock abundance, such as catch quotas, are not introduced.  相似文献   

Studies that track the dispersal of eggs and larvae from a point source are important to the emerging field of marine protected area (MPA) science. Two thousand ballasted drifter vials were released over a mutton snapper (Lutjanus analis) spawning aggregation in the Dry Tortugas, Florida, over two consecutive years (1999, 2000). The site, called Riley's Hump, is located within an MPA. The drifter vials were used as a means to model the potential dispersal and distribution of recruits originating from this site. Eleven percent of the vials were recovered each year by beachcombers. Results for each year indicated that Riley's Hump might be a source of mutton snapper recruits for a broad expanse of the Florida Keys and southeast Florida. Riley's Hump may therefore be functioning as an important fisheries reserve.  相似文献   

Spiny lobsters are highly valuable seafood species that are captured and marketed in more than 90 countries. After more than 30 years of stable catches, spiny lobster fisheries in many parts of the world are declining due to decreased recruitment. The planktonic larvae spend up to 2 years in offshore waters, accumulating energy stores to fuel the non‐feeding post‐larva, or puerulus, to actively migrate onshore and settle. The total energy required by spiny lobster pueruli for cross‐shelf migration has not been accurately determined. Recent advances in larval culture have provided the opportunity for the first detailed examination of the swimming performance, respiratory metabolism and nitrogen excretion of spiny lobster (Sagmariasus verreauxi) throughout the puerulus stage. The routine and active metabolic rates of pueruli were lower than for most other decapod larvae, probably to provide greater energy efficiency. However, pueruli were found to have limited time, swimming ability and fuel for active cross‐shelf migration. It is estimated that S. verreauxi pueruli require at least 13.8 mg of stored lipid to provide sufficient energy (18.4% DW) to complete the puerulus stage and recruit to coastal habitats. The ability of the preceding phyllosoma larvae to accumulate these reserves, and the presence of favourable oceanographic conditions during the limited time available to the migrating puerulus, are both crucial to subsequent successful recruitment. Spiny lobster recruitment processes appear to be particularly vulnerable to changes in oceanic climate which is likely to contribute to the recent large‐scale declines in recruitment to valuable fished populations.  相似文献   

Drift of propagules occurs within many populations inhabiting flow fields. This affects the number of propagules that rejoin their source population (recruitment) and plays a role in adaptive spatial redistribution. We focus on the cause and consequence of interannual variation in geographic distribution of population density among five cohorts of young‐of‐the‐year (age‐0) juvenile walleye pollock Gadus chalcogrammus in the western Gulf of Alaska (GOA). The coastal GOA is a wind‐driven advective system. Walleye pollock spawn during spring and their eggs and larvae drift southwestward; by late summer, age‐0 juveniles are variously distributed over the shelf. We found that high population densities of age‐0 juveniles (ca. 6 months old) near the southwestward exit of the Alaska Coastal Current from the GOA corresponded with high abundance of larvae from the major spawning area upstream, but did not translate into high abundance at older ages. Further, offshore and upwelling‐favorable winds were associated with the high downstream abundance and presumed export. In contrast, downwelling‐favorable (northeasterly) wind during and shortly after spawning (April–May) was associated with high recruitment at age 1. Finally, we found that recruitment also increased with apparent retention of age‐0 juveniles in favorable habitat upstream near the main spawning area. We hypothesize that wind‐related retention in superior upstream habitat favors recruitment. Our results argue for including wind‐driven transport in future walleye pollock recruitment models. We encourage more work on the juvenile stage of marine fishes aimed at understanding how transport and species‐specific habitat suitability interact to affect population response to large‐scale forcing.  相似文献   

