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2009年6月14日,贵州省铜仁地区思南县大坝场镇村民张某用尖刀将村民杨某杀伤后潜逃,杨某在送往医院后因抢救无效死亡。接指令后,思南县公安局刑侦大队带犬民警携警犬“战虎”赶赴案发现场。经勘查,带犬民警以外围现场的一枚血迹为嗅源,指挥警犬“战虎”进行追踪。当追到约500米时,警犬“战虎”对路边的一个草丛作出示警反应,经带犬民警仔细检查,发现该草丛里有血迹,遂令警犬继续进行追踪。此时,警犬“战虎”突然改变了追踪方向,朝山上的一条小路追去。  相似文献   

2007年1月3日凌晨3时许,河南省长垣县官某村发生一起凶杀案,女村民张某被人杀死在自家床上。接指令后,长坦县公安局带犬民警崔永强立即携带警犬“三狼”赶赴现场。  相似文献   

2009年4月17日夜,安徽省泾县茂林镇发生一起故意杀人案,村民左某用尖刀将村民吴某杀死在家中后潜逃。接指令后,宣城市公安局带犬民警携警犬“霜飞”赶往案发现场。经现场勘查,带犬民警指挥警犬“霜飞”围绕现场附近进行搜索,很快在一个水库边发现了一枚穿袜脚印。随后,带犬民警指挥警犬“霜飞”展开追踪。经过约2小时、行程数千米的艰苦追踪后,警犬“霜飞”在一座山坡下的一处老房子附近作出示警反应,据此,判断犯罪嫌疑人就躲藏在这座老房子附近或山坡上。4月18日下午2时许,搜捕民警就在这座山坡上将躲藏的犯罪嫌疑人左某成功抓获。  相似文献   

宁简 《警犬》2009,(6):49-49
2009年4月9日上午9时许,四川省绵阳市发生一起故意毁坏财物的案件,魏城镇关帝乡一苗圃内40株红叶杨树被人毁坏。接指令后,绵阳市公安局刑警支队警犬技术大队带犬民警携警犬“黑豹”、“瓦多月”赶赴现场。经勘查,带犬民警指挥引导警犬进行追踪。当警犬追至距中心现场约1公里时,在关帝乡一居民楼前对一枚带泥土的足迹作出示警反应。据此,带犬民警判断此房屋主人有重大嫌疑。经调查,房主唐某对毁坏树苗的犯罪事实供认不讳。  相似文献   

2009年3月9日23时许,贵州省黔西南州望谟县公安局刑侦大队接到县移动公司电话:某基站的6根馈线被盗,造成直接经济损失12000余元,请求刑侦大队出动警犬协助破案。接警后,该大队带犬民警携警犬“剑峰”迅速赶到现场。经勘查,带犬民警指挥引导警犬进行追踪。当“剑峰”追至离现场800余米的村中,发现犯罪嫌疑人盗窃未拿走的4根馈线。带犬民警指挥“剑峰”继续追踪,当追到距离现场约1.5公里的山沟时,发现犯罪嫌疑人遗留的作案工具钳子、钢锯各1把。随后,“剑峰”追到距离现场约1。7公里时,又发现1个挎包,  相似文献   

2009年2月16日,陕西省渭南市凭信乡村民王某的大棚西瓜苗被踩踏破坏,经济损失达8000余元。接指令后,渭南市公安局警犬基地带犬民警携警犬“兰尤后”、“旋风”赶赴现场。经现场勘查,带犬民警指挥引导警犬“兰尤后”进行追踪。当警犬追至村民王某某家时,直奔其卧室从床下衔出一只鞋,经技术比对发现鞋印和现场足迹印一致。经传讯,王某某交代了自己因琐事报复同村村民王某而损毁其大棚瓜苗的犯罪事实。  相似文献   

2009年4月25日凌晨,广西柳州市融水县某村发生一起恶性杀人案,犯罪嫌疑人作案后往该村后山逃跑。接指令后,柳州市公安局警犬大队、融安县公安局带犬民警携警犬赶赴现场。经在现场了解情况后,带犬民警以在犯罪嫌疑人家中提取的鞋子为嗅源,指挥引导警犬“沙特”进行搜索式追踪。“沙特”搜索到距案发现场约2公里处的一深山沟旁时,对地上的几枚新鲜足迹作出示警反应,又追出约1公里到达一悬崖边时,“沙特”对悬崖一隐蔽凹槽作出示警反应。带犬民警上前查看,发现犯罪嫌疑人黄某躲藏在凹槽内。  相似文献   

