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1 维生素E和硒 近年来的研究表明,乳房炎的感染受血浆维生素E和硒水平的影响。在日粮中添加维生素E和硒能够提高乳腺对感染的天然抵抗力。维生素E具有抗氧化作用,是所有脂类膜必不可少的组成部分,可消除细胞膜上的自由基,从而保护中性粒细胞的细胞膜免受自由基的攻击和过氧化损伤。维生素E对机体的免疫反应有重要影响,它不仅能增强机体的体液免疫反应,而且能提高细胞免疫功能和嗜中性白细胞杀伤金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌的能力。众多试验证  相似文献   

奶牛乳房炎是乳腺受到物理、化学、微生物刺激所发生的一种炎性变化.本病以乳汁的理化性改变为主,由多种非特定的病原微生物引起,不仅影响产奶量、牛乳质量、延长产后发情和妊娠时间,严重时还能使奶牛泌乳机能丧失而被淘汰,是世界奶牛业的主要危害因素之一[1-3].笔者根据多年的治疗经验,总结如下.  相似文献   

The necropsy records of dairy cows with mastitis were reviewed from the provincial veterinary laboratory in Guelph (44 cases of mastitis in nine years) and from the Ontario Veterinary College (168 cases in 14 years). Mastitis was considered to be the primary cause of death in 167 of 212 cows (79%). Of these 167 cases of mastitis, Escherichia coli was involved in 107 (64%), Klebsiella sp. in 12 (7%) and Staphylococcus aureus in 11 (7%). Bacteriology was not reported in 22 cases. Coliform mastitis, the most commonly identified type of fatal mastitis, was characterized histologically by the presence of infarcted areas in affected glands and by the lack of demonstrable bacteria, and was thus easily identified from fatal mastitis caused by S. aureus.  相似文献   

Mastitis caused by the colourless alga Prototheca zopfii was diagnosed in 17 of 120 cows in a dairy herd. Infection occurred in animals varying from 3-14 years old and was present in one to four quarters of each cow. Nine cases were associated with clinical mastitis characterised by the presence in milk of flakes or small clots. Somatic cell counts consistent with subclinical mastitis (>500 x 10(3) cells/ml) were recorded in five of the eight remaining cows. Histological examination of udder tissue showed the presence of granulomatous lesions associated with the presence of Prototheca. The problem was identified and controlled by repeated microbiological examination of milk samples from all lactating cows and immediate culling of infected animals. P. zopfii was also recovered from environmental water samples on this farm. It is suggested that infection may have occurred as a result of teat sores caused by trauma from a milking machine, and the tendency for cows to lay down on a race, the surface of which was sometimes flooded by drain water in which Prototheca were present.  相似文献   

Mastitis caused by the colourless alga Prototheca zopfii was diagnosed in 17 of 120 cows in a dairy herd. Infection occurred in animals varying from 3–14 years old and was present in one to four quarters of each cow.

Nine cases were associated with clinical mastitis characterised by the presence in milk of flakes or small clots. Somatic cell counts consistent with subclinical mastitis (>500 × 103 cells/ml) were recorded in five of the eight remaining cows.

Histological examination of udder tissue showed the presence of granulomatous lesions associated with the presence of Prototheca.

The problem was identified and controlled by repeated microbiological examination of milk samples from all lactating cows and immediate culling of infected animals.

P. zopfii was also recovered from environmental water samples on this farm. It is suggested that infection may have occurred as a result of teat sores caused by trauma from a milking machine, and the tendency for cows to lay down on a race, the surface of which was sometimes flooded by drain water in which Prototheca were present.  相似文献   