The investigation of larval dispersal and retention, their variability and dependence on wind conditions, has become a major topic in fisheries research owing to potential effects on stock recruitment and stock structuring. The present study quantifies the wind‐induced variability of larval retention of herring in a highly productive coastal lagoon of the Western Baltic Sea. This lagoon, the Greifswalder Bodden, represents the main spawning area of Western Baltic Spring‐Spawning Herring, a stock that has recently undergone a continuous decline in recruitment. The study tests whether this decline was related to changes in larval retention, more precisely to changes in wind conditions, the main forcing of the lagoon's circulation. To answer this, a model approach was applied. Larvae were tracked as Lagrangian drifters under constant and variable wind conditions, examining the main drift patterns and reconstructing the incidents during the period of recruitment decline. For the latter, weekly cohorts of virtual larvae were released in the lagoon over the entire spawning period (April–June; >16 weeks). The fraction of retained larvae per cohort was related to observed larval abundances. On this basis, a new retention index was defined to evaluate the annual larval retention. The results presented cannot explain the observed recruitment decline but characterize the lagoon as an important larval retention area by virtue of unsteady wind conditions that prevent a steady outflow of larvae.  相似文献   

The poleward flowing East Australian Current (EAC) drives sporadic upwelling, entrains coastal water and forms the western Tasman Front (wTF), creating a mosaic of water types and larval transport routes along south eastern Australia. The spatial distribution, otolith chemistry and growth rates of larval sardine (Sardinops sagax) were examined to infer spawning location and larval transport. A gradient of increasing larval size from north to south along the shelf was not detected but was evident between the shelf and offshore in the wTF. Here larvae were larger and older. Based on the occurrence of newly hatched larvae, spawning by S. sagax between southern Queensland and mid New South Wales (NSW) was more extensive than previously reported. The otolith chemistry from two wTF larval size classes differed, implying different origins. The otolith chemistry of wTF post‐flexion larvae was similar to larvae from northern NSW, whereas wTF flexion larvae were similar to larvae observed nearby from mid‐NSW. Two possible larval transport routes, direct and indirect, are inferred from otolith chemistry, current velocities and a previously published particle tracking study. Either larvae from northern NSW were advected south and entrained with younger larvae directly into the wTF, or larvae from a range of shelf regions were advected around the southern edge of an anticyclonic eddy, to join younger larvae directly entrained into the wTF. Based on the co‐occurrence of larval ages and sizes in the wTF and their advection routes, the wTF appears to be an important larval retention zone.  相似文献   

Surveys for lobster larvae in offshore waters of the north‐eastern Gulf of Maine in 1983, 1987 and 1989 confirm that local hatching occurs mainly at depths <100 m over the banks, including Georges and Browns Banks. Detailed studies in the vicinity of Georges Bank in late July of both 1987 and 1989 indicate that the first and second moult stages were located primarily over the bank whereas stages III and IV lobster were collected both over and off the bank. At times stage IV lobster were more abundant off the bank than over it. The condition of stage III and IV lobster, as measured by a lipid index, was better off than over Georges Bank in 1988 and 1989 indicating a possible physiological advantage to being off the bank. In addition, the higher surface temperatures off Georges Bank would shorten larval development time to settlement. To determine the probable hatch sites of stage IV lobster collected off of Browns Bank in 1983 and off of Georges in 1987 and 1989, a 3‐D circulation model of the Gulf of Maine was used to simulate larval lobster drift backwards in time. In all cases, areas off Cape Cod, MA, and off Penobscot Bay, ME were suggested as the source of the larvae, although most of the larval trajectories never reached these near‐shore waters that are well‐known, larval hatching areas. The model‐projected larval release times match most closely the observed inshore hatch off Massachusetts but model uncertainties mean that coastal Maine cannot be ruled out as a source. Georges Bank is also a potential source because the present model does not take into account short‐term wind events, off‐bank eddy transport or the possibility of directed off‐bank larval swimming. Examination of weather records prior to and during our 1988 and 1989 sampling periods indicates that winds were not of sufficient intensity and duration to induce larval transport off Georges Bank. The shedding of eddies from the northern flank of Georges Bank into the Gulf of Maine are a relatively common phenomenon during summer but not enough is known about them to evaluate their contribution to possible cross‐bank transport of lobster larvae. Directed larval swimming is another possible source for the stage IV lobster found near Georges Bank. Plankton distributions across the northern frontal zone of Georges Bank in 1988 were used as proxies for the scarce larval lobsters. The more surface distribution of the microplankton, in particular, supports the possibility that wind and eddy events may be important in the transport of stage III and IV lobsters off of Georges Bank. Further studies are needed to evaluate these possible additional sources of advanced stage lobster larvae found off of the offshore banks.  相似文献   