韦建辉  陆业宝 《警犬》2009,(5):52-53
2009年4月25日凌晨,广西柳州市融水县某村发生一起恶性杀人案,犯罪嫌疑人作案后往该村后山逃跑。接指令后,柳州市公安局警犬大队、融安县公安局带犬民警携警犬赶赴现场。经在现场了解情况后,带犬民警以在犯罪嫌疑人家中提取的鞋子为嗅源,指挥引导警犬“沙特”进行搜索式追踪。“沙特”搜索到距案发现场约2公里处的一深山沟旁时,对地上的几枚新鲜足迹作出示警反应,又追出约1公里到达一悬崖边时,“沙特”对悬崖一隐蔽凹槽作出示警反应。带犬民警上前查看,发现犯罪嫌疑人黄某躲藏在凹槽内。  相似文献   

2009年3月26日,新疆自治区阿克苏地区库车县阿拉哈格镇村民莫某发现家中一头价值约1.2万元的奶牛被盗,遂报警。接警后,库车县公安局刑警大队带犬民警携带警犬“哈利”迅速赶赴现场。经勘查,带犬民警指挥引导警犬展开追踪。经过约10个小时长达20余公里的追踪,“哈利”直接追至村民艾某家后院,当场起获一头奶牛,经失主辨认,认定为自家被盗奶牛。经审讯,艾某交代奶牛是从乌某手中以4000元价格购得。次日凌晨,乌某在家中被民警抓获。经审讯,乌某如实交代了先后6次盗窃牛羊价值4万余元的犯罪事实。  相似文献   

2006年9月2日凌晨,深圳市称宝安区东周派出所辖区内发生一起一死一伤凶杀案,上级要求警犬队迅速派人携犬前往增援。接警后,深圳市公安局刑警支队警犬队带犬民警郑毅、朱坤、陈北平、张勇琪分别携带警犬“迈特”、“黑客”、“凌武”、“KIKI”火速赶赴案件现场。到达现场后,带犬民警在认真听取办案民警的案情介绍后,对现场进行了细致勘察。由于犯罪嫌疑人只有一名,而且在搏斗中受伤,因此带犬民警在中心现场提取了被害人的血迹作为嗅源,指挥引导警犬进行血迹追踪。由于现场周围都是民宅,路面来往车辆、行人、围观群众较多,又是水泥地面,给…  相似文献   

Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1984   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late December 1984, 1853 institutional veterinarians and small and mixed animal clinics across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1984 and 35% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 97,794 dogs were blood-tested to check for microfilariae and 1417 dogs (1.45% of those tested) were found with heartworm. Another 34 dogs were amicrofilaremic, but were diagnosed as having heartworm disease, to give the total number diagnosed in 1984 as 1451 (1.48%). Heartworm was reported from all provinces except Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland but most (1310) of the cases were in Ontario. In Quebec, 126 cases were reported mostly from west of Montreal.

Heartworm was found most frequently in companion dogs over three years of age maintained mainly outdoors in rural areas. About 27% of the cases were observed with clinical signs of heartworm disease and 72% had a history of not having left Canada. Southwestern Ontario continued to be the primary focus of the infection.


Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1983   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late December 1983, 2 800 veterinarians across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of heartworm disease in Canada in 1983 and 26% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 59 504 dogs were blood-tested to check for microfilariae and 771 dogs (1.30% of those tested) were found with Dirofilaria immitis. Heartworm disease was diagnosed in all provinces except New Brunswick and Newfoundland but most (733) of the cases were in Ontario.

Heartworm disease was found most frequently in companion dogs over three years of age maintained mainly outdoors in rural areas. About 31% of the cases were observed with clinical signs of heartworm disease and 64% had a history of not having left Canada. Southwestern Ontario continues to be the focus of the infection and most of the dogs there had not left the province previously.