The objective was to investigate the spread of S. aureus in seven dairy herds. Milk samples were taken to determine mastitis pathogens and somatic cell count. An approved hygiene programme was established to control the spread of S. aureus from quarter to quarter. S. aureus isolates were differentiated by geno- and phenotyping to trace their spread within a herd.In two herds S. aureus showed a high prevalence, but were eliminated from the herds by the control programme. In these herds and a third herd typing results identified a particular type that was found much more frequently than all other types. The frequent types were repeatedly detectable during the study. In three other herds with a lower S. aureus prevalence and also in one herd with a long history of S. aureus and high prevalence subclinical mastitis was caused by several distinguishable S. aureus types. These types occurred simultaneously in the particular herd and showed little or no tendency to spread from quarter to quarter. They seemed to circumvent the control procedures resulting in a relatively high rate of new infected animals and therefore were hardly eliminated. The typing results and the clinical observations indicated that strains differed in their tendency to spread and their ability to infect udder quarters. In three herds typing methods identified a predominant type with the common epidemiological features of a contagious mastitis pathogen, while in the other herds the S. aureus type patterns were similar to that of environmental pathogens.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine the incidence and transmission of mycoplasma mastitis in the hospital pen in a dairy herd of 650 lactating cows after a hospital pen was established following an outbreak of this disease. Mycoplasma mastitis status was monitored for 3 months through repeated collection of milk samples from cows with clinical mastitis (CM) and from bulk tank milk. During the outbreak 13 cows were diagnosed with Mycoplasma bovis CM, 1 cow with Mycoplasma sp. mastitis and 8 cows showed signs of arthritis, 3 of which were confirmed as having M. bovis arthritis. M. bovis isolates from cows with CM, arthritis and bulk tank milk had indistinguishable chromosomal digest pattern fingerprints. Incidence rates of M. bovis CM cases in the milking and hospital pens were 0.01 and 1.7 cases per 100 cow-days at risk. Approximately 70% of cows with M. bovis CM became infected within 12 days of entering the hospital pen. Transmission of M. bovis in the hospital pen occurred as 3 episodes. Each episode corresponded to the introduction of a cow with M. bovis CM from a milking pen. Evidence indicates that cows with M. bovis CM from milking pens were the source of transmission of the disease in the hospital pen and thus their presence in the hospital pen appeared to be a risk factor for transmission of M. bovis mastitis in this single case study herd.  相似文献   

Studies comparing in vivo and in vitro functional capacities of leukocytes from non-parturient and periparturient dairy cows have provided substantial evidence that systemic and local mammary immune defenses are deficient around parturition. This evidence has lead to the reasonable hypothesis that immune deficiency underlies the heightened mastitis susceptibility of periparturient cows. Nutrition and vaccine studies substantiate this hypothesis, showing that dietary antioxidant supplementation and rigorous immunization regimes can bolster innate and humoral immunity to the point that mastitis severity and time for return to normal milk production are reduced. However, completely effective resolution of this significant production disease has not been achieved because so little is understood about its complex etiology. In particular, we possess almost no knowledge of how or why immune cells responding to parturient physiology end up with deficient functional capacities. Fluctuations in reproductive steroid hormones and chronic shifts in neuroendocrine hormones with roles in nutrient partitioning and appetite control may affect the expression of critical leukocyte genes in periparturient dairy cows. A thorough understanding of leukocyte biology during periparturition would seem a critical goal for future development of effective mastitis prevention strategies. Recently, our group has begun to use cDNA microarray technology to explore bovine leukocyte RNA for global gene expression changes occurring around parturition. We are working within the context of a hypothesis that the physiology of parturition negatively affects expression of critical genes in blood leukocytes. In the current study we initiated hypothesis testing using leukocyte RNA from a high producing Holstein cow collected at 14 days prepartum and 6 hours postpartum to interrogate a cDNA microarray spotted with > 700 cDNAs representing unique bovine leukocyte genes. This analysis revealed 18 genes with > or = 1.2-fold higher expression 14 days prepartum than 6 hours postpartum. BLASTN analysis of these genes revealed only one that can be considered a classical immune response gene. All other repressed genes were either unknown or putatively identified as encoding key proteins involved in normal growth and metabolism of cells. Given the critical roles of these repressed genes in normal cell functions, we may have identified good candidates to pursue with respect to periparturient immunosuppression and mastitis susceptibility.  相似文献   