The factors that regulate the self‐recruitment of fish larvae were explored in Cabrera National Park (CNP), an insular Marine Protected Area (MPA) located off southern Mallorca (Western Mediterranean). Our study attributes the regulation of larval arrival to the MPA to a combination of retention by topographically generated circulation patterns around the island and shelf break frontal dynamics. Specifically, within the shelf, interaction of the wind‐induced oscillatory flow with the island was shown to generate ephemeral recirculation patterns that, over time, favor larval retention in the proximity of the MPA. According to our measurements, oscillatory flows produced by wind‐forced island‐trapped waves (ITWs) dominate the flow around CNP. ITW‐forced dispersion simulations were in agreement with the observed distributions of several typical fish species that breed in the CNP. A second regulator of environmental variability is the influence of boundary currents and open ocean mesoscale structures at the shelf break. These structures generate frontal zones that are comparatively more long‐lived than inner‐shelf circulation patterns, and they were shown to act as barriers to the offshore dispersion of coastal fish larval assemblages. Finally, inferences from larval size distributions around the MPA together with particle‐tracking model simulations suggested the relevance of behavioral processes for larval recruitment to the MPA. Based on these observations, the waters around the CNP can be viewed as a relatively stable system that allows breeding fish populations to rely on self‐recruitment for their long‐term persistence, independent of other source populations along the coast of Mallorca.  相似文献   

Several of the world's major spiny lobster fisheries, including Jasus edwardsii in Australasia, have gone into dramatic decline due to decreasing recruitment of their lecithotrophic postlarvae. There is evidence that the decline is related to poor nutritional condition of the postlarvae, especially lipid that is accumulated in large quantities during the preceding pelagic larval stage. Therefore, characterizing the lipid composition of the likely potential zooplankton prey of the larvae (phyllosomas) of spiny lobsters will provide new insights into their nutritional requirements. The lipid class and fatty acid composition of more than 30 species of likely zooplankton prey of the larvae of the spiny lobster, J. edwardsii, were determined. These results showed that most zooplankton prey had a high proportion of their lipid content as polar lipid (PL) (range of 9.4–94.8%, mean of 76.1 ± 2.6%). Zooplankton prey provide phyllosomas with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) for growth and development, as well as a range of other important fatty acids that are accumulated as PL and used for fuelling the migration of the subsequent lecithotrophic postlarvae across the continental shelf. Overall, these results indicate that phyllosomas consume prey with wide ranging lipid content, but dominated by PL, and high in docosahexaenoic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid and the key fatty acids used for energy storage.  相似文献   

Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, harvested in US waters are currently managed as a Gulf of Maine stock and as a stock comprising Georges Bank and southern New England populations. Over the past two and a half decades, success of age‐1 recruitment to the Gulf of Maine stock has varied by more than an order of magnitude. To investigate the hypothesis that this variation is related to variation in the transport of larval cod to nursery areas, we carried out model simulations of the movement of planktonic eggs and larvae spawned within the western Gulf of Maine during spring spawning events of 1995–2005. Results indicate that the retention of spring‐spawned cod, and their transport to areas suitable for early stage juvenile development, is strongly dependent on local wind conditions. Larval cod retention is favored during times of downwelling‐favorable winds and is least likely during times of upwelling‐favorable winds, during which buoyant eggs and early stage larvae tend to be advected offshore to the Western Maine Coastal Current and subsequently carried out of the Gulf of Maine. Model results also indicate that diel vertical migration of later stage larvae enhances the likelihood of retention within the western Gulf of Maine. Consistent with model results is a strong correlation between age‐1 recruitment success to the Gulf of Maine cod stock and the mean northward wind velocity measured in Massachusetts Bay during May. Based on these findings, we propose a wind index for strong recruitment success of age‐1 cod to the Gulf of Maine stock.  相似文献   