In late November 1991, 1883 clinics in Canada were sent a questionnaire to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in dogs in 1991 and there was a 60.0% response. There were 344,031 dogs tested for heart-worm (HW), 627 were found infected and the prevalence of HW infection was 0.18%. There were 417 dogs with HW in Ontario, 116 in Manitoba, 38 in Quebec, 53 in British Columbia, three in Alberta, and one in Nova Scotia. In British Columbia, all of the infected dogs but one were from the Okanagan valley which, as from 1991, is a new focus of infection in Canada. Most dogs with HW had not been on preventive medication in 1990, and the prevalence among dogs tested and unprotected was 0.59%. That prevalence was considerably higher in endemic areas. Companion dogs, over three years of age and maintained primarily outdoors in rural areas, were most frequently infected. One cat was diagnosed with D. immitis and 33 dogs had Dipetalonema reconditium.  相似文献   

Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1985   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late December 1985, 1485 institutional veterinarians and small and mixed animal clinics across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1985 and 44% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 137,300 dogs were blood-tested to check for microfilariae and 1210 dogs were found with heartworm. Another 36 dogs were amicrofilaremic but diagnosed with heartworm disease to give the total number diagnosed in 1985 as 1247 (0.91%).

Heartworm was reported from all provinces except Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Saskatchewan but most (1126) of the cases were in Ontario. Southwestern Ontario continued to be the primary focus of the infection in Canada. From Quebec, 91 cases were reported mostly from and around Montreal. From Manitoba, 19 cases were reported from Winnipeg and surrounding areas. Heartworm was found most frequently in companion dogs over three years of age maintained mainly outdoors in rural areas. About 28% of the cases were observed with clinical signs of heartworm disease and 78% had a history of not having left Canada.


Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1988   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late November 1988, 1581 small and mixed animal clinics and institutional veterinarians across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1988, and 46% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 181,577 dogs were blood-tested for heartworm disease and 367 dogs were found with D. immitis microfilariae. Another 60 dogs were amicrofilaremic but diagnosed with heartworm disease to give the total number of cases diagnosed in 1988 as 441 (0.24%).  相似文献   

Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1989   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late November 1989, 1732 clinics and institutional veterinarians were sent a questionnaire to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis, and 51.7% responded. Of 247,716 dogs tested, 394 had D. immitis microfilariae and 51 were amicrofilaremic for a total of 445 cases and heartworm prevalence of 0.17%. Most (408) of these dogs had no preventive medication and the prevalence among dogs tested and unprotected was 1.01%. That prevalence was considerably higher in endemic areas. Thirty-seven dogs with heartworm had preventive medication. Heartworm was most frequent in companion dogs over three years of age maintained outdoors in rural areas. About 75% of the cases had never left Canada, 26% had clinical signs and 125 were not treated.

Heartworm was reported from British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, but 383 cases were in Ontario. South-western Ontario was the primary focus of infection. There were 33 cases in Quebec and 24 in Manitoba, mainly found in and around Metropolitan Montreal and Winnipeg respectively.


Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1987   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late November 1987, 1246 institutional veterinarians and small and mixed animal clinics across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1987, and 50% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 165,428 dogs were blood tested for heartworm disease and 511 dogs were found with D. immitis microfilariae. Another 78 dogs were amicrofilaremic but diagnosed with heartworm disease to give the total number of cases diagnosed in 1987 as 589 (0.35%).  相似文献   

Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1986   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late December 1986, 1224 institutional veterinarians and small and mixed animal clinics across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1986; 46% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 150,989 dogs were blood-tested for microfilariae and 869 dogs were found with heartworm. Another 65 dogs were amicrofilaremic but diagnosed with heartworm disease and one was found with heartworm at necropsy to give the total number diagnosed in 1986 as 935 (0.62%).

Heartworm was reported from Manitoba, New Brunswick, Ontario and Quebec, but most (810) of the cases were from Ontario. South-western Ontario continued to be the primary focus of the infection in Canada. There were 103 cases reported from Quebec, mostly from and around Montreal, and 21 cases from Manitoba, from Winnipeg and surrounding areas. Heartworm was found most frequently in companion dogs over three years of age maintained mainly outdoors in rural areas. About 33% of the cases were observed with clinical signs of heartworm disease and 81% had a history of not having left Canada.


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