The inoculation of 2000 colony-forming units of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis into one teat canal of each of three cows resulted in severe, chronic, pyogranulomatous mastitis. Within three days the cows had a reduced haematocrit, haemoglobin concentration and red cell count. The anaemia was initially normocytic, normochromic and non-regenerative, and was associated with a brief peak of neutrophilia; a regenerative response became evident two to three weeks later. Clinical signs of mastitis appeared seven to 14 days after the inoculation, with a peak of high fever, more severe anaemia, a second peak of neutrophilia and the complete cessation of milk production from all quarters; extensive and severe pyogranulomatous mastitis developed in the inoculated quarters. No other lesions were detected postmortem, and C pseudotuberculosis was cultured from the affected quarters but not from the supramammary lymph nodes and viscera.  相似文献   


Mastitis may be caused by a wide range of microorganisms able to induce distinct lesions in mammary tissues. This study aims to characterize the gross and microscopic features of mastitis in dairy cows and to correlate them with the pathogens involved. The udders of slaughtered dairy cows were inspected and milk samples from each mammary quarter or fragments of the parenchyma were sent for microbiological analysis, and tissue collected for histopathological evaluation. A total of 148 cows and 592 mammary quarters were collected. From these, 432 quarters (73%) had mastitis and in 160 (27%), no changes were observed. Mastitis was classified into seven patterns based on the histopathological findings, of which mixed, lymphoplasmacytic, and suppurative mastitides were the most prevalent with 35.9% (155/432), 27.1% (117/432), and 14.3% (62/432) of the cases, respectively. These patterns were associated with the same set of pathogens: Streptococcus spp., coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (CNS), Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus uberis, and Corynebacterium bovis. The pyogranulomatous pattern represented 7.2% (31/432) of the cases with distinct distribution based on the agent involved, mostly S. aureus and Nocardia sp. Abscedative mastitis accounted for 6.0% (26/432) of the cases; it was characterized by multiple abscesses in the parenchyma and was mainly caused by Trueperella pyogenes. Necrosuppurative mastitis represented 5.8% (25/432) of the cases which were characterized by severe parenchyma necrosis and were caused by bacteria such as CNS and Escherichia coli. The granulomatous pattern represented 3.7% (16/432) of the cases and was occasionally associated with Mycobacterium sp.


生物体内的微量元素、维生素在清除自由基的过程中发挥着重要的生理功能,微量元素铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)、硒(Se),锰(Mn)、铁(Fe)是某些抗氧化物酶的主要构成成分,发挥抗氧化作用;维生素A、维生素C、维生素E具有抗氧化作用,是生物体内良好的自由基清除剂[1].  相似文献   

先后在6个奶牛场开展了为期2~3年的试验,通过加强饲养管理,人工药物干奶及淘汰久治无效的病牛等措施;采集试验前后的奶样,统计分析试验前后乳房炎的发病率及产奶量。结果表明,经过2~3年的防制,6个牛场隐性乳房炎平均检出率由试验前的43.29%降为20.96%;临床型乳房炎的发病率与试验前相比,平均降低了59.84%。经人工药物干奶,试验组奶牛(908头,干奶期乳区内注射干奶安)产犊后比干奶前的隐性乳房炎发病率降低了74.78%,而对照组奶牛(310头,干奶期不做处理)的发病率仅降低了23.62%;产犊后与干奶前瞎奶头数相比,试验组减少25.51%,而对照组却升高32.26%。与试验前相比,奶牛产奶量平均提高了11.85%。结果说明制定的奶牛隐性乳房炎综合防制措施行之有效,能降低奶牛乳房炎发病率,提高奶产量和质量。  相似文献   