The level of puerulus settlement has proven to be a reliable predictor of the recruitment to the western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) fishery three and four years later. It is generally accepted that the early larval stages are moved offshore by wind-driven surface currents. Previous studies have shown that coastal sea level, used as an indicator of the strength of the Leeuwin Current flowing down the west coast of Australia, was positively related to the level of puerulus settling on the inshore reefs after a 9- to 11-month larval life. In this paper a significant relationship is also demonstrated between winter/spring storms, which are usually associated with onshore westerly winds, and the level of puerulus settlement (multiple correlation of 0.83, R1= 0.68, n = 22). Rainfall from coastal localities was used as an index of the storms. The residuals from this relationship showed a significant positive autocorrelation. The autocorrelation was incorporated into the relationship by using time series analysis with a transfer function model and a first-order autocorrelation (R2= 0.76). The possible relationship between storms and the Leeuwin Current and their effect on the puerulus settlement are considered, and the potential for the environmental variables to bias or obscure the spawning stock recruitment relationship is discussed.  相似文献   

《Fisheries Research》2008,89(1-3):51-55
Based on data series for 8 consecutive years of settlement of post-larvae of the California spiny lobster Panulirus interruptus, its relationship to commercial catch was examined. The purpose was to establish a database to build a model for prediction of commercial catches of this lobster. The study area is a rocky shelf southwest of the bay entrance of Bahía Tortugas in Baja California Sur. A set of artificial collectors was placed at this site to obtain postpuerulus and early juveniles settlement for each month. Different simple regression analyses were performed on annual series of mean rates of post-larval settlement vs. commercial catches by the Bahía Tortugas fishing cooperative. We tested several delay periods between the series (4–8 years to approximate the age of fishery recruitment) to find the best-fit relationship. The relationship with a 5-year delay showed the highest positive correlation (0.7925) and was statistically significant. This delay period was used to regress the data for the years 1993–2001. The results showed that variations in the abundance of settled post-larvae in a given year are reflected in the commercial catch 5 years later and exhibit the same upward or downward trend. The one exception was the high post-larval settlement rate in 1997–1998, coinciding with the El Niño event, which was not mirrored by a similar increase 5 years later in the 2002–2003 catch. The pre-recruit index seems a very promising tool for predicting catches for this lobster fishery.  相似文献   

Green water is a technique commonly used in aquaculture, that consists of adding live algae in the water culture and its benefits have been shown for several species. Several hypotheses exist to explain the benefits of green water: increase in nutritional value; action as a probiotic; increase in contrast to reveal preys for larvae; or increase in predator behaviour of larvae. Green water produced with a mix of strains Isochrysis galbana and Chaetoceros muelleri (50:50, cells:cells) applied in four different ways was tested. The survival and the growth of American lobster (Homarus americanus) between stage I and stage IV post‐larvae were not affected by the addition of live algae. The lipid classes were not affected by the addition of algae and limited variation was observed in the fatty acids and bacterial profiles. Furthermore, the green water techniques had a limited effect on the behaviour of post‐larvae stage IV lobster at releasing. Behaviour was mostly affected by the age of post‐larvae. The bacteria Lewinella sp., Leucothrix sp. and Thiothrix sp. appeared to represent a common and core component of Stage IV lobster post‐larvae microflora. The results show that the algae do not increase either nutritional value or feed intake of the lobster larvae. Probiotic effect may be more important when larvae are raised in a close system where potential bacterial pathogens could have more chances to colonize the culture. Also, the dark green colour of the larval tank used in this study may have mimicked the effect of green water in the control group. Biochemical results suggest that dietary supplementation with phospholipids and DHA is needed in a lobster hatchery using frozen Artemia and our open formula Dry mix.  相似文献   