The development and test of detection models for oestrus and mastitis in dairy cows is described in a PhD thesis that was defended in Wageningen on June 5, 2000. These models were based on sensors for milk yield, milk temperature, electrical conductivity of milk, and cow activity and concentrate intake, and on combined processing of the sensor data. The models alert farmers to cows that need attention, because of possible oestrus or mastitis. A first detection model for cows, milked twice a day, was based on time series models for the sensor variables. A time series model describes the dependence between successive observations. The parameters of the time series models were fitted on-line for each cow after each milking by means of a Kalman filter, a mathematical method to estimate the state of a system on-line. The Kalman filter gives the best estimate of the current state of a system based on all preceding observations. This model was tested for 2 years on two experimental farms, and under field conditions on four farms over several years. A second detection model, for cow milked in an automatic milking system (AMS), was based on a generalization of the first model. Two data sets (one small, one large) were used for testing. The results for oestrus detection were good for both models. The results for mastitis detection were varying (in some cases good, in other cases moderate). Fuzzy logic was used to classify mastitis and oestrus alerts with both detection models, to reduce the number of false positive alerts. Fuzzy logic makes approximate reasoning possible, where statements can be partly true or false. Input for the fuzzy logic model were alerts from the detection models and additional information. The number of false positive alerts decreased considerably, while the number of detected cases remained at the same level. These models make automated detection possible in practice.  相似文献   

The Mycoplasma sp. that cause mastitis are simple, cell wall-less, bacteria that can colonize and cause diseases in other extramammary sites in the bovine. Prevalence of mycoplasma mastitis appears to be increasing in many locations throughout the world. The best method to identify this group of pathogens is through direct culture on mycoplasma agar media. However, limitations with this culture procedure are the duration of culture, 10 days, special conditions required and thus added expense, and the lack of primary specificity to distinguish between true pathogens and commensal organisms. Thus culture of bulk tank milk samples has been advocated as a primary screening method to determine the mycoplasma status of a herd. This monitoring system is reasonably successful but the sensitivity of detection of Mycoplasma sp. in bulk tank milk is affected by a significant minority of cows that might shed the organism at levels below the threshold of detection. Contagious mastitis control procedures have been effective in controlling outbreaks of mycoplasma mastitis. Yet new methods of control might be warranted, methods that may prevent the outbreak. Current data suggests that a significant number of new outbreaks may occur via internal or animal-to-animal transmission of mycoplasma mastitis pathogens from asymptomatic carriers.  相似文献   

A within cow comparison was made between milk progesterone levels in healthy and mastitic quarters. Material was collected from cows with mastitis induced by bacterial inoculation, or by inoculation with bacterial endotoxin. Furthermore material from cows with spontaneous subclinical mastitis was used. Milk progesterone levels were lowered due to mastitis. However, the decrease was not large enough to cause misinterpretation of where in the oestrous cycle (luteal phase or non-luteal phase) the samples were taken.  相似文献   

The relationship between retained placenta and mastitis was studied in a population of dairy cows on commercial farms. Only mastitis cases which occurred shortly after calving were studied. The cows with retained placenta were at a higher risk of developing non-severe mastitis (relative risk = 1.5) and at a much higher risk of developing severe mastitis (relative risk = 5.4). There was a differential effect of long-term (> 6 days) versus short-term (< 5 days) retained placenta.It is suggested that the relationship between retained placenta and mastitis is moderated by the prepartum peripheral leukocyte activity.  相似文献   

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) systems are a risk based preventive approach developed to increase levels of food safety assurance. This is part 1 of a pilot study on the development, implementation and evaluation of a HACCP-based approach for the control of good udder health in dairy cows. The paper describes the use of a novel approach based on a deconstruction of the infectious process in mastitis to identify Critical Control Points (CCPs) and develop a HACCP-based system to prevent and control mastitis in dairy herds. The approach involved the creation of an Infectious Process Flow Diagram, which was then cross-referenced to two production process flow diagrams of the milking process and cow management cycle. The HACCP plan developed, may be suitable for customisation and implementation on dairy farms. This is a logical, systematic approach to the development of a mastitis control programme that could be used as a template for the development of control programmes for other infectious diseases in the dairy herd.  相似文献   

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