Substantial and unexplained variations in abundance characterize US west coast populations of Dungeness crab, Cancer magister. It is likely that this variability reflects oceanic advection of larvae given the dynamics of the California Current system, the protracted (4–5 months) pelagic larval phase and the restrictive nature of juvenile habitat requirements. We compare 40 years of Ekman transport vectors during January-May (1947– 1986) with time-lagged and stratified commercial landings for coastal Washington (1951–1990). Persistent landward and net northward flow characterized the circulation of near-surface waters during the larval periods studied. A mechanism for progressive seaward transport of larvae through ontogeny, as proposed by others, was not apparent. Overall, above- (below-) average year classes were associated with relatively weak (strong) northward transport and, to a lesser degree, strong (weak) landward transport. Based on these analyses and in consideration of the prevailing coastal circulation, we propose that the relative magnitude of C. magister juvenile recruitment and, hence, incoming year class strength, reflects: (1) the proportion of larvae retained within a relatively narrow (≤ 15 km) and heterogeneous 'coastal landing strip', (2) the availability of suitable substrate within the coastal landing strip at time of settlement and (3) the magnitude of downstream advective losses (export) of larvae from the California-Oregon-Washington coastal system. Based on a consideration of the physics of the California Current system and the larval biology of the species, significant linkage of Dungeness crab populations along the west coast of North America is likely.  相似文献   

We assessed by numerical modeling the coastal fish larval dispersion along the southern coast of Mallorca (Balearic Islands, NW Mediterranean) with the objective of determining the factors that contribute to successful recruitment. We assumed that fish larvae dispersal is mainly regulated by physical transport. Currents are mainly wind driven in this area; therefore, changes in wind forcing have a first‐order impact on larval transport. The synoptic wind patterns were systematically analyzed based on self‐organizing map analysis. The wind fields were clustered using a neural network pattern recognition approach into two modes, producing opposite along‐shelf flow. The seasonal changes between spring and summer in the dominance of either mode modulate the along‐shelf circulation, producing flow shifts under some circumstances. This variability in the wind regime was consistent throughout the 10 years analyzed (2000–2009). Using the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) and a particle‐tracking algorithm, we analyzed the effect of wind‐forced currents in the connectivity among near‐shore habitats. We show that, at the spatial scale considered, the coastal morphology and stochastic wind forcing favor local recruitment (mean of 30% self‐recruitment). Maximum transport distances of 20–30 km were typically associated with particles left to drift for 21 days. The implications for the performance of the four marine protected areas near SW Mallorca Island are discussed. Our results suggest that, although wind episodes determine the fate of short‐time spawning events, on a seasonal basis, regular larval supply to coastal zones is ensured by wind stochasticity.  相似文献   

Dynamics of clupeiform fish populations such as anchovy are frequently impacted by environmental variations which can affect the success of the species recruitment. Herein, we have analyzed recent otolith growth rate, RNA/DNA nutritional condition index (sRD), and mortality rate of argentine anchovy larvae Engraulis anchoita from three different nursery areas in the Southwest Atlantic. We have evaluated the relationship between the environmental variables (abundance of copepod nauplii, temperature, chlorophyll‐a concentration, and abundance of E. anchoita larvae) and larval endogenous variables (size, weight, age, and otolith radius) to sRD and recent growth rate. Fast larval growth rates were observed toward the northern sector of the studied area, characterized by higher temperature. High values of sRD were associated with higher nauplii abundance in the proximity of coastal fronts. The larvae with the lowest growths and lowest minimum values of nutritional condition coincided with the area where there was less abundance of nauplii and higher larval mortality. Larval size and nauplii abundance were positive explanatory factors for both recent growth rate and sRD index. Temperature had a positive effect on recent growth rate and a negative effect on sRD index. This condition index was poorly explained in terms of model fit in comparison with the growth model. The results herein provided could be significant to better understand the recruitment of the species, as to determining favorable areas for the growth and survival of anchovy larvae.  相似文献   

Few studies have compared the suitability of different artificial reef construction materials in terms of their efficacy in acquiring diverse faunal assemblages. We compared the fishes associated with 12 co-located reefs constructed of limestone quarry boulders, concrete-gravel aggregate, or concrete-tire aggregate (four of each substrate) in 7 m of water, 200 m offshore Miami Beach, Florida, USA. All 12 reefs were deployed 100 m apart the same day in two lines of six. The four quarry stone reefs consist of a pile of 50 boulders each. The remaining eight reefs, of concrete-gravel aggregate and concrete-tire aggregate, were each constructed with 25 1.5 m edge and 25 1.2 m edge tetrahedron modules. Every two months from October 1998 to February 2001, SCUBA divers recorded fish species, abundance, and length, as well as spiny lobster, Panulirus argus, abundance. One hundred and forty-six species of fishes were recorded during the study period. The abundance and species richness of fish on each treatment exhibited a significant (p<0.05) seasonal variation with summer months having the greatest numbers and winter the lowest. There was no significant difference in total fish or spiny lobster abundance or fish biomass amongst the three reef types (p>0.05). Likewise, multi-dimensional scaling of Bray-Curtis dissimilarity indices did not indicate clustering of fish assemblages by reef type. Comparison of pre-deployment fish counts from the reef sites and neighboring hard bottom and jetty with counts from the same sites two years post-deployment indicate the artificial reefs increased both fish abundance and richness in the local area.  相似文献   

We applied a physiological individual‐based model for the foraging and growth of cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) larvae, using observed temperature and prey fields data from the Irish Sea, collected during the 2006 spawning season. We used the model to estimate larval growth and survival and explore the different productivities of the cod and haddock stocks encountered in the Irish Sea. The larvae of both species showed similar responses to changes in environmental conditions (temperature, wind, prey availability, daylight hours) and better survival was predicted in the western Irish Sea, covering the spawning ground for haddock and about half of that for cod. Larval growth was predicted to be mostly prey‐limited, but exploration of stock recruitment data suggests that other factors are important to ensure successful recruitment. We suggest that the presence of a cyclonic gyre in the western Irish Sea, influencing the retention and/or dispersal of larvae from their spawning grounds, and the increasing abundance of clupeids adding predatory pressure on the eggs and larvae; both may play a key role. These two processes deserve more attention if we want to understand the mechanisms behind the recruitment of cod and haddock in the Irish Sea. For the ecosystem‐based management approach, there is a need to achieve a greater understanding of the interactions between species on the scale a fish stock is managed, and to work toward integrated fisheries management in particular when considering the effects of advection from spawning grounds and prey–predator reversal on the recovery of depleted stocks.  相似文献   

The whitemouth croaker, Micropogonias furnieri, is exploited by coastal fisheries in the Plata estuary. Its age structure shows the predominance of certain year classes, which are indicative of recruitment variability. The estuary is affected by river discharge variations associated with climatic signals (El Niño Southern Oscillation and others). We hypothesize that recruitment may correlate: (i) negatively with runoff (low runoff would promote the stronger retention of ichthyoplankton); (ii) positively with temperature (higher temperatures should enhance larvae survivorship and/or expand the spawning season); and (iii) positively with the wind zonal component (stronger onshore winds should facilitate the retention of ichthyoplankton). A time series of the relative cohort strengths was constructed for the 1938–2000 period from the age frequencies based on otolith readings. We performed a spectral analysis of the biological and physical series, and we searched for co‐movements between them, which suggested the presence of mechanistic links. The results showed co‐movements for recruitment, runoff and air temperature series at approximately 6.5, 3.4 and 2.4 yr; the temperature reinforced the runoff effects on recruitment at the 6.5‐yr peak, and it weakened them at the 3.4‐ and 2.4‐yr peaks. Wind variability was not relevant for the time scales studied. To explore the mechanisms of retention, we modeled the effects of the runoff fluctuations on the dispersal of the eggs. Both the statistical and modeling results supported the hypothesis that the effects of extreme river discharges on retention may regulate croaker recruitment by promoting high (low) recruitment during low (high) discharge periods.  相似文献   

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